1,790 research outputs found

    Fuzzy Rule Interpolation and SNMP-MIB for Emerging Network Abnormality

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    It is difficult to implement an efficient detection approach for Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) and many factors contribute to this challenge. One such challenge concerns establishing adequate boundaries and finding a proper data source. Typical IDS detection approaches deal with raw traffics. These traffics need to be studied in depth and thoroughly investigated in order to extract the required knowledge base. Another challenge involves implementing the binary decision. This is because there are no reasonable limits between normal and attack traffics patterns. In this paper, we introduce a novel idea capable of supporting the proper data source while avoiding the issues associated with the binary decision. This paper aims to introduce a detection approach for defining abnormality by using the Fuzzy Rule Interpolation (FRI) with Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Management Information Base (MIB) parameters. The strength of the proposed detection approach is based on adapting the SNMP-MIB parameters with the FRI.  This proposed method eliminates the raw traffic processing component which is time consuming and requires extensive computational measures. It also eliminates the need for a complete fuzzy rule based intrusion definition. The proposed approach was tested and evaluated using an open source SNMP-MIB dataset and obtained a 93% detection rate. Additionally, when compared to other literature in which the same test-bed environment was employed along with the same number of parameters, the proposed detection approach outperformed the support vector machine and neural network. Therefore, combining the SNMP-MIB parameters with the FRI based reasoning could be beneficial for detecting intrusions, even in the case if the fuzzy rule based intrusion definition is incomplete (not fully defined)

    Preparation and characterization of Thioflavin T doped silica nanoparticles

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    Fluorescent silica nanoparticles with diameters of about 300nm were synthesized based on Stober's method, using Thioflavin T as fluorescent co-reagent. The particles were characterized via transmission electron microscopy and fluorimetry measurements. Fluorescence intensity of the sols was ten times higher than that of the ethanol phase solutions of Thioflavin T. Release of dye molecules in stable alcosols was investigated by measuring UV-Vis absorbance spectrum of the supernatant. To try an alternative route, we investigated accumulation of dye molecules in native silica particles. No release effect was detected, and slow accumulation was observed. Water contact angles of the particles were assessed from analyzing the Langmuir films, and were found to be 18, very similar to native silica particles. Langmuir-Blodgett films of the particles were deposited on a glass substrate and were examined via UV-Vis spectrophotometry, fluorimetry and scanning electron microscopy. Presence of the film was revealed; the particles formed a continuous, well-packed monolaye

    Fuzzy Automaton as a Detection Mechanism for the Multi-Step Attack

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    The integration of a fuzzy system and automaton theory can form the concept of fuzzy automaton. This integration allows a discretely defined state-machine to act on continuous universes and handle uncertainty in applications like Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS). The typical IDS detection mechanisms are targeted to detect and prevent single-stage attacks. These types of attacks can be detected using either a common convincing threshold or by pre-defined rules. However, attack techniques have changed in recent years. Currently, the largest proportion of attacks performed, are multi-step attacks. The goal of this paper is to introduce a novel detection mechanism for multi-step attacks built upon Fuzzy Rule Interpolation (FRI) based fuzzy automaton. In that respect, the FRI method instruments the fuzzy automaton to be able to act on a not fully defined state transition rule-base, by offering interpolated conclusion even for situations which are not explicitly defined. In the suggested model, the intrusion definition state transition rule-base is defined using an open source fuzzy declarative language. On the multi-step attack benchmark dataset introduced in this paper, the proposed detection mechanism was able to achieve 97.836% detection rate.  Furthermore, in the studied examples, the suggested method was able not only to detect but also early detect the multi-step attack in stages, where the planned attack is not fully elaborated and hence less harmful. According to these results, the IDS built upon the FRI based fuzzy automaton could be a useful device for detecting multi-step attacks, even in cases when the intrusion state transition rule-based is incomplete. The early detection of multi-step attacks also allows the administrator to take the necessary actions in time, to mitigate the potential threats


