129 research outputs found

    Den maskulina modern: Könsmässig ambivalens i Hagar Olssons roman Det blåser upp till storm (1930)

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    The Masculine Mother. Ambivalence and Gender in Hagar Olsson’s Novel Det blåser upp till storm (1930) This article discusses the construction of female masculinity in the novel Det blåser upp till storm (”A Storm Is Brewing”, 1930) by the Finnish modernist author Hagar Olsson (1893–1978). The masculine woman is quite a common character in Olsson’s prose but this trait has not necessarily been read as a subversive one.The novel uses ambivalence in order to reveal an alternative way of performing gender. The text places the protagonist Sara Ellman in a traditionally feminine, symbolical position but still her voice, personal philosophy and conduct can be considered more masculine than feminine. Det blåser upp till storm can also be interpreted as a feminist novel. In Scandinavian literature, Hagar Olsson is one of the first women writers to present the idea of the personal as something utterly political. This article suggests that Hagar Olsson’s novel therefore has inspired other women writers, especially in Sweden, to explore the possibility of presenting women in a different light, and to challenge the limits of their gender through the combination of maternity and masculinity. The textual analysis focuses on how Olsson creates “gender trouble”, especially when describing the protagonist’s relationship with her fiancé. In the text, culturally defined masculine traits are consistently linked to the protagonist, while her fiancé is placed in a position usually reserved for women. Even though the protagonist’s aim is to (re-)write the life of her dead fiancé the result presented to the reader is a story about the protagonist herself, seen through her eyes and told with an authoritative, masculine voice. One of the functions of the novel’s ambivalence, therefore, is both to reveal the starting point: a rigorously normative age with given gender roles – and to demonstrate the possibility of change by imitating gender in an alternative way

