607 research outputs found

    Tipologi Penindakan Kejahatan Korporasi Dalam Korupsi Dana Bantuan Pandemi Covid-19

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    The development of human life nowadays cannot be separated from various aspects such as economy, politics, and technology, including the impact of the coronavirus outbreak (Covid-19 or SARS-CoV-2) which emerged at the end of 2019. Responding to this Covid-19 pandemic outbreak In Indonesia, the government has issued various policies as measures to prevent and handle the spread of Covid-19. One of these policies is to limit community activities. These restrictions have implications for the fulfilment of the economic needs of the affected communities. Responding to the urgency of this community's economic situation, the government held a social assistance program as a measure to ease the community's economic burden. However, the procurement of the program was used as a chance for corruption involving the Ministry of Social Affairs and corporations as the winning bidders. This study uses a qualitative methodology with a normative juridical approach and literature. The approach is carried out by conducting a juridical analysis based on a case approach. The results of the study show that the corporations involved cannot be separated from corporate responsibility. However, the criminal liability process against the corporation is deemed not to reflect justice for the current situation of Indonesia is experiencing. The crime was not carried out in a normal situation but in a situation when Indonesia was trying hard to overcome the urgent situation, the Covid-19 pandemic. Corporate crimes committed by taking advantage of the pandemic situation are deemed necessary to prioritize special action or the weight of criminal acts committed by corporations. The weighting of criminal sanction is the right step as a law enforcement process for corporate crimes during the pandemic

    Improving Health Literacy Assessments in Pediatrics

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    Low health literacy (LHL)--when patients do not understand their treatment or medications--has been linked to poor healthcare outcomes. Nurses need to know how to assess health literacy (HL) and teach pediatric patients and their families to help ensure that patients and family members can understand and follow health education messages. Evidence-based HL tools were obtained from a literature search and used to create a nursing staff education program on pediatric patient HL assessment and education. The project answered the practice-focused question that asked whether a staff education program on HL assessment and management would improve nursing knowledge of HL for pediatric patients and families. Piaget\u27s theory was used to guide the development of the education program on age-specific literacy needs; Kotter\u27s theory of change was used to inform the plan for using HL assessment, which was presented to 34 participants in the local practice setting. Participants were randomly chosen from local professionals in nursing education and participation was voluntary. A panel of 3 experts, including a nurse expert on HL, reviewed and approved the education program, quiz questions, and participant survey. Pretest results (N = 32) showed a mean score of 6.53, and the posttest mean score was 7.66. Results of the paired t test showed significant improvement (t = -4.378, p = .000) in participant knowledge of HL after the education program. The project findings can promote positive social change through improvement in nurses\u27 knowledge about HL and health outcomes for pediatric patients

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationMany nutritional assessment techniques, including food frequency questionnaires (FFQs) and 24-hour dietary recalls have innate limitations such as expensive protocols, high respondent burden, and self-reporting biases. Supermarket sales data have shown promise as a new, indirect, inexpensive nutritional assessment method in recent studies. The goals of the research in this dissertation were to link nutritional content to supermarket sales data and to determine the relationship between supermarket purchases and traditional nutritional measures through correlation and regression analyses. Nutritional data was mapped to sales data at the nutrient and food group levels. One year retrospective supermarket sales data, household food inventory data, and FFQ results were then obtained for 50 households recruited for the study. A correlation analysis was completed to compare percentage of food groups purchased over 52 weeks against food groups in the household inventory and in the FFQ results. Additionally, stepwise regression models were created to predict BMI, energy intake, fat intake, and saturated fat intake based on supermarket sales data. Nutritional content was mapped to 100% of the supermarket sales data at the food group level and at 69% for the nutrient level. The correlation coefficients between the household inventory and sales data over the course of 52 weeks ranged from -0.13 to 0.83 with an average value of 0.23 at week 32, while correlation for the comparison between the FFQ and sales data ranged from -0.17 to 0.47 with an average of 0.23 at 32 weeks. 5 The regression models to predict BMI, energy intake, fat intake, and saturated fat intake each yielded significant results for several food group purchases from the sales data. Mapping nutritional content to sales data was successful, given that there are potential strategies to increase the linkage for nutrient data. The correlation results are in line with other studies comparing nutritional assessment methods against each other and the regression models produced many significant food groups that are substantiated by multiple studies. Overall, the work presented gives an excellent starting point for further informatics research into the untapped potential of supermarket sales data as a nutritional assessment method and public health tool

