76 research outputs found

    Az Edző-Sportoló Kapcsolat Kérdőív hazai adaptációja, a sportoló szemszögén keresztül

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    Jelen tanulmány célja az Edző-Sportoló Kapcsolat Kérdőív (CART-Q, Jowett és Ntoumanis, 2004) magyar változatának pszichometriai vizsgálata, a mérőeszköz reliabilitásának és validitásának elle - nőrzése. A kérdőív érvényességét és megbízhatóságát egy 515 fős kényelmi mintán ellenőriztük (átlagéletkor=20,41 év; SD=7,43; férfi=252; nő=263). A fent említett kérdőív mellett felvételre került a Sportkörnyezet Kérdőív (SCQ-H; Deci, 2001; Kovács és mtsai, 2020), a Sportmotiváció-2 Kérdőív (SMS-2; Pelletier és mtsai, 2013, Smohai és mtsai, 2019), az Edzői Viselkedési Kérdőív (CBQ; Williams és mtsai, 2003), valamint a Sportverseny Pillanatnyi Szorongás Skála (CSAI-2; Sipos és mtsai, 1999). A megerősítő faktor - analízis során a kétfaktoros (χ2/df=5,09, TLI=0,94, CFI=0,95, RMSEA=0,09, SRMR=0,04), és háromfaktoros modell (χ2/df=5,59, TLI=0,93, CFI=0,95, RMSEA=0,09, SRMR=0,04) illeszkedési mutatói is megfelelőnek bizonyultak. A kérdőív skáláinak belső megbízhatósága megfelelőnek bizonyult (Cronbach-α: 0,79-0,91). A konvergens validitás vizsgálata során a korábbi kutatásokkal megegyező, pozitív irányú korrelációkat kaptunk a CART-Q alskálái és az öndeterminált sportmotiváció típusai, az észlelt edzői autonómia-támogatás mértéke, az önbizalom, valamint a támogató edzői viselkedés között (r=0,24 – 0,71), valamint negatív irányú kapcsolatot találtunk a vizsgált kérdőív alskálái és az amotiváció és a negatív edzői viselkedés között (r=-0,31– -0,55). A kérdőív magyarra fordított változata pszichometriailag megfelelő mérőeszköznek tekinthető

    Deciphering the Biology of \u3ci\u3eCryptophyllachora eurasiatica\u3c/i\u3e gen. et sp. nov., an Often Cryptic Pathogen of an Allergenic Weed, \u3ci\u3eAmbrosia artemisiifolia\u3c/i\u3e

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    A little known, unculturable ascomycete, referred to as Phyllachora ambrosiae, can destroy the inflorescences of Ambrosia artemisiifolia, an invasive agricultural weed and producer of highly allergenic pollen. The fungus often remains undetectable in ragweed populations. This work was conducted to understand its origin and pathogenesis, a prerequisite to consider its potential as a biocontrol agent. The methods used included light and transmission electron microscopy, nrDNA sequencing, phylogenetic analyses, artificial inoculations, and the examination of old herbarium and recent field specimens from Hungary, Korea, Ukraine and USA. The Eurasian and the North American specimens of this fungus were to represent two distinct, although closely related lineages that were only distantly related to other lineages within the Ascomycota. Consequently, we describe a new genus that includes Cryptophyllachora eurasiatica gen. et sp. nov. and C. ambrosiae comb. nov., respectively. The pathogenesis of C. eurasiaticawas shown in A. artemisiifolia. No evidence was found for either seed-borne transmission or systemic infection. Two hypotheses were developed to explain the interaction between C. eurasiatica and A. artemisiifolia: (i) as yet undetected seed-borne transmissions and latent, systemic infections; or (ii) alternative hosts

    Subgroups of Paediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia Might Differ Significantly in Genetic Predisposition to Asparaginase Hypersensitivity.

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    L-asparaginase (ASP) is a key element in the treatment of paediatric acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL). However, hypersensitivity reactions (HSRs) to ASP are major challenges in paediatric patients. Our aim was to investigate genetic variants that may influence the risk to Escherichia coli-derived ASP hypersensitivity. Sample and clinical data collection was carried out from 576 paediatric ALL patients who were treated according to protocols from the Berlin-Frankfurt-Munster Study Group. A total of 20 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in GRIA1 and GALNT10 genes were genotyped. Patients with GRIA1 rs4958351 AA/AG genotype showed significantly reduced risk to ASP hypersensitivity compared to patients with GG genotype in the T-cell ALL subgroup (OR = 0.05 (0.01-0.26); p = 4.70E-04), while no such association was found in pre-B-cell ALL. In the medium risk group two SNPs of GRIA1 (rs2055083 and rs707176) were associated significantly with the occurrence of ASP hypersensitivity (OR = 0.21 (0.09-0.53); p = 8.48E-04 and OR = 3.02 (1.36-6.73); p = 6.76E-03, respectively). Evaluating the genders separately, however, the association of rs707176 with ASP HSRs was confined only to females. Our results suggest that genetic variants of GRIA1 might influence the risk to ASP hypersensitivity, but subgroups of patients can differ significantly in this respect

    Deciphering the biology of Cryptophyllachora eurasiatica gen. et sp. nov., an often cryptic pathogen of an allergenic weed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia

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    A little known, unculturable ascomycete, referred to as Phyllachora ambrosiae, can destroy the inflorescences of Ambrosia artemisiifolia, an invasive agricultural weed and producer of highly allergenic pollen. The fungus often remains undetectable in ragweed populations. This work was conducted to understand its origin and pathogenesis, a prerequisite to consider its potential as a biocontrol agent. The methods used included light and transmission electron microscopy, nrDNA sequencing, phylogenetic analyses, artificial inoculations, and the examination of old herbarium and recent field specimens from Hungary, Korea, Ukraine and USA. The Eurasian and the North American specimens of this fungus were to represent two distinct, although closely related lineages that were only distantly related to other lineages within the Ascomycota. Consequently, we describe a new genus that includes Cryptophyllachora eurasiatica gen. et sp. nov. and C. ambrosiae comb. nov., respectively. The pathogenesis of C. eurasiatica was shown in A. artemisiifolia. No evidence was found for either seed-borne transmission or systemic infection. Two hypotheses were developed to explain the interaction between C. eurasiatica and A. artemisiifolia: (i) as yet undetected seed-borne transmissions and latent, systemic infections; or (ii) alternative hosts