440 research outputs found


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    The aim of this paper is to analyze and identify the marketing activities of different communities devoted to Krishna consciousness in Europe, and to develop a model based on these findings to interpret the system devotees have built up throughout the years to gain more followers of the religion. Krishna consciousness is well-known for the marketing efforts of the community; however, the research literature is limited so far concerning the activities they apply in order to reach a wide audience. In 2016 and 2017 a qualitative research was carried out including observations and interviews in five European villages in Hungary, Belgium, the Czech Republic and Germany. The research identified a pattern of a two-step marketing process in all of the four communities. In the first step the communities are promoted as touristic destinations, focusing mainly on tourism and its cultural motives. Here the devotees apply a wide range of methods, such as online media, fliers and organize numerous festivals and cultural events to attract people. In the second phase tourists - who have already taken the first step towards Krishna consciousness by visiting the villages – are informed about the essence and most important teachings of the religion and they can experience many aspects of it via interactive programs, which increases involvement and understanding. The model created contributes to analyzing and understanding the marketing activities of Krishna consciousness more in details. In the long run it can also be extended to other religions, therefore makes the analysis and development of marketing concepts of other religious groups also possible.Cilj ovog rada je analizirati i identificirati marketinške aktivnosti različitih zajednica posvećenih svjesnosti Krišne u Europi, te razviti model zasnovan na tim nalazima za tumačenje sustava koje su zagovornici izgrađivali tijekom godina kako bi stekli više sljedbenika religije. Svijest Krišne je poznata po marketinškim naporima zajednice; međutim, literatura je za sada je ograničena u pogledu aktivnosti koje primjenjuju kako bi dosegnuli široku publiku. U 2016. i 2017. godini provedeno je kvalitativno istraživanje, uključujući promatranja i intervjue u pet europskih sela u Mađarskoj, Belgiji, Češkoj i Njemačkoj. Istraživanje je identificiralo obrazac prema kojem se marketinški proces odvija u dva koraka u sve četiri istraživane zajednice. U prvom koraku zajednice se promoviraju kao turističke destinacije, usredotočujući se uglavnom na turizam i njegove kulturne motive. Ovdje zagovornici primjenjuju širok raspon metoda, poput internetskih medija, letaka i organiziraju brojne festivale i kulturna događanja kako bi privukli ljude. U drugoj fazi turisti - koji su već učinili prvi korak prema svjesnosti Krišne posjećujući sela - informiraju se o suštini i najvažnijim učenjima religije i mogu doživjeti mnoge aspekte putem interaktivnih programa, što povećava uključenost i razumijevanje. Stvoreni model doprinosi detaljnijoj analizi i razumijevanju marketinških aktivnosti svjesnosti Krišne. Dugoročno se može proširiti i na druge religije, pa je stoga moguća i analiza i razvoj marketinških koncepata drugih religijskih skupina

    Study of yield components under heat stress conditions in wheat

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    High temperature tolerance can be characterised by measuring various plant productivity traits in different developmental stages. The present work investigated the effect of exposure to high temperature (30-35°C) at first node appearance, during early embryo development and in the grain-filling stage on the yield parameters of two winter wheat varieties. Periods of high temperature had diverse effects on wheat plants in different phenophases. The greatest differences between the various developmental stages were found for grain number, grain yield and thousand-kernel weight. Heat stress was demonstrated to have the least effect on total grain number and number of grains per spikelet on the main spike during the grain-filling period. The most pronounced reductions in the traits examined were detected when heat stress was applied during the early embryo development stage

    Az igenem mondattani és szövegszemantikai vizsgálata a latintól a mai franciáig = Syntax and textual semantics of the verbal voice from Latin to Modern French

