234 research outputs found
Concentrations of soil potassium after long-term organic dairy production
On five long-term organic dairy farms aiming at self-sufficiency with nutrients, soil concentrations of ammonium-acetate lactate extractable potassium (K-AL) and acid-soluble K was measured twice in topsoil (0-20 cm) and subsoil (20-40 cm) over periods of 6-14 years. Organic management had occurred for >9 years at the second sampling. On average there were most probably field level K-deficits. Even so, topsoil K-AL concentrations were medium high (65-155 mg K kg–1 soil), and did not decrease during the study period. However, for three farms, topsoil K-AL was approaching a minimum level determined by soil texture, where further decrease is slow. Subsoil K-AL concentrations were generally low (<65). The soils were mostly light-textured, and reserves of K-releasing soil minerals (illite) were low, never exceeding 6% of the mineral particles <2 mm diameter. Topsoil acid-soluble K concentrations were low (<300 mg K kg–1 soil) on two farms, medium (300–800) on three farms and decreased significantly on one farm. Cation-exchange capacity increased on two farms. This may indicate increased amount of expanded clay minerals caused by K-depletion. On self-sufficient organic dairy farms, purchased nutrients will be required by low soil nutrient reserves to avoid seriously decreased yields and quality of crops
Changes in the nutrient content of agricultural soil on conversion to organic farming, in relation to farm level nutrient balances and soil contents of clay and organic matter.
Agricultural soil on 12 farms converting to organic farming was sampled in 1989 and 1995 at the same sample points. Concentrations of plant-available (-AL) P, K, Ca and Mg, HNO3-soluble K, tot- N, tot-C and pH were measured in two layers. The average K-AL concentration and pH were reduced in both layers. The average P-AL concentration was reduced in the topsoil. K-AL and P-AL increased in samples with low concentrations and decreased in samples with high and very high concentrations in 1989. The total N concentration increased in the subsoil. Tot-N and tot-C increased in top- and subsoil with a low organic matter content. The net import of P, calculated by farm level nutrient balances, was negatively correlated to the change in kg P-AL per hectare in the topsoil. No such correlation was found for K
Urbana träd i Adelaide
Syftet med det här arbetet är att undersöka hur de urbana träden i Adelaide, Australien, påverkas av
klimatförändringen. Detta för att få en större förståelse för hur det arbetas med urbana träd i en
varm och torr stad som Adelaide i och med klimatförändringen, för att vidare kunna få inspiration
till hur vi i Sverige kan arbeta med detta. Eftersom att Sverige förväntas bli torrare och varmare. I
studien framgår att urbana träd bland annat kan användas som ett naturligt verktyg för att reducera
föroreningar i luften, skapa skugga, kyla ner städer och förbättra människors hälsa. Något som
också framgår i studien är att det finns två klimatförändrande faktorer som har en stor påverkan på
de urbana träden i Adelaide, den ena är torka och den andra är stigande temperatur. Resultaten
antyder på att urbana träd påverkas av klimatförändringen, speciellt i en varm och torr stad som
Adelaide. Träds tillväxthastighet kan öka i och med att temperaturen stiger men i ett torrt klimat
som Adelaide förväntas det motsatta ske. Studien lyfter fram vikten av att ha strategier och
tillvägagångssätt för hur valet av urbana trädarter kommer att fattas i framtiden utifrån de
klimatförändringar som förväntas ske. För att ersätta de befintliga trädarter som inte klarar av det
förändrade klimatet finns det behov av att identifiera nya trädarter som klarar av olika typer av
klimat. Detta eftersom städer runt om i världen är olika och därför måste strategier utformas utifrån
städernas individuella förutsättningar.The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how the urban trees in Adelaide are affected by a
changing climate. This is to gain a greater understanding of how they work with urban trees in a
warm and dry city such as Adelaide and with a changed climate in order to further gain knowledge
for how we in Sweden can work with this. Urban trees can, among other things, be used as a natural
tool to reduce the air from pollution, create shade, cool down cities and improve human health.
