9 research outputs found

    Mera sličnosti između modela Gausovih smeša zasnovana na transformaciji prostora parametara

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    Predmet istraživanja ovog rada je istraživanje i eksploatacija mogućnosti da parametri Gausovih komponenti korišćenih Gaussian mixture modela  (GMM) aproksimativno leže na niže dimenzionalnoj površi umetnutoj u konusu pozitivno definitnih matrica. U tu svrhu uvodimo novu, mnogo efikasniju meru sličnosti između GMM-ova projektovanjem LPP-tipa parametara komponenti iz više dimenzionalnog parametarskog originalno konfiguracijskog prostora u prostor značajno niže dimenzionalnosti. Prema tome, nalaženje distance između dva GMM-a iz originalnog prostora se redukuje na nalaženje distance između dva skupa niže dimenzionalnih euklidskih vektora, ponderisanih odgovarajućim težinama. Predložena mera je pogodna za primene koje zahtevaju visoko dimenzionalni prostor obeležja i/ili veliki ukupan broj Gausovih komponenti. Razrađena metodologija je primenjena kako na sintetičkim tako i na realnim eksperimentalnim podacima.This thesis studies the possibility that the parameters of Gaussian components of a particular Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) lie approximately on a lower-dimensional surface embedded in the cone of positive definite matrices. For that case, we deliver novel, more efficient similarity measure between GMMs, by LPP-like projecting the components of a particular GMM, from the high dimensional original parameter space, to a much lower dimensional space. Thus, finding the distance between two GMMs in the original space is reduced to finding the distance between sets of lower dimensional euclidian vectors, pondered by corresponding weights. The proposed measure is suitable for applications that utilize high dimensional feature spaces and/or large overall number of Gaussian components. We confirm our results on artificial, as well as real experimental data

    Mera sličnosti između modela Gausovih smeša zasnovana na transformaciji prostora parametara

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    Predmet istraživanja ovog rada je istraživanje i eksploatacija mogućnosti da parametri Gausovih komponenti korišćenih Gaussian mixture modela  (GMM) aproksimativno leže na niže dimenzionalnoj površi umetnutoj u konusu pozitivno definitnih matrica. U tu svrhu uvodimo novu, mnogo efikasniju meru sličnosti između GMM-ova projektovanjem LPP-tipa parametara komponenti iz više dimenzionalnog parametarskog originalno konfiguracijskog prostora u prostor značajno niže dimenzionalnosti. Prema tome, nalaženje distance između dva GMM-a iz originalnog prostora se redukuje na nalaženje distance između dva skupa niže dimenzionalnih euklidskih vektora, ponderisanih odgovarajućim težinama. Predložena mera je pogodna za primene koje zahtevaju visoko dimenzionalni prostor obeležja i/ili veliki ukupan broj Gausovih komponenti. Razrađena metodologija je primenjena kako na sintetičkim tako i na realnim eksperimentalnim podacima.This thesis studies the possibility that the parameters of Gaussian components of a particular Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) lie approximately on a lower-dimensional surface embedded in the cone of positive definite matrices. For that case, we deliver novel, more efficient similarity measure between GMMs, by LPP-like projecting the components of a particular GMM, from the high dimensional original parameter space, to a much lower dimensional space. Thus, finding the distance between two GMMs in the original space is reduced to finding the distance between sets of lower dimensional euclidian vectors, pondered by corresponding weights. The proposed measure is suitable for applications that utilize high dimensional feature spaces and/or large overall number of Gaussian components. We confirm our results on artificial, as well as real experimental data

    Measure of similarity between GMMs by embedding of the parameter space that preserves KL divergence

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    In this work, we deliver a novel measure of similarity between Gaussian mixture models (GMMs) by neighborhood preserving embedding (NPE) of the parameter space, that projects components of GMMs, which by our assumption lie close to lower dimensional manifold. By doing so, we obtain a transformation from the original high-dimensional parameter space, into a much lower-dimensional resulting parameter space. Therefore, resolving the distance between two GMMs is reduced to (taking the account of the corresponding weights) calculating the distance between sets of lower-dimensional Euclidean vectors. Much better trade-off between the recognition accuracy and the computational complexity is achieved in comparison to measures utilizing distances between Gaussian components evaluated in the original parameter space. The proposed measure is much more efficient in machine learning tasks that operate on large data sets, as in such tasks, the required number of overall Gaussian components is always large. Artificial, as well as real-world experiments are conducted, showing much better trade-off between recognition accuracy and computational complexity of the proposed measure, in comparison to all baseline measures of similarity between GMMs tested in this paper.Web of Science99art. no. 95

