52 research outputs found

    Symbiotic status alters fungal eco-evolutionary offspring trajectories

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    Despite host-fungal symbiotic interactions being ubiquitous in all ecosystems, understanding how symbiosis has shaped the ecology and evolution of fungal spores that are involved in dispersal and colonization of their hosts has been ignored in life-history studies. We assembled a spore morphology database covering over 26,000 species of free-living to symbiotic fungi of plants, insects and humans and found more than eight orders of variation in spore size. Evolutionary transitions in symbiotic status correlated with shifts in spore size, but the strength of this effect varied widely among phyla. Symbiotic status explained more variation than climatic variables in the current distribution of spore sizes of plant-associated fungi at a global scale while the dispersal potential of their spores is more restricted compared to free-living fungi. Our work advances life-history theory by highlighting how the interaction between symbiosis and offspring morphology shapes the reproductive and dispersal strategies among living forms

    Stochastic Dispersal Rather Than Deterministic Selection Explains the Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Soil Bacteria in a Temperate Grassland

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    Spatial and temporal processes shaping microbial communities are inseparably linked but rarely studied together. By Illumina 16S rRNA sequencing, we monitored soil bacteria in 360 stations on a 100 square meter plot distributed across six intra-annual samplings in a rarely managed, temperate grassland. Using a multi-tiered approach, we tested the extent to which stochastic or deterministic processes influenced the composition of local communities. A combination of phylogenetic turnover analysis and null modeling demonstrated that either homogenization by unlimited stochastic dispersal or scenarios, in which neither stochastic processes nor deterministic forces dominated, explained local assembly processes. Thus, the majority of all sampled communities (82%) was rather homogeneous with no significant changes in abundance-weighted composition. However, we detected strong and uniform taxonomic shifts within just nine samples in early summer. Thus, community snapshots sampled from single points in time or space do not necessarily reflect a representative community state. The potential for change despite the overall homogeneity was further demonstrated when the focus shifted to the rare biosphere. Rare OTU turnover, rather than nestedness, characterized abundance-independent β-diversity. Accordingly, boosted generalized additive models encompassing spatial, temporal and environmental variables revealed strong and highly diverse effects of space on OTU abundance, even within the same genus. This pure spatial effect increased with decreasing OTU abundance and frequency, whereas soil moisture – the most important environmental variable – had an opposite effect by impacting abundant OTUs more than the rare ones. These results indicate that – despite considerable oscillation in space and time – the abundant and resident OTUs provide a community backbone that supports much higher β-diversity of a dynamic rare biosphere. Our findings reveal complex interactions among space, time, and environmental filters within bacterial communities in a long-established temperate grassland

    European mushroom assemblages are darker in cold climates

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    Abstract: Thermal melanism theory states that dark-colored ectotherm organisms are at an advantage at low temperature due to increased warming. This theory is generally supported for ectotherm animals, however, the function of colors in the fungal kingdom is largely unknown. Here, we test whether the color lightness of mushroom assemblages is related to climate using a dataset of 3.2 million observations of 3,054 species across Europe. Consistent with the thermal melanism theory, mushroom assemblages are significantly darker in areas with cold climates. We further show differences in color phenotype between fungal lifestyles and a lifestyle differentiated response to seasonality. These results indicate a more complex ecological role of mushroom colors and suggest functions beyond thermal adaption. Because fungi play a crucial role in terrestrial carbon and nutrient cycles, understanding the links between the thermal environment, functional coloration and species’ geographical distributions will be critical in predicting ecosystem responses to global warming

    What can intraspecific trait variability tell us about fungal communities and adaptations?

