218 research outputs found


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    Com o objetivo de determinar o arranjo espacial mais adequado para a cultura do feijoeiro, variedade FT BIONOBRE, em função das características morfológicas, componentes de rendimento e rendimento de grãos, realizou-se um experimento no Colégio Agrícola Estadual Getúlio Vargas (Palmeira,PR), no período de 08 de novembro de 2000 a 11 de fevereiro de 2001, em sistema de semeadura direta, variando-se os espaçamentos entre fileiras e mantendo-se uma população de 270.000 plantas.ha-1. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com quatro tratamentos (espaçamentos de 0,30 m; 0,40 m; 0,50 m e 0,60 m) e oito repetições, para as avaliações de rendimento e seus componentes, bem como do índice de colheita aparente. Para as demais avaliações, que ocorreram durante o desenvolvimento da cultura, os tratamentos foram formados por parcelas subdivididas nos estádios de desenvolvimento fisiológico R5, R6, R7, R8 e R9. As parcelas foram compostas por dez fileiras de semeadura com 5,0 m de comprimento. Para a obtenção da população desejada, procurou-se, mediante o desbaste, manter uma média de 8,1; 10,8; 13,5 e 16,2 plantas.m- 1, para os espaçamentos de 0,30 m; 0,40 m; 0,50 m e 0,60 m, respectivamente. Os arranjos espaciais das plantas influenciaram a morfologia do feijoeiro. No menor espaçamento entre linhas de semeadura, a área foliar e a massa seca das diferentes partes das plantas foram menores, com reflexos negativos no número médio de vagens por planta, o único componente do rendimento influenciado pelo arranjo espacial das plantas. No entanto, no menor espaçamento, o espaçamento mais eqüidistante entre plantas contribuiu para a maior eficiência destas, uma vez que houve maior translocação de fotoassimilados para os grãos, o que resultou em maior índice de colheita aparente e, conseqüentemente, em maior rendimento.A field trial was carried out at Colégio Agrícola Estadual Getúlio Vargas (Palmeira, PR, Brazil) from November, 08th 2000 till February, 02nd 2001. Morphological characteristics, yield components and yield was analyzed in order to determine the most adequated spatial arrangement for dry bean in no-tillage system. The variety used was FT BIONOBRE. Row widths varied, while the population of 270,000 plants.ha-1 was maintained constant. The experimental design used to analyze yield, yield components and harvest index was a randomized complete block, with four treatments (0.30 m, 0.40 m, 0.50 m and 0.60 m) and eight replications. A randomized complete block for width row, with developmental stages R5, R6, R7, R8 and R9, split plot on it, was used to evaluate other characteristics that occur during the development of the crop. Plots were formed by ten rows with 5.0 m length. Population was standardized by thinning in the four width rows, in which remained about 8.1; 10.8; 13.5; and 16.2 plants.m-1. Spatial arrangements of plants affected morphological characteristics of dry bean. Lower results of leaf area and dry matter of different parts of plants were observed in the lowest row width. These characteristics contributed to reduce the mean number of pods per plant, which was the only yield component affected by spatial arrangement of plants. However, the lowest row width, in which the plants were distributed equidistantly, contributed to occurrence of more efficient plants. In these plants, more carbohydrates were translocated to grains. Therefore, harvest index and yield was increased

    Propagation of pariparoba (Piperaceae) by different types of stem cuttings and substrates

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    Piper cernuum Vell., a native species known as pariparoba, presents essential oil with potential properties and significant growth in clearings, being indicated for the recovery of degraded areas. Prospecting studies for new botanical matrices need the development of specific essays of plant propagation for future domestication of the species. This work aimed to evaluate the rooting of different types of cuttings using different substrates to develop a seedling production protocol. Stem cuttings with one or two nodes were installed on three types of substrates (medium sifted sand, vermiculite of medium granulometry and commercial substrate [Tropstrato HP®]) and maintained in greenhouse for 60 days to evaluation of the percentages of survival, mortality, sprouts, rooting, average number and average length of the roots. The results showed interaction between cutting types and substrates for rooting percentage and sprouting cuttings. The largest rooting percentages were observed in apical cuttings planted in sand and vermiculite (57.0 and 55.25%, respectively). Cuttings with two nodes presented higher performance than those with one node when compared for the analyzed variables.