    Risk disclosure, causation and the role of Chester

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    This article explores the scope and application of Chester v Afshar following Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board and more recent decisions that have followed Montgomery. It will attempt to address residual confusion concerning the impact of the decision in Chester and argue that inappropriate recourse to Chester is the source of much of the confusion surrounding causation and risk disclosure. Following the recent decisions in Duce v Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust and Diamond v Royal Devon & Exeter NHSFT this article argues that far from being an exceptional case Chester is a very ordinary case and not the special solution to tricky causation problems

    Fulfilling the Right of Education during Covid19 Pandemic Period: A Comparative Study

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    The right of education for citizens has been fulfilled diversely following the government policies. This study aimed to emphasize the importance of the education right and the imposition of criminal sanctions in order to protect the right of education during the Covid-19 Pandemic particularly in Indonesia, Japan and Australia. Normative juridical research methods described that government policies as outlined in the legislation constantly followed by criminal sanctions. The concept of education right was understood in a different way during the Covid-19 pandemic, as one of the derogable-right or adapted human right. For its fulfillment, some education right uses criminal sanctions as a primum remidium, an ultimum remidium, or does not impose criminal sanctions at all. The right of education still reman as a very important human right even during the pandemic perio

    Science Icebreaker Activities: An Example from Gravitational Wave Astronomy

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    At the beginning of a class or meeting an icebreaker activity is often used to help loosen the group and get everyone talking. Our motivation is to develop activities that serve the purpose of an icebreaker, but are designed to enhance and supplement a science-oriented agenda. The subject of this article is an icebreaker activity related to gravitational wave astronomy. We first describe the unique gravitational wave signals from three distinct sources: monochromatic binaries, merging compact objects, and extreme mass ratio encounters. These signals form the basis of the activity where participants work to match an ideal gravitational wave signal with noisy detector output for each type of source.Comment: Accepted to The Physics Teacher. Original manuscript divided into two papers at the request of the referee. For a related paper on gravitational wave observatories see physics/050920


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    Abstract—Domestic violence is all forms of threats, harassment and violence between two people who are bound my a marriage relationship or other family members, for example children. Children are the younger generation as a national asset that continues the ideals of the nation’s struggle. Sexual violence is any activity that is forcibly carried out by an adult or by a child against another child. This sexual violence occurred in Paringin where a stepfather sexually assaulted his own stepdaughter. In this case, based on the Paringin District Court Decision Number 48/Pid.B/2019/PN.Prn stated that the perpetrator was subject to Article 46 of the PKDRT Law and then AB was sentenced to imprisonment for 12 (twelve) years. This study is intented to analyze the weighting of criminal sanctions and additional punishment for perpetrators who commit sexual violence against stepchildren. The research method used is normative juridicial method, namely by conducting a literature study. The result of the research is that AB’s act of commiting sexual violence against his own stepdaughter has violated the provisions of Article 81 Paragraph (3) of the Child Protection Law. Keywords: sexual abuse, child protection, criminal sanctions, additional penalty, domestic violence   Abstrak—Kekerasan dalam rumah tangga adalah segala bentuk ancaman, pelecehan, dan kekerasan antara dua orang yang terikat dalam hubungan perkawinan atau anggota keluarga lainnya, misalnya anak. Anak merupakan generasi muda sebagai aset bangsa yang meneruskan cita-cita perjuangan bangsa. Kekerasan seksual adalah setiap kegiatan berupa kegiatan seksual yang dilakukan secara paksa oleh orang dewasa terhadap orang seorang anak atau oleh seorang anak terhadap anak lainnya. Kekerasan seksual ini terjadi di Paringin dimana seorang ayah tiri melakukan kekerasan seksual terhadap anak tirinya sendiri. Dalam hal ini, berdasarkan Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Paringin Nomor 48/Pid.B/2019/PN.Prn menyatakan bahwa pelaku dikenakan Pasal 46 UU PKDRT dan kemudian AB diijatuhi hukuman pidana penjara selama 12 (dua belas) tahun. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menganalisis pemberatan sanksi pidana dan pidana tambahan bagi pelaku yang melakukan kekerasan seksual terhadap anak tiri. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode yuridis normatif, yaitu dengan cara melakukan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian adalah bahwa tindakan AB yang melakukan kekerasan seksual terhadap anak tiri telah melanggar ketentuan pasal 81 Ayat (3) UU Perlindungan Anak. Kata kunci: kekerasan seksual, perlindungan anak, sanksi pidana, pidana tambahan, kekerasan dalam rumah tangg
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