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    Analyses of species functional traits are suitable to better understand the coexistence of species in a given environment. Trait information can be applied to investigate diversity patterns along environmental gradients and subsequently to predict and mitigate threats associated with climate change and land use. Species traits are used to calculate community trait means, which can be related to environmental gradients. However, while species traits can provide insights into the mechanisms underlying community assembly, they can lead to erroneous inferences if mean trait values are used. An alternative is to incorporate intraspecific trait variability (ITV) into calculating the community trait means. This approach gains increasing acceptance in plant studies. For macrofungi, functional traits have recently been applied to examine their community ecology but, to our knowledge, ITV has yet to be incorporated within the framework of community trait means. Here, we present a conceptual summary of the use of ITV to investigate the community ecology of macrofungi, including the underlying ecological theory. Inferences regarding community trait means with or without the inclusion of ITV along environmental gradients are compared. Finally, an existing study is reconsidered to highlight the variety of possible outcomes when ITV is considered. We hope this Opinion will increase awareness of the potential for within-species trait variability and its importance for statistical inferences, interpretations, and predictions of the mechanisms structuring communities of macro- and other fungi

    Response of fruit body assemblage color lightness to macroclimate and vegetation cover

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    Understanding how species relate mechanistically to their environment via traits is a central goal in ecology. Many macroecological rules were found for macroorganisms, however, whether they can explain microorganismal macroecological patterns still requires investigation. Further, whether macroecological rules are also applicable in microclimates is largely unexplored. Here we use fruit body-forming fungi to understand both aspects better. A recent study showed first evidence for the thermal-melanism hypothesis (Bogert’s rule) in fruit body-forming fungi and relied on a continental spatial scale with large grid size. At large spatial extent and grid sizes, other factors like dispersal limitation or local microclimatic variability might influence observed patterns besides the rule of interest. Therefore, we test fungal assemblage fruit body color lightness along a local elevational gradient (mean annual temperature gradient of 7°C) while considering the vegetation cover as a proxy for local variability in microclimate. Using multivariate linear modeling, we found that fungal fruiting assemblages are significantly darker at lower mean annual temperatures supporting the thermal-melanism hypothesis. Further, we found a non-significant trend of assemblage color lightness with vegetation cover. Our results support Bogert’s rule for microorganisms with macroclimate, which was also found for macroorganisms

    rMyCoPortal - an R package to interface with the Mycology Collections Portal

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    The understanding of the biodiversity and biogeographical distribution of fungi is still limited. The small number of online databases and the large effort required to access existing data have prevented their use in research articles. The Mycology Collections Portal was established in 2012 to help alleviate these issues and currently serves data online for over 4.3 million fungal records. However, the current process for accessing the data through the web interface is manual, therefore slow, and precludes the extensive use of the existing datasets. Here we introduce the software package rMyCoPortal, which allows users rapid, automated access to the data. rMyCoPortal makes data readily available for further computations and analyses in the open source statistical programming environment R. We will demonstrate the core functions of the package, and how rMyCoPortal can be employed to obtain fungal data that can be used to address basic research questions. rMyCoPortal is a free and open-source R package, available via GitHub

    Organic Nitrogen Supplementation Increases Vegetative and Reproductive Biomass in a Versatile White Rot Fungus

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    The Black Poplar Mushroom Cyclocybe aegerita (syn. Agrocybe aegerita) is a white-rot fungus that naturally fruits from woody substrates, including buried wood. It is known for its substrate versatility and is equipped with a respective carbohydrate-active enzyme repertoire being intermediate between typical white-rot fungi and plant litter decomposers. Given relative nitrogen scarcity in wood, mobilization of nitrogen from surrounding litter is known as a way to meet nitrogen requirements for cellular homeostasis and reproduction of wood decay fungi. However, the effect of added nitrogen on vegetative and reproductive biomass has not yet been studied in a uniform minimalistic laboratory setup. For C. aegerita, such a growth and fruiting setup has been developed. In the present study, this white-rot fungus has been grown with and without additional β-adenosine, an organic nitrogen source present in plant litter. Elevated β-adenosine levels increased aerial mycelium weight by 30% (1 × β-adenosine) and 55% (10 × β-adenosine), reproductive biomass by 75% (1 × β-adenosine) and by 100% (10 × β-adenosine), number of primordia by 127% (10 × β-adenosine) and accelerated primordium formation by 1.6 days (10 × β-adenosine), compared to the control treatment. These findings imply that C. aegerita invests additional organic nitrogen resources into direct vegetative and reproductive biomass build-up at the same time. Colonization of niches with accessory nitrogen sources, like buried wood, which is near the plant litter layer, may thus provide an evolutionary fitness advantage. Globally anthropogenically altered nitrogen dynamics may affect hyphal-driven processes as well as fruit body-driven food webs
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