52 research outputs found

    Completeness and Incompleteness of Synchronous Kleene Algebra

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    Synchronous Kleene algebra (SKA), an extension of Kleene algebra (KA), was proposed by Prisacariu as a tool for reasoning about programs that may execute synchronously, i.e., in lock-step. We provide a countermodel witnessing that the axioms of SKA are incomplete w.r.t. its language semantics, by exploiting a lack of interaction between the synchronous product operator and the Kleene star. We then propose an alternative set of axioms for SKA, based on Salomaa's axiomatisation of regular languages, and show that these provide a sound and complete characterisation w.r.t. the original language semantics.Comment: Accepted at MPC 201

    Combinatorial Hopf algebras and Towers of Algebras

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    Bergeron and Li have introduced a set of axioms which guarantee that the Grothendieck groups of a tower of algebras n0An\bigoplus_{n\ge0}A_n can be endowed with the structure of graded dual Hopf algebras. Hivert and Nzeutzhap, and independently Lam and Shimozono constructed dual graded graphs from primitive elements in Hopf algebras. In this paper we apply the composition of these constructions to towers of algebras. We show that if a tower n0An\bigoplus_{n\ge0}A_n gives rise to graded dual Hopf algebras then we must have dim(An)=rnn!\dim(A_n)=r^nn! where r=dim(A1)r = \dim(A_1).Comment: 7 page

    Contribution of southern Brazil to the climate and biodiversity conservation agenda

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    We highlight the importance of the South Brazilian grasslands and the Araucaria Forest formations located in the Pampa and Atlantic Forest Biomes and their associated coastal and estuarine environments for the conservation of biodiversity, carbon storage and maintenance of significant ecosystem services. We reinforce the need to strengthen research institutions on the environment and the broad participation of different segments of society in the southern region of Brazil to change the course of environmental policies, highlighting the potential of the states of Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Paraná on national and international agendas on biodiversity and climate

    The Equational Theory of Fixed Points with Applications to Generalized Language Theory

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    We review the rudiments of the equational logic of (least) fixed points and provide some of its applications for axiomatization problems with respect to regular languages, tree languages, and synchronization trees

    Untyping Typed Algebras and Colouring Cyclic Linear Logic

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    We prove "untyping" theorems: in some typed theories (semirings, Kleene algebras, residuated lattices, involutive residuated lattices), typed equations can be derived from the underlying untyped equations. As a consequence, the corresponding untyped decision procedures can be extended for free to the typed settings. Some of these theorems are obtained via a detour through fragments of cyclic linear logic, and give rise to a substantial optimisation of standard proof search algorithms.Comment: 21