73 research outputs found

    Mentální a ontologická simulakra: ne-racionalita a ne-reálno v dílech Philipa K. Dicka

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    This thesis offers a model for the underlying architecture of the narrative reality in science-fiction works by Philip K. Dick, arguing that Dick's fictional worlds are grounded in the pervasive metamorphosis - the overarching perception of the shifting - of the narrative fabric operating under the conditions of non-rationality and non-reality. The hyphenated coinages conveniently stand for the paradigms of the reality and mental configurations in PKD subverting the seemingly natural dichotomizing oppositions and hierarchies of the real/unreal and the rational/irrational. Bringing in Gilles Deleuze's ontology of difference, this thesis explains the non-rationality and non-reality of Dick's worlds in Deleuzian terms as, firstly, inducing the perception of fictional reality as realizing the innate potential of being by the perpetual becoming of being in multiplicity and, secondly, engendering - in the vein of Deleuzian simulacra - the impossibility of apprehending and categorizing fictional reality unequivocally. The thesis considers and evaluates the underlying assumptions and claims common to various approaches to the subject of reality in PKD's fictions in order to provide the essential context for the following development of the theoretical basis for non-rationality and non-reality shifting....Tato diplomová práce předkládá model základní architektury narativní reality v dílech vědecké fikce Philipa K. Dicka, podle kterého světy Dickových děl zakládá dalekosáhlá proměna - jednotící dojem posunu - narativního tkaniva řídícího se principy ne-racionality a ne-reálna. Novotvary se spojovníkem příhodně zastupují paradigmata reality a mentálních konfigurací v díle PKD vyvracející zdánlivě přirozené dichotomické opozice a hierarchie reálna/nereálna a racionality/iracionality. Tato práce postihuje ne-racionalitu a ne-reálno Dickových světů za přispění ontologie diference Gillese Deleuze, v důsledku čehož tak z hlediska interpretace ne-racionalita a ne-reálno zaprvé navozují dojem, že narativní realita realizuje přirozený potenciál bytí jeho nepřetržitým nabýváním v mnohočetných podobách, a zadruhé znemožňují - v duchu Deleuzeovských simulaker - jednoznačné uchopení a kategorizaci narativní reality. Práce řeší a hodnotí základní předpoklady a tvrzení společná různým přístupům k tématu reality v beletrii PKD s cílem poskytnout nezbytný kontext pro následný rozvoj teoretického základu ne-racionálních a ne-reálných posunů reality. Pozornost je věnována jednotnému zaměření na logiku kontradikce v literární kritice Dickova díla a vysvětlení reduktivismu centralizujícího konstruktu reality stejně jako...Department of Anglophone Literatures and CulturesÚstav anglofonních literatur a kulturFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Komický element v díle Henryho Jamese

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    Tématem této bakalářské práce je studium a výklad protkávání světa komedie v několika dílech Henryho Jamese s odrazem jmenovitých obtíží a hlubších problémů moderní společnosti, které spoluutvářejí společenský rámec v daný dílech. Autor práce je toho názoru, že komedie v uvedených dílech Henryho Jamese v zásadě kritizuje a satiricky napadá společenská zla moderní doby a postavy, které jim skládají hold. Bakalářská práce obhajuje stanovisko, které tvrdí, že komedie v rozebíraných dílech satirizuje řadu společensko- kulturních a ekonomických potíží a problémů tehdejší moderní doby, a to prostřednictvím zesměšnění a potupné diskreditace povětšinou zavrženíhodných postav, které, pod vlivem těchto proměn, negativně působí na životy dalších postav ve vybraných dílech. Ve snaze doložit toto tvrzení se práce obrací k následujícím textům Henryho Jamese: Holubičí křídla, Zlatá mísa, Portrét dámy, Vyslanci, Přitažení šroubu a Šelma v džungli. Práce nejdříve nabízí krátký přehled několika kritický přístupů ke komedii v díle Henryho Jamese, vyjadřuje se k jejich platnosti, vysvětluje stanovisko autora práce a ukazuje, ve směru jakých názorových proudů se bude práce ubírat během rozboru komedie ve vybraných dílech. Práce dále dokládá platnost tvrzení, že James byl autor, kterému nechybělo sociální uvědomění....The subject of this thesis is the study and interpretation of the interlacement of the world of comedy in several works of Henry James and the reflection in these fictions of certain specified problems and challenges of modern society which assist to bring forth the social ambience therein. In the author's opinion, the comedy in the said works of James, on the fundamental level, criticises and pokes fun at the evils of modern society and the characters who pay homage to them. The thesis argues that the comedy in the analysed works of Henry James satirizes several challenging, problematic socio-cultural and economic developments of contemporary modern times through the ridicule and stigmatization of the mostly despicable characters who, under the sway of these developments, perpetrate their negative influence on the lives of other characters in the selected works. To substantiate this argument the thesis looks at the following works of James: The Wings of the Dove, The Golden Bowl, The Portrait of a Lady, The Ambassadors, "The Turn of the Screw" and "The Beast in the Jungle." At the outset, the thesis outlines briefly several critical approaches to the comedy in James's works, comments on their validity, reveals the author's views, and points in the direction of the critical opinions and approaches...Department of Anglophone Literatures and CulturesÚstav anglofonních literatur a kulturFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Informační zvyky uživatelů informačního systému Masarykovy univerzity : průzkum mezi studenty informačních studií a knihovnictví

