353 research outputs found

    Ti-Fe-Cr spinels in layered (stratified) complexes of the western slope of the Southern Urals: species diversity and formation conditions

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    Materials on geochemistry and ore Fe-Ti-Cr mineralization of rocks composing layered (stratified) bodies of the western slope of the Southern Urals are presented. A detailed analysis showed similarity in the redistribution of REE, noble metals, and Fe-Ti-Cr mineralization of practically all parameters in rocks of the Misaelga and Kusin-Kopan complexes. It has been established that the parameters of metamorphism, which influenced components redistribution in Fe-Ti-Cr minerals of the layered complexes, correspond to Misaelga – T = <550-750 °С, P = 0.1-2.8 kbar, Kusin-Kopan – T = <550-630 °С, P = 0.3-0.7 kbar, and Shuidinsky complexes – T = <550-760 °С, P = 0.5-2.5 kbar. The result of modelling the melt crystallization process showed that the Kusin-Kopan complex is an intrusive body with an ultramafic horizon in the idealized cross-section. Due to collisional processes, the lower part of the intrusion has been detached from the upper part. The proposed structure of the Kusin-Kopan complex sharply increases its prospects for such types of minerals as platinum group minerals + sulphide copper-nickel mine-ralization and/or chromites

    Minimisation du coût de setup pour des lignes d'usinage multi-produits

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    International audienceLe probl eme etudi e correspond a la con guration optimale d'une ligne d'usinage destin ee a la production de f types de pi eces usin ees. Il s'agit d'une s equence de stations, sur lesquelles les op erations d'usinage sont ex ecut ees en parall ele. Chaque pi ece a usiner requiert l'ex ecution un ensemble d'op erations sp eci ques d ependant de son type. Le nombre total d'op erations par station ne peut pas exc eder une borne sup erieure donn ee. Les pi eces sont transport ees le long des stations dans la m^eme direction l'une apr es l'autre. S'il y a au moins une op eration a ect ee a une station qui correspond au type de pi ece en production, alors cette station est mise en service. Les co^uts de pr eparation li es a ces mises en service d ependent du type de pi ece et ils apparaissent en raison de ressources suppl ementaires requises pour le traitement d'une pi ece sur des stations. Il y a deux crit eres : la minimisation du nombre de stations et la minimisation du co^ut total de mises en courses. Une solution du probl eme implique le nombre de stations et l'a ectation des op erations a ces stations. Les propri et es d'une solution optimale ont et e etablies. En s'appuyant sur ces propri et es, des algorithmes optimaux ont et e d evelopp es pour les cas f = 2, f = 3, et un f arbitraire

    Minimizing setup cost for multipart production lines

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    http://www.usc.edu/dept/ise/caie/Checked%20Papers%20%5Bruhi%2012th%20sept%5D/word%20format%20papers/REGISTRATION%20PAID%20PAPERS%20FOR%20PROCEEDINGS/pdf/170%2014%20MINIMIZING%20SETUP%20COST%20FOR%20MULTI-PART%20PRODUCTION%20LINES.pdfInternational audienceAn industrial engineering problem is under study. It consists in optimal configuration of a multi-part production line. A line is a sequence of workstations, at which the manufacturing operations at each workstation are executed in parallel. Parallel execution of operations is inherent for multi-spindle heads in mechanical industry, for example. Each machine part of a specific type f requires a specific set of operations. Different sets can contain common operations. The total number of operations per workstation cannot exceed a given upper bound. Parts move along the stations in the same direction. If there is at least one operation attributed to the part type arriving at a station, this station is set up. Setup costs are part type dependent and they appear due to additional resources required for processing of a part at stations. There are two criteria: minimization of the number of stations, and minimization of the total setup cost. A solution of the problem implies the number of stations and the assignment of operations to these stations. Properties of an optimal solution were established. Basing on these properties, optimal algorithms were developed for the cases f = 2, f = 3, and an arbitrary f. The algorithms employ combinatorial optimization and linear algebra techniques. They run in a constant time if f is a constant

    The Metrics for Promising R&D Early Forecast

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    The paper is concerned to the new methodological approach for early prognosis of promising research and development (R&D) in the fields of science and technology. As it’s demonstrated with the texts’ corpus covering the known R&D stories from 1955 to 2014, the correct prognosis probability at the R&D life pre-investment cycle phase based on the traditional econometric methods is not high. The analogy is drawn to computer program text quality metrics based test approach and formally well-structured scientific & engineering texts. Making a start from this analogy, the four size-based quantitative metrics and four functional-based ones basing on lexical approach completed with ontological evolutionary approach to R&D texts’ corpus investigations are worked out. The relevant formulas are deduced to calculate the size-based metrics. The resulting values are interpreted form the point of view of promising R&D search and prognosis task. The key questions are described in details for source data formation to calculate more complex functional-based metrics using some lexical-graph R&D text models, to solve decomposition tasks and path search on graphs of terms collocations and co-words with the purpose of terminology evolution investigations, tautological definitions localization, and texts structure quality estimation. The source data necessary for the eight deduced formulas of author’s metrics calculation are rigorously specified. The non-linear pair correlation indexes are evaluated for every metric and known R&D historical result on the test text corpus. The probabilities of correct forecast with the eight metrics demonstrate good level of correlation with successful R&D stories. The ranges of resulting values for all the metrics are rigorously described and interpreted, their details of correlation indexes behavior and correct forecast probabilities are explained to support good decision regarding the most promising R&D choice and fulfill a purpose of investment activity at the early phase of R&D life cycle. As it’s demonstrated by the author the implementation of described mathematical approach based on the eight metrics results in higher probability of prognosis for better R&D choice and lets an investment manager to achieve the purpose of optimal funding in combination with other known methods

