368 research outputs found

    Four left renal arteries — a rare variant of kidney arterial supply

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    We describe the arterial supply of a human kidney harvested post-mortem from a 75-year-old female volunteer body donor. The kidney was analysed with con- trast-enhanced computed tomography (CT), and corrosion casting was used to reveal the kidney’s angio-architecture. In the left kidney, we observed four renal arteries, each originating directly from the abdominal aorta. Three renal arteries, including the main renal artery, coursed through the renal hilum, and the fourth renal artery reached the lower kidney pole. The supply areas of each of the four renal arteries were analysed with a three-dimensional reconstruction of CT images and with corrosion casting. There were no clear boundaries between the areas supplied by the four renal arteries because their branches overlapped in most kidney segments.

    Does undertaking an intercalated BSc influence first clinical year exam results at a London medical school?

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    Background: Intercalated BScs (iBScs) are an optional part of the medical school curriculum in many Universities. Does undertaking an iBSc influence subsequent student performance? Previous studies addressing this question have been flawed by iBSc students being highly selected. This study looks at data from medical students where there is a compulsory iBSc for non-graduates. Our aim was to see whether there was any difference in performance between students who took an iBSc before or after their third year (first clinical year) exams.Methods: A multivariable analysis was performed to compare the third year results of students at one London medical school who had or had not completed their iBSc by the start of this year (n = 276). A general linear model was applied to adjust for differences between the two groups in terms of potential confounders (age, sex, nationality and baseline performance).Results: The results of third year summative exams for 276 students were analysed (184 students with an iBSc and 92 without). Unadjusted analysis showed students who took an iBSc before their third year achieved significantly higher end of year marks than those who did not with a mean score difference of 4.4 (0.9 to 7.9 95% CI, p = 0.01). (overall mean score 238.4 "completed iBSc" students versus 234.0 "not completed", range 145.2 - 272.3 out of 300). There was however a significant difference between the two groups in their prior second year exam marks with those choosing to intercalate before their third year having higher marks. Adjusting for this, the difference in overall exam scores was no longer significant with a mean score difference of 1.4 (-4.9 to +7.7 95% CI, p = 0.66). (overall mean score 238.0 "completed iBSc" students versus 236.5 "not completed").Conclusions: Once possible confounders are controlled for (age, sex, previous academic performance) undertaking an iBSc does not influence third year exam results. One explanation for this confounding in unadjusted results is that students who do better in their second year exams are more likely to take an iBSc before their third year

    Hybrid cryptography and steganography method to embed encrypted text message within image

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    The businesses in various fields use the online communication application to gather their data and information with local and global sources. The gathered data may sensitive such as the financial and businesses development information. The hackers or online thief try to stole the valuable data i.e. credit card numbers. The organizations looking for secure online channels in order to transfer their data efficiently and avoid the data thieving. One of the most applicable methods that developed to secure the online transferred data is the cryptography which transfers the original data or information to encrypted formulation. Cryptography still has many drawbacks such as stole and decrypts the original texts using automatic decryption counter. The main aim of this research is to improve the cryptography securing level using supportive method which is Steganography. The Steganography is the processes of hide the data or information in media files such as video, images and audio files. There are four stages represent the methodology of this paper; (1) encrypt the original texts using RSA algorithm, (2) hide the encrypted texts in Image files, (3) extract the encrypted texts from Image files, and (4) decrypt the original texts using decryption key of RSA algorithm. It is expected to improve the security level of the online transferred textual data. The performance of the final results will be evaluated through compare the Image files quality before and after hide the data in these files. The quality of the original and stego Image files need to be same or near in order to maximize the difficulty of detect that there data hide in these files

    On the Vanishing of the t-term in the Short-Time Expansion of the Diffusion Coefficient for Oscillating Gradients in Diffusion NMR

