171 research outputs found

    Deep Learning and Linear Programming for Automated Ensemble Forecasting and Interpretation

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    This paper presents an ensemble forecasting method that shows strong results on the M4 Competition dataset by decreasing feature and model selection assumptions, termed DONUT (DO Not UTilize human beliefs). Our assumption reductions, primarily consisting of auto-generated features and a more diverse model pool for the ensemble, significantly outperform the statistical, feature-based ensemble method FFORMA by Montero-Manso et al. (2020). We also investigate feature extraction with a Long Short-term Memory Network (LSTM) Autoencoder and find that such features contain crucial information not captured by standard statistical feature approaches. The ensemble weighting model uses LSTM and statistical features to combine the models accurately. The analysis of feature importance and interaction shows a slight superiority for LSTM features over the statistical ones alone. Clustering analysis shows that essential LSTM features differ from most statistical features and each other. We also find that increasing the solution space of the weighting model by augmenting the ensemble with new models is something the weighting model learns to use, thus explaining part of the accuracy gains. Moreover, we present a formal ex-post-facto analysis of an optimal combination and selection for ensembles, quantifying differences through linear optimization on the M4 dataset. Our findings indicate that classical statistical time series features, such as trend and seasonality, alone do not capture all relevant information for forecasting a time series. On the contrary, our novel LSTM features contain significantly more predictive power than the statistical ones alone, but combining the two feature sets proved the best in practice

    Bridging contexts and interpretations: Mobile blogging on art museum field trips

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    In this study of art museum field trips by high school students, we investigate the ways in which features of different social and mobile technologies, specifically blogs and mobile phones, are able to bridge and support meaning making in young people’s encounters with contemporary art. Empirical material is presented from Gidder, a web-based learning environment with a mobile blogging feature. Through close examination of students’ use of contextual resources and the writing and editing of blog entries, this study contributes a deeper understanding of the ways in which digital technologies may be designed for pedagogical use on museum field trips

    “Don’t confuse me with facts”—how right wing populism affects trust in agencies advocating anthropogenic climate change as a reality

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    Everyday public denial of anthropogenically caused climate change (ACC) has complex antecedents and exists on both individual and institutional levels. Earlier research has linked ACC denial to opposition to formal science and elites, perceived threats to the industrialist capitalist order and existing system properties. Research also suggest that trust in public organizations is a key factor in determining support or opposition to climate change policies. In this paper, we explore the possibility that right wing populism and anti-elitist attitudes fuel both ACC denial and low trust in environmental institutions. We surveyed a representative sample of Norwegians (N = 3032) to measure ACC denial, how denial is linked to socio-demographic characteristics, trust in environmental institutions, attitudes toward elites and immigration, as well as environmental attitude orientations. Results show that lack of trust in environmental institutions is strongly associated with ACC denial, and furthermore that the degree of trust—or lack thereof—is partly a function of anti-elitist attitudes, opposition to migration and views of nature

    Environmental justice in a very green city: Spatial inequality in exposure to urban nature, air pollution and heat in Oslo, Norway

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    Poorer citizens are often more exposed to environmental hazards due to spatial inequalities in the distribution of urban blue-green space. Few cities have managed to prevent spatial and social inequality despite sustainable development strategies like compact city planning. We explore whether environmental injustice exists in a city where one would least expect to find it: a city with abundant nature, an affluent population governed by a left leaning social democratic city council, and an aggressive densification strategy; Oslo, Norway. Green space was measured with a satellite-derived vegetation index which captures the combined availability of gardens, street trees, parks and forest. Blue space was defined by the proximity of residential areas to the closest lake, river or fjord. We found that poorer city districts, often with greater immigrant populations, have less available blue-green spaces and are disproportionately exposed to hazardous air pollution levels, but not extreme heat compared to wealthier city districts. Citizens living within 100 m of a water body are likely to earn US20,000moreperyearthancitizensliving500mawayfromwater,andaUS 20,000 more per year than citizens living 500 m away from water, and a US 3000 increase in annual income corresponds to a 10 % increase in green space availability. Hazardous air pollution concentrations in the poorest city districts were above levels recommended by the WHO and Oslo municipality. Historical trends showed that districts undergoing population densification coincide with the lowest availability of blue-green space, suggesting that environmental justice has been overlooked in compact city planning policy. Despite Oslo's affluence and egalitarian ideals, the patterns of inequality we observed mirror the city's historical east-west class divide and point to spatial concentration of wealth as a core factor to consider in studies of green segregation. Urban greening initiatives in Oslo and other cities should not take spatial equality for granted, and instead consider socio-economic geographies in their planning process. Green space Blue space Densification Urban nature Urban sustainability ExposurepublishedVersio

    Warranty for a better world? The politics of environmental knowledge in bioeconomic sustainability certificates

