10 research outputs found

    The current position of the foreign terrorist fighters in the Republic of North Macedonia

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    Terrorism with religious ideological background today is a serious global threat. The modern infrastructure and the communications of movement allowed terrorist organizations to be able to attack everywhere in the world. The issue that is a point of interest of this paper is the current situation of returning the foreign terrorist fighters to their home country or third countries and the security consequences that may arise if they are not treated properly. For a more detailed perception of this problem through the case analysis – an operative police action related to the foreign terrorist fighters, the functional aspects of the criminal prosecution bodies of the Republic of North Macedonia will be better perceived and studied. Also, a special emphasis will be placed on the strategy for the fight against violent extremism and the financing of terrorist fighters

    Knowledge sharing practices and issues in policing contexts: a systematic review of the literature.

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    The effective sharing of knowledge both within and between police organizations is arguably becoming increasingly vital for success and has driven research in a disparate range of fields. This paper therefore presents the results of an integrative systematic literature review of research into knowledge sharing within and between police organizations across Europe. The 39 papers analysed were drawn from English-language studies published between 2000 and 2013, complemented by additional searches for non-English language papers in nine European countries. Analyses showed that past research has focused on intra-organizational knowledge sharing, with a particular spotlight on criminal intelligence and technology. Barriers / enablers of knowledge sharing were grouped into knowledge management strategy/legislation, technology, culture and loss of knowledge themes. Research recommendations include exploring the role of leadership and examination of police knowledge sharing across regional, institutional and international boundaries. Practical recommendations include having procedural clarity in systems, policies for sharing knowledge and developing the relevant knowledge, skills and motivation of police personnel through appropriate training. Keyword : knowledge sharing, information, systematic literature review, polic

    Role and task of the patronage nurse and work with pregnant women before and after giving birth

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    Patronage nurse - a qualified nurse who is well trained in obstetrics and preventive medicine (including health promotion measures). To this end, all born children receive a health visitor who is responsible for monitoring their pre-school age (as well as older children who suffer from various chronic diseases). Patronage nurses do not usually provide direct practical care for children, but only try to teach parents or relatives how to better care for them, paying particular attention to how their children's health can be improved. It is the responsibility of a nurse to monitor children with disabilities or older children. Keywords: рatronage nurse, сhildren, рarents, рrotectio

    Postoperative recovery after day surgery : Follow-up through the patient`s own mobile phone

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    Bakgrund: Utvecklingen inom kirurgi och anestesi har bidragit till att allt fler operationer utförs dagkirurgiskt då det minskar sjukhusvistelse för patienten och är kostnadseffektivt för vården. Det finns många fördelar med dagkirurgiska ingrepp men nackdelen är att ansvaret för den postoperativa återhämtningen läggs på patient och eventuella anhöriga att bevaka. Det är viktigt att vården förbereder patient och anhöriga inför hemgång med specifik information och instruktioner utifrån patientgrupp för att patienterna ska känna sig trygga. Syfte: Att studera postoperativ återhämtning efter dagkirurgisk operation. Metod: Studien har en randomiserad kontrollerad design. Studien omfattade 565 patienter som randomiserats till en interventions- och kontrollgrupp. Alla inkluderade svarade på Svensk Post-discharge Surgical Recovery Scale preoperativt och dag 28 postoperativt. Interventionsgruppen svarade även på mobilfrågor dag 1 – 14, 21 och 28 postoperativt. Resultat: I resultatet framkom att kvinnor hade sämre återhämtning jämfört med män och att den postoperativa återhämtningen skiljde sig mellan olika operationsgrupper. Ortopedpatienterna behövde längre tid för återhämtning, hade mer smärta, mer behov av vila, sämre rörlighet och behövde mer hjälp med ADL än övriga grupper. Det positiva med resultatet var att alla patienter uppgav lite besvär med illamående och yrsel vilket kan tyda på att patienterna fått bra PONV profylax inför hemgång. Konklusion: Författarna anser att det behövs fler studier som undersöker kvinnors postoperativa återhämtning. Resultatet styrker att ortopediska patienter kan behöva mer uppföljning efter hemgång och att mer specifik information utifrån ingrepp kan höja kvaliteten inom dagkirurgisk vård

