124 research outputs found

    Influence of outdoor advertisements on architecture in the City of Lublin

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    Polish cities are currently facing an issue of intrusive billboards obstructing the faacades of buildings. While the majority of articles on this subject focus on the negative impact this phenomenon, little attention is drawn to the destructive technical effects  the advertisements have on the facades. This article addresses phenomenon of visual pollution examins the  influence of based on the example of selected buildings located in Lublin’s City Centre. The article analyses the placement of advertising signs, and categorizes of most technical and social problems that it entails. The relation between the occurrence of outdoor advertising and the increase in anti-social behaviour in commercialised space, raised in the article, could be a very important topic for further research. The results of the conducted study reveal that the installation of advertising billboards irreversibly damages the facades of buildings, which is especially visible when the advertisements are removed. The article complements the study on outdoor advertising, drawing attention to one of its little-discussed, technical aspects. Consequently, it may serve as a starting point for further discussion on the subject

    Glosa do wyroku Sądu Ochrony Konkurencji i Konsumentów z 12 maja 2022 r. w sprawie XVII AmA 61/21

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    Przedmiotem niniejszej glosy jest analiza wyroku Sądu Okręgowego w Warszawie z dnia 12 maja 2022 r. (XVII AmA 61/21). Wyrok ten został wydane na skutek apelacji wniesionej przez Agorę od decyzji Prezesa UOKiK (DKK-1/2021) zakazującej koncentracji polegającej na przejęciu kontroli nad Eurozet przez Agorę. Wyrok ten jest ciekawy zwłaszcza ze względu na jego dogłębną analizę przesłanek występowania kolektywnej pozycji dominującej, skutków skoordynowanych oraz ciężaru dowodu w sprawach z zakresu prawa konkurencji, a w szczególności kontroli koncentracji. Glosa w dużej mierze aprobująco odnosi się do wywodu SOKiK w sprawie oraz z uznaniem ocenia klarowność i kompleksowość uzasadnienia, w ramach którego SOKiK nie uchylał się od dokonania kompleksowej analizy o charakterze ekonomicznym i rynkowym

    Thermal stress comfort in a contemporary housing district in a moderate climate zone, Lublin as a case study

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    Urban climate and its impact on the thermal comfort of residents are significant aspects in urban planning and the design of housing estates. The aim of this article is to investigate the temperature perception among residents in a contemporary residential area in Lublin during the hottest day, utilising an advanced computer simulation tool – the ENVI-met programme. A modern, densely built housing estate with no significant greenery was selected as a case study. General meteorological and spatial data were used for calibrating the housing estate model within the software. The housing estate model within the programme was calibrated using publicly available meteorological and spatial data, and computer simulations were conducted for Lublin's hottest day on 22 July 2022. Based on these simulations, the Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) was calculated. The research results indicate that people experience moderate thermal stress in unshaded areas only at 4:00 pm, while in sunny locations, they experience strong to very strong heat stress throughout the day. This article underscores the importance of computer simulations in analysing the urban microclimate and provides insights into tools that can be used in urban planning and housing estate design processes, with the aim of creating more comfortable and environmentally friendly urban environments

