76 research outputs found

    Coaching Stories: A Kaleidoscopic Anthology

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    A symbolic compilation of stories centered in a variety of organizational settings is presented. Through fictional characters and organizations, the narrative illustrates a variety of models, theories, and techniques that coaches might utilize when working with clients. This series of professional parables brings to life an assortment of executive coaching situations and leadership dilemmas where individuals are challenged to address issues, alter approaches, and overcome obstacles. While all persons, places, and activities are imaginary, the approaches and recommendations represent real-world descriptions. Each of the five stories told offers opportunities for both coaches and clients to strengthen their communication skills, to connect with each other by establishing common ground, and to contribute to their respective roles in the workplace as well as the world. This collection of models in action is a blueprint for building relationships, a framework for moving forward, a catalyst for creating change, and a template for taking the next steps

    Eine ThĂŒnen-Evaluierung von fisch- und fischereibezogenen Indikatoren der EU Meeresstrategie-Rahmenrichtlinie (MSRL)

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    Dieser Bericht stellt ein Bewertungsverfahren fĂŒr die nationalen Indikatoren der Meeresstrategie-Rahmenrichtlinie (MSRL) vor, welche fischökologische Aspekte der Meeresumwelt oder die Auswirkungen von Fischerei erfassen sollen. Die Bewertung der MSRL-Indikatoren wurde vorgenommen, um den derzeit noch stattfindenden Auswahlprozess und die Operationalisierung der Indikatoren durch eine fachliche EinschĂ€tzung zu unterstĂŒtzen. Es wurden insgesamt 23 MSRL-Indikatoren nach einem international erprobten Bewertungssystem gegen 15 Kriterien bewertet. Diese Kriterien berĂŒcksichtigten die DatenqualitĂ€t, die Management-PraktikabilitĂ€t und die konzeptionellen QualitĂ€ten jedes Indikators. Die 15 Kriterien erlaubten somit eine genauere Betrachtung möglicher Defizite und die gezielte Erarbeitung von Empfehlungen zur Verbesserung der vorgestellten Indikatoren. Die exemplarische Bewertung durch die sieben ThĂŒnen-Expertinnen und -Experten zeigte, dass Indikatoren aus dem Fischereimanagement und den fischereiwissenschaftlichen Forschungsreisen grundsĂ€tzlich sehr gut bewertet wurden. Dies liegt daran, dass viele Indikatoren aus dem Fischereimanagement schon seit Jahrzehnten etabliert sind, als wissenschaftlich abgesichert gelten, sowie einen hohen Grad internationaler Abstimmung und eine relativ gute Datengrundlage aufweisen. Die Bewertungen von Indikatoren zu dem Zustand von Nahrungsnetzen oder benthischen LebensrĂ€umen, sowie der BeifangintensitĂ€ten von Seevögeln und MeeressĂ€ugetieren wurden als schlechter eingeschĂ€tzt. Dies lag zum einen an der bisher mangelhaften Festlegung von Zielvorgaben (benthische LebensrĂ€ume), unzureichenden bzw. unprĂ€zisen technischen Beschreibungen der Indikatoren und ihrer MessgrĂ¶ĂŸen (Nahrungsnetze), sowie fehlender internationaler Abstimmung (Nahrungsnetze & benthische LebensrĂ€ume). FĂŒr BeifĂ€nge von Seevögeln und MeeressĂ€ugetieren fiel die Bewertung aufgrund der geringen DatenverfĂŒgbarkeit negativ aus. Um die Indikatoren mit schlechter Bewertung zu operationalisieren, sollte die technische Entwicklung auf internationaler Ebene vorangetrieben (Nahrungsnetze) und die Datengrundlagedurch intensiviertes Monitoring verbessert werden (benthische LebensrĂ€ume, Beifangindikatoren). Ein wesentlicher Teil der ausstehenden Arbeiten betrifft Bewertungsmethoden, sowie Bestimmung und Festlegung von Grenz- bzw. Zielwerten. Zwar liegen fĂŒr viele Indikatoren BewertungrschlĂ€ge aus der wissenschaftlichen Literatur vor, es bedarf aber einer finalen politischen Abstimmung

    Nachhaltigkeit im industriellen Umfeld

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    Im Rahmen der Lehrveranstaltung "Nachhaltigkeit im industriellen Umfeld" im Masterstudiengang Umwelt- und Verfahrenstechnik der Hochschulen Konstanz und Ravensburg-Weingarten wurde 2015 eine studentische Fachkonferenz durchgefĂŒhrt. Die Studierenden entwickelten in Einzelarbeit oder als Zweierteam KonferenzbeitrĂ€ge zu folgenden Themen: - Innovationen und Spannendes aus dem Bereich der Energieerzeugung und -wandlung - Aspekte der Schließung von StoffkreislĂ€ufen und Vermeidung von SchadstoffeintrĂ€gen in die Umwelt - Chancen und Herausforderungen Nachwachsender Rohstoffe bei verschiedenen Einsatzmöglichkeiten sowie Themen der Nachhaltigkeit in der Landwirtschaft - verschiedene Blickwinkel auf das Thema Wasser (von der Abwasserreinigung bis zum Wasserkonsum der Konsumenten) - die Betrachtung spezifischer Industrien und Unternehmen sowie deren Werkzeuge zur Umsetzung von Nachhaltigkeit Die Ergebnisse der studentischen Fachkonferenz zur „Nachhaltigkeit im industriellen Umfeld“ werden in der vorliegenden Publikation prĂ€sentiert

    The serine protease inhibitor neuroserpin is required for normal synaptic plasticity and regulates learning and social behavior