    Red and white aesthetics with all ceramic crowns and bridges

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    Contemporary living imposes the need of aesthetics restorations, especially of the frontal teeth. Here, we are, not talking only about nice teeth, but also a stunning smile.The clinical decision to reconstruct the front bases on extensive analysis and includes protocol by the following order: multiple clinical examination;making more studio casts which are necessary in the further phases, like reminder of the starting position;x-ray images which are used to evaluate the condition of the teeth; photos of the patient’s face in profile and front and photos of the starting occlusion. On the photos we are drawing the gummarginal edges. The next step is to elevate their level to the wanted height. Of course we need to be objective at this point, so we dislocate the gum edges to the imagined line to get the wanted height and length for the all ceramic frontal teeth. The purpose of this simulated gingivectomy is to obtain equal shape and size of the frontal teeth and harmonic arches in the cervical part of the teeth. When the gypsum cast is ready, we are starting the wax modelation. With the “wax up” modelation we envision teeth future shape, length, width and convexity. Later we prepare the teeth and make the temporary bridges with the “copy” method. After one month, when the epithelisation is finished, we take impression for thepermanent all ceramic constructions. With these aesthetic procedures patient self-confidence is the most important. Extremely necessary is to balance the will of the patient and the real possibilities for aesthetic intervention. Key words Aesthetics, casts, gingivectomy, smil

    Establishing Evacuee Reception Centres by Czech Red Cross Humanitarian Crews

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    Import 26/06/2013Diplomová práce se zabývá zřizováním přijímacích středisek pro evakuované osoby Humanitárními jednotkami Českého červeného kříže. V práci je provedena analýza stávajícího systému fungování přijímacích středisek. Jsou zde vymezeny nedostatky v činnosti těchto jednotek, které zohledňují zejména výsledky cvičení Humanitární jednotky Českého červeného kříže Blansko. V závěru práce jsou navržena opatření pro zkvalitnění činnosti Humanitárních jednotek Českého červeného kříže při zřizování přijímacích středisek pro evakuované osoby.The thesis deals with establishing of receiving centres for evacuees by Humanitarian teams of Czech Red Cross. The thesis opens with an analysis presenting a current system of running the receiving centres. The main focus is on defining failings in functioning of these units which are based on results obtained from trainings of the Humanitarian Czech Red Cross in Blansko. Finally, in the conclusion there is an attempt to suggest actions for improving work of Humanitarian teams of the Czech Red Cross in the process of establishing the receiving centres.Prezenční050 - Katedra ochrany obyvatelstvavelmi dobř

    Policing opportunities and threats in Europe

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    Purpose – This paper aims to take stock and to increase understanding of the opportunities and threats for policing in ten European countries in the Political, Economic, Social, Technological and Legal (PESTL) environment. Design/methodology/approach – This study is part of the large EU‐funded COMPOSITE project into organisational change. A PESTL analysis was executed to produce the environmental scan that will serve as a platform for further research into change management within the police. The findings are based on structured interviews with police officers of 17 different police forces and knowledgeable externals in ten European countries. The sampling strategy was optimized for representativeness under the binding capacity constraints defined by the COMPOSITE research budget. Findings – European police forces face a long list of environmental changes that can be grouped in the five PESTL clusters with a common denominator. There is also quite some overlap as to both the importance and nature of the key PESTL trends across the ten countries, suggesting convergence in Europe. Originality/value – A study of this magnitude has not been seen before in Europe, which brings new insights to the target population of police forces across Europe. Moreover, policing is an interesting field to study from the perspective of organisational change, featuring a high incidence of change in combination with a wide variety of change challenges, such as those related to identity and leadership