    Mutual trust as a backbone of EU Antitrust Law

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    The article is an attempt to analyse to what extent a close cooperation between competition authorities belonging to the European Competition Network is based on the mutual trust principle. The fundamental importance of the principle of mutual trust was underscored in Opinion 2/13 on the Accession of the EU to the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR), where the Court of Justice found that: “it should be noted that the principle of mutual trust between the Member States is of fundamental importance in EU law”. However, as it was emphasised by the CJEU. mutual trust does not amount to a blind trust, as it is illustrated in the case law of the CJEU in cases concerning the European Arrest Warrant. The CJEU imposes more and more obligations on executing Member States in verifying whether there are no irregularities issuing the European Arrest Warrant (EAW) in comparison to the early days of its functioning, leading towards a regulated or conditioned trust. This development mutatis mutandis is particularly interesting to analyse while referring to the functioning of cooperation of competition authorities within the EU. The research statement of this article is that based on the outcome of CJEU case law in cases concerning EAW such as e.g. Aranyosi and Căldăraru the trust in institutional cooperation such as provided by Regulation 1/2003 and Directive 2019/1 should not be blind so as not to allow the non-noticing of irregularities occurred in other Member States or before the European Commission. We will begin by framing what the concept of trust englobes and showing how it is normatively framed in EU law. Then, the analysis concentrates on where there are boundaries to mutual trust in the decentralised application of art. 101 and 102 TFEU. Subsequently, the questions of how this trust works in practice and what the boundaries are that limit its application are addressed. As the concept of mutual trust is complex itself, this article does not aim to propose detailed solutions de lege ferenda. Its ultimate objective is rather to provide a conceptual framework of de lege lata analysis of mutual trust in the application of EU competition law.&nbsp

    Regionalisation of unutilised agricultural area in Poland

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    Until the marketization of economy in 1990, practically there was no unutilised agricultural land in Poland. After the political transformation, the use of marginal land and part of small agricultural parcels located in areas of better soil agricultural suitability became unprofitable for economic reasons. Despite the reform of Polish agriculture, the problem of not using a large part of agricultural land is constantly present. There are currently no detailed data available on the actual scale of regionalisation and the structure of the landuse abandonment in Poland. Due to the above, the objective of this study is to fill knowledge gaps on this phenomenon. Analyses were performed based on cadastral maps for the whole country. It is the first comprehensive and detailed study of this issue, giving the full review of the regionalisation of abandoned land. Unutilised land defined as: cadastral parcels located on rural land, which is not declared as production area by farmers.The study has shown that currently in Poland more than 2.7 million ha of agricultural land is not declared by the farmers as area for agricultural activity. This assessment includes 2.03 million ha of unutilized areas of effective production (parcels  > 0.3 ha), which constitutes 14.2% of the overall agricultural area. A significant proportion of the unutilised agricultural land constitute medium and high productivity soils: 59.7 thousand ha of class III, 73.87 thousand ha of class IIIa, 116.6 thousand ha of class IIIb, 240 thousand ha of class IV, 225 thousand ha of class IVa, 221 thousand ha of class IVb. Analyses showed clear regionalisation of the problem of unused potential in the agricultural production area. This situation is particularly visible in Małopolskie, Podkarpackie, Świętokrzyskie, Śląskie, and part of Mazowieckie voivodeships

    Raz, dwa, trzy, niezależny będziesz ty... O konieczności szerszego spojrzenia na niezależność polskiego organu antymonopolowego w świetle dyrektywy ECN+

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    Artykuł jest próbą analizy problematyki zapewnienia niezależności organów ochrony konkurencji w związku z przyjęciem dyrektywy 2019/1. Analizuje: niezależność w kontekście funkcji organu, składowe i granice samego pojęcia (rozliczalność i transparentność) oraz w jaki sposób dyrektywa 2019/1 i dotychczas podejmowane próby jej implementacji w Polsce (jeszcze na etapie projektu) realizują postulaty wysuwane przez naukę. Autorka wskazuje, że kształtowanie niezależności organu ochrony konkurencji nie może być dokonywane w oderwaniu do celów i funkcji realizowanych przez ten organ, a w szczególności musi uwzględniać kontekst zapewnienia skuteczności działania organu i ochrony praw proceduralnych przedsiębiorców, których działania organu dotyczą. Implementacja dyrektywy 2019/1 w Polsce powinna zostać poprzedzona pogłębioną dyskusją na temat umiejscowienia UOKiK w kontekście tych zasad

    Zasada dobra dziecka i jej implikacje dla socjalizacji prawnej w środowisku szkolnym

