171 research outputs found

    Fixed Versus Random Sampling Designs in Small South Dakota Glacial Lakes

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    Choice of sampling design is fundamental when planning surveys to monitor fisheries resources. However, little is known about the impact that different sampling designs may have on commonly collected fish population metrics used to index relative abundance, size structure, and diversity in small (\u3c200 ha) glacial lakes. To address this issue, we sampled three small glacial lakes in eastern South Dakota with modified fyke nets and gill nets at fixed sites used by South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks and a complement of nets at randomized sites. Catch per unit effort (CPUE), proportional size distribution (PSD), and PSD-preferred (PSD-P) were compared between fixed and random designs for each species and gear by lake while Bray-Curtis distances were calculated between sample designs for each gear type in each lake. Precision of CPUE estimates for routinely indexed species were calculated for both gears used by each sampling design. No consistent bias in calculated population metrics was detected between sampling designs for any species collected with either gear type in the three lakes. Sampling precision of CPUE estimates were low for both gears and study designs; though randomized sites tended to yield lower precision. Power analyses indicated that current levels of sampling effort are insufficient to detect differences in CPUE or PSD/PSD-P between fixed and random sampling designs. In addition to being small, study lakes had relatively homogenous habitat allowing for effective sampling resulting in similar values of CPUE and PSD/PSD-P for both fixed and random study designs, and high assemblage overlap. We conclude that fixed sampling sites provide adequate representation of fish communities in small glacial lakes and are sufficient for monitoring temporal changes in these small, but numerous, systems

    Antisense Suppression of the Small Chloroplast Protein CP12 in Tobacco Alters Carbon Partitioning and Severely Restricts Growth

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    Abstract The thioredoxin-regulated chloroplast protein CP12 forms a multienzyme complex with the Calvin-Benson cycle enzymes phosphoribulokinase (PRK) and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH). PRK and GAPDH are inactivated when present in this complex, a process shown in vitro to be dependent upon oxidized CP12. The importance of CP12 in vivo in higher plants, however, has not been investigated. Here, antisense suppression of CP12 in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) was observed to impact on NAD-induced PRK and GAPDH complex formation but had little effect on enzyme activity. Additionally, only minor changes in photosynthetic carbon fixation were observed. Despite this, antisense plants displayed changes in growth rates and morphology, including dwarfism and reduced apical dominance. The hypothesis that CP12 is essential to separate oxidative pentose phosphate pathway activity from Calvin-Benson cycle activity, as proposed in cyanobacteria, was tested. No evidence was found to support this role in tobacco. Evidence was seen, however, for a restriction to malate valve capacity, with decreases in NADP-malate dehydrogenase activity (but not protein levels) and pyridine nucleotide content. Antisense repression of CP12 also led to significant changes in carbon partitioning, with increased carbon allocation to the cell wall and the organic acids malate and fumarate and decreased allocation to starch and soluble carbohydrates. Severe decreases were also seen in 2-oxoglutarate content, a key indicator of cellular carbon sufficiency. The data presented here indicate that in tobacco, CP12 has a role in redox-mediated regulation of carbon partitioning from the chloroplast and provides strong in vivo evidence that CP12 is required for normal growth and development in plants.</jats:p

    Tools to Ease the Choice and Design of Protein Crystallisation Experiments

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    The process of macromolecular crystallisation almost always begins by setting up crystallisation trials using commercial or other premade screens, followed by cycles of optimisation where the crystallisation cocktails are focused towards a particular small region of chemical space. The screening process is relatively straightforward, but still requires an understanding of the plethora of commercially available screens. Optimisation is complicated by requiring both the design and preparation of the appropriate secondary screens. Software has been developed in the C3 lab to aid the process of choosing initial screens, to analyse the results of the initial trials, and to design and describe how to prepare optimisation screens

    Slouching towards engagement: interactions between people using psychedelics naturalistically and their healthcare providers

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    IntroductionThere is substantial public interest in psychedelics as potential treatments for psychiatric conditions. However, most psychedelics are criminalized under federal law in the USA, so it is unclear whether use occurs with clinical support. Our objective was to assess whether naturalistic psychedelic use occurs with clinical support, interactions between those using psychedelics and healthcare providers (psychiatrist, therapist, or primary physicians), and use characteristics.MethodsWe conducted an online, anonymous, confidential, cross-sectional survey of adults reporting psychedelic use (N = 1221) through a psychedelics advocacy event and social media between 9/18/2022 and 11/5/2022. We assessed participant disclosure of psychedelic use with their psychiatric care provider (PsyCP) and/or primary care provider (PCP), desire for provider support, access to support, and rate of taking prescribed psychoactive medications alongside psychedelics.ResultsAmong participants with such care providers, 22% disclosed psychedelic use to their PCP vs. 58% to their PsyCP. Participants were less confident in PCP vs. PsyCP ability to integrate psychedelics into treatment. Common reasons for nondisclosure included stigma, inadequate provider knowledge, and legal concerns. 23% reported taking psychedelics on the same day as potentially interacting psychiatric medications (e.g., anxiolytics, antidepressants). Despite 81% of participants desiring therapist support during psychedelic experiences, only 15% had received such support.DiscussionOur results show that psychedelic use is generally disconnected from primary and psychiatric clinical care. This disconnection may result in safety issues, including inadequate screening for contraindicated conditions, lack of support during emergent adverse events, and drug interactions. Enhanced clinical education and orienting drug policy towards known harms and benefits of psychedelics is needed