Something that emerged from the results of the literature study and interview study was that there
are two climate-changing factors that have a major impact on the urban trees in Adelaide, one is
drought and the other is rising temperature. The results suggest that urban trees are affected by a
changing climate, especially in a hot and dry city like Adelaide. The growth rate of trees can
increase as the temperature rises, but in a dry climate such as Adelaide, the opposite is expected to
occur. Furthermore, different strategies and approaches can be discussed for what the choice of
urban tree species will look like in the future, based on the climate change that is expected to
happen. In order to replace existing tree species that cannot withstand the changing climate, there is
a need to identify new tree species that can withstand the conditions of the urban climate in each
city. This is because cities around the world are vastly different and therefore strategies must be
designed based on the individual conditions of the cities
Embedded Master’s Students Conduct Highly Relevant Research Using Industry as Their Laboratory
This article analyzes participatory action research conducted by Systems Engineering master’s students embedded fifty percent in industrial companies for three years. The resulting papers authored by these students identify challenges and effective practices suitable for knowledge transfer between industry and academia. The analysis covers 181 completed master’s projects, with a detailed analysis of 40 papers that have been published in international conferences and journals. The publication rate of about 23% shows that these students contribute actively to the body of Systems Engineering knowledge. This study analyzes master’s projects at three levels – industrial problem and drivers; Systems Engineering methods; and research method feasibility – and provides valuable lessons learned by applying the industry-as-laboratory approach. Embedding students in industry has resulted in publications that do not suffer from the main challenges of participatory research such as delays, repeatability, and only action and not research. These insights are valuable both for industry and for academia in future work to enhance innovations
Changes in Health Literacy during the first year following a kidney transplantation: Using the Health Literacy Questionnaire
The study aimed to identify changes in health literacy (HL) and associated variables during the first year following a kidney transplantation.
A total of 196 transplant recipients were included in a prospective follow-up study. The patients answered the Health Literacy Questionnaire (HLQ) at 5 days, 8 weeks, 6 and 12 months following the kidney transplantation. Mixed linear models were used to analyze changes in HL and backward elimination was used to identify variables associated with HL.
Two main patterns of change were identified: a) HL increased during the first 8 weeks of close follow-up and b) in several domains, the positive increase from 5 days to 8 weeks flattened out from 5 days to 6 and 12 months. Self-efficacy, transplant-related knowledge, and general health were core variables associated with HL.
Overall, HL increased during the 8 weeks of close follow-up following the kidney transplantation, while 6 months seem to be a more vulnerable phase. Furthermore, low self-efficacy, less knowledge, and low self-perceived health may represent vulnerable characteristics in patients.
Practical implications
Future kidney transplant care should take into account patients’ access to and appraisal of health information and social support, and draw attention to potentially vulnerable groups.publishedVersio
Исследование собственных частотных свойств установки компрессора кондиционера самоходной сельскохозяйственной машины
Материалы XVIII Междунар. науч.-техн. конф. студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых, Гомель, 26–27 апр. 2018 г
Kunnskapsinnhenting om forsøpling på sjøbunn i Norge
Prosjektleder: Jannike Falk-AnderssonDenne rapporten gir oversikt over kunnskapsbehov, kunnskapsstatus og kunnskapshull knyttet til forsøpling på havbunnen, med utgangspunkt i et foreslått helhetlig beslutningsrammeverk for rydding av søppel fra havbunnen. Dette omfatter grunnlag for å kunne gjøre prioritering av områder og gjenstander for rydding, vurdere negative konsekvenser av rydding relatert til valg av ryddemetode og skade på miljø, vurdere gjennomførbarhet i form av praktiske aspekter ved rydding inkludert logistikk og avfallshåndtering, samt kostnader forbundet med havbunnsrydding. Viktige kunnskapshull blir påpekt og anbefalinger blir gitt for å kunne videreutvikle et helhetlig beslutningsrammeverk som kan brukes til å veilede rydding av søppel på havbunnen. I tillegg blir norske myndigheters rolle i havbunnsrydding diskutert.MARFOpublishedVersio
Riscurile și beneficiile înregistrării cu microelectrod în chirurgia bolii Parkinson
Background. Microelectrode recording is believed to improve the outcome by enhancing the precision
of electrodes used in deep brain stimulation in patients with Parkinson’s Disease. There is a trend that
higher number of penetrations correlate with high rate of hemorrhagic complications. Objective of the
study. Determine the clinical outcome of patients stimulated decentrally compared to those placed
centrally. Additionally, to assess whether a higher number of penetrations correlate with higher rates of
intracranial bleeding. Material and Methods. This monocentric study included 556 patients with
bilateral STN-DBS and relies on a large prospectively established database. Data were available from
400 patients. The outcome parameter was the stimulation-induced improvement of the UPDRS for PD.
