22 research outputs found

    A multi-frequency study of the peculiar interacting system Arp 206

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    Arp 206 is a nearby, relatively large, and bright interacting system comprising unequal members: NGC 3432 and UGC 5983. A third anonymous galaxy, Arp 206c, is visible in the field. The CCD images show a well-developed bridge between NGC 3432 and UGC 5983. On the other hand, the complex H I tails are not visible in the optical. In the total H I map, the bridge is lost in a general envelope encompassing both galaxies. The bridge also appears to have some radio emission. On the Total H I map the system is rather edge-on, far more than it would appear in optical wavelengths. UGC 5983 falls exactly in line with NGC 3432. The velocity of the centers of mass of NGC 3432 and UGC 5983 are 530 km s(exp -1) and 630 km s(exp -1), respectively. In view of the considerable damage sustained by NGC 3432 and the apparent low mass of UGC 5983, it appears that the passage must have been at near parabolic speed, with a small pericentric distance and a very low inclination with rspect to the disk of NGC 3432. The apparent distribution of H I along the z axis of the galaxy could be accounted for by projection effects. The tidal appendage found at higher velocities, which rises at a P.A. approx. equal to 25 degrees west of the main body of the galaxy is probably the tail, the part of the tidal damage away from the perturbing companion. The bridge may be rising north-east from the galaxy and then continue under to the south of the galaxy. The relative sizes of the appendages would indicate that the pericenter was crossed recently. Any further inferences about the collision parameters will need to await the results of detailed computational modelling of the interaction. The authors also summarize the observational characteristics of NGC 3432, UGC 5983, and Arp 206c

    The Cosmic Large-Scale Structure in X-rays (CLASSIX) Cluster Survey I: Probing galaxy cluster magnetic fields with line of sight rotation measures

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    To search for a signature of an intracluster magnetic field, we compare measurements of Faraday rotation of polarised extragalactic radio sources in the line of sight of galaxy clusters with those outside. We correlated a catalogue of 1383 rotation measures (RM) of extragalactic polarised radio sources with X-ray luminous galaxy clusters from the CLASSIX survey (combining REFLEX II and NORAS II). We compared the RM in the line of sight of clusters within their projected radii of r_500 with those outside and found a significant excess of the dispersion of the RM in the cluster regions. Since the observed RM is the result of Faraday rotation in several presumably uncorrelated magnetised cells of the intracluster medium, the observations correspond to quantities averaged over several magnetic field directions and strengths. Therefore the interesting quantity is the standard deviation of the RM for an ensemble of clusters. We found a standard deviation of the RM inside r_500 of about 120 +- 21 rad m^-2. This compares to about 56 +- 8 rad m^-2 outside. We show that the most X-ray luminous and thus most massive clusters contribute most to the observed excess RM. Modelling the electron density distribution in the intracluster medium with a self-similar model, we found that the dispersion of the RM increases with the column density, and we deduce a magnetic field value of about 2 - 6 (l/10kpc)^-1/2 microG assuming a constant magnetic field strength, where l is the size of the coherently magnetised intracluster medium cells. This magnetic field energy density amounts to a few percent of the average thermal energy density in clusters. When we assumed the magnetic energy density to be a constant fraction of the thermal energy density, we deduced a slightly lower value for this fraction of 3 - 10 (l/10kpc)^-1/2 per mille.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, in press, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 201

    Strong magnetic fields and large rotation measures in protogalaxies by supernova seeding

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    We present a model for the seeding and evolution of magnetic fields in protogalaxies. Supernova (SN) explosions during the assembly of a protogalaxy provide magnetic seed fields, which are subsequently amplified by compression, shear flows and random motions. We implement the model into the MHD version of the cosmological N-body / SPH simulation code GADGET and we couple the magnetic seeding directly to the underlying multi-phase description of star formation. We perform simulations of Milky Way-like galactic halo formation using a standard LCDM cosmology and analyse the strength and distribution of the subsequent evolving magnetic field. A dipole-shape divergence-free magnetic field is injected at a rate of 10^{-9}G / Gyr within starforming regions, given typical dimensions and magnetic field strengths in canonical SN remnants. Subsequently, the magnetic field strength increases exponentially on timescales of a few ten million years. At redshift z=0, the entire galactic halo is magnetized and the field amplitude is of the order of a few μ\muG in the center of the halo, and 10^{-9} G at the virial radius. Additionally, we analyse the intrinsic rotation measure (RM) of the forming galactic halo over redshift. The mean halo intrinsic RM peaks between redshifts z=4 and z=2 and reaches absolute values around 1000 rad m^{-2}. While the halo virializes towards redshift z=0, the intrinsic RM values decline to a mean value below 10 rad m^{-2}. At high redshifts, the distribution of individual starforming, and thus magnetized regions is widespread. In our model for the evolution of galactic magnetic fields, the seed magnetic field amplitude and distribution is no longer a free parameter, but determined self-consistently by the star formation process occuring during the formation of cosmic structures.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figures, accepted to MNRAS after moderate revisio

    The Centaurus A Ultrahigh-Energy Cosmic Ray Excess and the Local Extragalactic Magnetic Field

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    The ultrahigh-energy cosmic-ray anisotropies discovered by the Pierre Auger Observatory give the potential to finally address both the particles' origins and properties of the nearby extragalactic magnetic field (EGMF). We examine the implications of the excess of ~ 10^20 eV events around the nearby radio galaxy Centaurus A. We find that, if Cen A is the source of these cosmic rays, the angular distribution of events constrains the EGMF strength within several Mpc of the Milky Way to > 20 nG for an assumed primary proton composition. Our conclusions suggest that either the observed excess is a statistical anomaly or the local EGMF is stronger then conventionally thought. We discuss the implications of this field, including UHECR scattering from more distant sources, time delays from transient sources, and the possibility of using magnetic lensing signatures to attain tighter constraints.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures; Matches published version in AP