    Propagación vegetativa de Piper crassinervium Kunth: influencia del sustrato y de la posición de recolección de las estacas

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    Piper crassinervium Kunth. se considera una planta con potencial para explotación comercial debido a la producción de compuestos con importantes actividades biológicas, como aceites esenciales y antioxidantes. A pesar de ello, todavía son escasos estudios sobre su cultivo y propagación. En este sentido, se objetivó con el presente trabajo evaluar la viabilidad de la propagación vegetativa de P. crassinervium utilizando estacas caulinares recogidas de las porciones apical, mediana y basal de ramas plagiotrópicas y diferentes sustratos de enraizamiento. Se han confeccionado estacas con una longitud de 10 ± 1 cm, que luego se plantaron en tubos que contenían vermiculita o sustrato comercial Tropstrato®, y se mantuvieron en la casa de vegetación con nebulización intermitente. La evaluación ocurrió 45 días después de la instalación del experimento. Los porcentajes de enraizamiento variaron de 18,8%, para estacas basales, hasta 72,9%, para estacas medianas. Para las variables de enraizamiento, supervivencia y retención foliar, estacas medianas y apicales presentaron mejores desempeños, así como el sustrato Tropstrato®. El número medio de raíces y la masa fresca de las brotaciones no variaron en función de los tipos de estacas o sustratos. Se concluye que la propagación vegetativa de P. crassinervium vía estaquia es viable. Las estacas apicales y medianas de ramas plagiotrópicas y el sustrato comercial Tropstrato® se recomiendan para mejores índices de enraizamiento.Piper crassinervium Kunth. is considered as a potential species for economic exploitation due to the production of compounds with important biological activities, such as essential oils and antioxidants. Despite this, studies on its cultivation and propagation are scarce. Accordingly, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the viability of P. crassinervium vegetative propagation using cuttings collected from the apical, middle and basal positions of plagiotropic branches and different substrates for rooting. The cuttings were made with 10±1 cm, planted in plastic tubes containing vermiculite or Tropstrato® commercial substrate and kept in a greenhouse with intermittent mist. The stem cuttings remained in the greenhouse for 45 days until evaluation was carried out. Interaction between cuttings positions and substrates was not observed for none of the analyzed characteristics. Rooting percentage ranged from 18.8%, in basal cuttings, to 72.9% in middle ones. For rooting, survival and leaf retention, middle and apical cuttings obtained better performance, as well as the Tropstrato® substrate. Average roots number and shoots fresh weight did not vary according to treatments. It can be concluded that propagation through stem cutting is feasible for P. crassinervium. Apical and middle cuttings from plagiotropic branches as well as Tropstrato® substrate should be used for better rooting performance.Piper crassinervium Kunth. é  considerada uma planta com potencial  para exploração comercial devido à produção de compostos com importantes atividades biológicas, como óleos essenciais e antioxidantes. Apesar disso, ainda são escassos estudos sobre seu cultivo e propagação. Nesse sentido, objetivou-se com o presente trabalho avaliar a viabilidade da propagação vegetativa de P. crassinervium utilizando estacas caulinares coletadas das porções apical, mediana e basal de ramos plagiotrópicos e diferentes substratos de enraizamento. Foram confeccionadas estacas com comprimento de 10 ±1 cm, que foram então plantadas em tubetes contendo vermiculita ou substrato comercial Tropstrato®, e mantidas em casa de vegetação com nebulização intermitente. A avaliação ocorreu 45 dias após a instalação do experimento. As porcentagens de enraizamento variaram de 18,8%, para estacas basais, até 72,9%, para estacas medianas. Para as variáveis de enraizamento, sobrevivência e retenção foliar, estacas medianas e apicais apresentaram melhores desempenhos, assim como o substrato Tropstrato®. O número médio de raízes e a massa fresca das brotações não variaram em função dos tipos de estacas ou substratos. Conclui-se que a propagação vegetativa de P. crassinervium  via estaquia é viável. Estacas apicais e medianas de ramos plagiotrópicos e o substrato comercial Tropstrato® são recomendados para melhores índices de enraizamento

    Artrópodes associados ao arroz de terras altas, Oryza sativa, em novo progresso, Estado do Pará : níveis de danos e estratégias para manejo

