24 research outputs found

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi untuk Pengarsipan dan Penilaian Borang Institusi

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    Saat ini, Indonesia sedang menghadapi tantangan dari Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) yang direncanakan akan diberlakukan pada akhir tahun 2015. Perguruan tinggi Indonesia dihadapkan dengan persaingan yang lebih terbuka dengan perguruan tinggi dari ASEAN. Terkait hal ini ada 4 hal utama yang harus diperhatikan oleh penyelenggara perguruan tinggi, yaitu peningkatan aksesbilitas, kurikulum, sistem penjaminan mutu, dan akreditasi. Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika (UKDC)adalah perguruan tinggi swasta di Surabaya yang sedang mempersiapkan diri untuk proses akreditasi institusi karena sebelumnya akreditasi hanya di tingkat program studi sehingga UKDC memerlukan sebuah sistem informasi pengarsipan untuk membantu proses akreditasi dan simulasi untuk mengetahui prediksi nilai akreditasi sehingga dapat mengetahui dimana kelemahan saat ini dan segera dapat memperbaikinya. Untuk itu penelitian ini akan membuat sistem informasi yang memudahkan pengarsipan data dan simulasi penilaian borang institusi yang dapat memberikan prediksi nilai akreditasi. Tahapan perancangan sistem ini dimulai dengan perancangan model mengikuti standar BAN-PT, penentuan input, penentuan output, perancangan database serta penentuan teknologi yang akan digunakan. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pembuatan interface lalu pengkodean bahasa program kemudian sistem diuji dengan metode blackbox. Dari hasil proses pengujian maka sistem telah berhasil menjalankan fungsinya dalam penyimpanan dokumen dan pencarian data sehingga mempermudah bagian administrasi untuk menyortir data. Sistem juga telah berhasil memprediksi nilai akreditasi institusi berdasarkan input dokumen akreditasi institusi tahun 2014 dengan total nilai 281,85

    Ketahanan Pangan Keluarga Orang Rimba Selatan Taman Nasional Bukit Dua Belas Jambi: Studi Mikroetnografi Keluarga Njalo Dalam Menghadapi Pandemik

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    The Orang Rimba are a hunting-gathering group that lives depending on the availability of the forest. Forests not only function as livelihoods but also have cultural significance as a resource for their cultural traditions. However, in the last few decades, forest conversion in Jambi province has increased. The increased function of forests in Jambi from forests as plantation areas, mining areas and industrial plantation forest areas has made the lives of the Orang Rimba as a hunting-gathering group increasingly threatened. Food security is a condition in which all people, at any time, have access both physically, socially, and economically to adequate, safe, and nutritious food which can meet food needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. Through the micro ethnography approach, the purpose of this paper is to know and understand the phenomenon of food security from the perspective of the Orang Rimba as seen from its availability, adequacy, affordability, and security. Orang Rimba have food security by relying on food sources available in the forest. In a state of urgency they will return to the forest.The Orang Rimba are a hunting-gathering group that lives depending on the availability of the forest. Forests not only function as livelihoods but also have cultural significance as a resource for their cultural traditions. However, in the last few decades, forest conversion in Jambi province has increased. The increased function of forests in Jambi from forests as plantation areas, mining areas and industrial plantation forest areas has made the lives of the Orang Rimba as a hunting-gathering group increasingly threatened. Food security is a condition in which all people, at any time, have access both physically, socially and economically to adequate, safe and nutritious food which can meet food needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. The purpose of this paper through micro ethnography approach is to know and understand the phenomenon of food security from the perspective of the Orang Rimba as seen from its availability, adequacy, affordability and security

    Positioning the Portrayal of White Protagonists in O.A Bushnell’s the Return of Lono and Ka’a’awa

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    This paper explores the role of literature in the post-truth age through reading on O.A Bushnell’s the Return of Lono and Ka’a’awa. A Hawai’ian novelist, Bushnell contextualizes the earliest interactions between the native Hawai’ian (Kanaka Maoli) and the white settlers which began with the arrival of Captain Cook’s expedition in 1778. Through his fictions, Bushnell underlines positive portrayal of the white characters to provide a counter-discourse to the generally accepted history of Hawai’ian colonialism. Through first person point of view, white characters become the central figure in both of Bushnell’s fictions. Through reading on O.A Bushnell’s narration, this paper aims to elaborate how the Hawai’ian natives also become a willing partner in western colonialism which highlights their colonial complicity. The concept of colonial complicity is employed to highlight the participation of the natives in promoting Western way of thinking. The analysis argues that although Bushnell contextualizes the complicity of the Hawai’ians in promoting Western discourse, resistance also occurs through creation of a hybrid culture.  This paper concludes that in the post truth era, literature should always strive to uncover the truth based on subjective interpretation instead of abiding of a universal truth


