9 research outputs found

    Capital Punishment in the Gradec of Zagreb in the Second Half of the Fifteenth Century

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    Temeljem analize sačuvanih sudskih zapisa te usporedbe s rezultatima istraživanja za druga europska područja, u radu je razmotrena praksa kažnjavanja smrću u zagrebačkom Gradecu tijekom druge polovice 15. stoljeća. Utvrđena su kaznena djela za koja je predviđena sankcija bila smrt te metode egzekucije s obzirom na vrstu počinjenog djela. Analizirane su specifičnosti kaznenog procesa, ishodi postupaka i penalna politika. Ispitan je odnos između dosuđenih i u praksi stvarno provedenih smrtnih kazni, kao i jesu li sami počinitelji ili pripadnici zajednice imali, i ako jesu koliki, utjecaj na odluke gradskog suda.In 1242, King Bela IV of Hungary-Croatia granted the charter known as the Golden Bull and proclaimed Gradec (Mons Grecensis), a small settlement situated on the hill adjacent to the seat of the Zagreb Diocese, a free royal city. As a consequence, Gradec soon developed into the most important urban settlement in medieval Slavonia and had an autonomous right to enact statutes, prosecute criminals and pass the death penalty. The Golden Bull also provided a basic framework for legal actions and described penalties for various crimes, including taking vengeance, i.e. the capital punishment for premeditated murders. However, legal records dating from the fourteenth and fifteenth century reveal that local authorities would not only impose the death sentence for crimes of premeditated murder, but also for other intolerable crimes such as infanticide, counterfeiting, sorcery and even some committed against the property and sexual morality. In this paper, he author examines practices of the imposition and implementation of the capital punishment in late medieval Gradec, based on the analysis of trials performed from 1451 to 1500. Thirty-one out of 62 analyzed trials were concluded with the capital punishment of the convicted criminals. In other 5 trials convicted faced other sentence, but were warned that they will suffer death penalty in case of recidivism. The rest of the trials were concluded with the commuting or, although rarely, forgiving the death sentence. Our findings suggest that local Gradec authorities used various methods of the implementation and ceremonial of public execution, tightly linked to types of crimes. Since there is a number of instances in which a group of respectable people, always successfully, petitioned judicial authorities to have mercy on those sentenced to death and also a few when the authorities showed clemency themselves, it provides us with two new insights. The first one is into the level of influence which popular opinion exercised over legal practice and the second one is into both the community and the local authority’s attitude on what crimes and perpetrators could have deserved their mercy

    Incunabula in the Manuscripts and Old Books Collection in the National and University Library in Zagreb

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    Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je izrada bibliografije inkunabula, odnosno knjiga tiskanih od izuma tiskarskog stroja do 1500. godine koje se nalaze u fondu Zbirke rukopisa i starih knjiga Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice u Zagrebu. Budući da su dosada napravljeni razne bibliografije i katalozi inkunabula u kojima se nalaze dijelom i one pohranjene u Nacionalnoj i sveučilišnoj knjižnici u Zagrebu, ali ne postoji zasebno izdanje u kojem su popisane isključivo inkunabule iz fonda Zbirke rukopisa i starih knjiga, smatramo izradu takve bibliografije potrebnom i korisnom. Bibliografija je izrađena de visu kao primarna bibliografija u kojoj su bibliografske jedinice organizirane primarno prema abecednom, a sekundarno prema kronološkom rasporedu. Bibliografija sadrži 190 bibliografskih jedinica, kojima su obuhvaćene i opisane 204 jedinice građe. Radi boljeg snalaženja u popisu, izrađeno je i kazalo imena autoThe aim of this master thesis is the creation of a bibliography of incunabula, the books which were printed before the invention of the printing machine, dated till the year of 1500. All these incunabula are collected and stored in the Manuscripts and Old Books Collection in the National and University Library in Zagreb. Considering there have been different bibliographies and catalogues of incunabula made before with the books from the special collection stored in the National and University Library in Zagreb, none of those serve as a bibliography just for those incunabula stored in the Manuscripts and Old Books Collection. Solely for that reason, the purpose of this thesis is to create a primary bibliography, created de visu, with alphabetic organization of author and anonymus entries. In 190 bibliographic records this bibliography describes 204 physical units currently stored in the Manuscripts and Old Books Collection. There is also an index of authors made specifically for easier navigation through the bibliography