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    The aim of the paper is to outline a framework for a research project concerned with realizing, in a principled way, children’s best interest as this shows up in the context of school-based education and socialization. The planned research aims to diagnose the determinants of normative socialization at school. Thus, a proper realization of the basic functions that schools are meant to fulfil, together with an appropriate level of quality in respect of these, will together guarantee both the realization of the child’s right to education and an appropriate path of development as regards socialization. The general outline of the development of normative socialization is defined by legal principles and norms, among which the principle of children’s best interest holds an important position. It is supposed to prevent abuse and improprieties in this sphere. In the first part of the paper, the authors analyse the basic functions of school, with a primary focus on normative socialization as a specific kind of socialization taking place at school alongside the process of education itself. This process of normative socialization is defined in the psychological and sociological literature in a variety of ways. The principle of children’s best interest, seen in the light of both the Convention on the Rights of the Child and of Polish legislation, constitutes the subject of the analyses presented in the second part of the paper. The third part presents a description of how the research is conceived in methodological terms, and here the authors concentrate on the aims and methods of the research to be carried out, paying attention to its significance both from the point of view of the pedagogical sciences and from that of legal theory. The practical aim of the research is to optimize the process of pupils’ normative socialization, where this may then in turn become a tool for shaping pro-legal attitudes and the status of young people as a legal entity.Celem niniejszego artykułu jest zarysowanie ram projektu badawczego dotyczącego realizacji zasady dobra dziecka w procesie wychowania i socjalizacji w szkole. Celem planowanych badań jest diagnoza uwarunkowań socjalizacji normatywnej w szkole. Przyjąć należy, że prawidłowa realizacja podstawowych funkcji szkoły i ich odpowiednia jakość gwarantują realizację prawa do edukacji i odpowiedni kierunek procesu socjalizacji. Ramowy kierunek socjalizacji normatywnej wyznaczają zasady i normy prawne, a wśród nich ważne miejsce zajmuje zasada dobra dziecka, która jest podstawową regułą interpretacyjną wielu aktów prawnych, gdzie podmiotem ochrony jest dziecko (np. Kodeks Rodzinny i Opiekuńczy czy  Ustawa o postępowaniu w sprawach nieletnich). Stosowanie tej reguły zapobiec ma nadużyciom i nieprawidłowościom w obszarze edukacji, opieki, wychowania, ochrony czy pomocy dziecku. W pierwszej części artykułu autorki poddają analizie podstawowe funkcje szkoły, koncentrując się na socjalizacji normatywnej, jako szczególnym rodzaju socjalizacji przebiegającej w szkole obok procesów wychowania i kształcenia. Zasada dobra dziecka w świetle Konwencji o Prawach Dziecka oraz polskiego ustawodawstwa jest przedmiotem analiz drugiej części artykułu. Część trzecia to opis koncepcji metodologicznej badań własnych, gdzie autorki koncentrują się na celach i metodach planowanych badań, mając na uwadze ich doniosłość tak z punktu widzenia nauk pedagogicznych jak i teorii prawa. Cel praktyczny badań własnych to optymalizacja procesu socjalizacji normatywnej uczniów, która może być instrumentem kształtowania postaw proprawnych i podmiotowości prawnej młodego człowieka


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    Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome – the basics of diagnosis and treatment

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    Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is one of the most common respiratory disorders in humans. It is characterized by repetitive episodes of pharyngeal collapse with increased airflow resistance during sleep and is often accompanied by extensive snoring. Hypoxia and sleep fragmentation, which accompany the disease, cause a number of serious consequences such as excessive daytime sleepiness, arterial hypertension and pulmonary hypertension, arrhythmia and ischemic heart disease. The gold standard diagnostic investigation for OSAS is polysomnography. Oral appliances have occupied an important place among all conservative methods of therapy. They should be considered in patients with mild-to-moderate OSAS or in those unable to tolerate continuous positive airways pressure, CPAP