931 research outputs found

    Heterogeneous conductivity parameters in a one dimensional fuel cell model

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    A model of one dimensional fuel cells is investigated, where the material inhomogeneities in the cathode are taken into account. We use the results in some preceding studies to describe the dynamics of the chemical reactions and transport of ions. A corresponding governing equation is derived for the numerical simulations. We apply an explicit-implicit time integration and Richardson extrapolation technique to increase the accuracy of the approximations. The efficiency of the method is demonstrated using a non-trivial test problem with real parameters. Numerical simulations are executed in presence of inhomogeneous conductivities and their effect on the cell potential is investigated

    Assessment of Canine Immunity using Computational and Flow Cytometric Approaches

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    The Affymetrix GeneChip® Canine Genome 2.0 microarray is re-annotated using AgBase tools, up-to-date ID mapping and GO annotations associated with publicly available gene products updated on this array. This re-annotation makes the array more useful for researchers using the canine microarray for biological discovery. We use flow cytometry to determine if liposomal clodronate (LC) is an acceptable alternative to surgical splenectomy to facilitate detection of subclinical infection with Babesia canis in potential blood donor greyhounds. Our study shows that LC is not a reliable means of exposing babesiosis in greyhounds with a recent history of infection. We evaluate the effect of depletion of antigen presenting cells on regulatory T cells (Tregs) in dogs treated with LC by multi-color flow cytometry. We demonstrate that LC promotes increases in the CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ Tregs affecting mostly the CD4+CD25lowFOXP3+ Tregs subset suggesting a role of monocytes in naïve T cell priming and differentiation into Tregs

    Service Satisfaction, Competence and Caring: Examining the Influence of Experience with the Public Bureaucracy on Citizen Attitudes of Trust in Government

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    Examining the relationship among government performance, service satisfaction and trust in government advocated by the New Public Management, this research contributes to a better understanding of the performance-trust hypothesis and its assumptions. This study evaluates the satisfaction link of the performance-trust hypothesis, investigating influences on service satisfaction and how these translate into trust. In particular, two implicit assumptions of the performance-trust hypothesis are explored. First, citizen experience with public services is examined as a measure of specific support for government. Second, the role of citizen interactions with the bureaucracy is assessed, specifically identifying the influence of citizen attitudes toward public administrators on general trust in government. The performance-trust hypothesis poses that improved government performance leads to more satisfied citizens, thus resulting in higher levels of citizen trust in government. Although empirical research has supported the link between satisfaction with public services and trust in government, the implicit assumption that satisfaction is a function of specific support for government, impacted by citizen experiences with government services, requires further evaluation. Examining the relationship between using a particular government service and evaluations of the effectiveness of that service, these findings show that service users have significantly different evaluations of government services than non-service users. Personally experiencing the service delivery of a particular government program results in higher levels of service satisfaction compared to levels among those who have not personally used the program. A second implicit assumption of the performance-trust hypothesis is that evaluations of public administrators based on citizen interactions during service delivery influence trust in government. Although the performance-trust hypothesis assumes that citizen evaluations of bureaucrats are based on specific support for government, only one component is emphasized, output-based trust—or perceptions of bureaucratic competence—while the second dimension, process-based trust—or perceptions of the caring of public administrators—is overlooked. These findings indicate that attitudes toward bureaucrats do influence trust in government broadly. However, it is not only competence that influences trusting attitudes, as expected by the performance-trust hypothesis, but also caring. In fact, process-based trust may have a greater impact on citizen trust in government than output-based trust

    Pengujian Ketetapan Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat Dalam Sistem Ketatanegaraan Republik Indonesia

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    Pengujian Ketetapan Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat Dalam Sistem Ketatanegaraan Republik Indonesia meliputi antara lain: pertama, tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana kedudukan hukum Ketetapan MPR dalam tata urutan peraturan Perundang-undangan. Kedua, mengenai pengujian ketetapan MPR yang masih berlaku dan lembaga mana yang berwenang menguji Ketetapan MPR yang bertentangan dengan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945. Ketiga, metode penelitian adalah metode penelitian yuridis normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan peraturan Perundang-undangan, pendekatan konseptual, pengumpulan bahan hukum yang dilakukan dengan studi kepustakaan. Keempat, hasil penelitian terungkap bahwa kedudukan hukum ketetapan MPR dalam sistem hukum nasional adalah berada setingkat dibawah Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 dan set dan DPR sesuai dengan ketentuan Pasal 4 Ketetapan MPR Nomor I/MPR/2003.ingkat berada diatas Undang-Undang. Dengan kedudukan demikian membawa konsekuensi yuridis bahwa secara materil Ketetapan MPR tersebut dapat dilakukan pengujian dengan batu uji Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945. Pengujian Ketetapan MPR dilakukan dengan mekanisme legislativ review, dan lembaga yang berwenang melakukan pengujian ketetapan MPR adalah MPR sendiri sebagai pembentuknya sesuai dengan Ketetapan MPR Nomor III/MPR/200

    Untitled, 2013

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