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Luis Amilton FoersterTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Zoologia. Defesa: Curitiba, 31/07/2014Inclui referênciasArea de concentração: ZoologiaResumo: O arroz, em seu processo evolutivo adaptou-se aos mais variados ambientes, no entanto, diversos mecanismos causam a reducao da producao deste grao. Entre esses fatores, os insetos-pragas se destacam como responsaveis por grande parte das perdas que vao desde a germinacao ate a colheita. Todavia, as informacoes sobre os organismos que ocorrem em plantacoes de arroz, sao quase que exclusivamente para culturas de arroz irrigado, sendo os dados para o arroz de terras altas, ainda incipientes, principalmente nas regioes de maior utilizacao deste tipo de cultivo (Centro-Oeste, Norte e Nordeste do Brasil). Assim, essa tese teve como objetivos realizar o levantamento da entomofauna presente em cultura de arroz de terras altas, verificar os niveis de danos das principais pragas encontradas, e propor estrategias alternativas ao controle quimico, utilizando plantas fitoinseticidas. O levantamento e os experimentos de campo foram realizados na fazenda Florentino, municipio de Novo Progresso, sudoeste do estado do Para. O inventario da artropodofauna mostrou que o complexo dos principais artropodes encontrados condiz com o que ja se conhece para outras regioes produtoras de arroz no Brasil, principalmente pelos padroes e flutuacoes populacionais observados para os lepidopteros e pentatomideos pragas. Alem disso, registrou-se pela primeira vez o percevejo fitofago, Hypatropis inermis se alimentando de colmos de arroz, e um novo genero de percevejo predador novo para a ciencia (Pentatomidae, Asopinae). Os experimentos de simulacao do ataque de pragas desfolhadoras propiciaram a mensuracao do nivel de desfolha que a cultura pode suportar em determinado estadio fenologico e tambem permitiu quantificar a perda de produtividade. Estes dados podem ser utilizados para reduzir os custos do controle quimico, pois mostraram que para o arroz de terras altas, as desfolhas quando ocorrem principalmente no estadio vegetativo, requerem uma alternativa de controle. Nos experimentos em campo, para a avaliacao dos danos ocasionados pelos principais percevejos-pragas, mostrou que a alimentacao do percevejo-do-colmo, Tibraca limbativentris, afetou o tempo para liberacao da panicula, aumentou o numero de coracoes mortos e paniculas brancas, e afetou a quantidade de sementes produzidas, quando a alimentacao aconteceu na fase vegetativa. Considerando os danos observados, sugere-se que se mantenha o nivel de infestacao ja relatado na literatura para a tomada de decisao para o controle e acrescenta-se que o monitoramento da lavoura deve ocorrer durante todo o estagio vegetativo, uma vez que foi nesta fase fenologica que os maiores danos foram observados. Ja a alimentacao do percevejo-das-paniculas, Oebalus poecilus, mostrou que no arroz de terras altas, os graos de arroz sao suscetiveis aos danos quantitativos (quantidade e peso dos graos) e qualitativos (graos manchados, atrofiados, gessados e quebrados) ao longo de todo o desenvolvimento das paniculas. Todavia, quando os insetos se alimentam durante as fases de antese/cariopse e leitosa ocasionam porcentuais significativamente maiores de graos vazios (ate 83%) do que quando se alimentaram de graos em fases posteriores de desenvolvimento da panicula. Esta caracteristica tambem foi observada para a reducao do peso dos graos. Os experimentos visando encontrar uma alternativa biorracional para o controle dos principais percevejos-pragas, teve como objetivo verificar a acao ovicida e ninficida de oleos essenciais de diferentes partes vegetais de Piper aduncum, P. gaudichaudianum, P. malacophyllum, P. marginatum e P. tuberculatum (Piperaceae) sobre o percevejo-do-colmo do arroz. Os resultados mostraram que quase todas as especies de Piperaceae apresentaram atividade fitoinseticida. Esta caracteristica pode estar relacionada com a potencial toxicidade dos principais compostos quimicos encontrados em cada especie e parte vegetal, com destaque para os compostos dilapiol, miristicina, cubebene, ƒ¿-guaiene, longifolene, prezizane, spathulenol, sabinene e ƒÂ-2-carene. No geral, os resultados aprentados nessa tese podem beneficiar produtores e outros