132 research outputs found


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    The research aims to evaluate apologia strategy based on ethical perspective of public relations. The research applies standards of ethics from The Indonesian Public Relations Association and Apologia Theory. Some research proves that the ability of an organization to deal with a crisis depends on the types of allegations during a crisis. The research tests whether the strategies of Government Public Relations (GPR) of Malang Regency also appropriate with these standard when the organization faces an allegation of corruption. Conducting content analysis on 47 editions of online news, the research reveals that the GPR has adopted ethical standard when delivery information in quote news as a channel of crisis communication. All the ethical standards applied are concerning to public interest, telling true information, address the economic, physical and psychological concerns of the public.Keywords: Apologia, Communication, Crisis, Ethics, Government Public Relations, Indonesi


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    Abstract. This study aims to test the hypothesis that, as a public broadcasting institution that serves the public interest, non-commercial, and the majority of audiences are Muslim, the principle of qaulan sadidan has been widely adopted in TVRI news. Islam has provided a grand-theory for the study of communication and journalistic, namely qaulan sadidan. This principle was later recognized in the Western academic world as factuality, which is part of the news objectivity. By using the content analysis method on 146 news items from September 23, 2018 to March 29, 2019, this study found that the principle of qaulan sadidan has dominated the TVRI news although there are still news that do not yet contain elements of factuality. Many TVRI news articles are written containing 5W and 1H. This study also used interviews with senior journalist to confirm the data from the content analysis. The interviews found that management had not periodically socialized the relevance of Islamic values to journalistic practices, the element of the "when" was often not delivered in the news because of the editorial oversupply of news, not because of the lack of understanding on journalistic theory. This study offers some propositions that TVRI news includes factual and non-factual news, although it is dominated by factual news, experience as a journalist helps the adoption of qaulan sadidan values, and the completeness of the news is also determined by the news availability. This research is expected to contribute to the development of communication studies in an Islamic perspective.Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji hipotesis bahwa sebagai lembaga penyiaran public yang melayani kepentingan public, bersifat tidak komersial, dan mayoritas audience beragama Islam maka prinsip qaulan sadidan telah banyak diadopsi dalam berita TVRI. Islam telah memberikan grand-theory bagi kajian ilmu komunikasi dan jurnalistik, yakni qaulan sadidan. Prinsip ini yang kemudian dikenal di dunia akademik Barat sebagai faktualitas, yang merupakan bagian objektivitas berita. Dengan menggunakan metode analisis isi terhadap  146 berita selama 23 September 2018 hingga 29 Maret 2019, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa prinsip qaulan sadidan telah mendominasi berita TVRI meski masih terdapat berita yang belum mengandung unsur faktualitas. Berita TVRI juga banyak yang ditulis dengan mengandung 5H dan 1H. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan wawancara terhadap jurnalis senior untuk melakukan konfirmasi data hasil analisis isi. Hasil wawancara menemukan bahwa manajemen belum secara berkala mensosialisasikan keterkaitan nilai-nilai Islam dan praktek jurnalistik, unsur berita “when” sering tidak disampaikan dalam berita karena redaksi kelebihan persediaan berita, bukan karena ketidakpahaman jurnalis pada teori jurnalistik. Pada akhirnya, penelitian ini menawarkan proposisi bahwa berita TVRI mencakup berita yang factual dan yang tidak factual, meskipun didominasi berita yang factual; pengalaman sebagai jurnalis membantu adopsi nilai-nilai qaulan sadidan; dan kelengkapan berita juga ditentukan banyak tidaknya ketersediaan berita di ruang redaksi. Penelitian ini diharapkan berkontribusi untuk pengembangan kajian komunikasi dalam perspektif Islam

    Research Strategies and Media Relations in Public Relations Practices

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    This study aims to describe the strategies of private and government public relations practitioners in research and media relations. Some literature states that the practice of public relations begins and ends with research and media relations is crucial to the success of the practice of public relations. In this era of openness, the quality of research and media relations is increasingly demanding high attention. The researcher formulated the assumption that public and private PR have conducted research as the basis of their activities and media relations has been carried out on the principle of information disclosure. This study uses a qualitative method by conducting interviews with 32 public relations practitioners in East Java, and comes from universities, state-owned enterprises, and private companies. The results of this research are in the form of a proposition that practitioners have not given the focus of conducting research related to the quality of media relations, public relations universities have a tendency to make mass media as the main target while practitioners from private companies or state-owned enterprises tend to place leaders as the main public, and public relations practitioners tend to aim at reducing negative coverage as a media relations strategy rather than building long-term relationships. This research has contributed to the study of public relations in the Indonesian context related to the quality of research and media relations conducted by public relations practitioners

    Public Relations or Humas: How do the public and practitioners perceive it?