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    Sustainability certificates are increasingly used as tools for shaping bioeconomic production processes and trade. However, their specific effects are subjected to debate. A multitude of certificate schemes and standards are currently in use, defining and measuring sustainability in the bioeconomy in highly varying ways. Different representations of environmental effects, resulting from the use of different standards or scientific methods in certification, can have very real implications for how, where and to which degree bioeconomic production can be conducted and the environment will be conserved. Further, the implications for bioeconomic production practices and management embedded in the environmental knowledge employed in bioeconomic sustainability certificates will produce different winners and losers, and privilege some societal or individual concerns at the expense of others. In this way, sustainability certificates share some characteristics with other standards and policy tools that embody political contingencies, but are presented and often understood as objective and neutral. The paper argues that the politics of environmental knowledge involved in these processes warrant more awareness, scrutiny and explicit consideration from decision makers, policy developers and researchers. Bioeconomy Certificates Environmental knowledge Politics of knowledge SustainabilitypublishedVersio

    Den skjulte styringen

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    Lately, we have seen several overt attempts from politicians and corporate interests to steer research in the directions they prefer. However, such attempts are always met with outrage and resistance, and they lead to extensive public debate. We contend that more subtle and hidden control over research is exercised on a day-today basis, yet it is rarely discussed. Research programs and new research centers are often designed based on premises that are no less political than clumsy attempts at controlling scientists. Programs are designed to stimulate economic growth, energy production, commodification, job creation, a more effective government, etc. These premises are rarely articulated and almost never discussed. Many Norwegian and EU research programs will automatically exclude research that questions them. This means that only research that is “useful” for particular interests is funded. The claim that this form of “usefulness” is universally good is in fact strongly political. This hidden political control impairs our possibilities to conduct research to facilitate alternative societal development trajectories and serve civic society. It should be discussed much more openly and critically than is the case today. research policy, power relations, politicspublishedVersio

