408 research outputs found

    A personnel audit as an element of employee motivation and commitment

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    Dietary behaviour of students from Poznan universities

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    The problem raised in the study relates to the eating habits of students and their relations with the body mass index (BMI). The effect of selected sociodemographic variables (sex, place of residence, material status, field of study) on eating habits of the respondents was also analysed. The structure of the Dietary Behaviour Index (DBI) was proposed and its relations to the BMI were established.Material and methods. The study covered 508 students of state and private universities in Poznań (Poland) of whom 73% were female and 27% male. The study used an anonymous questionnaire poll on the basic dietary habits developed on the basis of the Food Pyramid guidelines as well as the Golden Charter of Correct Nutrition. The BMI was calculated on the students’ self-reported weight and height.Results. 15% of the participating students are overweight or obese. The distribution of the BMI differs between men and women (p<.000). Particularly unfavourable behaviour was noted in terms of the consumption of legumes (72% of respondents), fish (53%), dairy products (36%), vegetables (29%) and fruit (27%). Beneficial trends relate to the everyday consumption of breakfast (63%), the number of meals per day (59%), limiting the consumption of red meat (59%), including vegetable fats in the daily diet (56%). The difference in the way of eating described by the DBI is related to the field of study (p<.001) as physical education students had the best indicators.Conclusions. In the studied group of students overweight and obesity are not as frequent as in other countries of Western Europe or America. We noted a number of dietary mistakes made by the respondents, which can lead to adverse health consequences in the future. During the university studies, not only in the fields related to health, information promoting pro-health lifestyle should appear more often

    A concurrent reconceptualization of concurrent sourcing

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    Firms often procure the same input via multiple means, e.g., making and buying. Recent papers have yielded rich, but inconsistent, theoretical and empirical insights. Resolving these inconsistencies requires reconceptualizing two aspects of plural sourcing: what and how. We reconceptualize plural sourcing as a set of combined governance modes - make-and-buy, make-and-ally, and buy-and-ally - which differ in their capabilities and limitations. We demonstrate our reconceptualization's potential with propositions predicting the choice of specific plural sourcing modes

    Analysis of the complete mitochondrial genomes of two forensically important blowfly species: Lucilia caeasar and Lucilia illustris

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    Blowfly species of the family Calliphoridae can be used in forensic investigations to estimate the minimum post-mortem interval (PMI¬min). Lucilia caesar and Lucilia illustris (Diptera: Calliphoridae) are closely related and phenotypically similar, making reliable identification difficult, especially if specimens are in poor condition. To identify potential markers to genetically distinguish these species five complete mitochondrial genomes were sequenced: three for L. caesar (KM657111- KM657113) and two mitochondrial genomes for L. illustris (KM657109, KM 657110). The ND6 gene contained the most species-specific SNPs (1.71%), followed by the ND5 gene (1.68%) and then the COI gene (1.56%), identifying ND6 and ND5 as valuable loci for differentiating L. Caesar and L. illustris specimens

    Combining FDR and ERT for monitoring soil moisture and temperature patterns in undulating terrain in south-eastern Norway

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    The occurrence of freeze–thaw cycles modifies water infiltration processes and surface runoff generation. Related processes are complex and are not yet fully investigated at field scale. While local weather conditions and soil management practices are the most important factors in both runoff generation and surface erosion processes, local terrain heterogeneities may significantly influence soil erosion processes in catchments with undulating terrain. This paper presents a field-based investigation of spatial and temporal heterogeneities in subsurface soil moisture and soil temperature associated with freezing, thawing, and snowmelt infiltration. The field setup consists of a combination of traditional point measurements performed with frequency domain reflectometry (FDR) and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT). The transect was approximately 70 m long and spanned an entire depression with a north-facing slope (average slope of 11.5%) and a south-facing slope (average slope of 9.7%). The whole depression was entirely covered with stubble. Observed resistivity patterns correspond well to the measured soil moisture patterns. During the observation period, the north facing slope froze earlier and deeper compared with the south facing slope. Freeze–thaw cycles were less pronounced in the north-facing slope than in the south-facing slope. There were also differences in soil temperature and soil moisture patterns between lower and upper parts of the monitored depression. These indicate that initiation and development of runoff related processes, and consequently soil erosion, in regions with freeze–thaw cycles may differ significantly depending on local terrain characteristics. Consequently, it indicates that spatial terrain heterogeneities, especially slope aspects, may be important when studying soil erosion processes, water flow and nutrient leaching in lowlands where patchy snowpacks and dynamic freeze–thaw cycles are predominating.publishedVersio

    Agricat 2-beregninger av jord- og fosfortap i vannområdet PURA, basert på arealbruk i 2022

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    På oppdrag fra vannområdet Bunnefjorden med Årungen- og Gjersjøvassdraget (PURA) er den empiriske modellen Agricat 2 brukt til å beregne potensialet for erosjon og fosforavrenning fra jordbruksarealer i 16 tiltaksområder, ved faktisk drift i 2022. Arealfordelingen av faktisk drift (vekst, jordarbeiding og miljøtiltak) i 2022 har framkommet av registerdata fra Landbruksdirektoratet og føringer/informasjon fra Follo Landbrukskontor, og er fordelt på de dyrka arealene etter bestemte rutiner i modellen. Arealfordelingsrutinen i modellen ga følgende utbredelse av kombinasjon vekst/jordarbeiding i vannområdet for 2022: 47 % stubb (jordarbeiding vår eller direktesåing), 10 % gras, 11 % vårkorn med høstpløying, 14 % høstkorn med høstpløying, 15 % høstharving til vår- og høstkorn samt frukt og bær, og 3 % poteter og grønnsaker. Arealfordelingen varierte mellom tiltaksområder. Eksisterende grasdekte kantsoner og fangdammer inngikk også i beregningene. Jord- og fosfortap i vannområdet PURA i 2022 ble beregnet til henholdsvis 3,5 kilotonn SS og 6,0 tonn TP. For individuelle tiltaksområder varierte jordtapet fra nær 0 til 1,6 kilotonn, og fosfortap fra nær 0 til 2,8 tonn. Forskjeller i drift bidro til å forklare forskjellene mellom tiltaksområder.Agricat 2-beregninger av jord- og fosfortap i vannområdet PURA, basert på arealbruk i 2022publishedVersio