41 research outputs found


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    How to develop digital competence in pre-service FL teachers at university level

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    The study aims to investigate pre-service teachers’ readiness to use digital resources for foreign language teaching; to find out the pre-service teachers’ attitudes to the development of their digital competence; to outline the ways of the development of the digital competence. A mixed research design was employed which involved 56 pre-service teachers of Kyiv National Linguistic University in 2019-2020. The quantitative research method was employed to assess the level of digital competence in the pre-service foreign language (FL) teachers using the Fisher Criterion. The qualitative research method allowed analysing and interpreting data of the experimental learning. The results showed that the pre-service FL teachers who were consulted by in-service teachers and used checklists for systematical assessment of their digital skills in progress had higher results than those who were only consulted by in-service teachers. Also, the qualitative method aimed to gain data about the pre-service teachers’ attitudes to using digital resources for teaching foreign languages. For that purpose, a closed-ended questionnaire for the pre-service teachers was suggested as a data collection tool. It was determined that the digital competence is a necessary component of the teacher’s professional competence which affects the success of the learning process. The digital competence can be developed in two areas: the Digital Resources Managing Area and Methodological Managing of Digital Resources Area. The criteria for critical selection, analysis and assessment of digital resources were singled out

    The theory and method of incomes accounting

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    З‘ясовано суть та зміст терміну «дохід». Відображено взаємозв‘язок рахунків обліку доходів із рахунками обліку витратThe essence and contents the term ―income‖ is described. The relationship accounts of accounting of incomes with the accounts of accounting of costs is considere

    Industry 4.0 and accounting: directions, challenges, opportunities

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    The purpose of the study was to reveal the directions, challenges and opportunities that arise in the accounting system in the conditions of Industry 4.0, when innovative solutions based on the capabilities of new digital technologies become the management of in-demand enterprises. The role of Industry 4.0 is shown, the features of modern Industry 4 technologies are revealed, the main technologies and production processes are demonstrated, interconnected using industrial protocols to create intelligent data. The rating of digital competitiveness and their readiness to implement Industry 4.0 technologies for 64 countries of the world is given and analyzed. These factors hinder the process of digitalization in countries with a low rating. The influence of Industry 4.0 on the accounting system is determined and the technologies affected by the fourth industrial revolution in terms of accounting (Big Data or Data Analytics, Cloud Computing, AI, Blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), Robotic Process Automation) and changes waiting for the profession of accountant. The coordination of efforts of business, education and the state in the context of the development of Industry 4.0 technologies was noted

    Exploring benefits and models of blended learning technology in modern professional training

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    The article shows the main ways of applying the mixed learning technology in the modern professional training of specialists. The purpose of the article is to find out the main ways of applying the technology of mixed learning in the modern professional training of specialists. The methodological concept provides a categorical and component analysis of the technology of mixed learning in the modern professional training of specialists in the following dimensions: philosophical, psychological, cultural, socio-pedagogical. The following methodological approaches were used in the article: sociosystemic, informational, synergistic, interdisciplinary, axiological, cultural, structural and functional and subject-activity. In connection with the digital transformation of education, we will distinguish three main components of mixed learning that can be implemented in a higher education institution, that is, in its information and educational environment (traditional learning (face to face); self-study learning; joint online - learning (online collaborative learning). The four basic models of mixed learning, which are discussed in the article, are the most popular (rotational model, flexible model, self-mixing model, virtual-enriched model)

    Information and communication and digital technology in education: Some aspects of SMART technology application