    Diagnosis of Tendinites in Sport Horses

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    Sports horses during training and sporting events get injured to both the thoracic and pelvic limbs in the area of the metacarpus and metatarsus. In this regard, for the differential diagnosis of defeat tendon and ligament and other defeats of the limbs, biochemical blood parameters have been explored related to inflammation markers by visual studies in addition to clinical assessment of the intensity of inflammatory processes. Inflammatory processes in the animal’s body are judged by the results of aspirin test, by the level of molecules of average weight, sialic acids, circulating immune complexes. The research revealed changes in the blood of sick horses relatively to healthy ones. Some indicators of markers of inflammation were different: so indicators of aspirin test in the blood of sick animals it was at the level of – 0.028±0.002 c.u. in the blood of healthy animals it was – 0.015±0.002 c.u.; molecules of average weight in diseased animals were level – 0.216±0.009 c.u. and in healthy animals, this indicator was significantly lower and were 0.134±0.004 c.u.; index of sialic acid in the blood of sick animals was at the level of – 2.136±0.059 mmol/l, and in healthy horses – 0.419±0.027 mmol/l; circulating immune complexes in the concentration of PEG – 4.14% in sick horses were – 0.097±0.009 c.u. and in healthy – 0.149±0.011 c.u., at PEG 7.25 % in sick animals reached – 0.343±0.015 c.u. and – 0,174±0,011 c.u. in healthy horses; the content of lysozyme in the blood of sick horses was 145.71±3.98 mg/l, and in healthy animals – 143.57±3.97 mg/l. These studies suggest that changes in these indicators associated with the pathology of tendon-ligamentous apparatus of the limbs of sport horses

    Optical Rectification and Electro-Optic Sampling in Quartz

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    We report electro-optic sampling (EOS) response and terahertz (THz) optical rectification (OR) in z-cut alpha-quartz. Due to its small effective second-order nonlinearity, echo-free waveform of intense THz pulses with a few MV/cm electric-field strength can be measured faithfully with no saturation effect. Both its OR and EOS responses are broad with extension up to ~8 THz. Strikingly, the latter responses are independent of the crystal thickness, a plausible indication of strong surface contribution to the total second-order nonlinear susceptibility of quartz. Our study introduces thin quartz plates as the reliable THz electro-optic medium for echo-free, high field THz detection

    Superradiant Undulator Radiation for Selective THz Control Experiments at XFELs

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    The generation of frequency-tunable, narrow-bandwidth and carrier-envelope-phase stable THz pulses with fields in the MV/cm regime that can be appropriately timed to the femtosecond X-ray pulses from free-electron-lasers is of highest scientific interest. It will enable to follow the electronic and structural dynamics stimulated by (non)linear selective excitations of matter on few femtosecond time and {\AA}ngstrom length scales. In this article, a scheme based on superradiant undulator radiation generated just after the XFEL is proposed. The concept utilizes cutting edge superconducting undulator technology and provides THz pulses in a frequency range between 3 and 30 THz with exceptional THz pulse energies. Relevant aspects for realization and operation are discussed point by point on the example of the European XFEL


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    L'objectif de la thèse est de créer et développer de nouvelles méthodes de résolution efficaces des problèmes combinatoires en configuration des lignes de fabrication. Deux problèmes ont été particulièrement étudiés: le problème d'équilibrage et de choix d'équipement pour des lignes dédiées et le problème de minimisation des coûts de changements de séries pour des lignes multi-produits. Une solution du premier problème consiste en une affectation admissible des ressources à un nombre de stations à déterminer de sorte que le coût total soit minimal. Afin de résoudre ce problème, nous l'avons réduit au problème de partition d'ensemble et l'avons résolu par des heuristiques gloutonnes et une méthode exacte de génération de contraintes. Les expérimentations sur différentes instances ont montré que la nouvelle approche de résolution surclasse les approches antérieures de la littérature en termes de qualité de solution et de temps de calcul. Pour le second problème deux critères sont considérés lexicographiquement : la minimisation du nombre de stations et la minimisation du coût de changement de séries. Nous avons examiné successivement les cas d'exécution parallèle et séquentielle des opérations. Des solutions approchées ont été trouvées par des heuristiques gloutonnes. Ensuite, nous avons proposé deux modèles de programmation linéaire en nombres entiers (PLNE) afin de trouver le nombre de stations minimal et ensuite d'obtenir le coût de changement de séries minimal. Les résultats des expérimentations sur ces nouveaux problèmes se sont avérés prometteurs à la fois en termes de qualité de solution et de temps de calcul.The objective of this thesis is to create and develop new effective solution methods for production line configuration problems. Two problems were studied: the equipment selection and balancing problem for dedicated lines and the setup cost minimization problem for multi-product lines. A solution for the first problem consists in a feasible assignment of the resources to an unknown number of stations so that the total cost is minimized. In order to solve this problem, we reduced it to the set partitioning problem and solved it by greedy heuristics and an exact method of constraint generation. The computer experiments on different problem instances showed that the new solution approach outperforms the previous methods from the literature both in terms of solution quality and computational time. For the second problem two criteria were considered lexicographically: the minimization of the number of stations and the minimization of the total setup cost. We examined successively the cases with parallel and sequential execution of operations. Approximate solutions were found by greedy heuristics. Then, we proposed two integer programming models in order to obtain the minimal number of stations and then the minimal setup cost. The experimental results for this new problem proved to be promising both in terms of solution quality and computational time.ST ETIENNE-ENS des Mines (422182304) / SudocSudocFranceF
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