145 research outputs found

    Small Solutions to the Large Telescope Problem: A Massively Replicated MEMS Spectrograph

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    In traditional seeing-limited observations the spectrograph aperture scales with telescope aperture, driving sizes and costs to enormous proportions. We propose a new solution to the seeing-limited spectrograph problem. A massively fiber-sliced configuration feeds a set of small diffraction-limited spectrographs. We present a prototype, tunable, J-band, diffraction grating, designed specifically for Astronomical applications: The grating sits at the heart of a spectrograph, no bigger than a few inches on a side. Throughput requirements dictate using tens-of-thousands of spectrographs on a single 10 to 30 meter telescope. A full system would cost significantly less than typical instruments on 10m or 30m telescopes.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, presented at SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, 23 - 28 June 2008, Marseille, France. See http://www.ucolick.org/~npk/MEMS for video

    Electronic structure of the c(4 x 2) reconstructed Ge(001) surface

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    We investigate the electronic structure of the c(4 x 2) reconstructed Ge(001) surface using band structure calculations based on density functional theory and the generalized gradient approximation. In particular, we take into account the details of surface reconstruction by means of well relaxed crystal structures. The surface electronic states are identified and the local density of states is compared to recent data from scanning tunneling spectroscopy. We obtain almost perfect agreement between theory and experiment for both the occupied and unoccupied states, which allows us to clarify the interpretation of the experimental data.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted by Chem. Phys. Let

    Penerapan Lean Supply Chain pada Proses Loading Pupuk In Bag di Pelabuhan PT. Petrokimia Gresik

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    PT. Petrokimia Gresik merupakan salah satu produsen pupuk terbesar di Indonesia yangmempunyai jaringan supply chain lintas negara dan distribusi ke seluruh Nusantara baik pupukcurah maupun pupuk in bag. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada pelabuhan PT. PG yangmerupakan titik utama dari kegiatan logistik di Perusahaan ini sendiri, yakni pemuatan danpembongkaran. Dengan fokus penelitian pada proses pemuatan pupuk in bag. Permasalahanyang terjadi pada proses ini dikarenakan inefisiensi aliran Supply Chain, yang disebabkan olehadanya waste dan non value added actvity. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui jenis wasteapa saja yang terjadi selama proses, serta saran perbaikan dengan menggunakan konsep LeanSupply Chain dan Value Stream Mapping serta mencari penyebab masalah menggunakan 5Whys dan Fishbone. Jenis pemborosan yang paling berpengaruh selama aliran proses adalahWaiting Time (20,42%), serta Non Value Added Actvity sebesar 51,9%. Dengan menggunakanfishbone dan 5Whys dapat diketahui penyebab waste terbesar diantaranya adalah lamanya trukmenunggu muatan, banyaknya crane tidak sehat, serta tidak adanya penjadwalan dan alokasimuatan. Sementara rekomendasi yang diberikan adalah penjadwalan dan pengalokasian,pengadaan lini khusus di gudang, penyediaan crane dengan kondisi kecepatan muat yang sesuai.Berdasarkan saran perbaikan diprediksi dapat mereduksi total NVA sebesar 59.8

    Closed loop adaptive optics with a laser guide star for biological light microscopy

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    We report on the development of a widefield microscope that achieves adaptive optics correction through the use of a wavefront sensor observing an artificial laser guide star induced within the sample. By generating this guide star at arbitrary positions and depths within the sample we allow the delivery of high-resolution images. This approach delivers much faster AO correction than image optimization techniques, and allows the use of AO with fluorescent imaging modalities without generating excessive photo-toxic damage in the sample, or inducing significant photo-bleaching in the flurophore molecules

    The Ge(001) (2 × 1) reconstruction: asymmetric dimers and multilayer relaxation observed by grazing incidence X-ray diffraction

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    Grazing incidence X-ray diffraction has been used to analyze in detail the atomic structure of the (2 × 1) reconstruction of the Ge(001) surface involving far reaching subsurface relaxations. Two kinds of disorder models, a statistical and a dynamical were taken into account for the data analysis, both indicating substantial disorder along the surface normal. This can only be correlated to asymmetric dimers. Considering a statistical disorder model assuming randomly oriented dimers the analysis of 13 symmetrically independent in-plane fractional order reflections and of four fractional order reciprocal lattice rods up to the maximum attainable momentum transfer qz = 3c* (c* = 1.77 × 10−1 Å−1) indicates the formation of asymmetric dimers characterized by R>D = 2.46(5) Å as compared to the bulk bonding length of R = 2.45 Å. The dimer height of Δ Z = 0.74(15) Å corresponds to a dimer buckling angle of 17(4)°. The data refinement using anisotropic thermal parameters leads to a bonding length of RD = 2.44(4) Å and to a large anisotropy of the root mean-square vibration amplitudes of the dimer atoms (u112) 1/2 = 0.25 Å, (u222)1/2 = 0.14 Å, (u332)1/2 = 0.50 Å). We have evidence for lateral and vertical disp tenth layer below the surface

    Realtime wavefront sensing in a SPIM microscope, and active aberration tracking

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    Adaptive optics (AO) can potentially allow high resolution imaging deep inside living tissue, mitigating against the loss of resolution due to aberrations caused by overlying tissue. Closed-loop AO correction is particularly attractive for moving tissue and spatially varying aberrations, but this requires direct wavefront sensing, which in turn requires suitable "guide stars" for use as wavefront references. We present a novel method for generating an orthogonally illuminated guide star suitable for direct wavefront sensing in a wide range of fluorescent biological structures, along with results demonstrating its use for measuring time-varying aberrations, in vivo

    Electron correlation in the Si(100) surface

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    Motivated by the controversy between quantum chemists and solid-state physicists, and by recent experimental results, spin-polarized density-functional (DFT) calculations are used to probe electron correlation in the Si(100) reconstructed surface. The ground state displays antiferromagnetic spin polarization for low dimer inclinations indicating, not magnetic order, but the importance of Mott-like correlations among dangling bonds. The lowest energy corresponds to a higher dimer inclination with no spin. DFT energies, however, should be taken with caution here. Our results together with quantum-chemical findings suggest dimers with highly correlated electrons that tend to buckle due to interactions with other dimers.Comment: 5 pages, 1 eps figure, 1 table; RevTeX v3.1. To appear in Surface Science (proceedings of the European Conference On Surface Science, ECOSS-19, Madrid, Sept. 5-8, 2000