59 research outputs found

    Memetyka a pedagogika muzyczna. O pokrewnych teoriach naśladownictwa

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    W publikacji Samolubny gen Richard Dawkins przyjmuje, że przykładami memów mogą być melodie, replikowane z mózgu do mózgu w drodze naśladownictwa. Mimo iż nauka o memach operuje własnym zbiorem niemuzycznych pojęć, a jej założenia stosunkowo rzadko przenosi się na grunt muzyczny, warto podkreślić, że główne, memetyczne koncepcje są tożsame z metodami umuzykalniania małych dzieci i niemowląt, jakie proponują europejscy przedstawiciele pedagogiki muzycznej: Edwin Gordon, Zoltán Kodály, Carl Orff i Émile Jaques-Dalcroze. Niniejszy tekst stanowi zatem próbę ukazania pokrewieństwa obu teorii, zarówno w zakresie ćwiczeń melodycznych i rytmicznych, granych na instrumentach, realizowanych głosem oraz ruchem.In the publication titled The Selfish Gene Richard Dawkins assumes that melodies, which replicate from a brain to a brain by means of imitation, can be examples of memes. Although, the study of memes uses its own set of non-musical terms, and its concepts are rarely transferred onto music, it is worth emphasising that the main memetic concepts are identical to the methods of musicalisation of young children and infants proposed by European representatives of music pedagogy: Edwin Gordon, Zoltán Kodály, Carl Orff and Émile Jaques-Dalcroze. This text is, therefore, an attempt to show the kinship of both theories, in regards to melodic and rhythmic exercises, playing instruments, as well as those performed through voice and movement

    Zespół zmęczenia, depresja oraz jakość życia u pacjentów ze stwardnieniem rozsianym

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    Wstęp. Stwardnienie rozsiane jest przewlekłą chorobą ośrodkowego układu nerwowego o podłożu autoimmunologicznym, w której obok narastającej niesprawności fizycznej występują zaburzenia neuropsychologiczne, prowadzące do znacznego obniżenia jakości życia pacjentów.Cel. Celem badania była ocena częstości występowania zespołu zmęczenia i depresji u pacjentów ze stwardnieniem rozsianym oraz ich wpływ na funkcjonowanie w obszarze fizycznym, poznawczym i psychospołecznym oraz na jakość życia.Materiał i metody. W badaniu wzięło udział 62 pacjentów (37 kobiet i 25 mężczyzn) z remitująco-rzutową postacią stwardnienia rozsianego oraz 15 pacjentów (9 kobiet i 6 mężczyzn) z rwą kulszową, którzy stanowili grupę referencyjną. Częstość występowania zespołu zmęczenia, depresji i jakość życia pacjentów oceniano za pomocą Zmodyfikowanej Skali Wpływu Zmęczenia, Skali Depresji Becka oraz Kwestionariusza Dotyczącego Zdrowia EQ-5D.Wyniki. U pacjentów z remitująco-rzutową postacią stwardnienia rozsianego zmęczenie o średnim nasileniu wykazano u 45,16% (n=28), natomiast depresję u 51,61% chorych (n=32), w tym łagodne zaburzenia depresyjne u 33,87% chorych (n=21), umiarkowane u 11,29% pacjentów (n=7), a nasilone u 6,45% (n=4). Uzyskane wyniki nie różniły się istotnie statystycznie od wyników uzyskanych w grupie referencyjnej. W grupie chorych na stwardnienie rozsiane stwierdzono istotną statystycznie zależność nasilenia depresji od wpływu zmęczenia na funkcjonowanie, głównie w wymiarze psychospołecznym.Wnioski. Zespół zmęczenia i depresja występują u znaczącej części chorych na postać remitująco-rzutową stwardnienia rozsianego, zaburzając funkcjonowanie chorych w wymiarze psychospołecznym i istotnie obniżając ich jakość życia. Nasilenie zmęczenia w wymiarze ogólnym w grupie chorych na postać remitująco-rzutową SM istotnie dodatnio koreluje z nasileniem depresji. (PNN 2017;6(2):81–87)Introduction. Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease of central nervous system of autoimmunological origin, in which next to an increased physical disability, neuropsychological disorders exist, that lead to significant decrease in patients’ quality of life.Aim. The aim of the study was the assessment of prevalence of fatigue syndrome and depression in patients with multiple sclerosis and their influence on functioning in physical, cognitive and psychosocial dimension as well as on the quality of life.Materials and Methods. 62 patients (37 females and 25 males) with relapsing-remitting subtype of multiple sclerosis and 15 patients with sciatica (9 females and 6 males) as the reference group were included in the study. Prevalence of fatigue syndrome and depression, as well as patients’ quality of life were assessed with use of Modified Fatigue Impact Scale (MFIS), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and a standardized instrument for use as a measure of health outcome EQ-5D.Results. Fatigue of moderate intensity was noticed in 45.16% (n=28) of patients with relapsing-remitting subtype of MS, when depression was apparent in 51.61% of patients (n=32), including mild depressive disorders in 33.8% of patients (n=21), moderate in 11.29% of patients and severe in 6.45% (n=4). The obtained results did not reach statistical significance when compared to results obtained in the reference group. Statistically significant dependence between the intensity of depression and influence of fatigue on functioning in psychosocial dimension was mainly observed in the group of patients with multiple sclerosis.Conclusions. Fatigue syndrome and depression occur in significant part of patients with relapsing-remitting subtype of multiple sclerosis, disturbing their functioning in psychosocial dimension and considerably decreasing their quality of life. Increase in fatigue in general dimension has a significantly positive correlation with exacerbation of depression in the group of patients with relapsing-remitting subtype of multiple sclerosis. (JNNN 2017;6(2):81–87