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    The serine protease inhibitor neuroserpin regulates the activity of tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) in the nervous system. Neuroserpin expression is particularly prominent at late stages of neuronal development in most regions of the central nervous system (CNS), whereas it is restricted to regions related to learning and memory in the adult brain. The physiological expression pattern of neuroserpin, its high degree of colocalization with tPA within the CNS, together with its dysregulation in neuropsychiatric disorders, suggest a role in formation and refinement of synapses. In fact, studies in cell culture and mice point to a role for neuroserpin in dendritic branching, spine morphology, and modulation of behavior. In this study, we investigated the physiological role of neuroserpin in the regulation of synaptic density, synaptic plasticity, and behavior in neuroserpin-deficient mice. In the absence of neuroserpin, mice show a significant decrease in spine-synapse density in the CA1 region of the hippocampus, while expression of the key postsynaptic scaffold protein PSD-95 is increased in this region. Neuroserpin-deficient mice show decreased synaptic potentiation, as indicated by reduced long-term potentiation (LTP), whereas presynaptic paired-pulse facilitation (PPF) is unaffected. Consistent with altered synaptic plasticity, neuroserpin-deficient mice exhibit cognitive and sociability deficits in behavioral assays. However, although synaptic dysfunction is implicated in neuropsychiatric disorders, we do not detect alterations in expression of neuroserpin in fusiform gyrus of autism patients or in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex of schizophrenia patients. Our results identify neuroserpin as a modulator of synaptic plasticity, and point to a role for neuroserpin in learning and memory

    DNA methylation analysis on purified neurons and glia dissects age and Alzheimer's disease-specific changes in the human cortex

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    Background: Epigenome-wide association studies (EWAS) based on human brain samples allow a deep and direct understanding of epigenetic dysregulation in Alzheimer's disease (AD).However, strong variation of cell-type proportions across brain tissue samples represents a significant source of data noise.Here, we report the first EWAS based on sorted neuronal and non-neuronal (mostly glia) nuclei from postmortem human brain tissues. Results: We show that cell sorting strongly enhances the robust detection of disease-related DNA methylation changes even in a relatively small cohort.We identify numerous genes with eell-type-specific methylation signatures and document differential methylation dynamics associated with aging specifically in neurons such as CLU, SYNJ2 and NCOR2 or in glia RAI1,CXXC5 and INPP5A.Further, we found neuron or glia-specific associations with AD Braak stage progression at genes such as MCF2L,ANK1, MAP2, LRRC8B, STK32C and S100B.A comparison of our study with previous tissue-based EWAS validates multiple AD-associated DNA methylation signals and additionally specifies their origin to neuron, e.g., HOXA3 or glia (ANK1). In a meta-analysis, we reveal two novel previously unrecognized methylation changes at the key AD risk genes APP and ADAM17. Conclusions: Our data highlight the complex interplay between disease, age and cell-type-specific methylation changes in AD risk genes thus offering new perspectives for the validation and interpretation of large EWAS results

    Expression of Wnt gene family and frizzled receptors in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas

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    [Abstract] Genes of the Wnt and Frizzled class, expressed in HNSCC tissue and cell lines, have an established role in cell morphogenesis and differentiation, and also they have oncogenic properties. We studied Wnt and Fz genes as potential tumor-associated markers in HNSCC by qPCR. Expression levels of Wnt and Fz genes in 22 unique frozen samples from HNSCC were measured. We also assessed possible correlation between the expression levels obtained in cancer samples in relation to clinicopathologic outcome. Wnt-1 was not expressed in the majority of the HNSCC studied, whereas Wnt-5A was the most strongly expressed by the malignant tumors. Wnt-10B expression levels were related with higher grade of undifferentiation. Related to Fz genes, Fz-5 showed more expression levels in no-affectation of regional lymph nodes. Kaplan–Meier survival analyses suggest a reduced time of survival for low and high expression of Wnt-7A and Fz-5 mRNA, respectively. qPCR demonstrated that HNSCC express Wnt and Fz members, and suggested that Wnt and Fz signaling is activated in HNSCC cells

    Searches for Light Dark Matter with the CRESST-III Experiment

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    Cryogenic Rare Event Search with Superconducting Thermometers (CRESST) is a long-standing direct dark matter detection experiment with cryogenic detectors located at the underground facility Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in Italy. CRESST-III, the third generation of CRESST, was specifically designed to have a world-leading sensitivity for low-mass dark matter (DM) (less than 2\ua0GeV/c 2) to probe the spin-independent DM-nucleus cross section. At present, a large part of the parameter space for spin-independent scattering off nuclei remains untested for dark matter particles with masses below few GeV/c 2 although many motivated theoretical models having been proposed. The CRESST-III experiment employs scintillating CaWO 4 crystals of ∌ 25\ua0g as target material for dark matter interactions operated as cryogenic scintillating calorimeters at\ua0∌ 10\ua0mK. CRESST-III first data taking was successfully completed in 2018, achieving an unprecedented energy threshold for nuclear recoils. This result extended the present sensitivity to DM particles as light as ∌ 160\ua0MeV/c 2. In this paper, an overview of the CRESST-III detectors and results will be presented

    Lithium-Containing Crystals for Light Dark Matter Search Experiments

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    In the current direct dark matter search landscape, the leading experiments in the sub-GeV mass region mostly rely on cryogenic techniques which employ crystalline targets. One attractive type of crystals for these experiments is those containing lithium, due to the fact that 7Li is an ideal candidate to study spin-dependent dark matter interactions in the low mass region. Furthermore, 6Li can absorb neutrons, a challenging background for dark matter experiments, through a distinctive signature which allows the monitoring of the neutron flux directly on site. In this work, we show the results obtained with three different detectors based on LiAlO 2, a target crystal never used before in cryogenic experiments
