300 research outputs found

    Dark matter density profiles: A comparison of nonextensive theory with N-body simulations

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    Density profiles of simulated galaxy cluster-sized dark matter haloes are analysed in the context of a recently introduced nonextensive theory of dark matter and gas density distributions. Nonextensive statistics accounts for long-range interactions in gravitationally coupled systems and is derived from the fundamental concept of entropy generalisation. The simulated profiles are determined down to radii of ~1% of R_200. The general trend of the relaxed, spherically averaged profiles is accurately reproduced by the theory. For the main free parameter kappa, measuring the degree of coupling within the system, and linked to physical quantities as the heat capacity and the polytropic index of the self-gravitating ensembles, we find a value of -15. The significant advantage over empirical fitting functions is provided by the physical content of the nonextensive approach.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Finite Element Thermal Study of the Linac4 Plasma Generatora

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    The temperature distribution and heat flow at equilibrium of the plasma generator of the RF-powered non-cesiated Linac4 H- ion source have been studied with a finite element model. It is shown that the equilibrium temperatures obtained in the Linac4 nominal operation mode (100 kW RF power, 2 Hz, 0.4 ms pulse duration) are within material specifications except for the magnet cage, where a redesign may be necessary. To assess the upgrade of the Linac4 source for operation in the high-power operation mode of SPL, an extrapolation of the heat load towards 100 kW RF power, 50 Hz repetition rate and 0.4 ms pulse duration has been performed. The results indicate that a significant improvement of the source cooling is required to allow for operation in HP-SPL

    Galaxies undergoing ram-pressure stripping: the influence of the bulge on morphology and star formation rate

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    We investigate the influence of stellar bulges on the star formation and morphology of disc galaxies that suffer from ram pressure. Several tree-SPH (smoothed particle hydrodynamics) simulations have been carried out to study the dependence of the star formation rate on the mass and size of a stellar bulge. In addition, different strengths of ram pressure and different alignments of the disc with respect to the intra-cluster medium (ICM) are applied. As claimed in previous works, when ram pressure is acting on a galaxy, the star formation rate (SFR) is enhanced and rises up to four times with increasing ICM density compared to galaxies that evolve in isolation. However, a bulge suppresses the SFR when the same ram pressure is applied. Consequently, fewer new stars are formed because the SFR can be lowered by up to 2 M_sun/yr. Furthermore, the denser the surrounding gas, the more inter-stellar medium (ISM) is stripped. While at an ICM density of 10^-28 g/cm^3 about 30% of the ISM is stripped, the galaxy is almost completely (more than 90%) stripped when an ICM density of 10^-27 g/cm^3 is applied. But again, a bulge prevents the stripping of the ISM and reduces the amount being stripped by up to 10%. Thereby, fewer stars are formed in the wake if the galaxy contains a bulge. The dependence of the SFR on the disc tilt angle is not very pronounced. Hereby a slight trend of decreasing star formation with increasing inclination angle can be determined. Furthermore, with increasing disc tilt angles, less gas is stripped and therefore fewer stars are formed in the wake. Reducing the disc gas mass fraction results in a lower SFR when the galaxies evolve in vacuum. On the other hand, the enhancement of the SFR in case of acting ram pressure is less pronounced with increasing gas mass fraction. Moreover, the fractional amount of stripped gas does not depend on the gas mass fraction.Comment: 11 pages, 18 figure

    Internal kinematics of spiral galaxies in distant clusters III. Velocity fields from FORS2/MXU spectroscopy

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    (Abridged) We study the impact of cluster environment on the evolution of spiral galaxies by examining their structure and kinematics. Rather than two-dimensional rotation curves, we observe complete velocity fields by placing three adjacent and parallel FORS2 MXU slits on each object, yielding several emission and absorption lines. The gas velocity fields are reconstructed and decomposed into circular rotation and irregular motions using kinemetry. To quantify irregularities in the gas kinematics, we define three parameters: sigma_{PA} (standard deviation of the kinematic position angle), Delta phi (the average misalignment between kinematic and photometric position angles) and k_{3,5} (squared sum of the higher order Fourier terms). Using local, undistorted galaxies from SINGS, these can be used to establish the regularity of the gas velocity fields. Here we present the analysis of 22 distant galaxies in the MS0451.6-0305 field with 11 members at z=0.54. In this sample we find both field (4 out of 8) and cluster (3 out of 4) galaxies with velocity fields that are both irregular and asymmetric. We show that these fractions are underestimates of the actual number of galaxies with irregular velocity fields. The values of the (ir)regularity parameters for cluster galaxies are not very different from those of the field galaxies, implying that there are isolated field galaxies that are as distorted as the cluster members. None of the deviations in our small sample correlate with photometric/structural properties like luminosity or disk scale length in a significant way. Our 3D-spectroscopic method successfully maps the velocity field of distant galaxies, enabling the importance and efficiency of cluster specific interactions to be assessed quantitatively.Comment: accepted for publication in A&A, high resolution version available at http://www.astro.rug.nl/~kutdemir/papers

    Metal enrichment of the intra-cluster medium over a Hubble time for merging and relaxed galaxy clusters