    Gallbladder cancer- causes, symptoms and chirurgical treatment: systematic review

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    Gallbladder cancer (GBC) is the most common cancer of bile ducts. This is one of the worst prognostic tumors of the digestive tract. The disease is asymptomatic for a long time, which is why it is detected in a high stage, which shortens the chances of healing. Surgery has a fundamental role in the treatment of gallbladder cancer. The patient survival prognosis depends mainly on the local severity of the disease, distant metastases and the radicality of surgical resection (R0)

    Analysis of patients' reports to the oncological surgery clinic

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    In the Polish healthcare system, the primary care physician is responsible for directing patients to outpatient specialist care if such need occurs. This is usually performed basing on the physical and subjective examination alone, because often it is not possible to perform more advanced diagnostic imaging that can confirm or rule out a disease requiring specialist intervention. Cancer diseases are a group of diseases where the time from diagnosis to treatment is particularly important and plays a key role in prognosis. Oncological surgery is a field of medicine, that deals with the surgical treatment of a close group of cancers

    Intra-arterial computed tomography angiography with ultra-low volume of iodine contrast and stent implantation in transplant renal artery stenosis in terms of contrast-induced kidney injury : a preliminary report

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    Purpose: Traditional digital subtraction angiography is still regarded as the gold standard in the diagnostics of transplant renal artery stenosis (TRAS). However, this procedure requires a high volume of iodine contrast medium for optimal visualisation of the renal artery. The aim of this study was to analyse both the usefulness and the safety of intra-arterial computed tomography angiography (IA-CTA) with ultra-low-volume iodine contrast administration in the diagnostic and therapeutic management of TRAS in patients with impaired renal transplant function. Material and methods: Thirty-three patients with a suspicion of TRAS based on Doppler-ultrasound and clinical setting underwent IA-CTA with ultra-low iodine contrast volume. A special, author-elaborated CTA protocol was used. The volume of 8-18 ml of diluted iodine contrast medium was administered through a catheter with the tip placed 2 cm below the aortic bifurcation. Results: In six patients the CTA examinations revealed TRAS in three configurations: in the anastomosis, in the trunk (critical and high-grade), or in both sections. Stenoses were treated with primary stenting obtaining favourable anatomical outcome. No intervention-related complications were observed. No contrast-induced acute kidney injury was diagnosed in this study. Mean serum creatinine concentration was 2.93 ± 0.89 mg/dl at the baseline and 2.89 ± 1.73 mg/dl and 2.17 ± 0.51 mg/dl after three and seven days from IA-CTA, respectively. Conclusions: Intra-arterial CTA with ultra-low volume of iodine contrast seems to be a safe and reliable diagnostic tool to detect and assess TRAS in the aspect of stent implantation. Application of this imaging modality eliminates the need for a high volume of iodine contrast and thus does not adversely influence renal transplant function

    Expert consensus document: Clinical and molecular diagnosis, screening and management of Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome: an international consensus statement.

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    Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS), a human genomic imprinting disorder, is characterized by phenotypic variability that might include overgrowth, macroglossia, abdominal wall defects, neonatal hypoglycaemia, lateralized overgrowth and predisposition to embryonal tumours. Delineation of the molecular defects within the imprinted 11p15.5 region can predict familial recurrence risks and the risk (and type) of embryonal tumour. Despite recent advances in knowledge, there is marked heterogeneity in clinical diagnostic criteria and care. As detailed in this Consensus Statement, an international consensus group agreed upon 72 recommendations for the clinical and molecular diagnosis and management of BWS, including comprehensive protocols for the molecular investigation, care and treatment of patients from the prenatal period to adulthood. The consensus recommendations apply to patients with Beckwith-Wiedemann spectrum (BWSp), covering classical BWS without a molecular diagnosis and BWS-related phenotypes with an 11p15.5 molecular anomaly. Although the consensus group recommends a tumour surveillance programme targeted by molecular subgroups, surveillance might differ according to the local health-care system (for example, in the United States), and the results of targeted and universal surveillance should be evaluated prospectively. International collaboration, including a prospective audit of the results of implementing these consensus recommendations, is required to expand the evidence base for the design of optimum care pathways