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    Příspěvek shrnuje výzkum bakalářských a magisterských studentů oboru Informační studia a knihovnictví Masarykovy univerzity v Brně. Hlavním cílem výzkumu bylo analyzovat a charakterizovat Informační zvyky uživatelů informačního systému Masarykovy univerzity. Výzkumu jsme zaměřili tak, aby výsledky posloužily designu školení nových studentů, kteří se učí s informačním systémem Masarykovy univerzity pracovat. Popsali jsme informační zvyky uživatelů při práci se systémem. Informační zvyky jsme rozdělili do dvou segmentů – zvyky při přihlašování a odhlašování, které souvisí s informační bezpečností a zvyky při využívání funkcí a aplikací systému, které mají vliv na efektivitu studia. Odhalení uživatelských zvyků může přispět k porozumění vzniku problémů uživatelů a umožnit školitelům upozorňovat na takové možnosti a funkce systému, které pomohou problémům předcházet. Příspěvek obsahuje teoretický úvod, který vysvětluje kontext výzkumu, a zmiňuje některé obdobné tematické výzkumy. Dále jsou přiblíženy metodologické postupy, interpretovány výsledky a závěrem jsou diskutovány silné a slabé stránky výzkumu.The paper describes a research conducted on bachelor and masters students of Information and library studies at Masaryk University in Brno. The main aim of the research was to analyse information habits of users of information system of Masaryk University. We focused our research so that the results could serve to design training for new students, who will work with the information system of Masaryk University. We describe the users´ information habits, which are observable during users work with the system. We divided them into two segments – habits when logging in and out, so we focused on the issue of information security. And then on the features and applications of the system that have an impact on the effectiveness of study. If we describe these users´ habits, we can understand, which problem users have and point out to functions and options of the system that could prevent these problems. This report contains a theoretical introduction, it explains the context of the research and there are mentioned some similar researches. Next there are the methodological progresses approximated, results interpreted and in the conclusion there are the strengths and weaknesses discussed

    Rice-barley synteny and its applications to saturation mapping of the barley Rpg1 region

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    In order to facilitate the map-based cloning of the barley stem rust resistance gene Rpg1, we have demonstrated a high degree of synteny at a micro level between the telomeric region of barley chromosome 1P and rice chromosome 6. We have also developed and applied a simple and efficient method for selecting useful probes from large insert genomic YAC and cosmid clones. The gene order within the most terminal 6.5 cM of barley chromosome 1P was compared with the most terminal 2.7 cM of rice chromosome 6. Nine rice probes, previously mapped in rice or isolated from YAC or cosmid clones from this region, were mapped in barley. All, except one, were in synteny with the rice gene order. The exception, probe Y617R, was duplicated in barley. One copy was located on a different chromosome and the other in a non-syntenic position on barley chromosome 1P. The barley probes from this region could not be mapped to rice, but two of them were inferred to be in a syntenic location based on their position on a rice YAC. This work demonstrates the utility of applying the results of genetic and physical mapping of the small genome cereal rice to map-based cloning of interesting genes from large genome relatives

    The Oryza BAC resource: A genus-wide and genome scale tool for exploring rice genome evolution and leveraging useful genetic diversity from wild relatives

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    Rice was the first crop to have a high-quality reference genome sequence and is now at the forefront of intense functional and evolutionary research for two reasons-its central role in world food security, and its status as a model system for grasses. A thorough characterization of the rice genome cannot be accomplished without a deep understanding of its evolutionary history. The genus Oryza contains two cultivated and 22 wild rice species that represent 10 distinct genome types embedded within a robust phylogeny spanning a ~15 million year time span. The genus contains an untapped reservoir of agriculturally important traits and a historical record of genomic changes (especially those related to domestication, polyploidy, speciation and adaption).The two main objectives of the 'Oryza Map Alignment Project' (OMAP) were to functionally characterize the rice genome from a comparative standpoint and to provide essential tools to leverage the novel genetic diversity from wild relatives for rice improvement. The objective of this review is to summarize our efforts towards developing the most comprehensive genus-wide set of publicly available BAC resources for the genus Oryza, the first of its kind among plants (and perhaps higher eukaryotes), and their applications