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    We investigate the efficiency of galactic mass loss, triggered by ram-pressure stripping and galactic winds of cluster galaxies, on the chemical enrichment of the intra-cluster medium (ICM). We combine N-body and hydrodynamic simulations with a semi-numerical galaxy formation model. By including simultaneously different enrichment processes, namely ram-pressure stripping and galactic winds, in galaxy-cluster simulations, we are able to reproduce the observed metal distribution in the ICM. We find that the mass loss by galactic winds in the redshift regime z>2 is ~10% to 20% of the total galactic wind mass loss, whereas the mass loss by ram-pressure stripping in the same epoch is up to 5% of the total ram-pressure stripping mass loss over the whole simulation time. In the cluster formation epochs z<2 ram-pressure stripping becomes more dominant than galactic winds. We discuss the non-correlation between the evolution of the mean metallicity of galaxy clusters and the galactic mass losses. For comparison with observations we present two dimensional maps of the ICM quantities and radial metallicity profiles. The shape of the observed profiles is well reproduced by the simulations in the case of merging systems. In the case of cool-core clusters the slope of the observed profiles are reproduced by the simulation at radii below ~300 kpc, whereas at larger radii the observed profiles are shallower. We confirm the inhomogeneous metal distribution in the ICM found in observations. To study the robustness of our results, we investigate two different descriptions for the enrichment process interaction.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in A&A, high resolution version can be found at <http://astro.uibk.ac.at/~wolfgang/kapferer.pdf

    Automated search for star clusters in large multiband surveys: II. Discovery and investigation of open clusters in the Galactic plane

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    Automated search for star clusters in J,H,K_s data from 2MASS catalog has been performed using the method developed by Koposov et. al (2008). We have found and verified 153 new clusters in the interval of the galactic latitude -24 < b < 24 degrees. Color excesses E(B-V), distance moduli and ages were determined for 130 new and 14 yet-unstudied known clusters. In this paper, we publish a catalog of coordinates, diameters, and main parameters of all the clusters under study. A special web-site available at http://ocl.sai.msu.ru has been developed to facilitate dissemination and scientific usage of the results.Comment: 9 pages, 3 tables, 5 figures, accepted to Astronomy Letter

    Enrichment of the ICM of galaxy clusters due to ram-pressure stripping

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    We investigate the impact of galactic mass loss triggered by ram-pressure stripping of cluster galaxies on the evolution of the intra-cluster medium (ICM). We use combined N-body and hydrodynamic simulations together with a phenomenological galaxy formation model and a prescription of the effect of ram-pressure stripping on the galaxies. We analyze the effect of galaxy -- ICM interaction for different model clusters with different masses and different merger histories. Our simulations show that ram-pressure stripping can account for ~ 10% of the overall observed level of enrichment in the ICM within a radius of 1.3 Mpc. The efficiency of metal ejection of cluster galaxies depends at the first few Gyr of the simulation mainly on the cluster mass and is significantly increased during major merger events. Additionally we show that ram-pressure stripping is most efficient in the center of the galaxy cluster and the level of enrichment drops quite fast at larger radii. We present emission weighted metallicity maps of the ICM which can be compared with X-ray observations. The resulting distribution of metals in the ICM shows a complex pattern with stripes and plumes of metal rich material. The metallicity maps can be used to trace the present and past interactions between the ICM and cluster galaxies.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Metal enrichment of the intra-cluster medium by thermally and cosmic-ray driven galactic winds

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    We investigate the efficiency and time-dependence of thermally and cosmic ray driven galactic winds for the metal enrichment of the intra-cluster medium (ICM) using a new analytical approximation for the mass outflow. The spatial distribution of the metals are studied using radial metallicity profiles and 2D metallicity maps of the model clusters as they would be observed by X-ray telescopes like XMM-Newton. Analytical approximations for the mass loss by galactic winds driven by thermal and cosmic ray pressure are derived from the Bernoulli equation and implemented in combined N-body/hydrodynamic cosmological simulations with a semi-analytical galaxy formation model. Observable quantities like the mean metallicity, metallicity profiles, and 2D metal maps of the model clusters are derived from the simulations. We find that galactic winds alone cannot account for the observed metallicity of the ICM. At redshift z=0z=0 the model clusters have metallicities originating from galactic winds which are almost a factor of 10 lower than the observed values. For massive, relaxed clusters we find, as in previous studies, a central drop in the metallicity due to a suppression of the galactic winds by the pressure of the ambient ICM. Combining ram-pressure stripping and galactic winds we find radial metallicity profiles of the model clusters which agree qualitatively with observed profiles. Only in the inner parts of massive clusters the observed profiles are steeper than in the simulations. Also the combination of galactic winds and ram-pressure stripping yields too low values for the ICM metallicities. The slope of the redshift evolution of the mean metallicity in the simulations agrees reasonably well with recent observations.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, accepted by A&

    A New Approach to Non-Commutative U(N) Gauge Fields

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    Based on the recently introduced model of arXiv:0912.2634 for non-commutative U(1) gauge fields, a generalized version of that action for U(N) gauge fields is put forward. In this approach to non-commutative gauge field theories, UV/IR mixing effects are circumvented by introducing additional 'soft breaking' terms in the action which implement an IR damping mechanism. The techniques used are similar to those of the well-known Gribov-Zwanziger approach to QCD.Comment: 11 pages; v2 minor correction