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    This study investigates the possibility of using rice husk ash as an additive to develop an environmentally friendly and low-cost drilling fluid system. Rice husk ash was added as an additive to water-based bentonite drilling fluids at different concentrations ranging from 2 wt% to 15 wt%. The rheological and filtration properties of each developed drilling fluid were measured by using a viscometer and standard low-pressure low-temperature filter press. Subsequently, the cutting carrying index, the minimum annulus velocity required to clean the bottom of the well efficiently, the flow behaviour index and the permeability of mud cakes of the formulated systems were calculated in order to assess the performance of the systems. The results demonstrated that the rheological and properties were improved depending on the concentration of the rice husk ash introduced. With the introduction of 15 wt% concentration of rice husk ash, while apparent viscosity and yield point increased by 60% and 183%, respectively, thixotropy and plastic viscosity decreased by 29% and 63%, respectively. On the other hand, drilling fluid with 4% wt% content of rice husk ash reduced the fluid loss by 10%. Moreover, the results showed that cutting the carrying index, the minimum annulus velocity required to clean the bottom of the well efficiently and the flow behaviour index of the enhanced with the exploitation of the rice husk ash in the drilling fluid. This study showed that rice husk ash is a promising additive to use in water-based bentonite drilling fluids when properly implemented, and hence reduces the impact on the environment, and the total cost for drilling.Istražene su mogućnosti upotrebe pepela rižine ljuske kao aditiva za pripremu ekološki prihvatljivijih i jeftinijih isplaka. Pepeo rižine ljuske dodan je u bentonitnu isplaku u različitim koncentracijama u rasponu od 2 do 15% maseno. Reološka i filtracijska svojstva pripremljenih isplaka mjerena su upotrebom viskozimetra i standardne API filtar preše. Naknadno, kako bi se bolje procijenila svojstva ispitivanih isplaka određen je indeks iznošenja krhotina, minimalna brzina protjecanja isplake u prstenastome prostoru potrebna za efikasno čišćenje dna bušotine, indeks toka te propusnost isplačnoga obloga. Dobiveni rezultati upućuju na poboljšanje reoloških i ostalih svojstava ispitivanih isplaka u ovisnosti o korištenoj koncentraciji pepela rižine ljuske. Kod isplake u koju je dodano 15% maseno pepela rižine ljuske uočeno je povećanje prividne viskoznosti za 60% i naprezanja pri pokretanju za 183%, dok su tiksotropna svojstva i plastična viskoznost smanjeni za 29 % odnosno 63%. S druge strane, kod isplaka koje su pripremljene s 4% maseno pepela rižinih ljuski izmjereno je smanjenje filtracije za 10 %. Štoviše, rezultati upućuju na poboljšanje indeksa iznošenja krhotina, smanjenje minimalne vrijednosti brzine protoka u prstenastome prostoru za efikasno čišćenje dna bušotine i vrijednosti indeksa toka kod upotrebe pepela rižinih ljuski u isplaci. Ovo istraživanje jasno pokazuje da je pravilnom primjenom pepela rižinih ljuski kao aditiva u bentonitnoj isplaci moguće smanjiti utjecaj na okoliš i troškove bušenja

    Testis-Specific Bb8 Is Essential in the Development of Spermatid Mitochondria.

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    Mitochondria are essential organelles of developing spermatids in Drosophila, which undergo dramatic changes in size and shape after meiotic division, where mitochondria localized in the cytoplasm, migrate near the nucleus, aggregate, fuse and create the Nebenkern. During spermatid elongation the two similar mitochondrial derivatives of the Nebenkern start to elongate parallel to the axoneme. One of the elongated mitochondrial derivatives starts to lose volume and becomes the minor mitochondrial derivative, while the other one accumulates paracrystalline and becomes the major mitochondrial derivative. Proteins and intracellular environment that are responsible for cyst elongation and paracrystalline formation in the major mitochondrial derivative need to be identified. In this work we investigate the function of the testis specific big bubble 8 (bb8) gene during spermatogenesis. We show that a Minos element insertion in bb8 gene, a predicted glutamate dehydrogenase, causes recessive male sterility. We demonstrate bb8 mRNA enrichment in spermatids and the mitochondrial localisation of Bb8 protein during spermatogenesis. We report that megamitochondria develop in the homozygous mutant testes, in elongating spermatids. Ultrastructural analysis of the cross section of elongated spermatids shows enlarged mitochondria and the production of paracrystalline in both major and minor mitochondrial derivatives. Our results suggest that the Bb8 protein and presumably glutamate metabolism has a crucial role in the normal development and establishment of the identity of the mitochondrial derivatives during spermatid elongation

