18 research outputs found

    Diversity, Loss, and Gain of Malaria Parasites in a Globally Invasive Bird

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    Invasive species can displace natives, and thus identifying the traits that make aliens successful is crucial for predicting and preventing biodiversity loss. Pathogens may play an important role in the invasive process, facilitating colonization of their hosts in new continents and islands. According to the Novel Weapon Hypothesis, colonizers may out-compete local native species by bringing with them novel pathogens to which native species are not adapted. In contrast, the Enemy Release Hypothesis suggests that flourishing colonizers are successful because they have left their pathogens behind. To assess the role of avian malaria and related haemosporidian parasites in the global spread of a common invasive bird, we examined the prevalence and genetic diversity of haemosporidian parasites (order Haemosporida, genera Plasmodium and Haemoproteus) infecting house sparrows (Passer domesticus). We sampled house sparrows (N = 1820) from 58 locations on 6 continents. All the samples were tested using PCR-based methods; blood films from the PCR-positive birds were examined microscopically to identify parasite species. The results show that haemosporidian parasites in the house sparrows' native range are replaced by species from local host-generalist parasite fauna in the alien environments of North and South America. Furthermore, sparrows in colonized regions displayed a lower diversity and prevalence of parasite infections. Because the house sparrow lost its native parasites when colonizing the American continents, the release from these natural enemies may have facilitated its invasion in the last two centuries. Our findings therefore reject the Novel Weapon Hypothesis and are concordant with the Enemy Release Hypothesis

    The impact of conservation-driven translocations on blood parasite prevalence in the Seychelles warbler

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    Introduced populations often lose the parasites they carried in their native range, but little is known about which processes may cause parasite loss during host movement. Conservation-driven translocations could provide an opportunity to identify the mechanisms involved. Using 3,888 blood samples collected over 22 years, we investigated parasite prevalence in populations of Seychelles warblers (Acrocephalus sechellensis) after individuals were translocated from Cousin Island to four new islands (Aride, Cousine, Denis and Frégate). Only a single parasite (Haemoproteus nucleocondensus) was detected on Cousin (prevalence = 52%). This parasite persisted on Cousine (prevalence = 41%), but no infection was found in individuals hatched on Aride, Denis or Frégate. It is not known whether the parasite ever arrived on Aride, but it has not been detected there despite 20 years of post-translocation sampling. We confirmed that individuals translocated to Denis and Frégate were infected, with initial prevalence similar to Cousin. Over time, prevalence decreased on Denis and Frégate until the parasite was not found on Denis two years after translocation, and was approaching zero prevalence on Frégate. The loss (Denis) or decline (Frégate) of H. nucleocondensus, despite successful establishment of infected hosts, must be due to factors affecting parasite transmission on these islands

    Age-specific haemosporidian infection dynamics and survival in Seychelles warblers

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    Parasites may severely impact the fitness and life-history of their hosts. After infection, surviving individuals may suppress the growth of the parasite, or completely clear the infection and develop immunity. Consequently, parasite prevalence is predicted to decline with age. Among elderly individuals, immunosenescence may lead to a late-life increase in infection prevalence. We used a 21-year longitudinal dataset from one population of individually-marked Seychelles warblers (Acrocephalus sechellensis) to investigate age-dependent prevalence of the GRW1 strain of the intracellular protozoan blood parasite Haemoproteus nucleocondensus and whether infections with this parasite affect age-dependent survival. We analyzed 2454 samples from 1431 individuals and found that H. nucleocondensus infections could rarely be detected in nestlings. Prevalence increased strongly among fledglings and peaked among older first year birds. Prevalence was high among younger adults and declined steeply until ca 4 years of age, after which it was stable. Contrary to expectations, H. nucleocondensus prevalence did not increase among elderly individuals and we found no evidence that annual survival was lower in individuals suffering from an infection. Our results suggest that individuals clear or suppress infections and acquire immunity against future infections, and provide no evidence for immunosenescence nor an impact of chronic infections on survival

    Molecular phylogenetic analysis of circumnuclear hemoproteids (haemosporida, haemoproteidae) of sylviid birds, with description of haemoproteus parabelopolskyi sp. Nov.

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    Haemoproteus spp., with circumnuclear gametocytes and tentatively belonging to Haemoproteus belopolskyi, are widespread and prevalent in warblers belonging to the Sylviidae, with numerous mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b) lineages detected among them.We sampled the hemoproteids from 6 species of warblers adjacent to the Baltic Sea. Parasites were identified to species based on morphology of their gametocytes, and a segment of the parasite's cyt b gene was sequenced. Sixteen mitochondrial cyt b lineages of hemoproteids with circumnuclear gametocytes were recorded. Two clades of lineages (clade A in species of Acrocephalus and Hippolais and clade B in species of Sylvia) with sequence divergence between their lineages >5% are distinguished in the phylogenetic tree. Within the clades A and B, the genetic distance between the lineages is 3.9 and 2.8%, respectively. We compared the morphology of gametocytes of 3 lineages (hHIICT1, hMW1, and hSYAT2) in detail. The lineages hHIICT1 and hMW1 (clade A) belong to the morphospecies H. belopolskyi. Parasites of the lineage hSYAT2 (clade B) are described as a new species Haemoproteus parabelopolskyi, which can be readily distinguished from H. belopolskyi by the significantly smaller nuclei of its macrogametocytes. Lineages closely related to H. belopolskyi and H. parabelopolskyi are identified. The sequence divergence between lineages of these 2 morphospecies ranges between 5.3 and 8.1%. It seems probable that avian Haemoproteus spp. with a genetic differentiation of 5% in mitochondrial cyt b gene might be morphologically differentiated at the stage of gametocytes. This study establishes the value of both PCR and morphology in identification of avian hemoproteids