438 research outputs found

    Is Public Intervention in Water Resources Development Conducive to Economic Efficiency

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    Analysis of Potential Co-Benefits for Bicyclist Crash Imminent Braking Systems

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    In the US, the number of traffic fatalities has had a long term downward trend as a result of advances in the crash worthiness of vehicles. However, these improvements in crash worthiness do little to protect other vulnerable road users such as pedestrians or bicyclists. Several manufacturers have developed a new generation of crash avoidance systems that attempt to recognize and mitigate imminent crashes with non-motorists. While the focus of these systems has been on pedestrians where they can make meaningful contributions to improved safety [1], recent designs of these systems have recognized mitigating bicyclist crashes as a potential co-benefit. This paper evaluates the performance of one system that is currently available for consumer purchase. Because the vehicle manufacturer does not claim effectiveness for their system under all crash geometries, we focus our attention on the crash scenario that has the highest social cost in the US: the cyclist and vehicle on parallel paths being struck from behind. Our analysis of co benefits examines the ability to reduce three measures: number of crashes, fatalities, and a comprehensive measure for social cost that incorporates morbidity and mortality. Test track simulations under realistic circumstances with a realistic surrogate bicyclist target are conducted. Empirical models are developed for system performance and potential benefits for injury and fatality reduction. These models identify three key variables in the analysis: vehicle speed, cyclist speed and cyclist age as key determinants of potential co-benefits. We find that the evaluated system offers only limited benefits for any but the oldest bicycle riders for our tested scenario

    Determination of Optimal Capacity of Resource-Based Recreation Facilities

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    Avaliação e Análise Custo Benefício

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    Este curso desenvolve os princípios fundamentais na tomada de decisão analítica / avaliação de políticas, aplicando esses conceitos a tipos simples de análises de investimento. A partir desse conhecimento, recorre-se aos princípios básicos da análise custo benefício para considerar algumas extensões da análise custo efetividade, e revisa métodos multicritério. Em seguida, desenvolvem-se alguns quadros conceituais e métodos para lidar com a incerteza na avaliação de políticas. Por fim, busca-se analisar a Avaliação do Impacto Regulatório, conforme conduzida no mundo, e como os conceitos e métodos abordados no curso podem informar sua condução.Programa: 5p; Aulas 1 e 2: 20 slides; Aulas 3 e 4: 18 slides; Aula 5: 15 slidesFiscalização. RegulaçãoGestão PúblicaPrograma de Aperfeiçoamento para Carreiras 201

    Unemployment, Excess Capacity, and Benefit-Cost Investment Criteria

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    In this paper we present a model designed to relate the detailed occupational and industrial demands imposed on the economy by several types of water resource investment. This detail provides the basis for adjusting the market cost of such public investments under the employment conditions prevailing in the 1957- 1965 period

    Géppel történő természetes nyelvfeldolgozás üzleti alkalmazása

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    Natural Language Processing (NLP) is becoming increasingly important for researchers doing research in the field of information technology. However, NLP itself is not only used in the academic world, but is also a topic of interest in the competitive world, as it offers many opportunities for automation. The aim of this paper is to analyse and summarise the articles published on NLP from several perspectives, with a particular focus on the development and practical application of the technology, as well as to explore possible future research opportunities, directions and its potential role in industry. Among the practical applications of NLP, research and development in the field of education is increasingly being observed. In order to identify future uses, the underlying textual stocks of the technology should be considered. From this point of view, we can focus on the insurance and banking sectors, where there is a series of administrative processes where centralised paper processing is the incoming data set for the process and where a database dating back several years may be available.A számítógéppel történő természetes nyelvi feldolgozás, azaz az NLP (Natural Language Processing) egyre jelentősebb szerephez jut azon kutatók számára, akik az informatika területén végeznek kutatásokat. Maga az NLP azonban nem csak a tudományos világban van jelen, hanem a versenyszférában is előszeretettel foglalkoznak a témával, ugyanis számos automatizációs lehetőséget rejt magában. Jelen tanulmány célja az NLP témában megjelent cikkek elemzése és több szempontú összefoglalása, különös tekintettel a technológia fejlesztésére és gyakorlati alkalmazására, valamint esetleges jövőbeli kutatási lehetőségek, irányvonalak feltárására és az iparban betöltött lehetséges szerepére. Az NLP gyakorlati felhasználási területei között egyre gyakrabban figyelhetünk meg oktatással összefüggésben álló kutatásokat és fejlesztéseket. A jövőbeli felhasználási terület meghatározásához figyelembe kell vennünk a technológia alapjául szolgáló szöveges állományokat. Ezen aspektusból előtérbe helyezhetjük a biztosítási és banki szektorokat is, melyek esetében olyan ügyintézési folyamatok sorozata zajlik le, ahol központi papírfeldolgozás képezi a folyamat bejövő adatállományát és több évre visszamenőleges adatbázis állhat a rendelkezésünkre

    Surface water quality in the Carpathian basin: Current status and future directions

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    This article assesses the current challenges to water management in the Tisza River basin. We overview the environmental characteristics of the Tisza river basin and consider the economic setting within which water policy making must be conducted, before characterizing the principal water pollution sources in the region and assessing water quality monitoring data. We then compare the current status of the region’s waters to the normative goals for water quality improvement specified in the European Union Water Framework Directive. Lastly, we assess the future outlook for water quality in the Tisza basin, given the current status of water quality in the region and the prospects for successfully implementing water policy objectives

    Unemployment, Excess Capacity, and Benefit-Cost Investment Criteria

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    In this paper we present a model designed to relate the detailed occupational and industrial demands imposed on the economy by several types of water resource investment. This detail provides the basis for adjusting the market cost of such public investments under the employment conditions prevailing in the 1957- 1965 period

    Economic value of ecosystem services, minerals and oil in a melting Arctic: a preliminary assessment

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    The Arctic region is composed of unique marine and terrestrial ecosystems that provide a range of services to local and global populations. However, Arctic sea-ice and permafrost is melting at an unprecedented rate, threatening many of these ecosystems and the services they provide. This short communication provides a preliminary assessment of the quantity, distribution and economic value of key ecosystem services as well as geological resources such as oil and minerals provided by Arctic ecosystems to beneficiaries in the Arctic region and globally. Using biophysical and economic data from existing studies, preliminary estimates indicate that the Arctic currently provides about 281 billion per year (in 2016 US$) in terms of food, mineral extraction, oil production, tourism, hunting, existence values and climate regulation. However, given predictions of ice-free summers by 2037, many of the ecosystem services may be lost. We hope that this communication stimulates discussion among policy-makers regarding the value of ecosystem services and such geological resources as minerals and oil provided by the Arctic region, and the potential ecosystem losses resulting from Arctic melt, so as to motivate decisions vis a vis climate change mitigation before Arctic ice disappears completely
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