723 research outputs found

    A new definition of mixing and segregation: Three dimensions of a key process variable

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    Although a number of definitions of mixing have been proposed in the literature, no single definition accurately and clearly describes the full range of problems in the field of industrial mixing. An alternate approach is proposed which defines segregation as being composed of three separate dimensions. The first dimension is the intensity of segregation quantified by the normalized concentration variance (CoV); the second dimension is the scale of segregation or clustering; and the last dimension is the exposure or the potential to reduce segregation. The first dimension focuses on the instantaneous concentration variance; the second on the instantaneous length scales in the mixing field; and the third on the driving force for change, i.e. the mixing time scale, or the instantaneous rate of reduction in segregation. With these three dimensions in hand, it is possible to speak more clearly about what is meant by the control of segregation in industrial mixing processes. In this paper, the three dimensions of segregation are presented and defined in the context of previous definitions of mixing, and then applied to a range of industrial mixing problems to test their accuracy and robustness

    Design of module for demonstration and testing of system basis chips NCV7471

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    Práce se zabývá návrhem automobilové elektronické řídicí jednotky (ECU) s funkcí partial networking definovanou normou ISO 11898-6. Cílem je navrhnout a vytvořit demonstrační ECU s použitím system basis chip NCV7471. Protože NCV7471 obsahuje standardní CAN transceiver, funkce partial networking je realizována pouze softwarem řídicí jednotky. Práce zvažuje možné způsoby realizace jak HW, tak SW části, tak aby byla zajištěna nízká spotřeba ECU v různých operačních módech, a snaží se sledovat současné trendy v automobilovém průmyslu.The thesis deals with the design of automotive ECU with partial networking (PN) functionality according to ISO 11898-6. Aim is to design and create evaluation electronic control unit (ECU) using system basis chip NCV7471. Since NCV7471 integrates standard CAN transceiver without HW PN support, the PN functionality is realized by ECU software. This thesis considers possible ways of realization in HW and SW domain to maintain low power consumption of the ECU in different operational modes in order to follow current trends in automotive industry.

    Multilanguage Photo Server on Ruby on Rails

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    Náplní bakalářské práce bylo vytvoření vícejazyčného webového fotoalba pro více uživatelů, kde si tito můžou navzájem přidělovat práva ke svým fotoalbům. Vzhledem k použití frameworku Ruby on Rails by měl být výsledný produkt multiplatformní. Základním předpokladem pro vytvoření této práce bylo porozumění tomuto frameworku a přistoupení na konvenční programování v jazyce Ruby. Dále bylo třeba stanovit co vše bude fotoalbum umožnovat svým uživatelům a na základě tohoto navrhnout model systému, který byl následně implementován. Pro co nejsnazší přenositelnost byla aplikace implementována na databázovém systému SQLITE3, to je však možné změnit pouhým upravením konfiguračního souboru.The goal of my Bachelor Thesis work was to to create multiuser and multilanguage web photoalbum. Users can give permissions for their albums to other users. Beacause i used Ruby on Rails framework the product should be multiplatform. The basic achievement of this work was to understand this framework and use conventional programming in Ruby language. Next step was to decide what services would the photoalbum provide to users and then i designed the model which i then implemented. For the best compatibility betweet different platforms the aplication is implemented on SQLITE3 database system, this can be changed in configuration file.

    Testování vybraných modelů odhadu hodnoty VaR

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    Modeling, measuring, and subsequent management of the portfolio risks is of great importance for decision making in financial institutions. This article is focused on the portfolio returns modeling with the use of two particular probability distributions, normal distribution and normal inverse Gaussian model. The normal distribution is chosen because of its general and easy use and normal inverse Gaussian distribution is selected because of its ability to model the skewness and kurtosis. The goals of the article are to backtest chosen models for VaR estimation and to choose the best one. Models based on these two distributions are compared on the basis of VaR estimation of market risk. The backtesting results are statistically tested on the number and independence of the exceptions. The conclusion, that the models which utilize the normal inverse Gaussian model are for portfolio modeling more appropriate than those with normal probability distribution, is based on the results shown in the application part of the article. On the other hand even these models are not accurate for VaR estimation on lower confidence levels because of the existence of bunching