    Arcada studerandes motionsvanor : En kvantitativ enkätstudie

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    Arbetets syfte var att ta reda på hur mycket Arcada studerande motionerar och ifall mängden täcker de Finska motionsrekommendationerna. I samband med detta undersöktes också mängden sittande bland studerande. Ett annat intresse var att utreda hurudana aktiviteter som studerande önskar att erbjöds vid Högskolan/av Studerandekåren. Beställaren för arbetet är Arcada Studerandekår – ASK. Passiv livsstil och sittandets faror har mycket diskuterats i branschens tidskrifter, det är ett omtalat och aktuellt ämne. Institutet för Hälsa och Välfärd (THL) har gjort olika liknande undersökningar för hela Finlands befolkning, så data att jämföra med fanns det mycket av. Metoden för arbetet var kvantitativ enkät som publicerades på sociala medier (Facebook) som öppen webbenkät. Enkäten var riktad för alla Arcada studerande och publicerades på ämnesföreningarnas stängda grupper. Enkäten besvarades av 192 personer varav 90 svar var fullständigt användbara. Svarsprocenten blev låg, 3,3 % även om 90 svar var tillfredställande för en analys. I resultaten framkom det att alla motionsrekommendationerna uppfylldes av 58 % av studerande. Nyttomotionsrekommendationerna uppfylldes av 94 % av studerande, konditionsträningsrekommendationerna uppfylldes av 69 % studerande och styrketräningsrekommendationerna uppfylldes av 58 % av studerande. Arcada studerande sitter i snitt 6 h 30min dagligen, vilket är över 4h, den skadliga mängden per dag. Studeranden önskade mest Crosstraining/HIIT, yoga/stretching/pilates och väggklättring. Förbättringar borde införas på styrketräningssidan och sittandet borde minskas. Detta kunde göras med olika hälsokampanjer och större utbud grenar/motion på Högskolan.The aim of the study was to examine how much Arcada students exercise and if that amount covers the Finnish exercise recommendations. In relation to the previous, the study also examined the amount of time that students sit per day. Another interest with the study was to learn what kind of activities the students wish that the University/ Stu- dent Union would offer. This thesis was commissioned by Arcada Studerandekår – ASK. Passive lifestyle and a lot of time spent sitting and the dangers of it, are hot subjects in the sports related journals. The subject of this study is renowned and current. THL has done plenty of similar studies on the whole population of Finland, so there was plenty of data to compare with. The method for the study was a quantitative survey published on social media (Facebook) as an open web survey. The survey targeted Arcada students and was published on different Arcada associations closed Facebook groups. The survey was filled in by 192 persons, of which 90 were fully answered and useful. The response rate was low; 3, 3 %, even if 90 responses was enough for analysis. The results show that 58 % met the recommended amount of exercise. Everyday beneficial exercise amount was fulfilled by 94 % of students, endurance training amount was fulfilled by 69 % of stu- dents and strength training amount was fulfilled by 58 % of students. Arcada students sit on average 6 h 30 min per day, which is more than 4h/day, the limit for harmful sitting. The most popular activities among students were; crosstraining/HIIT, yo- ga/stretching/pilates and wall climbing. There is room for improvement in strength train- ing and the time sitting could be less. To improve, different health campaigns could be used. Also a bigger variety of activities/exercise at the University would be beneficial.Tämän työn tarkoitus oli selvittää liikkuvatko Arcadan opiskelijat suomalaisten liikuntasuositusten mukaan. Tähän liittyen selvitettiin myös paljon opiskelijat istuvat päivittäin. Kiinnostuksen kohteena oli myös selvittää millaisia aktiviteetteja opiskelijat itse toivoisivat että Korkeakoulu/Oppilaslautakunta järjestäisivät. Työn toimeksiantaja oli Arcada Studerandekår – ASK. Passiivinen elämäntapa ja istumisen vaarat ovat kuumia aiheita alan lehdissä, aihe oli siis aktuelli ja paljon puhuttu. THL on toteuttanut samankaltaisia tutkimuksia koko Suomen väestölle, joten tietoa johon verrata oli paljon. Työn metodi oli kvantitatiivinen kyselytutkimus joka julkaistiin avoimena verkkolomakkeena sosiaalisessa mediassa (Facebook). Kysely oli suunnattu Arcadan opiskelijoille ja julkaistiin täten eri ainejärjestöjen suljetuissa Facebook ryhmissä. Kyselyyn vastasi 192 henkilö, joista 90 vastasi loppuun asti ja olivat täten mukana tutkimuksessa. Vastausprosentti jäi alhaiseksi, 3, 3 % mutta 90 vastausta oli tarpeeksi analyysiä varten. Tulokset kertoivat että opiskelijoista 58 % liikkuu suositusten mukaisesti. Suositukset toteutuivat eri alalajien mukaan seuraavanlaisesti: hyötyliikunta 94 %, kestävyysharjoittelu 69 % ja voimaharjoittelu 58 %. Arcada opiskelijat istuvat keskimäärin päivässä 6 h 30 min, joka ylittää haitallisen määrän rajan yli 4h/päivä. Opiskelijat toivoivat eniten crosstraining/HIIT, yoga/stretching/pilates ja seinäkiipeilyä. Parantamisen varaa oli eniten voimaharjoittelun puolella, myös aikaa istuen olisi syytä lyhentää. Erilaiset terveyskampanjat voisivat auttaa istumisen vähentämiseen ja yleisen aktiivisuuden lisäämiseen, lisäksi tulisi Korkeakoulun tarjota laajempi laji/liikunta valikoima sisältäen voimaharjoittelua

    Bilateral sagittal split surgery is not a predictable treatment for temporomandibular dysfunction in patients with retrognathia

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    Objective. A prospective study to clarify the impact of forward bilateral sagittal split osteotomy (BSSO) on temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD). Study Design. We examined and interviewed patients with BSSO before and at 1 year after surgery to evaluate the changes in TMD symptoms. A well-known TMD index, which incorporated two complementary subindices-the objective functional Helkimo dysfunction index (Di) and the subjective symptomatic anamnestic index (Ai)-was used. Patients with a forward movement of the mandible and osteosynthesis with titanic miniplates were included. Results. Forty patients (26 females and 14 males, mean age of study population 36.9 years) retrognathia completed the study. There was no change in TMD symptoms in 24 patients (60%), as measured by the Di, and 26 (65%), as measured by the Ai. Twelve patients improved (30%), according to the Di scores and 10 (25%) according to the Ai scores. Four patients had more TMD symptoms at follow-up (10%), as measured by both Di and Ai. Conclusions. Surgery for orthognathia is a predictable treatment for improving aesthetics and occlusion but less predictable for alleviating TMD symptoms in patients with retrognathia. TMD symptoms should therefore be treated independently.Peer reviewe

    Från antifeminist till queeraktivist. Marguerite Yourcenar i ny belysning, 97–100.