pesquisadores, permitindo-lhes concentrar os esforcos de monitoramento de diversas pragas de arroz de terras altas, para tomadas de decisoes mais bem informadas sobre quando e quais medidas de controle devem ser aplicadas. Palavras chave: Fitoinseticidas, Tibraca limbativentris, Oebalus poecilus, Hypatropis inermis, Piperaceae, pragas do arroz.Abstract: Rice, in its evolutionary process adapted itself to various environments, however, several mechanisms cause reductions in grain production. Among these factors, insect-pests stand out as being responsible for much of the losses, that extend from germination to harvest. However, information about insects found in rice paddies, are almost exclusively for irrigated rice crops and the data for upland rice are still incipient, particularly in regions of higher cultivation of this crop type (Central West, North and Northeast of Brazil). Thus, the aims of this thesis was to perform a survey of the entomofauna of upland rice, evaluate the levels of damage of the main pests and propose alternative strategies to chemical control, using phytoinsecticides. The survey and the experiments on damage were conducted in Florentino farm, municipality of Novo Progresso, southwest region of Para state, Brazil. The survey showed that the complex of the main arthropods found is in agreement with what is already known for other rice producing regions in Brazil, mainly in relation to the distribution patterns and population fluctuations observed for lepidopteran and pentatomids. Furthermore, Hypatropis inermis (Pentatomidae, Pentatominae) was recorded for the first time feeding on rice stems and a new genus of predatory stinkbug (Pentatomidae, Asopinae) was collected. The experiments on simulation of defoliating pest attack enabled the measurement of the level of defoliation that the crop can support at different growth stages and also allowed to quantify the loss of productivity. These data can be used to reduce the cost of chemical control, since they showed that for upland rice, the defoliation during the vegetative stage, requires control measures. Field experiments to assess the damage caused by major stinkbug pests, showed that damage caused by the stem-feeding stinkbug Tibraca limbativentris, affected the time to panicle liberation, the number of dead hearts and white panicles, and decreased the amount of seed oduced when the damage was caused in the vegetative stage. Considering the damage observed, it is suggested to maintain the level of infestation already reported in the literature for the decision-making to control T. limbativentris and it is proposed that the monitoring of the crop should be done throughout the vegetative stage, since it was at this phenological stage that the greatest damage was observed. The feeding of the-panicle stimkbug, Oebalus poecilus, showed that in upland rice the grains of rice are susceptible to quantitative damage (number and grain weight) and qualitative (stained , shriveled, chalky and broken graims) in any phase of panicle development . However, when the insects feed during anthesis/caryopsis and milky phases cause am higher percentage of empty grains (up 83%) than when fed on grains at later stages of panicle development. This feature was also observed for the reduction of the weight of the grains. Experiments to find a biorracional alternative for the control of major stinkbug-pests, aimed to verify the ovicidal and nymphicidal action of essential oils from Piper aduncum, P. gaudichaudianum, P. malacophyllum, P. marginatum e P. tuberculatum (Piperaceae) against the stinkbugs-of-stem rice. The results showed that almost all Piperaceae species presented phyto-insecticide active. This characteristic may be related to the potential toxicity of the major chemical compounds found on each species of plant and especially for the compounds dilapiolle, myristicin, cubebene, ƒ¿-guaiene, longifolene, prezizane, spathulenol, sabinene and ƒÂ-2-carene. Overall, the information presented in this thesis can benefit producers and other researchers, enabling them to concentrate monitoring efforts of various pests of upland rice, for decision making better informed on when and what control measures should be applied. Keywords: Phyto-insecticides, Tibraca limbativentris, Oebalus poecilus, Hypatropis inermis, Piperaceae, rice pests


