103 research outputs found


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    Nos anos 70 o municpio de Cianorte iniciou o seu processo de industrializao, tendo a indstria de confeces como carro chefe deste processo. Atualmente, 30 anos aps o incio da industrializao, a cidade j reconhecida como um dos maiores plos confeccionistas do Brasil. Este trabalho teve como objetivo levantar, por meio de entrevistas com designers de moda, professores de cursos de Moda e com o gerente local do Senai, a atual situao e quais os principais desafios que possui como plo industrial. As entrevistas levantaram dois focos: o aumento da integrao entre os industriais do setor e o desenvolvimento de indstrias mais ligadas ao design, sendo estes os principais desafios levantados pelos entrevistados

    スギムラ ソジンカン ニ ヨル アビコ・テガヌマ ニ オケル ケイカン ホゴ カツドウ ノ トリクミ

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    東京朝日新聞で記者を務めた杉村楚人冠は,大正から昭和にかけて,別荘および住居を構えた旧千葉県東葛飾郡我孫子町において,手賀沼周辺の景観保護活動を行った。本研究では,楚人冠の景観保護活動を把握した上で,その活動に対する楚人冠の立場および主張の特徴として以下7点を明らかにした。・転入者としての視点を活かし,当該景観に東京郊外としての価値を見出した。・干拓計画に対し当該景観が保護対象に値すると主張し,先見性を示した。・景観を利用して周辺を開発することで景観の保護を試みる主張をした。・その主張には本多静六の自然風景地等の利用に係る考え方に合致する部分があった。・別荘住民らと共同した景観保護活動では思想や活動の面で主導する立場にあった。・景観保護の主張は地元住民の考えと対立関係にあったが,自らの主張を押し通す姿勢はなかった。・別荘住民との活動から地域の要職者や住民と交流を深める活動に次第に移行した。Sojinkan Sugimura worked as a journalist for Tokyo Asahi Newspaper Company from the late Meiji period to the early Showa period. He owned a villa which had a fine view of Lake Teganuma in Abiko city, Chiba Prefecture in 1912. He and his family moved there in 1924, and he lived there to the end of his life. From the Taisho period to the Showa period, he tackled some activities for the preserving of the landscape around Lake Teganuma. The aim of this study is to analyze his positions and opinions in some of these activities. First, by watching and thinking of the landscape around Lake Teganuma as a man who had moved to Abiko from Tokyo, he found worth as a Tokyo suburb in that landscape. Second, when a reclamation project was planed in Lake Teganuma, he had the foresight to argue that the landscape was worthy of preserving without carrying out reclamation. Third, he argued that we should try to preserve the landscape by developing an area around Lake Teganuma as a suburban residential area and sightseeing spot by turning the landscape to good account. Forth, part of his opinion about preserving the landscape is the same as the opinion of Seiroku Honda about natural landscape. Fifth, he worked on some activities for preserving the landscape with some people who owned a villa in Abiko city. He led the activities, and played an important role as the inspiration. Sixth, their opinion about preserving the landscape was contrary to the opinion of the local residents. Seventh, at first, he worked on some activities for preserving the landscape with villa residents, but gradually he tried to communicate with people in local important posts and local residents by starting some activities together

    Strongly Blueshifted Phenomena Observed with {\it Hinode}/EIS in the 2006 December 13 Solar Flare

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    We present a detailed examination of strongly blueshifted emission lines observed with the EUV Imaging Spectrometer on board the {\it Hinode} satellite. We found two kinds of blueshifted phenomenon associated with the X3.4 flare that occurred on 2006 December 13. One was related to a plasmoid ejection seen in soft X-rays. It was very bright in all the lines used for the observations. The other was associated with the faint arc-shaped ejection seen in soft X-rays. The soft X-ray ejection is thought to be an MHD fast-mode shock wave. This is therefore the first spectroscopic observation of an MHD fast-mode shock wave associated with a flare.Comment: 18 pages, 1 table, 6 figures. ApJ, accepte

    Learning and effect from meal support program in "community venues" of elderly men

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    男性高齢者の食事支援プログラムの実施による学びと効果を検証する。「通いの場」の男性高齢者が毎日の食生活に生かすことができるような食事支援プログラムを作成した。その食事支援プログラムの開始後,第 2 回の実施を振り返り検討した。結果,食事支援プログラムの講義と演習を行い,自身の食事生活を振り返ることからの気づきやグループで話し合い共に作成することで,仲間同士の連帯感が生まれていた。journal articl

    Detailed Structural Analysis of Lipids Directly on Tissue Specimens Using a MALDI-SpiralTOF-Reflectron TOF Mass Spectrometer

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    Direct tissue analysis using a novel tandem time-of-flight (TOF-TOF) mass spectrometer is described. This system consists of a matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization ion source, a spiral ion trajectory TOF mass spectrometer “SpiralTOF (STOF)”, a collision cell, and an offset parabolic reflectron (RTOF). The features of this system are high precursor ion selectivity due to a 17-m flight path length in STOF and elimination of post-source decay (PSD) ions. The acceleration energy is 20 keV, so that high-energy collision-induced dissociation (HE-CID) is possible. Elimination of PSD ions allows observation of the product ions inherent to the HE-CID process. By using this tandem TOF instrument, the product ion spectrum of lipids provided detailed structural information of fatty acid residues


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    金沢大学理工研究域環境デザイン学系This study focuses on the process of thermocline\u27s destruction and reformation during typhoons using field observation data. The thermocline has a large effect on the circulation and would be a factor to make water worse. Therefore, it is necessary to understand its process deeply. In this study, the stability of density stratification was evaluated based on the Brant-Vaisala frequency and the Richardson number. The results suggested that high wave destroyed the stratification and high wind mixed ocean water vertically more energetically during stratified season. On the other hand, is was found that stratification was unstable regardless of typhoon intensity during unstratified season. Moreover, the characteristics of water-mass were evaluated on the TS diagram during unstratified season.台風イベント時の水温躍層の破壊・再形成のプロセスに着目して,観測データの解析を行うことでプロセスの経過について検討した.水温躍層は水域内の流動に大きな影響を与え,水質問題が生じる要因にもなるため,詳細な現象の把握が求められている.そこで本研究では,台風イベント時の観測データからブラント・バイサラ振動数およびリチャードソン数を算出し,成層の安定性を評価した.その結果,密度成層期には,まず高波浪により成層の安定が崩され強風により更に不安定さが促進されるという仮説を得た.また,混合期は成層が不安定で,台風接近前からシア流の不安定が生じていて混合が生じていることがわかった.これらの結果を踏まえて,更にTS図を作成し混合期の水塊の特性を評価した.出版者照会後に全文公