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    A kutatás arra a kérdésre keresett választ, hogy a latintól a mai franciáig tartó nyelvi változás során hogyan alakult a mondatban az alany szemantikai státusának igei jelzése, tehát hogyan lehetett az ige különböző alakjaival, az ún. igenemekkel kifejezni az alany cselekvő, ill. nem-cselekvő voltát. A kutatók a szóban forgó nyelvtörténeti perióduson belül több szinkrón metszetet készítettek, és megállapították, hogy a hagyományosan vizsgált cselekvő és szenvedő szerkezeteken kívül az igenem leírásába be kell vonni a visszaható, a kopulatív ('lenni' igés állítmányú) és személytelen szerkezeteket is. Így meg tudták mutatni azt a folyamatot, amelynek során a visszaható ige az újlatin nyelvekben többek között 'nem-aktív' értelmet is ölt, továbbá rendszerezték azokat a szinonímiákat és másodlagos (nem referenciális) szemantikai különbségeket, amelyek a 'nem-cselekvő' jelentésű igealakok között fennállnak. A kutatók azt is bizonyították, hogy a részben hasonló jelentésű és különböző árnyalatokat kifejező igenemek a tartalék szerepét is játsszák arra az esetre, ha a rendszer valamely tagját veszély fenyegeti (latin szintetikus szenvedő ige). Az igenem leírása a kutatás során sikeresen kapcsolódott össze a mondat kommunikatív perspektívájának és az elemzett szövegek pragmatikai tulajdonságainak vizsgálatával, és megmutatta az igenemek közötti viszony (az ún. diatézis) központi helyét a mondat megszerkesztésében. | The aim of the research was to investigate the way in which the verb indicates the semantic status of the subject of the sentence throughout the linguistic change from Latin to contemporary French, more exactly how different verbal forms (the category of ""voice"") express the active vs non-active character of the subject. The participants of the research have described several synchronic states within the given period and they have pointed out the necessity of taking into account - besides the traditionally examined active and passive constructions - the reflexive, copulative, and impersonal structures. Thus they showed the process during which, in the Romance languages, the reflexive verb is endowed with a 'non-active' meaning, and they classified the synonymic relations and the secondary (non referential) semantic differences between verbal forms having a 'non-active' content. The participants of the research have proved that the voices expressing partly similar meanings but different nuances can play the role of ""hidden reserves"", in case a member of the system is threatened (as it happened to the Latin synthetic passive). This investigation has been successfully linked with the description of the functional perspective of the sentence (ie. the topic-comment structure) and with the pragmatical analysis of texts under examination. Thus the relationship between the voices (""diathesis"") appears to be central in the process of sentence construction

    Peroxynitrite - matrix metalloproteinase and erythropoietin receptor signaling pathways in ischemic heart disease

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    In the industrialized world, cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are responsible for almost 50% of the total cause of death, and among CVD, ischemic heart disease (IHD) represents the highest subpopulation. In spite of huge number of many preclinical and clinical studies, there is still no cardioprotective drug on the market to reduce infarct size in IHD. In the pathomechanism of myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury, peroxynitrite (ONOO-) – matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) signaling as well as erythropoietin (EPO)-induced cytoprotective pathways have well-established roles. ONOO- – MMP pathway is influenced by hyperlipidemia, which is one of the most common comorbidit of IHD. Moreover, in spite of the promising preclinical findings with EPO against acute myocardial infarction (AMI), EPO failed to reduce infarct size in clinical trials and showed significant safety problems. Therefore, our aims were (i) to obtain novel information on the role of ONOO- – MMP and (ii) EPO receptor- mediated signaling pathways in IHD. Therefore, we investigated i) the correlation of markers of peroxynitrite–MMP signaling with hyperlipidemia and with cardiac function in patients with significant coronary stenosis and ii) the cardioprotective effects of EPO, the prolonged half-life EPO analogue, darbepoetin alpha (Dpa), and two novel selective non-erythropoietic EPO receptor ligand dimeric peptides (AF41676 and AF43136) in a rat model of AMI. We found in coronary artery disease patients, that serum nitrotyrosine (NTyr), a widely accepted marker of ONOO- generation, positively correlated with MMP-9 activity, but not with MMP-2 activity. NTyr positively correlated with total and LDL cholesterol, serum triglyceride, and creatinine, while it negatively correlated with HDL cholesterol and with left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). MMP-2 activity correlated positively with total and LDL cholesterol. In statin-treated patients, a significantly reduced serum NTyr level was found compared to statin-naives; however, MMP activities were not different in statin-treated and in statin-naive patients. MMP-2 activity was significantly increased in smoker patients compared to the non-smokers, while NTyr or MMP-9 activity did not show any difference related to smoking. MMP-9 activity correlated positively with urea nitrogen and negatively with LVEF, respectively. Serum creatinine correlated negatively with LVEF. In a pilot cell culture study, EPO at 100 U/mL significantly decreased cell death compared to vehicle in rat neonatal cardiomyocytes subjected to simulated ischemia/reperfusion. In further studies (studies 1–4), in vivo AMI was induced by 30 min coronary occlusion and 120 min reperfusion in male Wistar rats. Test compounds and positive controls (B-type natriuretic peptide, BNP or cyclosporine A, CsA) were administered iv. before the onset of reperfusion. Infarct size (IS) was measured by standard TTC staining. In study 1, 5000 U/kg EPO reduced infarct size significantly compared to vehicle. In study 2, Dpa showed maximal infarct size-reducing effect at 5 μg/kg compared to the vehicle. In study 3, in the dose-response curve of AF41676, 3 mg/kg was the most effective dose compared to the vehicle. The positive control BNP significantly decreased infarct size in studies 1–3 by approximately 35%. In study 4, AF43136 at 10 mg/kg decreased infarct size, similarly to the positive control CsA compared to the appropriate vehicle. We demonstrated for the first time in the literature that (i) serum NTyr correlates with MMP-9 activity, (ii) lipid parameters correlate with NTyr and MMP-2 activity, (iii) myocardial function correlates with creatinine, NTyr and MMP-9 activity, and (iv) creatinine correlates with NTyr and urea nitrogen with MMP-9 activity in patients with CAD. Therefore, studying the biomarkers of peroxynitrite–MMP pathway in large prospective trials may reveal their predictive or diagnostic avails. Moreover, we proved first time in the literature, that selective, non-erythropoietic EPO receptor ligand dimeric peptides AF41676 and AF43136 administered before reperfusion are able to reduce infarct size in a rat model of AMI. Non-erythropoietic EPO receptor peptide ligands may be promising cardioprotective agents in IHD

