142 research outputs found

    Flight trajectories around planets with return to earth

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    Close flyby trajectory calculations around planets with return to earth capabilit

    What speech therapists need to know about "The logopedist"

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    The paper is devoted to the issue of reading by the students of non-philological faculties. The authors' objective is to show the opportunities for increasing the students' motivation to study universal cultural and professional courses by means of revealing interdisciplinary links. The novel “The Logopedist” written by Valeriy Votrin in 2013 is taken as a basis for discussion of the philosophical issues of connection between language and mentality, the role of the language in shaping the basic national values and axiological preferences. The authors show that the novel's narrative also allows raising a number of issues, which are important for the job of a speech therapist, namely, the possibility to correctly render in writing the peculiarities of various logopedic diagnoses, the significance of pronunciation norms, and the peculiarities of communicative behavior.Статья посвящена проблеме читательской деятельности студентов нефилологических факультетов. На материале романа Валерия Вотрина "Логопед" рассматривается ряд вопросов, важных для профессии логопеда

    On the possibility of refining by means of optical location some astronomical parameters of the system - Earth-Moon

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    Optical location of moon in Earth-Moon system using artificial light reflector, on lunar surfac

    Text production principles as exemplified in "Squiggles" by Peter Mamonov

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    The paper discusses the principles of text production in the collections of storiettes called “Squiggles” written by Peter Mamonov.Статья посвящена рассмотрению принципов текстообразования в миниатюрах Петра Мамонова, получивших название "Закорючки"

    Chekhov in the Context of the Literary-Theatrical Culture of Iraq

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    В статье представлена рецензия на книгу, в которой рассматривается восприятие личности и творчества А. П. Чехова в Ираке.The review covers the main content of the book, which includes three semantic blocks. The first block, a historical-literary one, is devoted to the perception of the personality and creative activity of A. P. Chekhov by Iraqi criticism. The second one analyzes the performances of Chekhov's works on the stages of Iraq. The third block contains the Russian translations of the texts of the plays written by the Iraqi writer A. Naim, based on the works of Chekhov

    Encyclopedia of One Book: "The Malachite Casket" by P. P. Bazhov

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    В рецензии освещается книга "Малахитовая шкатулка", в которой дается всесторонний текстологический комментарий каждого произведения.The review analyzes "The Malachite Casket" by P. P. Bazhov, a multiauthored book, which in terms of publication type is close to the tradition of reputable academic series called "The Literary Monuments". The Ural researchers focused on a number of tasks, namely: to present the verified content of "The Malachite Casket" collectionof fairy tales; to give a comprehensive textological commentary on each fairy tale contained therein

    A Checklist for Parents to Identify the Signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder in One and a Half to Two Years Old Children

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    Статья посвящена раннему скринингу аутизма у детей полутора-двух лет.The article studies early screening of autism in children aged 1.5-2 years. The specificity of social behavior of such children is considered on the basis of analysis of psycho-pedagogical works dealing with the content of activity and the peculiarities of sensory and psychomotor develop-ment of children with ASD. The authors mark the significance of early diagnosis which guarantees timely and favorable intervention of specialists