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    Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) diffusion measurements can be used to probe porous structures or biological tissues by means of the random motion of water molecules. The short-time expansion of the diffusion coefficient in powers of t1/2, where t is the diffusion time related to the duration of the diffusion-weighting magnetic field gradient profile, is universally connected to structural parameters of the boundaries restricting the diffusive motion. The t1/2-term is proportional to the surface to volume ratio. The t-term is related to permeability and curvature. The short time expansion can be measured with two approaches in NMR-based diffusion experiments: First, by the use of diffusion encodings of short total duration and, second, by application of oscillating gradients of long total duration. For oscillating gradients, the inverse of the oscillation frequency becomes the relevant time scale. The purpose of this manuscript is to show that the oscillating gradient approach is blind to the t-term. On the one hand, this prevents fitting of permeability and curvature measures from this term. On the other hand, the t-term does not bias the determination of the t1/2-term in experiments

    MRI of the lung (3/3)-current applications and future perspectives

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    BACKGROUND: MRI of the lung is recommended in a number of clinical indications. Having a non-radiation alternative is particularly attractive in children and young subjects, or pregnant women. METHODS: Provided there is sufficient expertise, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be considered as the preferential modality in specific clinical conditions such as cystic fibrosis and acute pulmonary embolism, since additional functional information on respiratory mechanics and regional lung perfusion is provided. In other cases, such as tumours and pneumonia in children, lung MRI may be considered an alternative or adjunct to other modalities with at least similar diagnostic value. RESULTS: In interstitial lung disease, the clinical utility of MRI remains to be proven, but it could provide additional information that will be beneficial in research, or at some stage in clinical practice. Customised protocols for chest imaging combine fast breath-hold acquisitions from a "buffet" of sequences. Having introduced details of imaging protocols in previous articles, the aim of this manuscript is to discuss the advantages and limitations of lung MRI in current clinical practice. CONCLUSION: New developments and future perspectives such as motion-compensated imaging with self-navigated sequences or fast Fourier decomposition MRI for non-contrast enhanced ventilation- and perfusion-weighted imaging of the lung are discussed. Main Messages ‱ MRI evolves as a third lung imaging modality, combining morphological and functional information. ‱ It may be considered first choice in cystic fibrosis and pulmonary embolism of young and pregnant patients. ‱ In other cases (tumours, pneumonia in children), it is an alternative or adjunct to X-ray and CT. ‱ In interstitial lung disease, it serves for research, but the clinical value remains to be proven. ‱ New users are advised to make themselves familiar with the particular advantages and limitations

    Serum neurofilament dynamics predicts neurodegeneration and clinical progression in presymptomatic Alzheimer's disease

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    Neurofilament light chain (NfL) is a promising fluid biomarker of disease progression for various cerebral proteopathies. Here we leverage the unique characteristics of the Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network and ultrasensitive immunoassay technology to demonstrate that NfL levels in the cerebrospinal fluid (n = 187) and serum (n = 405) are correlated with one another and are elevated at the presymptomatic stages of familial Alzheimer's disease. Longitudinal, within-person analysis of serum NfL dynamics (n = 196) confirmed this elevation and further revealed that the rate of change of serum NfL could discriminate mutation carriers from non-mutation carriers almost a decade earlier than cross-sectional absolute NfL levels (that is, 16.2 versus 6.8 years before the estimated symptom onset). Serum NfL rate of change peaked in participants converting from the presymptomatic to the symptomatic stage and was associated with cortical thinning assessed by magnetic resonance imaging, but less so with amyloid-ÎČ deposition or glucose metabolism (assessed by positron emission tomography). Serum NfL was predictive for both the rate of cortical thinning and cognitive changes assessed by the Mini-Mental State Examination and Logical Memory test. Thus, NfL dynamics in serum predict disease progression and brain neurodegeneration at the early presymptomatic stages of familial Alzheimer's disease, which supports its potential utility as a clinically useful biomarker

    Reliability, Validity and Responsiveness of the Syncope Functional Status Questionnaire

