861 research outputs found

    Possible detection of a magnetic field in T Tauri

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    Medium-resolution (R≃15000)(R\simeq 15000) circular spectropolarimetry of T Tauri is presented. The star was observed twice: on November 11, 1996 and January 22, 2002. Weak circular polarization has been found in photospheric absorption lines, indicating a mean surface longitudinal magnetic field B∥B_{\|} of 160±40160\pm 40 G and 140±50140\pm 50 G at the epoch of the first and second observations respectively. While these values are near the detection limit of our apparatus, we belive that they are real. In any case one can conclude from our data that B∥B_{\|} of T Tau does not significantly exceed 200 G, which is much less than surface magnetic field strength of the star (>2.3>2.3 kG) found by Guenther et al. (1999) and Johns-Krull et al. (2000). We discuss possible reasons of this difference.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Modelling the molecular Zeeman effect in M-dwarfs: methods and first results

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    We present first quantitative results of the surface magnetic field measurements in selected M-dwarfs based on detailed spectra synthesis conducted simultaneously in atomic and molecular lines of the FeH Wing-Ford F4 Δ−X4 ΔF^4\,\Delta-X^4\,\Delta transitions. A modified version of the Molecular Zeeman Library (MZL) was used to compute Land\'e g-factors for FeH lines in different Hund's cases. Magnetic spectra synthesis was performed with the Synmast code. We show that the implementation of different Hund's case for FeH states depending on their quantum numbers allows us to achieve a good fit to the majority of lines in a sunspot spectrum in an automatic regime. Strong magnetic fields are confirmed via the modelling of atomic and FeH lines for three M-dwarfs YZ~CMi, EV~Lac, and AD~Leo, but their mean intensities are found to be systematically lower than previously reported. A much weaker field (1.7−21.7-2~kG against 2.72.7~kG) is required to fit FeH lines in the spectra of GJ~1224. Our method allows us to measure average magnetic fields in very low-mass stars from polarized radiative transfer. The obtained results indicate that the fields reported in earlier works were probably overestimated by about 15−3015-30\%. Higher quality observations are needed for more definite results.Comment: Accepted by A&A, 13 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Probing the embedded YSOs of the R CrA region through VLT-ISAAC spectroscopy

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    Near IR spectra obtained with ISAAC at VLT, have been used to pose constraints on the evolutionary state and accretion properties of a sample of five embedded YSOs located in the R CrA core. This sample includes three Class I sources (HH100 IR, IRS2 and IRS5), and two sources with NIR excesses (IRS6 and IRS3). Absorption lines have been detected in the medium resolution spectra of all the observed targets, together with emission lines likely originating in the disk-star-wind connected regions. We derived spectral types, veiling and stellar luminosity of the five observed sources, which in turn have been used to infer their mass and age adopting pre-main sequence evolutionary tracks. We find that in HH100 IR and IRS2 most of the bolometric luminosity is due to accretion, while the other three investigated sources, including the Class I object IRS5a, present a low accretion activity (L_{acc}/L_{bol} < 0.2). We observe a general correlation between the accretion luminosity, the IR veiling and the emission line activity of the sources. A correlation between the accretion activity and the spectral energy distribution slope is recognizable but with the notable exception of IRS5a. Our analysis therefore shows how the definition of the evolutionary stage of deeply embedded YSOs by means of IR colors needs to be more carefully refined.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, accepted on A&

    Constrained by managerialism : caring as participation in the voluntary social services

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    The data in this study show that care is a connective process, underlying and motivating participation and as a force that compels involvement in the lives of others, care is at least a micro-participative process. Care or affinity not only persisted in the face of opposition, but it was also used by workers as a counter discourse and set of practices with which to resist the erosion of worker participation and open up less autonomized practices and ways of connecting with fellow staff, clients and the communities they served. The data suggest that while managerialism and taylorised practice models may remove or reduce opportunities for worker participation, care is a theme or storyline that gave workers other ways to understand their work and why they did it, as well as ways they were prepared to resist managerial priorities and directives, including the erosion of various kinds of direct and indirect participation. The degree of resistance possible, even in the highly technocratic worksite in Australia, shows that cracks and fissures exist within managerialism

    Linear response within the projection-based renormalization method: Many-body corrections beyond the random phase approximation

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    The explicit evaluation of linear response coefficients for interacting many-particle systems still poses a considerable challenge to theoreticians. In this work we use a novel many-particle renormalization technique, the so-called projector-based renormalization method, to show how such coefficients can systematically be evaluated. To demonstrate the prospects and power of our approach we consider the dynamical wave-vector dependent spin susceptibility of the two-dimensional Hubbard model and also determine the subsequent magnetic phase diagram close to half-filling. We show that the superior treatment of (Coulomb) correlation and fluctuation effects within the projector-based renormalization method significantly improves the standard random phase approximation results.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, revised versio

    The model of dynamo with small number of modes and magnetic activity of T Tauri stars

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    The model that describes operation of dynamo in fully convective stars is presented. It is based on representation of stellar magnetic field as a superposition of finite number of poloidal and toroidal free damping modes. In the frame of adopted low of stellar differential rotation we estimated minimal value of dynamo number D, starting from which generation of cyclic magnetic field in stars without radiative core is possible. We also derived expression for period of the cycle. It was found that dynamo cycles of fully convective stars and stars with thin convective envelopes differ in a qualitative way: 1) distribution of spots over latitude during the cycle is different in these stars; 2) the model predicts that spot formation in fully convective stars should be strongly suppressed at some phases of the cycle. We have analyzed historical lightcurve of WTTS star V410 Tau and found that long term activity of the star is not periodic process. Rather one can speak about quasi cyclic activity with characteristic time of ∼4\sim 4 yr and chaotic component over imposed. We concluded also that redistribution of cool spots over longitude is the reason of long term variations of V410 Tau brightness. It means that one can not compare directly results of photometric observations with predictions of our axially symmetric (for simplicity) model which allows to investigate time evolution of spot's distribution over latitude. We then discuss what kind of observations and in which way could be used to check predictions of the dynamo theory.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, accepted to Astron. Let

    Magnetically channeled accretion in T Tauri stars : a dynamical process

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    We review observational evidence and open issues related to the process of magnetospheric accretion in T Tauri stars. Emphasis is put on recent numerical simulations and observational results which suggest that the interaction between the stellar magnetosphere and the inner accretion disk is a highly time dependent process on timescales ranging from hours to months.Comment: To appear in Open Issues in Local Star Formation and Early Stellar Evolution, eds. J. Lepine, J. Gregorio-Hete

    The analysis of magnetic field measurements of T Tau

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    It is shown that the existence of hot accretion spots at the surface of T Tau practically has no effect on the accuracy of estimation of its magnetic field strength at photospheric level. We also found that one can interpret results of T Tau's photospheric magnetic field strength measurements carried out via different methods in the frame of the following alternative: 1) if T Tau's inclination angle i≤10∘,i\le 10^\circ, then magnetic field of the star may be dipolar with the angle between rotational and magnetic axes is near 85∘;85^\circ; 2) if it will be found (e.g. from interferometric observations) that i>10∘,i>10^\circ, then magnetic field of T Tau is essentially non-dipolar or/and non-stationary.Comment: 4 figure
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