    Strong magnetic fields in normal galaxies at high redshifts

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    The origin and growth of magnetic fields in galaxies is still something of an enigma. It is generally assumed that seed fields are amplified over time through the dynamo effect, but there are few constraints on the timescale. It has recently been demonstrated that field strengths as traced by rotation measures of distant quasars are comparable to those seen today, but it was unclear whether the high fields were in the exotic environments of the quasars themselves or distributed along the line of sight. Here we demonstrate that the quasars with strong MgII absorption lines are unambiguously associated with larger rotation measures. Since MgII absorption occurs in the haloes of normal galaxies along the sightline to the quasars, this association requires that organized fields of surprisingly high strength are associated with normal galaxies when the Universe was only about one-third of its present age.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, Letter to Nature, accepted. Final version available at http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v454/n7202/abs/nature07105.htm

    Detailed Radio Spectra of Selected Compact Sources in the Nucleus of M82

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    We have determined detailed radio spectra for 26 compact sources in the starburst nucleus of M82, between 74 and 1.3 cm. Seventeen show low-frequency turnovers. One other has a thermal emission spectrum, and we identify it as an HII region. The low frequency turnovers are due to absorption by the interstellar gas in M82. New information on the AGN candidate 44.01+595, shows it to have a non-thermal falling powerlaw spectrum at the highest frequencies, and that it is strongly absorbed below 2 GHz. We derive large magnetic fields in the supernova remnants, of order 1-2 milliGauss, hence large pressures in the sources suggest that the brightest ones are either expanding or are strongly confined by a dense interstellar medium. From the largest source in our sample, we derive a supernova rate of 0.016 SN/yr.Comment: 19 pages, 7 tables, 29 figures, LaTeX, requires AAS macros v. 4.0. To appear in ApJ July 20, 199

    A Faraday Rotation Search for Magnetic Fields in Large Scale Structure

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    Faraday rotation of radio source polarization provides a measure of the integrated magnetic field along the observational lines of sight. We compare a new, large sample of Faraday rotation measures (RMs) of polarized extragalactic sources with galaxy counts in Hercules and Perseus-Pisces, two nearby superclusters. We find that the average of RMs in these two supercluster areas are larger than in control areas in the same galactic latitude range. This is the first RM detection of magnetic fields that pervade a supercluster volume, in which case the fields are at least partially coherent over several megaparsecs. Even the most conservative interpretation of our observations, according to which Milky Way RM variations mimic the background supercluster galaxy overdensities, puts constraints on the IGM magneto-ionic ``strength'' in these two superclusters. We obtain an approximate typical upper limit on the field strength of about 0.3 microGauss l/(500 kpc), when we combine our RM data with fiducial estimates of electron density from the environments of giant radio galaxies, and of the warm-hot intergalactic medium (WHIM).Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, to appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    Filaments in the southern giant lobe of Centaurus A : Constraints on nature and origin from modelling and GMRT observations

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    Date of acceptance: 22/05/2014We present results from imaging of the radio filaments in the southern giant lobe of CentaurusA using data from Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope observations at 325 and 235 MHz, and outcomes from filament modelling. The observations reveal a rich filamentary structure, largely matching the morphology at 1.4 GHz. We find no clear connection of the filaments to the jet. We seek to constrain the nature and origin of the vertex and vortex filaments associated with the lobe and their role in high-energy particle acceleration. We deduce that these filaments are at most mildly overpressuredwith respect to the global lobe plasma showing no evidence of largescale efficient Fermi I-type particle acceleration, and persist for ~2-3 Myr. We demonstrate that the dwarf galaxy KK 196 (AM 1318-444) cannot account for the features, and that surface plasma instabilities, the internal sausage mode and radiative instabilities are highly unlikely. An internal tearing instability and the kink mode are allowed within the observational and growth time constraints and could develop in parallel on different physical scales. We interpret the origin of the vertex and vortex filaments in terms of weak shocks from transonic magnetohydrodynamical turbulence or from a moderately recent jet activity of the parent AGN, or an interplay of both.Peer reviewe

    Signatures in a Giant Radio Galaxy of a Cosmological Shock Wave at Intersecting Filaments of Galaxies

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    Sensitive images of low-level, Mpc-sized radio cocoons offer new opportunities to probe large scale intergalactic gas flows outside clusters of galaxies. New radio images of high surface brightness sensitivity at strategically chosen wavelengths of the giant radio galaxy NGC 315 (Mack et al. 1997,1998) reveal significant asymmetries and particularities in the morphology, radio spectrum and polarization of the ejected radio plasma. We argue that the combination of these signatures provides a sensitive probe of an environmental shock wave. Analysis of optical redshifts in NGC 315 vicinity confirms its location to be near, or at a site of large-scale flow collisions in the 100 Mpc sized Pisces-Perseus Supercluster region. NGC 315 resides at the intersection of several galaxy filaments, and its radio plasma serves there as a `weather station' (Burns 1998) probing the flow of the elusive and previously invisible IGM gas. If our interpretation is correct, this is the first indication for a shock wave in flows caused by the cosmological large scale structure formation, which is located in a filament of galaxies. The possibility that the putative shock wave is a source of gamma-rays and ultra high energy cosmic rays is briefly discussed.Comment: accepted by Astrophysical Journal Letters, 4 pages, 3 figures (incl. 2 color), uses emulateapj5.sty (included), aastex.sty (included) and psfig.st