Contemporary living imposes the need of aesthetics restorations, especially of the frontal teeth. Here, we are, not talking only about nice teeth, but also a stunning smile.The clinical decision to reconstruct the front bases on extensive analysis and includes protocol by the following order: multiple clinical examination;making more studio casts which are necessary in the further phases, like reminder of the starting position;x-ray images which are used to evaluate the condition of the teeth; photos of the patient’s face in profile and front and photos of the starting occlusion. On the photos we are drawing the gummarginal edges. The next step is to elevate their level to the wanted height. Of course we need to be objective at this point, so we dislocate the gum edges to the imagined line to get the wanted height and length for the all ceramic frontal teeth. The purpose of this simulated gingivectomy is to obtain equal shape and size of the frontal teeth and harmonic arches in the cervical part of the teeth. When the gypsum cast is ready, we are starting the wax modelation. With the “wax up” modelation we envision teeth future shape, length, width and convexity. Later we prepare the teeth and make the temporary bridges with the “copy” method. After one month, when the epithelisation is finished, we take impression for thepermanent all ceramic constructions. With these aesthetic procedures patient self-confidence is the most important. Extremely necessary is to balance the will of the patient and the real possibilities for aesthetic intervention.
Key words
Aesthetics, casts, gingivectomy, smil