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    OAuth adalah entitas yang dapat memberikan hak akses terhadap sumber yang dilindungi (protected resource). Dengan OAuth seseorang dapat berbagi data dengan orang lain seperti foto, video dan tulisan secara langsung sehingga dapat mengidentifikasi dan memudahkan dalam proses pengenalan dan pencarian informasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merancang dan menerapkan prosedur mekanisme kerja teknologi OAuth 2 dengan melibatkan adanya otorisasi server yang merupakan sumber daya server itu sendiri dalam melakukan otentikasi dan otorisasi credential dari seorang client. Pada penelitian ini digunakan 3 (tiga) aplikasi yang bersifat single sign on, terdiri atas 3 halaman sign-in berbasis otentikasi OAuth 2 dari pemilik sumber daya (Resource Owner) dengan menerapkan proses kerja otentikasi OAuth 2. Otentikasi OAuth 2 lewat peran Authorization Server akan memvalidasi credential dari client seusai keberadaannya pada basis data, di proses dengan mengeluarkan sebuah halaman otorisasi (Authorize App) untuk diarahkan ke halaman utama setiap aplikasi web masing-masing. Otorisasi akhir dari kebenaran credential seorang client adalah di hasilkan sebuah akses token yang bekerja pada url (uniform resource locator) pada masing - masing aplikasi web. Kata Kunci: Authorization Server, OAuth 2, Otentikasi dan Otorisasi, Resource Serve

    Properties of Fly Ash-Slag-Based Geopolymer Concrete with Low Molarity Sodium Hydroxide

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    Most geopolymer concrete is produced using low-calcium fly ash and cured at high drying temperatures. Additionally, the activator is prepared with a sodium hydroxide (SH) solution of high molarity. This research proposes using a low molarity SH solution to produce fly ash-slag-based geopolymer concrete cured at room temperature. The properties to be investigated include workability, water absorption, and compressive strength. The influence of mixture composition, i.e., slag content, sodium silicate to sodium hydroxide (SS/SH) ratio, and alkaline activator to binder (Al/Bi) ratio on those properties is of interest. The slag substituted fly ash at 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50% replacement levels. The SS/SH ratio is 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0, with the SH molarity determined at 2M. The Al/Bi ratio is 0.40, 0.45, and 0.50. The results show that a higher percentage of slag reduces slump and water absorption but increases the compressive strength of the geopolymer concrete. The mixtures suitable for use are at the percentages of slag 20, 30, and 40%. An increase in the SS/SH ratio decreases the slump and water absorption. Geopolymer concrete with an SS/SH ratio of 1.5 gives maximum compressive strength compared to the other ratios. Increasing the ratio of Al/Bi increases the workability of geopolymer concrete. At an Al/Bi ratio of 0.45, the compressive strength is maximum and the water absorption is minimum. The recommended mix design in terms of workability, water absorption, and compressive strength of geopolymer concrete is a mixture with slag contents of 20, 30, and 40%, a SS/SH ratio of 1.0 and 1.5, and an Al/Bi ratio of 0.45 and 0.50. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2023-09-02-010 Full Text: PD

    Pengaruh Pertumbuhan Ekonomi, Pendapatan Asli Daerah, Dan Dana Alokasi Umum Terhadap Belanja Modal (Survey pada Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta)

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    his study aims to determine the effect of economic growth, local revenues, and general allocation funds to capital expenditure on districts / cities in the province of Yogyakarta Special Region. Population in this research is all districts / cities in DIY province. Sampling using purposive sampling technique. The data used in this research is secondary data, and data collection method using documentation method. While the analysis tool used is multiple regression analysis. Based on the analysis, it is known that economic growth earned t count ttable (6,350> 2,037) and general allocation funds get tcount> ttable (6,356> 2,037) effect on capital expenditure of regency / city government in DIY province