    Nasilni zločini protiv osoba u sudskim spisima zagrebačkog Gradeca u kasnom srednjem vijeku

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    Strana historiografija posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća bilježi popularizaciju istraživanja posvećenih povijesti kriminaliteta, a slična tendencija primjetna je i u kontekstu istraživanja povijesti kriminaliteta na hrvatskim prostorima, iako su potrebni daljnji napori kako bi ista izašla iz sfere zanemarenih područja. Na temelju kaznenopravnih zapisa iz druge polovice 15. stoljeća, objavljenih u sklopu serije Povjestni spomenici slobodnog kraljevskog grada Zagreba priestolnice Kraljevine dalmatinsko-hrvatsko-slavonske: Knjige sudbenih poziva i presuda, ovaj rad proučava zastupljenost pojedinih delikata nasilja unutar populacije zagrebačkog Gradeca u razdoblju od 1450. do 1480. godine. Riječ je o opsegom monumentalnoj, ali sadržajno fragmentiranoj i iscjepkanoj građi pisanoj srednjovjekovnim latinskim jezikom, što je uzrok njezinoj dosada nedovoljnoj istraženosti. Kvantitativnim i komparativnim pristupom rad analizira distribuciju delikata nasilja unutar gradske populacije, motive počinjenja kaznenih djela, sudski tretman sudionika procesa s obzirom na njihovu rodnu i socijalnu pripadnost, ishode suđenja te promjene u količini i vrstama zločina tijekom vremena. Dobiveni rezultati uspoređeni su sa situacijom na drugim hrvatskim prostorima, kao i sa situacijom na mediteranskom i zapadnoeuropskom prostoru, pri čemu su uočene određene razlike spram prosjeka istih. Stanovnici Gradeca su uglavnom bili ravnopravni pred sudom, bez obzira na rodnu ili socijalnu pripadnost. Međutim, dok potonja nije igrala značajnu ulogu prilikom počinjenja delikata nasilja, istovremeno je primjetna velika razlika u (ne)zastupljenosti žena u odnosu na muškarce. Istraživanje je također pokazalo da je zastupljenost pojedine vrste nasilja obrnuto proporcionalna težini iste, dok ukupna dinamika zločina u promatranom razdoblju odražava promjene u svakodnevnom životu, uvjetovane političkim i ekonomskim čimbenicima.In the current historiography, studies on the history of criminality have been increasingly popular. Similar trend has been noted in the Croatian historiography, although the further research in this respect is certainly required. On the basis of legal records dating from the second half of the 15. century, and published in the series entitled „Historical monuments of the free royal city of Zagreb, the capital of the Dalmatian-Croatian-Slavonian Kingdom: Books of court appeals and decisions“, this study analyzes the frequency of certain types of violent offenses within the population of Gradec, during the period from 1450 to 1480. This is a voluminous documentary corpus, but it is quite fragmented and writen in Medieval Latin and (probably because of these features) insufficiently investigated. In this study, we applied quantitative and comparative approach to analyze the distribution of violent offenses within the city population. the incentives for perpetrating such offenses, results of court processes, and temporal changes in the amount and types of perpetrated crimes. The results obtained have been compared to findings from other parts of Croatia, and certain differences were noted. The inhabitants of Gradec were usually equally treated at the court, independently of their gender or social status. However, while social status was not important for perpetrating violent crimes, there was a significant difference in frequency of crimes with respect to gender. We also found that the frequency of violent offense types displays a negative correlation with the gravity of offenses, while the entire dynamics of crimes perpetrated in the observed period reflects changes in daily routine, which were caused by political and economical factors