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    Arvio teoksesta/Recencion: Hekanaho, Pia Livia: Yhden äänen muotokuvia. Queer-luentoja Marguerite Yourcenarin teoksista. Helsinki: Yliopistopaino 2006, 247s

    Complications and compromised healing in mandibular bilateral sagittal split osteotomies

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    Smoking cessation and surgical planning decrease complications and compromised healing in patients undergoing orthognatic surgery Orthognatic surgery is surgery for the correction of discrepancies in the facial skeleton. The main aim of the thesis was to identify factors that increase complications and compromised healing in these patients. Medical records of orthognatic patients treated at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Diseases, Helsinki University Central Hospital, Helsinki, Finland were retrieved retrospectively for the first two studies. For the last two studies patients planned for bilateral sagittal split osteotomy (BSSO) were recruited at the Department before surgery and followed up for one year. The outcome variable in the first study was the removal of one symptomatic titanium miniplate, whereas in the second study it was a surgical site infection. The predictor variables were age, gender, smoking status, duration of operation, general diseases, dimensions of mandibular movement and osteosynthesis supporting material. The main outcome variable in the third study was neurosensory disturbance, whereas in the last study it was temporomandibular disorders at one year post-operative. The main predictor variable in the third study was the degree of manipulation of the mandibular nerve and in the last study TMD before surgery, evaluated by the Helkimo Dysfunction index. Explanatory variables age, gender, smoking status, mandibular advancement and duration of operation were also recorded for the statistical analyses. 19.0% of the inserted miniplates were removed in 153 BSSO patients. Plate-related reasons for removal were infection and screw-loosening. 9.1% of the patients (n= 286) in the second study had a surgical site infection. Smoking was the only significant predictor for infections or removal of osteosynthesis material. 90.2% BSSO patients (n= 41) reported altered sensations in the lower lip one year after surgery. The disturbance tended to increase the more the mandibular nerve was manipulated during surgery. Four patients had a visible nerve laceration and all of them experienced a major burden of the altered sensation. Two of these patients (4.9%) had neuropathic pain. Most patients were satisfied with the treatment, but the four patients with visible nerve lacerations were not. A substantial proportion (42.5%) of the patients in the last study had TMD as one of the reasons for seeking treatment. The TMD did not change after treatment in the majority of patients (60%), 30% improved and for 10% the situation impaired. The main finding was that smoking cessation will reduce infections and the need for removal of osteosynthesis material. Regarding neurosensory complications, the surgical technique does matter, and nerve manipulation and lacerations should be avoided at all costs. TMD symptoms improved for only 30% of patients undergoing BSSO. Thus BSSO is not a predictable treatment for TMD patients.Rökning ökar risken för komplikationer efter bettkorrektionsoperationer. Rökning ökar risken för komplikationer efter bettkorrektionsoperationer. Rökande patienter får oftare sårinfektioner än icke rökare. Flera frakturplattor och skruvar tas även bort på grund av komplikationer från patienter som röker. En bettkorrektionsoperation behövs då det är så stor skillnad mellan käkarna och skallen att det inte går att enbart med tandreglering korrigera svåra bett fel hos vuxna personer. Patienterna har ofta svårigheter att finfördela maten. Tänder och tandkött kan skadas då tänderna biter fel. Patienternas utseende är ofta avvikande, och det har i tidigare studier påvisats att många av dem har varit mobbade på grund detta. En liten undre käke kan även minska luftvägarnas storlek och förorsaka sömnapné. För att vid en bettkorrektionsoperation kunna förändra förhållandet