    Application of GARCH-Copula Model in Portfolio Optimization

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    Although the cornerstone of modern portfolio theory was set by Markowitz in 1952, the portfolio optimization problem is a never-ending research topic for both academics and practitioners. In this problem the future prediction of time series evolution plays an important role. However, it is rarely addressed in research. In the paper we analyze the applicability of the GARCH-copula model. To be more concrete we assume the investor maximizing Sharpe ratio while the future evolution of the time series is simulated by means of the AR(1)-GARCH(1,1) model using the copula modelling approach. The bootstrapping technique is applied as a benchmark. From the empirical results we found out that the GARCH-copula model provides better forecasts of future financial time series evolution than the bootstrapping method. Assuming the investor is maximizing the Sharpe ratio, both the final wealth increases and maximum drawdown decreases when we apply the GARCH-copula model compared to the application of bootstrapping technique

    The present state and development trends of small mechanisation engines.

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá rozborem a přehledem současného stavu a vývoje motorů určených pro malou mechanizaci značky Honda. Dále se v práci nahlíží na základní technické parametry, provozní odlišnosti a různé druhy použití těchto motorů.This bachelor’s thesis deals with the analysis of the overview of present state and the development of engines designed for purposes of small mechanization of Honda brand. In the thesis, the basic technical parameters, the operational differences of these engines and their means of use there will also be introduced further on.

    Positioning Africa: the limits of perpetuation: an investigation of postcolonial Eurocentrism and its impact on the display of African art in Britain between 1995 and 2005

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    Abstract: This research report analyses the extent to which Britain maintained a neo-colonial, Eurocentric mentality towards the arts of Africa over the course of the decade 1995 to 2005. Two exhibitions that focused on the arts of Africa were mounted in Britain during this period. Both of these exhibitions, used as case studies in this research report, clearly demonstrated that entrenched stereotypes persist regarding Africa’s artistic output. The africa95 and Africa 05 programmes highlighted the fact that African artists are valued in Western centres primarily for their ‘difference’, continually being marginalised through omnibus narratives that single out African artists as producing the work of the Other. ‘Traditional’ African art is equated with ‘authentic’ African art and the work of contemporary African artists is either compared with the ‘traditional’, or negated for being too influenced by Western aesthetics. Discourses around identity and representation of African artists in the West have been impacted by numerous factors such as the growth and increased profile of the African diaspora. While entrenched mindsets in the West towards African art are beginning to shift, ultimately the identity of contemporary African artists is framed within very narrow parameters that have been created by Western art centres and imposed upon African artists. In this context, the insular British cultural establishment has proven particularly resistant to change. The centre/periphery paradigm serves as a protective measure for British cultural identity. However, even as subtle shifts away from this perspective begin and the initial stages of an acceptance of contemporary African art is revealed, it is nonetheless a very limited advancement that still revolves around a small number of British institutions and curators who set the parameters of the discourse. In summary, this analysis of the decade under review reveals that very little has changed regarding the positioning of African art in Britain

    Nollywood: Rooted in Yoruba

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    Comparison of mechanical properties of clays treated by siliceous and calcareous fly ash

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    The paper describes the results of stabilization tests of two types of loess clays obtained from road construction sites in the area of Moravia, which were treated with 5%, 10% and 15% additions of two fly ashes: siliceous one from a conventional boiler and calcareous one from combustion in a fluidized bed boiler. The obtained results showed that both investigated fly ashes have the potential to use them for soil treatment. The mechanical properties of soils depend on the grain size distribution and the clay fraction content. They affect mainly moisture content and load capacity. Fly ash from the power plant at the iron and steel plant in Trinec exhibits hydraulic properties, and its CBR capacity index was 500% after 28 days of maturing. The addition of this fly ash caused a reduction in the maximum bulk density of the soil backbone of the treated soils and increased shear strength, as well as influenced the control of volume changes.Web of Science24317216

    Dancing Power: Examining Identity Through Native American Powwow

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    This study considers how inter-tribal Indian identity formed though historic circumstances and how it is negotiated and maintained by contemporary Native Americans. Specifically, it considers identity formation and negotiation through the inter-tribal dance event, powwow. Further, it considers how and if men and women participate in this identity formation and negotiation differently. Finally, it considers how this identity is useful for urban Indian populations living outside of tribal lands and who, in some cases, have little involvement in more traditional, or tribal, settings