    Incunabula in the Manuscripts and Old Books Collection in the National and University Library in Zagreb

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    Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je izrada bibliografije inkunabula, odnosno knjiga tiskanih od izuma tiskarskog stroja do 1500. godine koje se nalaze u fondu Zbirke rukopisa i starih knjiga Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice u Zagrebu. Budući da su dosada napravljeni razne bibliografije i katalozi inkunabula u kojima se nalaze dijelom i one pohranjene u Nacionalnoj i sveučilišnoj knjižnici u Zagrebu, ali ne postoji zasebno izdanje u kojem su popisane isključivo inkunabule iz fonda Zbirke rukopisa i starih knjiga, smatramo izradu takve bibliografije potrebnom i korisnom. Bibliografija je izrađena de visu kao primarna bibliografija u kojoj su bibliografske jedinice organizirane primarno prema abecednom, a sekundarno prema kronološkom rasporedu. Bibliografija sadrži 190 bibliografskih jedinica, kojima su obuhvaćene i opisane 204 jedinice građe. Radi boljeg snalaženja u popisu, izrađeno je i kazalo imena autoThe aim of this master thesis is the creation of a bibliography of incunabula, the books which were printed before the invention of the printing machine, dated till the year of 1500. All these incunabula are collected and stored in the Manuscripts and Old Books Collection in the National and University Library in Zagreb. Considering there have been different bibliographies and catalogues of incunabula made before with the books from the special collection stored in the National and University Library in Zagreb, none of those serve as a bibliography just for those incunabula stored in the Manuscripts and Old Books Collection. Solely for that reason, the purpose of this thesis is to create a primary bibliography, created de visu, with alphabetic organization of author and anonymus entries. In 190 bibliographic records this bibliography describes 204 physical units currently stored in the Manuscripts and Old Books Collection. There is also an index of authors made specifically for easier navigation through the bibliography

    Incunabula in the Manuscripts and Old Books Collection in the National and University Library in Zagreb

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    Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je izrada bibliografije inkunabula, odnosno knjiga tiskanih od izuma tiskarskog stroja do 1500. godine koje se nalaze u fondu Zbirke rukopisa i starih knjiga Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice u Zagrebu. Budući da su dosada napravljeni razne bibliografije i katalozi inkunabula u kojima se nalaze dijelom i one pohranjene u Nacionalnoj i sveučilišnoj knjižnici u Zagrebu, ali ne postoji zasebno izdanje u kojem su popisane isključivo inkunabule iz fonda Zbirke rukopisa i starih knjiga, smatramo izradu takve bibliografije potrebnom i korisnom. Bibliografija je izrađena de visu kao primarna bibliografija u kojoj su bibliografske jedinice organizirane primarno prema abecednom, a sekundarno prema kronološkom rasporedu. Bibliografija sadrži 190 bibliografskih jedinica, kojima su obuhvaćene i opisane 204 jedinice građe. Radi boljeg snalaženja u popisu, izrađeno je i kazalo imena autoThe aim of this master thesis is the creation of a bibliography of incunabula, the books which were printed before the invention of the printing machine, dated till the year of 1500. All these incunabula are collected and stored in the Manuscripts and Old Books Collection in the National and University Library in Zagreb. Considering there have been different bibliographies and catalogues of incunabula made before with the books from the special collection stored in the National and University Library in Zagreb, none of those serve as a bibliography just for those incunabula stored in the Manuscripts and Old Books Collection. Solely for that reason, the purpose of this thesis is to create a primary bibliography, created de visu, with alphabetic organization of author and anonymus entries. In 190 bibliographic records this bibliography describes 204 physical units currently stored in the Manuscripts and Old Books Collection. There is also an index of authors made specifically for easier navigation through the bibliography