mellan käkarna gör kirurgen ett kontrollerat benbrott varefter käkarna fästs i en ny position med små frakturplattor och skruvar. På detta sätt kan käkarna förlängas, förkortas eller roteras. Efter det sys såren inne i munnen ihop. För att bettet skall bli så bra som möjligt genomgår patienterna tandreglering både före och efter operationen. Den tar i medeltal två år. De flesta patienter är väldigt nöjda med slutresultatet av den långa och krävande vården. För avhandlingsarbetet noterades bland annat alla sårkomplikationer och antalet borttagna plattor och skruvar på de patienter som opererats på HUCS, kliniken för oral- och maxillofaciala sjukdomar under en sex års period. Riskfaktorer så som ålder, allmänsjukdomar, rökning, operationstid, magnituden av förflyttningen av käkarna och materialet på plattor och skruvar noterades. En sårinfektion eller andra sårläkningsproblem kunde konstateras hos 9,1 % av patienterna. På 19 % av patienterna behövde plattor och skruvar tas bort på grund av läkningsproblem relaterade till dem. Vanliga orsaker var t.ex. infektioner och skruvlossning. Sårinfektioner eller dålig inläkning av plattor påverkade inte slutresultatet av vården, men ökade till exempel behovet av sjukhusvård och användningen av antibiotika. Rökning var den enda faktorn som statistiskt signifikant ökade risken för infektioner eller borttagning av plattor och skruvar. En god syresättning är viktigt för en normal sårläkning. Rökning minskar avsevärt vävnadernas syresättning. Infektioner och andra sårkomplikationer ökar om syresättningen i vävnaderna är dålig. Läkare och tandläkare borde därför motivera sina patienter att sluta röka före kirurgiska ingrepp. I tidigare studier har det påvisats att ett rökstopp fyra veckor för ett planerat ingrepp förbättrar sårläkningen avsevärt.Väitöskirjassa osoitettiin, että tupakointi lisää merkittävästi haavakomplikaatioita purennankorjausleikkauksen jälkeen. Lisäksi luun kiinnitysmateriaalin poiston tarve on suurempi tupakoivien potilaiden keskuudessa. Purennankorjausleikkaus tehdään aikuiselle potilaalle silloin, kun leukojen ja kallon välisissä suhteissa on niin suuri ero, että pelkällä oikomishoidolla ei voida korjata potilaan purentaa toimivaksi. Potilailla on usein ennen hoitoa vaikeuksia pureskella ruokaa. Hampaisto tai ikenet voivat myös vaurioitua. Potilaan ulkonäkö on usein poikkeava, ja tutkimuksissa onkin todettu, että potilaita on usein kiusattu ulkonäkönsä takia. Pieni ja takana sijaitseva alaleuka voi myös ahtauttaa ilmateitä ja aiheuttaa uniapneaa. Purennankorjausleikkauksessa alaleuka murretaan hallitusti niin, että sitä voidaan kiertää, pidentää tai lyhentää. Purenta asetetaan oikeaan asentoon ja alaleuan palaset kiinnitetään murtumalevyillä ja ruuveilla. Leikkausviillot sijoitetaan suun sisään ja suljetaan ompelein. Hoidon yhteydessä potilaat käyvät läpi noin kaksi vuotta kestävän oikomishoidon, jolloin hammaskaaret tasoitetaan toisiinsa sopiviksi sekä ennen että jälkeen leikkauksen. Useimmat potilaan ovat hyvin tyytyväisiä leikkauksen lopputulokseen siitä huolimatta, että hoito on pitkä ja vaativa. Tutkimusta varten selvitettiin HYKS, suu ja leukasairauksien klinikassa kuuden vuoden aikana leikattujen potilaiden kaikki haavakomplikaatiot, infektiot ja murtumalevyjen poistot. Infektioiden esiintyvyyttä verrattiin ikään, sukupuoleen, yleissairauksiin, tupakointiin, leikkauksen kestoon, leuan siirron suuruuteen ja murtumalevyn materiaaliin. Haavainfektio tai haavan huono paraneminen todettiin 9,1 % potilaalla. Murtumalevy poistettiin levyinfektion tai ruuvien löystymisen takia 19 % potilaista. Infektiot ja levynpoistot eivät vaikuttaneet hoidon lopputulokseen mutta lisäsivät sairaalahoidon ja antibioottien tarvetta. Tupakointi oli ainoa tilastollisesti merkitsevä tekijä, joka lisäsi infektioita ja murtumalevyjen poiston tarvetta. Tupakointi vähentää kudoksen happipitoisuutta, joka on edellytys haavan paranemiselle. Lääkäreiden ja hammaslääkäreiden tulisi kannustaa potilaitaan lopettamaan tupakointi, varsinkin ennen leikkaustoimenpiteitä. Aikaisemmin on osoitettu että tupakointi kannattaa lopettaa neljä viikkoa ennen toimenpidettä, jotta leikkaushaava parantuisi mahdollisimman hyvin