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    The relevance of the research work is due to the growing interest in the implementation of information and communication and digital technology in the educational process. The article pays special attention to the peculiarities of the impact of smart-technology on the formation of the digital component of professional competence as a mediated indicator of the effectiveness of the implementation of innovative teaching technology. Modern smart technologies in education are designed to make education modern, accessible, and effective. The aim of the work was to identify the impact of implementing smart-technology on students' academic success and the dynamics of the formation of the digital component of professional competence, and then to investigate the features of the proposed innovative educational method. The article investigates and systematizes the peculiarities of the experience of using digital and information and communication technologies, taking into account the need to organize the educational process in the conditions of distance and mixed forms of education. Methods of mediated research of the effectiveness of the implementation of innovative educational technologies are actualized. Given the multifaceted nature of the topic under consideration, future research should focus on studying the specifics of implementing smart-technologies for training specialists in various educational areas. Also, special attention of researchers is required to analyze the effectiveness of popular tools of smart-technologies

    Рецензія на монографію К. П. Осадчої «Теоретичні та методологічні засади професійної підготовки майбутніх учителів до тьюторської діяльності»

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    In the publication the theoretical and methodological research of K. P. Osadcha “Theoretical and methodological fundamentals of vocational training of future teachers for tutoring” has been analyzed, which reflects the theoretical and practical aspects for vocational training of future teachers to new realities of teaching, namely the implementation of tutoring in working with children at primary, secondary and high school. The authors have analyzed the structure of this monograph, highlighted main author achievements, which are the historical and pedagogical analysis of the development for tutoring in Ukraine, the determination of the essence the tutoring, the structure of the tutor competence and conceptual foundations of vocational training of future teachers for tutoring.У публікації здійснено аналіз теоретико-методологічного дослідження К.П. Осадчої «Теоретичні та методологічні засади професійної підготовки майбутніх учителів до тьюторської діяльності», що відображає теоретичні й практичні аспекти професійної підготовки майбутніх учителів до нових реалій педагогічної діяльності, а саме до здійснення тьюторської діяльності у роботі з дітьми початкового, середнього та старшого шкільного віку. Авторами проаналізовано структуру та зміст монографії, виділено основні здобутки автора, що полягають в історико-педагогічному аналізі становлення тьюторства в Україні, визначенні сутності тьюторської діяльності, структури тьюторської компетентності та концептуальних засад професійної підготовки майбутніх учителів до тьюторської діяльності


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    Agricultural lands are an indispensable resource for ensuring food security in Ukraine. Ukraine is on the path of reforming land relations and forming a market for agricultural land. Since Poland is close to Ukraine in terms of climatic conditions and land use, its experience had been taken into account. The purpose of the article is to form the process of the agricultural land market in Ukraine based on the experience of Poland. To study the research problems, comparative methods of research and observation have been used, as well as methods of synthesis, analysis and abstract logical approaches to the search, justification and determination of periods of development of land relations in Ukraine and Poland. The article discusses the approaches of scientists to determining the essence of the “land market”, outlines the conditions for the development of the land market in European countries (Holland, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Great Britain, Scotland, Spain, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, and Estonia). The periods of development of the land market in Poland and Ukraine have been highlighted. An analytical assessment of the market for the purchase and sale of agricultural land in the regions of Ukraine has been carried out (indicating the number of transactions completed and the total area of land plots). Comparative information on the cost of land in the European Union countries has been provided. The authors’ vision of the process of forming the agricultural land market in Ukraine is summarized, highlighting: I - Legal regulation; II - The step-by-step process of implementing the reform in accordance with the legislative framework, features of the implementation of land reform under martial law; III - Implementation of the land market using a transparent system through the Application (Unified portal of public services) Action; VI – State control over available agricultural lands and their legal structure; V – Conducting an expert assessment of land plots and/or determining their regulatory assessment; VI – State control over available agricultural lands and their legal structure; VII - Constant monitoring of the functional use of agricultural land

    Порядок переміщення живих тварин через митний кордон України

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    Коваль Н. О. Порядок переміщення живих тварин через митний кордон України / Н. О. Коваль // Правові та інституційні механізми забезпечення розвитку України в умовах європейської інтеграції : матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (м. Одеса, 18 травня 2018 р.) У 2-х т. Т. 1 / відп. ред. Г. О. Ульянова. – Одеса : Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2018. – С. 417-421