    Tanító szakos hallgatók ismeretei a gamifikációról : [absztrakt]

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    A közös közlekedéspolitika a hajózás tükrében

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    A civilizáció kezdete óta a közlekedés – különös tekintettel annak tengeri és folyami hajózási alágazatára – kulcsszerepet játszott egyfelől az emberiség túlélésében, másrészt elsőrendű eszközként szolgált a hatalomszerzésre, a különböző ideák és eszmék elterjesztésére és a természet erőinek megzabolázására, mint a tudásszerzés egyik elengedhetetlen eleme. Az antikvitás korától kezdve egészen az ipari forradalom időszakáig a hajózás a birodalomépítés egyik nélkülözhetetlen pillére volt. E nagy múltra visszatekintő közlekedési alágazat gyakorlata olyan alapvető magánjogi fogalmakat dolgozott ki, mint a hajó jelzálog, a hajómentés és a közös hajókár felelősségi szabályai, a hajóbérleti szerződés szerteágazó rendszere, valamint a hajózási biztosítás. Ugyanakkor a közlekedési szektor természetéből eredően nemzetközi jellegre tekintettel igen hamar megjelent a különböző partikuláris jogok összeütközésének problematikája is, amelyre természetes válaszként megjelent a nemzetközi egyezmények nyomán történő szabályozás gyakorlata. Az európai jog – figyelemmel annak kiinduló motivációira és sajátos jellegére – e nemzetközi és nemzeti jogrend által meghatározott környezetbe kívánja a maga szabályait és értékeit belehelyezni, némelykor kiegészítő rendelkezések, máskor pedig a korábban kialakult szabályok és gyakorlat felülírása nyomán

    Testing the Two-Step Model of Marketing Krishna Consciousness in Europe

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    Krishna Consciousness is a new religious movement, which has gained higher and higher importance in the past decades in Europe. During multiple researches between 2013 and 2020 (Bence, 2014; Bence-Kiss, 2020) a two-step model was identified, in which Krishna-conscious communities of Europe attract people outside the religion as tourists to rural communities in the different countries, where they gain more knowledge about the religion in informal, non-pressing ways. The Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change (TTM) (Prochaska & DiClemente, 1983) may be applied to analyze the behavior through which people transform from tourists to actual members of the religious community via a set of behavior changes. The objective of this study was to test the applicability of this concept previously found (Bence-Kiss, 2020) on two countries, which have not been part of the initial research: France and Italy. Online content analysis, observations and in-depth interviews were applied to identify the general structure of the religious community in each countries; and the results were compared to the previous findings, confirming that the two-step model and TTM may also be applied to analyze the involvement into Krishna Consciousness in these countries as well. &nbsp