    Health-Related Quality of Life After Breast Reconstruction : Comparing Outcomes Between Reconstruction Techniques Using the BREAST-Q

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    Background Reconstruction of the breast following mastectomy can improve patients' health-related quality of life (HRQL). We aimed to assess HRQL in women after mastectomy and breast reconstruction and to identify differences in HRQL related to the reconstruction method used. Methods A cross-sectional study was performed on patients who had undergone breast reconstruction in Helsinki University Hospital between 08/2017 and 7/2019. The postoperative HRQL was assessed using the BREAST-Q (2.0) Reconstruction Module. The results were compared between patients with different reconstruction methods using the Kruskal-Wallis test. Results A total of 146 patients were identified. Microvascular flaps (n = 77) were the most common method for primary breast reconstruction, followed by latissimus dorsi (LD) flaps (n = 45), fat grafting (n = 18) and implant reconstruction (n = 6). The satisfaction with breasts was high in all groups (median 61, IQR 49-71). The physical well-being of the chest was high regardless of the reconstructive method (median 100, IQR 80-100). However, women with fat grafting reported more adverse effects of radiation (median 17, IQR 14-17 vs. 18, IQR 17-18 for other groups, p = 0.02). Donor site morbidity was low, and patients reported high satisfaction with the back (median 66/100, IQR57-90) and abdomen (median 9/12, IQR 8-10), and physical well-being of the back (median 61/100, IQR 53-70) and abdomen (median 65/100, IQR 60-86). Conclusions The patient-reported HRQL after breast reconstruction is high. Most women report being satisfied with the reconstruction, irrespective of the reconstruction method used. The reconstruction method can thus be chosen individually in cooperation between the patient and the surgeon.Peer reviewe

    Finlandssvenska omvägar

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    Second-generation antipsychotic use during pregnancy and risk of congenital malformations

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    Purpose To study if second-generation antipsychotic (S-GA) use during the first trimester of pregnancy is associated with an increased risk of major congenital malformations (MCM). Methods A population-based birth cohort study using national register data extracted from the Drugs and Pregnancy database in Finland, years 1996-2017. The sampling frame included 1,273,987 pregnant women. We included singleton pregnancies ending in live or stillbirth or termination of pregnancy due to severe malformation. Pregnancies with exposure to known teratogens were excluded. Women were categorized into three groups: exposed to S-GAs (n = 3478), exposed to first-generation antipsychotics (F-GAs) (n = 1030), and unexposed (no purchases of S-GAs or F-GAs during pregnancy, n = 22,540). We excluded genetic conditions and compared the prevalence of MCMs in S-GA users to the two comparison groups using multiple logistic regression models. Results Use of S-GAs during early pregnancy was not associated with an increased risk of overall MCMs compared to unexposed (adjusted odds ratio, OR 0.92; 95% CI 0.72-1.19) or to F-GA users (OR 0.82; 95% CI 0.56-1.20). Of individual S-GAs, olanzapine use was associated with an increased risk of overall MCMs (OR 2.12; 95% CI 1.19-3.76), and specifically, an increased risk of musculoskeletal malformations (OR 3.71; 95% CI 1.35-10.1) when compared to unexposed, while comparisons to F-GA users did not show significant results. Conclusions Olanzapine use is associated with an increased risk of major congenital malformations and specifically, musculoskeletal malformations. Use during pregnancy should be restricted to situations where no safer alternatives exist.Peer reviewe

    Educational achievement of children with selected major congenital anomalies and associated factors: a Finnish registry-based study

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    \ua9 The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Public Health Association. BACKGROUND: Children with major congenital anomalies may be at risk of poor educational outcomes. We aimed to evaluate the educational achievement of children born with major congenital anomalies compared with children without major congenital anomalies in relation to sociodemographic factors. METHODS: We performed a registry-based study including 401 544 children in Finland, graduates of the compulsory school who applied to secondary education. We used health data from the Finnish Register of Congenital Malformations for children born from 1995 to 2002 linked with education data from the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture. We used generalized linear regression to compare the mean grade differences of children with specific major congenital anomalies and \u27All anomalies\u27 subgroup (major congenital anomalies, chromosomal syndromes, and multiple anomalies) with reference children. RESULTS: Children with major congenital anomalies were less likely to apply for further education than reference children (88.0% vs. 96.8%; odds ratio = 4.13; 95% confidence interval, 3.92-4.36). For most non-chromosomal congenital anomalies, children born with congenital anomalies had similar educational achievement to the reference children. For the \u27All anomalies\u27 subgroup, children with congenital anomalies had lower educational achievement than reference children. Among children with congenital anomalies, male sex, lower maternal educational levels and younger maternal age were associated with lower educational achievement. CONCLUSIONS: For children applying to further education, most non-chromosomal congenital anomalies were not associated with lower educational achievement. Nevertheless, efforts are needed to improve educational achievement in children with major congenital anomalies associated with maternal sociodemographic background