    Semiautomatic epicardial fat segmentation based on fuzzy c-means clustering and geometric ellipse fitting

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    Automatic segmentation of particular heart parts plays an important role in recognition tasks, which is utilized for diagnosis and treatment. One particularly important application is segmentation of epicardial fat (surrounds the heart), which is shown by various studies to indicate risk level for developing various cardiovascular diseases as well as to predict progression of certain diseases. Quantification of epicardial fat from CT images requires advance image segmentation methods. The problem of the state-of-the-art methods for epicardial fat segmentation is their high dependency on user interaction, resulting in low reproducibility of studies and time-consuming analysis. We propose in this paper a novel semiautomatic approach for segmentation and quantification of epicardial fat from 3D CT images. Our method is a semisupervised slice-by-slice segmentation approach based on local adaptive morphology and fuzzy c-means clustering. Additionally, we use a geometric ellipse prior to filter out undesired parts of the target cluster. The validation of the proposed methodology shows good correspondence between the segmentation results and the manual segmentation performed by physicians

    Mera sličnosti između modela Gausovih smeša zasnovana na transformaciji prostora parametara

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    Predmet istraživanja ovog rada je istraživanje i eksploatacija mogućnosti da parametri Gausovih komponenti korišćenih Gaussian mixture modela  (GMM) aproksimativno leže na niže dimenzionalnoj površi umetnutoj u konusu pozitivno definitnih matrica. U tu svrhu uvodimo novu, mnogo efikasniju meru sličnosti između GMM-ova projektovanjem LPP-tipa parametara komponenti iz više dimenzionalnog parametarskog originalno konfiguracijskog prostora u prostor značajno niže dimenzionalnosti. Prema tome, nalaženje distance između dva GMM-a iz originalnog prostora se redukuje na nalaženje distance između dva skupa niže dimenzionalnih euklidskih vektora, ponderisanih odgovarajućim težinama. Predložena mera je pogodna za primene koje zahtevaju visoko dimenzionalni prostor obeležja i/ili veliki ukupan broj Gausovih komponenti. Razrađena metodologija je primenjena kako na sintetičkim tako i na realnim eksperimentalnim podacima.This thesis studies the possibility that the parameters of Gaussian components of a particular Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) lie approximately on a lower-dimensional surface embedded in the cone of positive definite matrices. For that case, we deliver novel, more efficient similarity measure between GMMs, by LPP-like projecting the components of a particular GMM, from the high dimensional original parameter space, to a much lower dimensional space. Thus, finding the distance between two GMMs in the original space is reduced to finding the distance between sets of lower dimensional euclidian vectors, pondered by corresponding weights. The proposed measure is suitable for applications that utilize high dimensional feature spaces and/or large overall number of Gaussian components. We confirm our results on artificial, as well as real experimental data

    Feature Map Regularized CycleGAN for Domain Transfer

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    CycleGAN domain transfer architectures use cycle consistency loss mechanisms to enforce the bijectivity of highly underconstrained domain transfer mapping. In this paper, in order to further constrain the mapping problem and reinforce the cycle consistency between two domains, we also introduce a novel regularization method based on the alignment of feature maps probability distributions. This type of optimization constraint, expressed via an additional loss function, allows for further reducing the size of the regions that are mapped from the source domain into the same image in the target domain, which leads to mapping closer to the bijective and thus better performance. By selecting feature maps of the network layers with the same depth d in the encoder of the direct generative adversarial networks (GANs), and the decoder of the inverse GAN, it is possible to describe their d-dimensional probability distributions and, through novel regularization term, enforce similarity between representations of the same image in both domains during the mapping cycle. We introduce several ground distances between Gaussian distributions of the corresponding feature maps used in the regularization. In the experiments conducted on several real datasets, we achieved better performance in the unsupervised image transfer task in comparison to the baseline CycleGAN, and obtained results that were much closer to the fully supervised pix2pix method for all used datasets. The PSNR measure of the proposed method was, on average, 4.7% closer to the results of the pix2pix method in comparison to the baseline CycleGAN over all datasets. This also held for SSIM, where the described percentage was 8.3% on average over all datasets

