137 research outputs found

    Indywidualna kontrola wzorca umowy (art. 385(1) k.c.) w kontekście klauzul waloryzacyjnych w kredytach indeksowanych do waluty obcej.

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    The article is a synthetic presentation of the dominant positions in the doctrine and judical practice regarding individual control of the contract template in the context of abusiveness of valorization clauses in loans indexed to a foreign currency. The most important statements of the Supreme Court and the Court of Justice of the European Union were indicated. The article focuses on the issues of the premises for individual control of the standard contract and the sanction of the consumer not being bound by an illegal contractual provision specified in art. 385 (1) of the Civil Code Attention was drawn to interpretation difficulties caused by discrepancies between the wording of Council Directive 93/13 / EEC and the wording of Art. 385 (1) implementing the Directive.Artykuł jest syntetycznym przedstawieniem dominujących stanowisk w doktrynie i orzecznictwie w zakresie indywidualnej kontroli wzorca umowy w kontekście abuzywności klauzul waloryzacyjnych w kredytach indeksowanych do waluty obcej. Wskazano najistotniejsze wypowiedzi Sądu Najwyższego oraz Trybunału Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej. Artykuł koncentruje się na zagadnieniach przesłanek indywidualnej kontroli wzorca umowy oraz sankcji braku związania konsumenta niedozwolonym postanowieniem umownym określonej w art. 385(1) k.c. Zwrócono uwagę na trudności interpretacyjne spowodowane rozbieżnościami między brzmieniem dyrektywy Rady nr 93/13/EWG a brzmieniem art. 385(1) stanowiącego implementację dyrektywy

    The sense of coherence and styles of coping with disease in patients with diagnosed arterial hypertension

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    Wstęp Choroba nadciśnieniowa stanowi duże obciążenie psychiczne dla chorego i negatywnie wpływa na jakość życia. Czynnikiem wpływającym na umiejętność radzenia sobie ze stresem jest poczucie koherencji (SOC). Celem pracy było zbadanie poziomu SOC oraz stylów radzenia sobie u osób z nadciśnieniem tętniczym, jako wyznacznika powrotu do optymalnego stanu zdrowia. Materiał i metody Przebadano 73 osoby z rozpoznanym nadciśnieniem tętniczym w NZOZ "Gemini" w Chojnicach. Poczucie koherencji oceniono za pomocą kwestionariusza SOC-29, a pomiar radzenia sobie w sytuacjach stresowych przeprowadzono, stosując kwestionariusz CISS. Wyniki Ustalono, że chorzy nie różnią się między sobą poziomem SOC oraz rodzajem stylów radzenia sobie w sytuacjach trudnych. Stwierdzono, że SOC ogólny jest znacznie obniżony (113,53 punktów). Wnioski Istnieje potrzeba podjęcia działań o charakterze wspierająco-edukacyjnym ze strony zespołu terapeutycznego dostosowanych do poziomu i sytuacji życiowej chorych.Background Arterial hypertension is a big mental burden for the patient and it negatively influences the quality of life. Sense of coherence (SOC) is a factor which influences the ability to cope with stress. The aim of the study was to examine the level of SOC and styles of coping as determinants of regaining optimum health in patients with arterial hypertension. Material and methods The study included 73 arterial hypertension patients of NZOZ ‘Gemini’ Clinic in Chojnice. Sense of coherence was assessed using SOC-29 questionnaire and coping with stress was assessed using CISS questionnaire. Results The study shows no differences between the patients’ level of SOC and kinds of coping styles in difficult situation. General SOC is significantly lowered (113.53). Conclusions The therapeutic team should perform educational and supportive actions adjusted to the life situation of the patient

    Purification of phage display-modified bacteriophage T4 by affinity chromatography

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Affinity chromatography is one of the most efficient protein purification strategies. This technique comprises a one-step procedure with a purification level in the order of several thousand-fold, adaptable for various proteins, differentiated in their size, shape, charge, and other properties. The aim of this work was to verify the possibility of applying affinity chromatography in bacteriophage purification, with the perspective of therapeutic purposes. T4 is a large, icosahedral phage that may serve as an efficient display platform for foreign peptides or proteins. Here we propose a new method of T4 phage purification by affinity chromatography after its modification with affinity tags (GST and Histag) by <it>in vivo </it>phage display. As any permanent introduction of extraneous DNA into a phage genome is strongly unfavourable for medical purposes, integration of foreign motifs with the phage genome was not applied. The phage was propagated in bacteria expressing fusions of the phage protein Hoc with affinity tags from bacterial plasmids, independently from the phage expression system.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Elution profiles of phages modified with the specific affinity motifs (compared to non-specific phages) document their binding to the affinity resins and effective elution with standard competitive agents. Non-specific binding was also observed, but was 10<sup>2</sup>-10<sup>5 </sup>times weaker than the specific one. GST-modified bacteriophages were also effectively released from glutathione Sepharose by proteolytic cleavage. The possibility of proteolytic release was designed at the stage of expression vector construction. Decrease in LPS content in phage preparations was dependent on the washing intensity; intensive washing resulted in preparations of 11-40 EU/ml.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Affinity tags can be successfully incorporated into the T4 phage capsid by the <it>in vivo </it>phage display technique and they strongly elevate bacteriophage affinity to a specific resin. Affinity chromatography can be considered as a new phage purification method, appropriate for further investigations and development.</p