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    BACKGROUND: Patients with transient loss of consciousness (TLOC) have poor health-related quality of life (HR-QoL). OBJECTIVE: To test the reliability, validity, and responsiveness of the disease-specific Syncope Functional Status HR-QoL Questionnaire (SFSQ), which yields two summary scales--impairment score (IS) and fear-worry score (FWS). DESIGN: Cohort-study. PARTICIPANTS: 503 adult patients presenting with TLOC. MEASUREMENTS: HR-QoL was assessed using the SFSQ and the Short Form-36 (SF-36) after presentation and 1 year later. To test reliability, score distributions, internal consistency, and test-retest reliability were assessed. To assess validity, scores on the SFSQ and the SF-36 were compared. Clinical validity was tested using known-group comparison. Responsiveness was assessed by comparing changes in SFSQ scores with changes in health status and clinical condition. RESULTS: Response rate was 82% at baseline and 72% at 1-year follow-up. For all scales the full range of scores was seen. Score distributions were asymmetrical. Internal consistency was high (alpha = 0.88 for IS, 0.92 for FWS). Test-retest reliability was moderate to good for individual items and high for summary scales (inter-class correlation = 0.78 for both IS and FWS). Correlations between SFSQ scores and the SF-36 were modest. The SFSQ did not discriminate between patients differing in age and gender but did discriminate between patients differing in number of episodes and comorbid conditions. Changes in SFSQ scores were related to changes in health status and the presence of recurrences but did not vary by TLOC diagnosis. CONCLUSION: The SFSQ is an adequately reliable, valid, and responsive measure to assess HR-QoL in patients with TLO

    The development and piloting of the graduate assessment of preparedness for practice (GAPP) questionnaire

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    Introduction Most new dental graduates in the UK begin their professional career following a year in dental foundation training (DFT). There has been little investigation of how prepared they feel for independent general dental practice across all four domains of the General Dental Council’s curriculum ‘Preparing for practice’. This paper describes the development of the Graduate Assessment of Preparedness for Practice (GAPP) questionnaire to address this. Methodology The GAPP questionnaire was developed and piloted using a cohort of educational supervisors (ESs) and foundation dentists (FDs). The questionnaire comprised three parts, the first of which collected respondent demographic data. The second was based on Preparing for practice and was used to develop 34 ‘competence areas’ and required a tick-box response on a 7‑category Likert Scale. The third comprised free text questions in order to further explore the subject’s responses. Results Pilot feedback was positive, the statements were felt to be clear and unambiguous, allowing them sufficient scope to state their position. The pilot study informed small cosmetic changes to the GAPP questionnaire and inclusion of a ‘comments’ column for respondents to qualify their responses. The pilot results indicated that both FDs and their ESs felt that at ten months of DFT, the FDs were very well prepared for independent general dental practice. Discussion The paper describes the important considerations relating to the reliability and validity of the GAPP questionnaire. Conclusions GAPP appears to be a suitable questionnaire to measure preparedness of new graduates with a degree of reliability and validity. The instrument is designed to be simple to complete and provides a useful analytical instrument for both self-assessment of competence and for wider use within dental education

    Fungal diversity associated to the olive moth, prays oleae Bernard : a survey for potential entomopathogenic fungi

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    Olive production is one of the main agricultural activities in Portugal. In the region of TrĂĄs-os-Montes this crop has been considerably affected by Prays oleae. In order to evaluate the diversity of fungi on P. oleae population of TrĂĄs-os-Montes olive orchards, larvae and pupae of the three annual generations (phyllophagous, antophagous and carpophagous) were collected and evaluated for fungal growth on their surface. From the 3828 larvae and pupae, a high percentage of individuals exhibited growth of a fungal agent (40.6%), particularly those from the phyllophagous generation. From all the moth generations, a total of 43 species from 24 genera were identified, but the diversity and abundance of fungal species differed between the three generations. Higher diversity was found in the carpophagous generation, followed by the antophagous and phyllophagous generations. The presence of fungi displaying entomopathogenic features was highest in the phyllophagous larvae and pupae, being B. bassiana the most abundant taxa. The first report of B. bassiana presence on P. oleae could open new strategies for the biocontrol of this major pest in olive groves, since the use of an already adapted species increases the guarantee of success of a biocontrol approach. The identification of antagonistic fungi able to control agents that cause major olive diseases, such as Verticillium dahliae, will benefit future biological control approaches for limiting this increasingly spreading pathogen.This work was supported by Science and Technology Foundation (Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e Tecnologia – FCT) project PTDC/AGR-AAM/102600/2008 “Entomopathogenic fungi associated to olive pests: isolation, characterization and selection for biological control”. The first author is grateful to the Science and Technology Foundation for the PhD grant SFRH/BD/44265/2008