    Bootstrapped SSL CycleGAN for Asymmetric Domain Transfer

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    Most CycleGAN domain transfer architectures require a large amount of data belonging to domains on which the domain transfer task is to be applied. Nevertheless, in many real-world applications one of the domains is reduced, i.e., scarce. This means that it has much less training data available in comparison to the other domain, which is fully observable. In order to tackle the problem of using CycleGAN framework in such unfavorable application scenarios, we propose and invoke a novel Bootstrapped SSL CycleGAN architecture (BTS-SSL), where the mentioned problem is overcome using two strategies. Firstly, by using a relatively small percentage of available labelled training data from the reduced or scarce domain and a Semi-Supervised Learning (SSL) approach, we prevent overfitting of the discriminator belonging to the reduced domain, which would otherwise occur during initial training iterations due to the small amount of available training data in the scarce domain. Secondly, after initial learning guided by the described SSL strategy, additional bootstrapping (BTS) of the reduced data domain is performed by inserting artifically generated training examples into the training poll of the data discriminator belonging to the scarce domain. Bootstrapped samples are generated by the already trained neural network that performs transferring from the fully observable to the scarce domain. The described procedure is periodically repeated during the training process several times and results in significantly improved performance of the final model in comparison to the original unsupervised CycleGAN approach. The same also holds in comparison to the solutions that are exclusively based either on the described SSL, or on the bootstrapping strategy, i.e., when these are applied separately. Moreover, in the considered scarce scenarios it also shows competitive results in comparison to the fully supervised solution based on the pix2pix method. In that sense, it is directly applicable to many domain transfer tasks that are relying on the CycleGAN architecture

    Bootstrapped SSL CycleGAN for Asymmetric Domain Transfer

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    Most CycleGAN domain transfer architectures require a large amount of data belonging to domains on which the domain transfer task is to be applied. Nevertheless, in many real-world applications one of the domains is reduced, i.e., scarce. This means that it has much less training data available in comparison to the other domain, which is fully observable. In order to tackle the problem of using CycleGAN framework in such unfavorable application scenarios, we propose and invoke a novel Bootstrapped SSL CycleGAN architecture (BTS-SSL), where the mentioned problem is overcome using two strategies. Firstly, by using a relatively small percentage of available labelled training data from the reduced or scarce domain and a Semi-Supervised Learning (SSL) approach, we prevent overfitting of the discriminator belonging to the reduced domain, which would otherwise occur during initial training iterations due to the small amount of available training data in the scarce domain. Secondly, after initial learning guided by the described SSL strategy, additional bootstrapping (BTS) of the reduced data domain is performed by inserting artifically generated training examples into the training poll of the data discriminator belonging to the scarce domain. Bootstrapped samples are generated by the already trained neural network that performs transferring from the fully observable to the scarce domain. The described procedure is periodically repeated during the training process several times and results in significantly improved performance of the final model in comparison to the original unsupervised CycleGAN approach. The same also holds in comparison to the solutions that are exclusively based either on the described SSL, or on the bootstrapping strategy, i.e., when these are applied separately. Moreover, in the considered scarce scenarios it also shows competitive results in comparison to the fully supervised solution based on the pix2pix method. In that sense, it is directly applicable to many domain transfer tasks that are relying on the CycleGAN architecture

    Brašno - Kruh '13

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    The "Flour-Bread '13“ Congress topics were the following: breeding and quality of cereal grains, grain storage and milling technology, analytical and rheological methods, baking technology, improvers and additives, starch and modified starch, extrusion and pasta production, biscuit and pastry products, nutritional quality of cereals, cereal food safety and cereal based functional foods