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    The credo - reaffirming our professionalismThe quest for ethics in medicineThe public service labour relations shamblesSensitisation, pre-emptive and total analgesiaThe resurrection ofprimary percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty for the treatment of acute myocardial infarctionPrimary health care depends on the district health syste

    Seedbank Persistence of Palmer Amaranth (\u3ci\u3eAmaranthus palmeri\u3c/i\u3e) and Waterhemp (\u3ci\u3eAmaranthus tuberculatus\u3c/i\u3e) across Diverse Geographical Regions in the United States

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    Knowledge of the effects of burial depth and burial duration on seed viability and, consequently, seedbank persistence of Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri S. Watson) and waterhemp [Amaranthus tuberculatus (Moq.) J. D. Sauer] ecotypes can be used for the development of efficient weed management programs. This is of particular interest, given the great fecundity of both species and, consequently, their high seedbank replenishment potential. Seeds of both species collected from five different locations across the United States were investigated in seven states (sites) with different soil and climatic conditions. Seeds were placed at two depths (0 and 15cm) for 3 yr. Each year, seeds were retrieved, and seed damage (shrunken, malformed, or broken) plus losses (deteriorated and futile germination) and viability were evaluated. Greater seed damage plus loss averaged across seed origin, burial depth, and year was recorded for lots tested at Illinois (51.3% and 51.8%) followed by Tennessee (40.5% and 45.1%) and Missouri (39.2% and 42%) for A. palmeri and A. tuberculatus, respectively. The site differences for seed persistence were probably due to higher volumetric water content at these sites. Rates of seed demise were directly proportional to burial depth (α=0.001), whereas the percentage of viable seeds recovered after 36 mo on the soil surface ranged from 4.1% to 4.3% compared with 5% to 5.3% at the 15-cm depth for A. palmeri and A. tuberculatus, respectively. Seed viability loss was greater in the seeds placed on the soil surface compared with the buried seeds. The greatest influences on seed viability were burial conditions and time and site-specific soil conditions, more so than geographical location. Thus, management of these weed species should focus on reducing seed shattering, enhancing seed removal from the soil surface, or adjusting tillage systems

    13C Metabolic Flux Analysis Identifies an Unusual Route for Pyruvate Dissimilation in Mycobacteria which Requires Isocitrate Lyase and Carbon Dioxide Fixation

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    Mycobacterium tuberculosis requires the enzyme isocitrate lyase (ICL) for growth and virulence in vivo. The demonstration that M. tuberculosis also requires ICL for survival during nutrient starvation and has a role during steady state growth in a glycerol limited chemostat indicates a function for this enzyme which extends beyond fat metabolism. As isocitrate lyase is a potential drug target elucidating the role of this enzyme is of importance; however, the role of isocitrate lyase has never been investigated at the level of in vivo fluxes. Here we show that deletion of one of the two icl genes impairs the replication of Mycobacterium bovis BCG at slow growth rate in a carbon limited chemostat. In order to further understand the role of isocitrate lyase in the central metabolism of mycobacteria the effect of growth rate on the in vivo fluxes was studied for the first time using 13C-metabolic flux analysis (MFA). Tracer experiments were performed with steady state chemostat cultures of BCG or M. tuberculosis supplied with 13C labeled glycerol or sodium bicarbonate. Through measurements of the 13C isotopomer labeling patterns in protein-derived amino acids and enzymatic activity assays we have identified the activity of a novel pathway for pyruvate dissimilation. We named this the GAS pathway because it utilizes the Glyoxylate shunt and Anapleurotic reactions for oxidation of pyruvate, and Succinyl CoA synthetase for the generation of succinyl CoA combined with a very low flux through the succinate – oxaloacetate segment of the tricarboxylic acid cycle. We confirm that M. tuberculosis can fix carbon from CO2 into biomass. As the human host is abundant in CO2 this finding requires further investigation in vivo as CO2 fixation may provide a point of vulnerability that could be targeted with novel drugs. This study also provides a platform for further studies into the metabolism of M. tuberculosis using 13C-MFA
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