63 research outputs found

    Interatomic repulsion softness directly controls the fragility of supercooled metallic melts.

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    We present an analytic scheme to connect the fragility and viscoelasticity of metallic glasses to the effective ion-ion interaction in the metal. This is achieved by an approximation of the short-range repulsive part of the interaction, combined with nonaffine lattice dynamics to obtain analytical expressions for the shear modulus, viscosity, and fragility in terms of the ion-ion interaction. By fitting the theoretical model to experimental data, we are able to link the steepness of the interionic repulsion to the Thomas-Fermi screened Coulomb repulsion and to the Born-Mayer valence electron overlap repulsion for various alloys. The result is a simple closed-form expression for the fragility of the supercooled liquid metal in terms of few crucial atomic-scale interaction and anharmonicity parameters. In particular, a linear relationship is found between the fragility and the energy scales of both the screened Coulomb and the electron overlap repulsions. This relationship opens up opportunities to fabricate alloys with tailored thermoelasticity and fragility by rationally tuning the chemical composition of the alloy according to general principles. The analysis presented here brings a new way of looking at the link between the outer shell electronic structure of metals and metalloids and the viscoelasticity and fragility thereof.The support of the Technische UniversitĂ€t MĂŒnchen Institute for Advanced Study, funded by the German Excellence Initiative and the European Union 7th Framework Programme under Grant Agreement 291763, is acknowledged.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from PNAS via http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.150374111

    Unifying model for random matrix theory in arbitrary space dimensions.

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    A sparse random block matrix model suggested by the Hessian matrix used in the study of elastic vibrational modes of amorphous solids is presented and analyzed. By evaluating some moments, benchmarked against numerics, differences in the eigenvalue spectrum of this model in different limits of space dimension d, and for arbitrary values of the lattice coordination number Z, are shown and discussed. As a function of these two parameters (and their ratio Z/d), the most studied models in random matrix theory (Erdos-Renyi graphs, effective medium, and replicas) can be reproduced in the various limits of block dimensionality d. Remarkably, the Marchenko-Pastur spectral density (which is recovered by replica calculations for the Laplacian matrix) is reproduced exactly in the limit of infinite size of the blocks, or d→∞, which clarifies the physical meaning of space dimension in these models. We feel that the approximate results for d=3 provided by our method may have many potential applications in the future, from the vibrational spectrum of glasses and elastic networks to wave localization, disordered conductors, random resistor networks, and random walks

    Non-affine lattice dynamics of defective fcc crystals

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    The mechanical, thermal and vibrational properties of defective crystals are important in many different contexts, from metallurgy and solid-state physics to, more recently, soft matter and colloidal physics. Here we study two different models of disordered fcc crystal lattices, with randomly-removed bonds and with vacancies, respectively, within the framework of non-affine lattice dynamics. We find that both systems feature the same scaling of the shear modulus with the newly defined inversion-symmetry breaking (ISB) parameter, which shows that local inversion-symmetry breaking around defects is the universal root source of the non-affine softening of the shear modulus. This finding allows us to derive analytical relations for the non-affine (zero-frequency) shear modulus as a function of vacancy concentration in excellent agreement with numerical simulations. Nevertheless, due to the different microstructural disorder, the spatial fluctuations of the local ISB parameter are different in the vacancy and bond-depleted case. The vacancy fcc exhibits comparatively a more heterogenous microstructural disorder (due to the broader distribution of coordination number Z), which is reflected in a different scaling relation between boson peak frequency in the DOS and the average [Z with combining macron]. These differences are less important at low vacancy concentrations, where the numerical DOS of the vacancy fcc can be well described theoretically by coherent-potential approximation, developed here for the bond-depleted fcc lattice in 3d

    Disentangling interatomic repulsion and anharmonicity in the viscosity and fragility of glasses

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    Within the shoving model of the glass transition, the relaxation time and the viscosity are related to the local cage rigidity. This approach can be extended down to the atomic level in terms of the interatomic interaction or potential of mean force. We applied this approach to both real metallic glass formers and model Lennard-Jones glasses. The main outcome of this analysis is that in metallic glasses the thermal expansion contribution is mostly independent of composition and is uncorrelated with the interatomic repulsion: As a consequence, the fragility increases upon increasing the interatomic repulsion steepness. In the Lennard-Jones glasses, the scenario is opposite: Thermal expansion and interatomic repulsion contributions are strongly correlated, and the fragility decreases upon increasing the repulsion steepness. This framework allows one to tell apart systems where “soft atoms make strong glasses” from those where, instead, “soft atoms make fragile glasses.” Hence, it opens up the way for the rational, atomistic tuning of the fragility and viscosity of widely different glass-forming materials all the way from strong to fragile.The support of the EU through VitrimetTech ITN network FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN-607080 and DFG FG 1394P1 is thankfully acknowledged

    Linking slow dynamics and microscopic connectivity in dense suspensions of charged colloids.

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    The quest to unravel the nature of the glass transition, where the viscosity of a liquid increases by many orders of magnitude, while its static structure remains largely unaffected, remains unresolved. While various structural and dynamical precursors to vitrification have been identified, a predictive and quantitative description of how subtle changes at the microscopic scale give rise to the steep growth in macroscopic viscosity is missing. It was recently proposed that the presence of long-lived bonded structures within the liquid may provide the long-sought connection between local structure and global dynamics. Here we directly observe and quantify the connectivity dynamics in liquids of charged colloids en route to vitrification using three-dimensional confocal microscopy. We determine the dynamic structure from the real-space van Hove correlation function and from the particle trajectories, providing upper and lower bounds on connectivity dynamics. Based on these data, we extend Dyre's model for the glass transition to account for particle-level structural dynamics; this results in a microscopic expression for the slowing down of relaxations in the liquid that is in quantitative agreement with our experiments. These results indicate how vitrification may be understood as a dynamical connectivity transition with features that are strongly reminiscent of rigidity percolation scenarios

    Linking slow dynamics and microscopic connectivity in dense suspensions of charged colloids

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    The quest to unravel the nature of the glass transition, where the viscosity of a liquid increases by many orders of magnitude, while its static structure remains largely unaffected, remains unresolved. While various structural and dynamical precursors to vitrification have been identified, a predictive and quantitative description of how subtle changes at the microscopic scale give rise to the steep growth in macroscopic viscosity is missing. It was recently proposed that the presence of long-lived bonded structures within the liquid may provide the long-sought connection between local structure and global dynamics. Here we directly observe and quantify the connectivity dynamics in liquids of charged colloids en route to vitrification using three-dimensional confocal microscopy. We determine the dynamic structure from the real-space van Hove correlation function and from the particle trajectories, providing upper and lower bounds on connectivity dynamics. Based on these data, we extend Dyre's model for the glass transition to account for particle-level structural dynamics; this results in a microscopic expression for the slowing down of relaxations in the liquid that is in quantitative agreement with our experiments. These results indicate how vitrification may be understood as a dynamical connectivity transition with features that are strongly reminiscent of rigidity percolation scenarios

    Faktorextraktion in der multivariaten Faktorenanalyse

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