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    The briquetting process was developed seeking to reuse the waste generated both in forestry production and in industrial processes. The compression of lignocellulosic waste concentrates the available energy in terms of volume and facilitates the handling and storage of these materials. The present work aims to verify the influence on the quality of briquettes of different compositions between the residues of coffee grounds, pine sawdust and cambará sawdust by evaluating the physical, chemical and mechanical characteristics of the briquettes generated from the compaction of these waste. For this, several tests were carried out with the briquettes, analyzing the properties of particle size, resistance to diametrical compression, moisture and ash for each composition of the briquette. The briquettes were produced on a 12-tonne hydraulic press. The waste used showed a high concentration of fine particles, with pine sawdust being 50.5% of particles with a diameter of 0.425mm. Coffee beans have moisture content above 50%, positively impacting the ash content and negatively impacting briquetting and tensile strength by diametral compression. In the production of briquettes, material with up to 60% addition of coffee grounds was obtained. The compression tests showed good results for the treatments, highlighting the treatments with a high concentration of pine. It is also concluded that the coffee grounds can be used in the production of briquettes with sawdust, however, it is suggested for future articles, the correction of moisture in the briquettes for better compaction

    First report of Squash Vine Borer, Melittia cucurbitae (Harris, 1828) (Lepidoptera, Sessidae) in Brazil and South America: distribution extension and geographic distribution map

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    Melittia cucurbitae (Harris, 1828) is a very important pest of squash and pumpkins. To date, this lepidopteran had its distribution reported for eastern United States, southeastern Canada, and Mexico. Our study reports for the first time the occurrence of squash vine borer, M. cucurbitae for South America, being the first record to Brazil, in southwest region of Pará state

    Respostas psicofisiológicas de mulheres obesas durante caminhada em intensidade autosselecionada realizada em esteira e na pista

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Sergio Gregorio da SilvaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciencias Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Física. Defesa: Curitiba, 20/11/2012Bibliografia: fls. 63-71Área de concentraçao: Exercício e esporteResumo: Objetivo: Comparar as respostas psicofisiológicas (fisiológicas, perceptuais, afetivas, bem como o foco de atenção), durante a caminhada em intensidade autosselecionada sobre a esteira e pista por mulheres obesas. Métodos: Participaram deste estudo 25 mulheres obesas (IMC 34,9 ± 2,77 kg.m-2), previamente sedentárias, com idade entre 31 a 56 anos. Cada sujeito participou de uma sessão de familiarização, teste incremental máximo, e duas sessões experimentais realizadas de forma randomizada, envolvendo um teste de 30 minutos de caminhada em intensidade autosselecionada na esteira e pista. Durante cada sessão de 30 minutos de caminhada em intensidade autosselecionada as respostas fisiológicas (frequência cardíaca, FC; e consumo de oxigênio, O2), perceptual (percepção subjetiva de esforço, Borg 6-20, PSE), afetivas (prazer/desprazer) e o foco de atenção (associativo, de angústia e dissociativo) foram mensurados. Para a análise estatística, empregaram-se análises de variância (ANOVA) one way de medidas repetidas, seguido por um teste de comparação de médias Bonferroni para determinar onde as diferenças significativas ocorreram. As diferenças no foco de atenção em relação às duas condições (pista x esteira), foi avaliada por um teste t pareado (p0.05). However, perceived exertion during the session of overground walking were significantly lower when compared with those during the treadmill session (P<0.05). Similarly, it was observed that the session of overground walking provides a greater focus of attention dissociative compared to exercises performed on treadmill. In addition, affective response was more positive during the session of overground walking than during the treadmill session (P<0.05). Conclusions: The walking bout at a self-selected pace in overground promotes similar physiological stimulus in both condition (treadmill and overground) However, walking self-paced walking performed on overground resulted in lower perceptual more positive affective responses. The influence of factors such as a wider array of external cues or higher attentional distraction (attentional focus dissociative) in more naturalistic environments would contribute to more favorable perceptual. This is particularly important because to contribute create a positive memory of the activity and hopefully lead to increased motivation for future physical activity participation

    IDA: Improved Data Augmentation Applied to Salient Object Detection

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    In this paper, we present an Improved Data Augmentation (IDA) technique focused on Salient Object Detection (SOD). Standard data augmentation techniques proposed in the literature, such as image cropping, rotation, flipping, and resizing, only generate variations of the existing examples, providing a limited generalization. Our method combines image inpainting, affine transformations, and the linear combination of different generated background images with salient objects extracted from labeled data. Our proposed technique enables more precise control of the object's position and size while preserving background information. The background choice is based on an inter-image optimization, while object size follows a uniform random distribution within a specified interval, and the object position is intra-image optimal. We show that our method improves the segmentation quality when used for training state-of-the-art neural networks on several famous datasets of the SOD field. Combining our method with others surpasses traditional techniques such as horizontal-flip in 0.52% for F-measure and 1.19% for Precision. We also provide an evaluation in 7 different SOD datasets, with 9 distinct evaluation metrics and an average ranking of the evaluated methods.Comment: Accepted for presentation at SIBGRAPI 2020 - 33rd Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Image