    Quality of nursing´s care at cardiologic department

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    Assurance of nursing in accordance with actual knowledge and which fulfill expectations of patients require not only the professionalism in execution of duties from the nursing stuff but also an activity towards quality, an activity which base element should be constant measuring and evaluation. Diagnosis of weak and strong sides of nursing at cardiological department. 113 people were involved in research, 41 nurses and 72 randomly selceted patients. In assembling of opinion about nursing’s care quality the Interviewer questionnaire was applied. Strong side of nursing's care is efiicency in carring out the nursing activities, interpersonal relationships between nurse and patient, seeing patients, subjectiv treatment of patient, informing. Weak sides are education, existent need satisfactory and hotel conditions

    Effect of environment fluctuations on biomass and allicin level in <i>Allium sativum</i> (cv. Harnas, Arkus) and <i>Allium ampeloprasum</i> var. <i>ampeloprasum</i> (GHG-L)

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    Climate variables such as temperature and precipitation are the major abiotic environmental factors determining the yields in crop plants. Given the observed trends in climate change, it is important to carry out analyses aimed at description and selection of plant species characterised by not only the best performance traits but also the best adaptation to climate changes. This study focused on phenological-morphological-biochemical investigations, comparing Allium sativum with A. ampeloprasum var. ampeloprasum GHG-L. We present analyses of economically important traits (biomass and allicin levels) in garlic and GHG-L grown in ecological system and effect of environment fluctuations on these traits. Comparative analysis of the biomass and allicin level in the underground part of garlic and GHG-L revealed not only substantial differences between the species and cultivars, but also great impact of the climate variables on these traits. It was found that garlic and GHG-L cultivated in adverse conditions, exhibited lower yielding rates, but the content of allicin was inversely proportional to the biomass. It should be emphasised that, irrespective of the climate fluctuations, GHG-L produced higher biomass and exhibited higher allicin level than garlic grown in the same conditions, indicating that GHG-L is well adapted to adverse climate changes

    Alder pollen season in selected cities of Poland in 2020

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    This paper presents the course of alder pollination season in Poland in 2020. The measurements were performed in Bydgoszcz, Bialystok, Lublin, Olsztyn, Opole, Piotrkow Trybunalski, Sosnowiec, Szczecin, Warsaw, Wroclaw and Zielona Gora. Volumetric method with the use of Volumetric Spore Trap (Burkard, Lanzoni) was implemented. Pollen season was defined as the period in which 95% of the annual total catch occurred. The alder pollen season in 2020 started about 10–30 days earlier compared to 2017–2019. The pollen season started first in Szczecin, Opole and Zielona Gora (in the second half of January). In the other cities alder pollen season started in first half of February. The highest daily pollen count was recorded in Lublin (1211 P/m3). In other cities the maximum concentrations ranged from 160 P/m3 in Sosnowiec to 465 P/m3 in Piotrkow Trybunalski. The highest alder pollen concentrations were detected in the first decade of March (March 1st–3rd). Only in Zielona Gora, Wroclaw, Opole and Sosnowiec the maximum concentration was recorded in the third decade of February. The annual pollen sum of Alnus in 2020 was even 5–10 times lower than in years 2019

    Artemisia pollen season in southern Poland in 2016

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    In the paper, mugwort pollen seasons observed in 2016 were compared in six cities of southern Poland, i.e. Cracow, Lublin, Opole, Sosnowiec, Wroclaw, and Zielona Gora. The investigations of airborne pollen concentrations were carried out with the volumetric method using Lanzoni and Burkard devices. In 2016, the earliest onset of the mugwort pollen season was noted in Lublin (13.07) and the latest beginning was reported in Wroclaw (24.07). High daily pollen concentrations were recorded between the third decade of July and the second decade of August. The highest annual pollen count and the greatest risk of development of allergies to mugwort pollen were noted in Opole and Zielona Gora. The highest daily concentrations for the taxon were recorded in all measurement stations in the first half of August. Maximum concentrations were noted in Wroclaw (84 P/m3) and Lublin (79 P/m3)

    Molecular diagnostic tests for thrombophilia in patients referred to genetic counseling clinic because due to recurrent pregnancy failure. One center’s experience.

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    The loss of three or more subsequent pregnancies before the end of the 22nd week is observed in 0.4–1% of women. Despite great advances in medicine, the causes of pregnancy failure (miscarriages, missed abortions and stillbirths), and the birth of a child or children with congenital abnormalities, are still not determined precisely. The aim: The purpose of the research was to determine the association of polymorphisms and mutations of coagulation factors II and V genes, as well as methylenetethrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene polymorphism, with the course of pregnancy and the type of reproductive failure. Methods: The research was performed in a group of 116 women referred to the Genetic Outpatient Clinic of the NCU SM in Bydgoszcz between 2009–2010 due to reproductive failures. The molecular tests for thrombophilia, i.e. mutation of the factor V Leiden, prothrombin gene mutation 20210G>A, and MTHFR polymorphism 677C>T were done in all patients. Results: The Leiden mutation was found in 8 women (homozygotic in 2 of them) and prothrombin gene mutation in 3. 85 women had the heterozygotic MTHFR polymorphism, while 24 the homozygotic one. Coexistence of the Leiden mutation and the MTHFR polymorphism was found in 3 patients with history of miscarriages. Conclusions: 1. The presence of the mutations that promote thrombophilia in the genes responsible for the foliate metabolism and for the plasma coagulation is often associated with pregnancy failures and may be their basic cause in some cases. 2. The percentage of women with pregnancy failures being heterozygotes (73.3%), homozygotes (20.7%) or both (94%) of the MTHFR gene 677C>T polymorphism is statistically significantly higher than the highest prevalence of these changes in the general population (55, 13%, and 68%, respectively). 3. The factor V gene Leiden mutation is associated mainly with recurrent spontaneous abortions. In the present study it was found only in the group of women with both early and late miscarriages