    Historia pieśnią pisana. Pieśni powstańcze w zbiorach Adolfa Dygacza

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    Realizowana w ramach wieloetapowego projektu digitalizacja pieśni z folklorystycznego archiwum Adolfa Dygacza w 2021 roku zyskuje szczególny wymiar. W tym roku bowiem obchodzimy setną rocznicę wybuchu trzeciego powstania śląskiego, pieśni powstańcze zaś stanowią specjalną część tej muzycznej kolekcji. W niniejszym tekście omówione zostaną powstańcze utwory ze zbiorów Adolfa Dygacza, które – mimo bogactwa, jakie reprezentują – nie ujrzały dotąd światła dziennego. Jako cenne zasoby archiwalne nie powinny być one pomijane w badaniach, ponieważ stanowią wypowiedź rzeczywistych świadków historii i przedstawiają ich oddolną, lokalną wersję powstańczej rzeczywistości, będąc zarazem odbiciem typowych dla tamtego czasu postaw i emocji.Digitization of nearly all songs from the archives of Adolf Dygacz is being realized in multiple stages. Presently, in 2021, it has gained special significance seeing as this year is the 100th anniversary of the Silesian Uprising. Songs about the uprisings constitute a notable part of his music collection. This article will analyze those particular type of songs collected by Adolf Dygacz which have not yet been published despite their undisputed value. Constituting witness accounts of people who experienced these events in person, they represent a local, bottom-up view of the history of the uprising, its reality, attitudes, and emotions. Therefore, this archive should never be dismissed or ignored

    Digitalizacja archiwów folklorystycznych – kryzys tradycji czy nowe życie w sieci? Przykład zbiorów Adolfa Dygacza

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    The process of digitising archives, a universal trend in the last decade, also concerns music resources, thus offering new functionalities to their users. Its effects can facilitate researchers’ work since digital material is readily available and easy to locate. The questions that remain open concern the status of oral history contained in those audio-visual documents, its value and durability, the current results and possible consequences of making these materials accessible on a mass scale, as well as the effectiveness of multidimensional grassroots initiatives, such as cooperation on building virtual collections of materials. What possibilities open up for the musical folklore archives that are currently being discovered? Can digitisation suddenly make them more valuable in the eyes of the society? In this paper, I attempt to diagnose the problem of musical archive digitisation on the example of the ethnomusicological collection of Adolf Dygacz. I stress the importance of local history, which is a common subject in the humanities and has always been part of folklore studies but was not considered in the light of memory studies until very recently

    Adolf Dygacz’s Pioneering Research Directions. Selected Aspects

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    Projects popularizing the achievements of Professor Adolf Dygacz, carried out on the occasion of the digitization of the archives of the ethnomusicologist at the Museum “Upper Silesian Ethnographic Park in Chorzów”, seem to be of fundamental importance for the maintenance and preservation of the local musical heritage in the era of current changes and uncertain fate of vanishing traditions. One of such undertakings was the temporary biographical and musical exhibition „Życie jako pieśń. Z teki profesora Adolfa Dygacza” (Eng. “Life as a Song. From the Portfolio of Professor Adolf Dygacz”). Interesting ethnomusicological materials by Adolf Dygacz, pioneering at the time, collected by him under the influence of his interest in the mining and metallurgical culture, still have many unexplored elements. This text highlights some of them – those that are not emphasized too often when Adolf Dygacz output is being discussed. And they are certainly worth attention and further research.Projekty popularyzujące dorobek profesora Adolfa Dygacza, realizowane przy okazji digitalizacji archiwaliów etnomuzykologa w Muzeum „Górnośląski Park Etnograficzny w Chorzowie”, wydają się mieć fundamentalne znaczenie dla zachowania i utrwalania lokalnego dziedzictwa muzycznego w dobie obecnych przemian i niepewnych losów zanikających już tradycji. Jednym z takich przedsięwzięć była biograficzno-muzyczna wystawa czasowa „Życie jako pieśń. Z teki profesora Adolfa Dygacza”. Ciekawe materiały etnomuzykologiczne Adolfa Dygacza, wówczas pionierskie, zebrane przez niego pod wpływem zainteresowania kulturą górniczo-hutniczą, wciąż mają wiele niezbadanych „białych plam”. Niniejszy tekst wskazuje na niektóre z nich – te, których nie podkreśla się w jego dorobku zbyt często. A z pewnością są warte uwagi i dalszych badań

    Zenek virus. An attempt to analyse the memetic phenomenon of Zenon Martyniuk's work

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    Zenon Martyniuk – founder and main singer of a disco polo band Akcent has been triumphant in the Polish music scene for many years, and his infectious songs are steadily taking down barriers and becoming more widespread in various Polish institutions of culture. This article attempts to analyse the memetic phenomenon of Zenek, which originates in its easily accessible melody and simple lyrical layer with clear references to folklore. Are we experiencing the emergence of a new 'musical meme', which makes listening to disco polo no longer embarassing and trashy