    Mixed Brain Pathologies in Dementia: The BrainNet Europe Consortium Experience

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    Background: Dementia results from heterogeneous diseases of the brain. Mixed disease forms are increasingly recognized. Methods: We performed a survey within brain banks of BrainNet Europe to estimate the proportion of mixed disease forms underlying dementia and age- and gender-specific influences. Results: Data collected in 9 centres from 3,303 individuals were analysed. The proportion of patients with mixed diagnoses among all cases with Alzheimer disease (AD), vascular pathology (VP), argyrophilic grain dementia (AGD), and synucleinopathies, such as Lewy body dementia (LBD), Parkinson disease (PD) and synuclein pathology only in the amygdala, was 53.3%. Mixed pathology was more frequently reported with LBD, PD, AGD, and VP than with AD. The percentage of mixed diagnoses for AGD and VP significantly differed between centres. In patients younger than 75 years, synucleinopathies, and pure forms of AD, VP, and AGD were more frequent in men. Above 75 years of age, more women had pure AD and pure AGD. Conclusions: The most obvious neuropathological alteration should not terminate the diagnostic procedure since copathology is likely to be found. Neuropathological interpretation of AGD and VP has not been sufficiently established in a consensus. Pure forms of synucleinopathies are unlikely sole substrates for dementia. Copyright (C) 2008 S. Karger AG, Base

    A review of raptor and owl monitoring activity across Europe : its implications for capacity building towards pan-European monitoring

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    ABSTRACT Capsule: A questionnaire identified 1196 raptor monitoring species schemes within 236 monitoring programmes across 37 countries. Aims: To assess the level of monitoring of status/trends of raptors across Europe, to produce a webbased inventory of activities. Methods: A questionnaire promoted by voluntary national coordinators assessed monitoring coverage, focusing on breeding populations. Results: One thousand one hundred and ninety-six species schemes (236 monitoring programmes; 90% active in 2012) were reported from 37 countries. Sixty per cent of schemes were of over 10 years duration and nine countries ran schemes of over 40 years duration. Nineteen species had at least one scheme in 10 or more countries, and 15 species had schemes that ran for over 10 years. Thirteen species had breeding monitoring schemes in over 50% of countries where they breed, including widespread species (e.g. Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus) and localized species (e.g. Rough-legged Buzzard Buteo lagopus). Lanner Falcon Falco biarmicus, Levant Sparrowhawk Accipiter brevipes and Booted Eagle Hieraaetus pennatus had the least representative coverage, and four rare species had no coverage. Coverage was more representative in north and west Europe than further south and east. Coverage was more representative for widespread species and those with more favourable conservation status. Conclusions: Large potential exists to enhance reporting on status/trends, ecotoxicology analyses and volunteer-based monitoring at the pan-European scale. National coordinators provide an ideal network to develop and disseminate best practice guidance across Europe.Peer reviewe

    Metal artefact reduction for accurate tumour delineation in radiotherapy

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    Background and purpose: Two techniques for metal artefact reduction for computed tomography were studied in order to identify their impact on tumour delineation in radiotherapy. Materials and methods: Using specially designed phantoms containing metal implants (dental, spine and hip) as well as patient images, we investigated the impact of two methods for metal artefact reduction on (A) the size and severity of metal artefacts and the accuracy of Hounsfield Unit (HU) representation, (B) the visual impact of metal artefacts on image quality and (C) delineation accuracy. A metal artefact reduction algorithm (MAR) and two types of dual energy virtual monochromatic (DECT VM) reconstructions were used separately and in combination to identify the optimal technique for each implant site. Results: The artefact area and severity was reduced (by 48–76% and 58–79%, MAR and DECT VM respectively) and accurate Hounsfield-value representation was increased by 22–82%. For each energy, the observers preferred MAR over non-MAR reconstructions (p < 0.01 for dental and hip cases, p < 0.05 for the spine case). In addition, DECT VM was preferred for spine implants (p < 0.01). In all cases, techniques that improved target delineation significantly (p < 0.05) were identified. Conclusions: DECT VM and MAR techniques improve delineation accuracy and the optimal of reconstruction technique depends on the type of metal implant
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