We compared patients with both electrodes centrally to that bi-decentrally. Also, we determined the rate
of surgical complications. Results. A decentral tract was chosen in 41% of the electrodes based on
clinical grounds (central, n = 471 electrodes; decentral, n = 329). Motor symptom improvement was not
different between patients with electrodes implanted bilaterally in the central (44.39% ± 22.71) or
decentral (43,22% ± 17) trajectory bilaterally (p = 0.5571). Similar results were obtained for the
hemibody score and subscores for akinesia, tremor, rigidity, postural instability and gait disorder. The
overall bleeding rate was 2,78% and not depending on the number of penetrations.
Conclusion. Outcomes between the groups with central or decentral electrode trajectories did not differ
and, therefore, the use of mMER is likely to improve outcome quality. Comparison with other cohorts
does not disclose a higher rate of bleeding complications in this cohort with mMER.
Introducere. În chirurgia bolii Parkinson, înregistrarea cu microelectrod se utilizează pentru
determinarea punctului optim pentru stimulare cerebrală profundă. Se consideră că numărul crescut de
penetrații corelează cu rata mai mare a complicațiilor hemoragice postoperatorii. Scopul lucrării. De a
determina efectul clinic al pacienților stimulați cu electrozi bicentral versus cei implantați decentral
bilateral. De asemenea, de a evalua dacă numărul mai mare de penetrații corelează cu rata mai mare a
sângerării intracraniene. Material și Metode. Acest studiu monocentric a inclus 556 de pacienți cu
boala Parkinson, stimulați bilateral, bază pe o bază de date prospectivă. Datele complete au fost găsite
la 400 de pacienți. Parametrul pentru comparație a fost scala UPDRS pentru BP. Studiul nostru a
comparat pacienții cu ambii electrozi implantați bilateral central și decentral. De asemenea, s-a studiat
rata sângerării postoperatorii. Rezultate. Traiectorie decentrală s-a ales în 41% din electrozi pe baza la
rezultatul clinic (central - 471 electrozi, decentral - 329). Ameliorarea simptomelor motorii nu diferă
între grupurile de pacienți cu electrozi implantați bilateral central (44.39% ± 22.71) sau decentral (43,
22% ± 17), p = 0.56. Aceleași rezultate s-au obținut pentru scorul hemibody și subscoruri ca: akinezia,
tremorul, rigiditatea, tulburările de statică și mers. Incidența hemoragiei a fost de 2.78% și nu corelează
cu numărul de penetrații cu microelectroade. Concluzii. Rezultatul clinic al pacienților cu ambii
electrozi bilateral central și decentral nu diferă. Astfel, utilizarea MER poate ameliora rezultatul final.
Totodată, incidența complicațiilor postoperatorii hemoragice în studiul nostru nu este mai mare decât în
alte studii
Sustainable nutrient supply of organic farming challenged by specialisation
Diverse production on each farm, with livestock density well balanced with crop production, has been the traditional way to maintain the soil fertility in organic farming systems. However, there is a trend of specialisation into stockless arable or livestock farms. Stockless farming is challenged by depletion of soil mineral reserves and soil organic matter, risk of large nutrient losses after green manuring, and dependence on nutrient supply from external sources. In this paper, we focus on these challenges to sustained soil fertility
Functional analyses of Pericentrin and Syne-2/Nesprin-2 interaction in ciliogenesis
Pericentrin (Pcnt) is a multifunctional scaffold protein and mutations in the human PCNT gene are associated with several diseases, including ciliopathies. Pcnt plays a crucial role in ciliary development in olfactory receptor neurons, but its function in the photoreceptor-connecting cilium is unknown. We downregulated Pcnt in the retina ex vivo and in vivo via a virus-based RNA interference approach to study Pcnt function in photoreceptors. ShRNA-mediated knockdown of Pcnt impaired the development of the connecting cilium and the outer segment of photoreceptors, and caused a nuclear migration defect. In protein interaction screens, we found that the outer nuclear membrane protein Syne-2 (also known as Nesprin-2) is an interaction partner of Pcnt in photoreceptors. Syne-2 is important for positioning murine photoreceptor cell nuclei and for centrosomal migration during early ciliogenesis. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated knockout of Syne-2 in cell culture led to an overexpression and mislocalization of Pcnt and to ciliogenesis defects. Our findings suggest that the Pcnt–Syne-2 complex is important for ciliogenesis and outer segment formation during retinal development and plays a role in nuclear migration
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