    Methylation-sensitive linking libraries enhance gene-enriched sequencing of complex genomes and map DNA methylation domains

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Many plant genomes are resistant to whole-genome assembly due to an abundance of repetitive sequence, leading to the development of gene-rich sequencing techniques. Two such techniques are hypomethylated partial restriction (HMPR) and methylation spanning linker libraries (MSLL). These libraries differ from other gene-rich datasets in having larger insert sizes, and the MSLL clones are designed to provide reads localized to "epigenetic boundaries" where methylation begins or ends.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A large-scale study in maize generated 40,299 HMPR sequences and 80,723 MSLL sequences, including MSLL clones exceeding 100 kb. The paired end reads of MSLL and HMPR clones were shown to be effective in linking existing gene-rich sequences into scaffolds. In addition, it was shown that the MSLL clones can be used for anchoring these scaffolds to a BAC-based physical map. The MSLL end reads effectively identified epigenetic boundaries, as indicated by their preferential alignment to regions upstream and downstream from annotated genes. The ability to precisely map long stretches of fully methylated DNA sequence is a unique outcome of MSLL analysis, and was also shown to provide evidence for errors in gene identification. MSLL clones were observed to be significantly more repeat-rich in their interiors than in their end reads, confirming the correlation between methylation and retroelement content. Both MSLL and HMPR reads were found to be substantially gene-enriched, with the <it>Sal</it>I MSLL libraries being the most highly enriched (31% align to an EST contig), while the HMPR clones exhibited exceptional depletion of repetitive DNA (to ~11%). These two techniques were compared with other gene-enrichment methods, and shown to be complementary.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>MSLL technology provides an unparalleled approach for mapping the epigenetic status of repetitive blocks and for identifying sequences mis-identified as genes. Although the types and natures of epigenetic boundaries are barely understood at this time, MSLL technology flags both approximate boundaries and methylated genes that deserve additional investigation. MSLL and HMPR sequences provide a valuable resource for maize genome annotation, and are a uniquely valuable complement to any plant genome sequencing project. In order to make these results fully accessible to the community, a web display was developed that shows the alignment of MSLL, HMPR, and other gene-rich sequences to the BACs; this display is continually updated with the latest ESTs and BAC sequences.</p

    Genome-wide association mapping of date palm fruit traits

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    Date palms (Phoenix dactylifera) are an important fruit crop of arid regions of the Middle East and North Africa. Despite its importance, few genomic resources exist for date palms, hampering evolutionary genomic studies of this perennial species. Here we report an improved long-read genome assembly for P. dactylifera that is 772.3 Mb in length, with contig N50 of 897.2 Kb, and use this to perform genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of the sex determining region and 21 fruit traits. We find a fruit color GWAS at the R2R3-MYB transcription factor VIRESCENS gene and identify functional alleles that include a retrotransposon insertion and start codon mutation. We also find a GWAS peak for sugar composition spanning deletion polymorphisms in multiple linked invertase genes. MYB transcription factors and invertase are implicated in fruit color and sugar composition in other crops, demonstrating the importance of parallel evolution in the evolutionary diversification of domesticated species

    The Physical and Genetic Framework of the Maize B73 Genome

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    Maize is a major cereal crop and an important model system for basic biological research. Knowledge gained from maize research can also be used to genetically improve its grass relatives such as sorghum, wheat, and rice. The primary objective of the Maize Genome Sequencing Consortium (MGSC) was to generate a reference genome sequence that was integrated with both the physical and genetic maps. Using a previously published integrated genetic and physical map, combined with in-coming maize genomic sequence, new sequence-based genetic markers, and an optical map, we dynamically picked a minimum tiling path (MTP) of 16,910 bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) and fosmid clones that were used by the MGSC to sequence the maize genome. The final MTP resulted in a significantly improved physical map that reduced the number of contigs from 721 to 435, incorporated a total of 8,315 mapped markers, and ordered and oriented the majority of FPC contigs. The new integrated physical and genetic map covered 2,120 Mb (93%) of the 2,300-Mb genome, of which 405 contigs were anchored to the genetic map, totaling 2,103.4 Mb (99.2% of the 2,120 Mb physical map). More importantly, 336 contigs, comprising 94.0% of the physical map (∼1,993 Mb), were ordered and oriented. Finally we used all available physical, sequence, genetic, and optical data to generate a golden path (AGP) of chromosome-based pseudomolecules, herein referred to as the B73 Reference Genome Sequence version 1 (B73 RefGen_v1)