    Evaluering av norsk handlingsplan for dverggÄs

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    Kvalnes, T., Follestad, A., Krange, O. & Tombre, I.M. 2023. Evaluering av norsk handlingsplan for dverggĂ„s. NINA Rapport 2349. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. DverggĂ„sa (Anser erythropus) er en kritisk truet art i Norge, den har gĂ„tt fra Ă„ vĂŠre en tallrik fugl pĂ„ 1940-tallet til Ă„ ha en hekkebestand som de siste tre generasjonene gjentatte ganger har vĂŠrt fĂŠrre enn 50 reproduserende individer. Den norske hekkebestanden utgjĂžr nesten hele den gjenvĂŠrende fennoskandiske bestanden av arten. Dette har gjort at dverggĂ„sa har blitt utpekt som en prioritert art med egen forskrift. BirdLife Norge (tidligere Norsk Ornitologisk Forening) har siden 1985 gjennomfĂžrt Ă„rlige prosjekter i Finnmark, for Ă„ kartlegge og overvĂ„ke bestanden. Gjennom blant annet merking med halsringer, fotringer og GPS-loggere har de kartlagt trekkrutene fra Norge til overvintringsomrĂ„dene i Hellas. NINA har pĂ„ oppdrag fra MiljĂždirektoratet foretatt en samlet evaluering av aktivitetene i den norske handlingsplanen for dverggĂ„s som ble publisert i 2009. MĂ„lene med evalueringen var 1) Ă„ evaluere mĂ„loppnĂ„else i forhold til handlingsplanen, 2) Ă„ evaluere hvorvidt kunnskap fra overvĂ„kningen blir tilrettelagt og formidlet for videre bruk, 3) Ă„ evaluere organisering og finansiering av tiltak og 4) Ă„ gi innspill til videre kunnskapsinnhenting og tiltak i det framtidige arbeidet. Evalueringen er basert pĂ„ en gjennomgang av relevante publiserte resultater, slik som rapporter fra BirdLife Norge og vitenskapelige artikler, og annen informasjon som er laget i tilknytning til prosjektet. Dette for Ă„ fĂ„ en oversikt over nĂ„vĂŠrende kunnskap om bestanden. Vi har intervjuet informanter som representerer en rekke interessegrupper og brukere av informasjon fra arbeidet med dverggĂ„sa. I tillegg har vi, ved bruk av den sĂ„kalte rĂžd til grĂžnn metoden, vurdert behovet for kunnskapsinnhenting og tiltak pĂ„ veien videre. MĂ„lene i handlingsplanen var 1) Ă„ stanse den pĂ„gĂ„ende bestandsnedgangen innen 2015 og 2) Ăžke den fennoskandiske bestanden til 1000 individer pĂ„ lengre sikt. MĂ„l nummer to har ikke blitt oppnĂ„dd enda. Bestandsnedgangen er imidlertid stanset og bestanden har utvist en svak vekst, slik at det fĂžrste mĂ„let dermed er nĂ„dd. Dette vurderes i stor grad som en effekt av de samlede tiltakene som er igangsatt for Ă„ bevare arten. En revidering av handlingsplanen anbefales. Nye bestandsmĂ„l bĂžr defineres som steg pĂ„ veien mot Ă„ sikre en levedyktig bestand. Dette kan operasjonaliseres ved Ă„ benytte rĂždlistekriteriene til Ă„ definere mĂ„l og informere valg av tiltak. Tiltakene som er igangsatt har hatt som formĂ„l Ă„ redusere voksendĂždelighet og Ăžke ungeproduksjonen. Det har vĂŠrt innfĂžrt ferdselsforbud i viktige rasteomrĂ„der, som pĂ„ Valdakmyra i Porsanger kommune og RĂžrholmen i Alta kommune. Årlig uttak av rĂždrev (Vulpes vulpes) har vĂŠrt gjennomfĂžrt i og rundt hekkeomrĂ„det. Det er innfĂžrt jaktforbud pĂ„ grĂ„gĂ„s (Anser anser) i store deler av Finnmark for Ă„ unngĂ„ at dverggjess blir felt ved en feiltakelse. Utstrakt internasjonalt samarbeid med Finland, Russland og andre land har vĂŠrt viktig for Ă„ overvĂ„ke, redusere ulovlig jakt og sikre viktige funksjonsomrĂ„der langs trekkrutene og i vinteromrĂ„dene. Tiltakene har generelt god stĂžtte blant informantene. De uttrykker at folk er opptatt av at en skal ta vare pĂ„ dverggĂ„sa. Personer i forvaltningen og museumsansatte benytter i stor grad kunnskapen som genereres av overvĂ„kingen og ulike forskningsprosjekter. Det er imidlertid en mangel pĂ„ kunnskap om arbeidet med dverggĂ„sa blant andre folk som bruker funksjonsomrĂ„dene og vi har observert et Ăžnske om at kunnskapen i stĂžrre grad formidles. Det er informanter som forteller at flere interessenter ikke er enige i jaktforbudet, sĂŠrlig gjelder det de etablerte grensene for hvor jaktforbudet skal gjelde. Det er ogsĂ„ en misnĂžye blant noen interessenter som uttrykker at jegerstanden undervurderes nĂ„r forvaltningen tar som utgangspunkt at de ikke kan skille dverggĂ„s fra grĂ„gĂ„s under jakten. Her anbefales det at forvaltningen gĂ„r i dialog med interessegrupper (bĂžnder og jegere) for Ă„ se om det kan vĂŠre mulig Ă„ gjĂžre tilpasninger som mĂžter deres behov eller sikrer bedre informasjonsflyt og kommunikasjon samtidig som en forhindrer Ăžkt risiko for dverggĂ„sa. En diskusjon om justering av grensene for jaktforbudet bĂžr vĂŠre en del av en slik dialog. VĂ„r evaluering tilsier at mye av arbeidet som har vĂŠrt gjennomfĂžrt gjennom mange Ă„r har vĂŠrt viktig og bĂžr fortsette i Ă„rene framover. Nye mĂ„l for arten og noen nye tiltak foreslĂ„s innfĂžrt. Men dverggĂ„sa trekker over store avstander og mange land. Det er begrenset hva man kan oppnĂ„ med nasjonale tiltak i Norge. For Ă„ sikre stĂžrst mulig sannsynlighet for Ă„ lykkes vil det vĂŠre ytterst viktig at det internasjonale arbeidet prioriteres i tiden framover. Evalueringen avdekker ogsĂ„ noen kunnskapsmangler som vil vĂŠre viktig Ă„ dekke slik at mer skreddersydde tiltak kan iverksettes og effekten av tiltak slik som rĂždrev uttak kan evalueres med mer detaljert kunnskap om predasjon. Internasjonalt er det spesielt viktig Ă„ sikre omrĂ„dene som benyttes under trekket og overvintringen mot ulovlig jakt, nedbygging og forstyrrelser. En fortsatt overvĂ„king pĂ„ overvintring, langs trekkruta og pĂ„ rasteplass i Norge er vesentlig for Ă„ kunne evaluere effekten av de ulike tiltakene. Basert pĂ„ informasjon fra intervjuene kan det ogsĂ„ vurderes om det skal etableres en form for ressursgruppe, der representanter for ulike involverte og berĂžrte aktĂžrer kan mĂžtes. Et slikt fora vil Ă„pne for tettere dialog, erfaring- og kunnskapsutvikling og vil sannsynligvis ogsĂ„ bidra til en Ăžkt forstĂ„else og aksept for ulike tiltak. Dermed kan det ogsĂ„ bidra til Ă„ nĂ„ forvaltningsmĂ„lene