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    This study aims to describe the public and practitioner's perceptions of the public relations or Humas profession. Public relations plays a role in maintaining the credibility of the organization which is built from public perceptions. Apart from public relations, this profession is also called humas. However, based on Propechy's Self-Fulfilling Theory, it is possible to have different meanings by the public and practitioners related to these two terms. This study uses a constructivist approach (qualitative) and interview methods to collect data. The number of informants was 200 people in Malang City. The focus of this research is to find perceptions about what public relations or humas is, its functions, its relation to gender, and educational background. This research produces four propositions, namely public and practitioner perceptions of public relations and humas tends to be positive, public relations and humas are considered the same profession, men and women are perceived to be practitioners in this profession, and practitioners should come from the discipline of communication science and public relations. This research contributes to challenge the previous view that public relations is seen as an attempt to manipulate communication messages

    Peran Manajerial dan Teknisi Humas Lembaga Pemerintah dan Swasta

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    The research aims to describe the implementation level of managerial and technician roles of public relations practitioners from government and private institutions in Indonesia. The hypothesis is public relations from private institutions often more apply the managerial roles while the practitioners from government public relations tend to apply technical communication than managerial roles of communication. The researcher uses positivistic paradigm by applying survey method with questioners which are filled by 105 respondents. The instrument are from Five-Factor Dimension Model that specifically measures the level of managerial and technician roles of communication. The research finds that there is no significant differentiation between public relations practitioners from government and private institutions regarding the dimensions of managerial and technician roles. Both practitioners frequently apply technician roles rather than managerial roles, however, the government public relations more frequently conduct managerial roles than practitioners from private institutions. The research contributes to the development of public relations study and practice in Indonesia by testing the managerial and technical roles conducting by public relations practitioners through using Five-factor Model

    Teknik Praktis Riset Komunikasi

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    Buku ini disusun untuk mengisi kelangkaan buku paparan konsep-konsep dasar riset komunikasi dan penerapannya secara praktis. Dilengkapi dengan berbagai contoh penerapan. Tema utama buku ini antara lain: • Pengantar riset komunikasi: definisi dan elemen dasar • Metodologi dan prosedur riset komunikasi • Metode pengumpulan data, instrument riset, pengukuran, teknik sampling, dan analisis data • Riset public relation, komunikasi organisasi dan komunikasi pemasaran

    Konstruksi Humas Dalam Tata Kelola Komunikasi Lembaga Pendidikan Tinggi di Era Keterbukaan Informasi Publik

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan tata kelola komunikasi lembaga pendidikan tinggi di era keterbukaan informasi publik, sebagai bagian fungsi pelayanan public. Peneliti mengeksplorasi konstruksi humas, melalui wawancara mendalam, dalam tata kelola komunikasi lembaga pendidikan tinggi terkait dengan prinsip-prinsip teori Excellence. Excellence theory in public relations adalah teori yang mendominasi kajian humas sehingga dinilai sebagai teori normatif, yaitu sebagai ukuran standar humas yang efektif. Era keterbukaan informasi makin menjadi tantangan bagi humas dalam penyediaan informasi karena publik makin menyadari haknya memperoleh informasi. Informasi ini dibutuhkan untuk menginterpretasi kebijakan publik dan upaya-upaya publik untuk memonitor lingkungannya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara umum humas lembaga pendidikan tinggi telah melaksanakan tata kelola komunikasi dengan standar cukup baik, meskipun tidak semua prinsip excellence diadopsi sama. Perlu perubahan paradigma agar humas juga fokus pada publik internal, bukan hanya eksternal, menempatkan humas pada posisi yang lebih tinggi dalam struktur kelembagaan dengan kewenangan yang lebih baik serta perlu peran pimpinan dalam menyediakan sumber daya yang baik

    Analisis Isi Skripsi Kehumasan di Perguruan Tinggi

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    This study aims to prove three hypotheses, namely public relations theories have been widely adopted in the theses of public relations students, the theory that dominates public relations studies is the Theory of Excellence, and the most widely used of the method is qualitative. The researcher conducted a content analysis on student thesis in universities in Surabaya and Malang City in 2015 until 2019. The samples of this study were 388 theses of the students majoring in the Public Relations study. This study has proven the three hypotheses, namely the theses have applied Public Relations theories, the most widely used of the theory is Excellence theory, and the Qualitative method is the most widely used of the method. This research has also confirmed that the public relations field is not only focused on practice, but also theoretical studies. This study also confirms that the development of public relations in Indonesia is in line with the development of public relations in the United States, that is, from the practical dimension to the dimension of theoretical study
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