141 research outputs found

    Összefüggések a személyiségtípusok és a csoportban betöltött szerepek között = Connection between personality types and team roles

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    In my research I will be examining the possible connections between the MyersBriggs Type Indicator (MBTI) - and the Belbin Team Roles surveys. The tools of measurement used in this research can also be utilized during the recruitment process. I believe these surveys can be used for the development of one’s self-knowledge, which nowadays is not a negligible process, due to the fact that the real value of human resources lies in the uniqueness of one’s personality, and the ability to cooperate, in addition to professional knowledge. Firstly, I will present the MBTI’s dimensions, preferences, and the most significant characteristics of each preference. I will mention the differences between the preferences, and highlight the possible interpersonal conflicts that can be caused by dissimilarity among these preferences. After that, I will analyze the characteristics and operation of teams and put significant emphasis on the characteristics of an effective team, and the process of team building. Thereafter, I examine the Belbin Team Roles in more detail. The purpose of my study is to find connections between the two aforementioned tools, and to use these connections to develop the process of self-knowledge and mutual understanding. I believe that the causes of several interpersonal conflicts are the differences and dissimilarities among team roles and personality types, and that is why we should be paying closer attention to them. In addition to this, the recruitment process can also be faster and more efficient with the knowledge and use of these tools. Moreover, it can also be useful when it comes to teamwork, because it can provide help for team members in understanding and accepting each other, thus helping the performance and effectiveness of the mutual work. The fundamental question of my research is to find out which personality types can belong to each team role, and which team role – personality pair is the most common. The hypotheses assign each personality preference to the team roles which suit them the most, based on my assumption. I stated all together five hypotheses which are either qualified or refuted by my research. The method of the research is quantitative, made by questionnaire. Time of the research: September – October, 2015. Made on online site. The sample size is greater than 100 people

    A genom-integritás megőrzésének molekuláris mechanizmusai = Molecular mechanisms of genome maintenance

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    A projekt során a homológ rekombináción alapuló DNS-hibajavításban kulcsszerepet játszó DNS-helikáz enzimek (humán Bloom-szindróma (BLM) és bakteriális RecQ helikázok) működésmódjait derítettük fel. A RecQ-családba tartozó DNS-helikázok hibás működése emberben magas rák-prediszpozíciót és felgyorsult öregedést eredményez. Kidolgoztunk egy, a nukleinsavak mentén mozgó motorenzimek (pl. DNS-helikázok) legfontosabb működési sajátságainak meghatározására alkalmas analitikai eljárást. E módszer segítségével megalkottuk a RecQ és BLM enzimek mechanokémiai működésének részletes kvantitatív modelljeit. Felfedeztük, hogy a BLM helikáz a monomer és oligomer állapotok közötti dinamikus váltásra képes attól függően, hogy a rekombináció során milyen DNS-szerkezetekkel kerül kölcsönhatásba. Felderítettük a BLM enzim különböző szerkezeti elemeinek a DNS-hibajavítás során mutatott aktivitásokban betöltött szerepeit is. Mivel a BLM helikáz a genomépség fenntartásának elengedhetetlen szereplője, felfedezéseink hozzájárulnak a rákos megbetegedésekhez vezető élettani folyamatok pontosabb megértéséhez és befolyásolásának lehetőségéhez. | This project was aimed at the elucidation of the mechanisms of action of DNA helicases during homologous recombination-based DNA repair processes. DNA helicases essentially contribute to the repair of DNA lesions and error-free transmission of genetic information. Their malfunctions cause high cancer predisposition and accelerated ageing. We investigated the mechanisms of action of the human BLM (Bloom syndrome) and E. coli RecQ helicases. We developed an analytical method suitable for the determination of all key functional parameters of nucleic-acid based motor enzymes, including helicases. Based on this method, we provided quantitative mechanochemical models for the translocation of BLM and RecQ helicases along DNA. We also discovered that BLM dynamically switches between monomeric and oligomeric assembly states during various stages of recombination, depending on the DNA structure encountered. Furthermore, we identified the roles of different domains of BLM helicase in its enzymatic activities exerted during DNA repair processes. As BLM helicase is a key player in the maintenance of the integrity of genetic material, the obtained new insights will aid future efforts to understand and control biological processes that lead to a range of cancerous diseases

    Összefüggések a személyiségtípusok és a csoportban betöltött szerepek között = Connection between personality types and team roles

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    In my research I will be examining the possible connections between the MyersBriggs Type Indicator (MBTI) - and the Belbin Team Roles surveys. The tools of measurement used in this research can also be utilized during the recruitment process. I believe these surveys can be used for the development of one’s self-knowledge, which nowadays is not a negligible process, due to the fact that the real value of human resources lies in the uniqueness of one’s personality, and the ability to cooperate, in addition to professional knowledge. Firstly, I will present the MBTI’s dimensions, preferences, and the most significant characteristics of each preference. I will mention the differences between the preferences, and highlight the possible interpersonal conflicts that can be caused by dissimilarity among these preferences. After that, I will analyze the characteristics and operation of teams and put significant emphasis on the characteristics of an effective team, and the process of team building. Thereafter, I examine the Belbin Team Roles in more detail. The purpose of my study is to find connections between the two aforementioned tools, and to use these connections to develop the process of self-knowledge and mutual understanding. I believe that the causes of several interpersonal conflicts are the differences and dissimilarities among team roles and personality types, and that is why we should be paying closer attention to them. In addition to this, the recruitment process can also be faster and more efficient with the knowledge and use of these tools. Moreover, it can also be useful when it comes to teamwork, because it can provide help for team members in understanding and accepting each other, thus helping the performance and effectiveness of the mutual work. The fundamental question of my research is to find out which personality types can belong to each team role, and which team role – personality pair is the most common. The hypotheses assign each personality preference to the team roles which suit them the most, based on my assumption. I stated all together five hypotheses which are either qualified or refuted by my research. The method of the research is quantitative, made by questionnaire. Time of the research: September – October, 2015. Made on online site. The sample size is greater than 100 people

    Processive translocation mechanism of the human Bloom’s syndrome helicase along single-stranded DNA

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    BLM, one of the human RecQ helicases, plays a fundamental role in homologous recombination-based error-free DNA repair pathways, which require its translocation and DNA unwinding activities. Although translocation is essential in vivo during DNA repair processes and it provides a framework for more complex activities of helicases, including strand separation and nucleoprotein displacement, its mechanism has not been resolved for any human DNA helicase. Here, we present a quantitative model for the translocation of a monomeric form of BLM along ssDNA. We show that BLM performs translocation at a low adenosine triphosphate (ATP) coupling ratio (1 ATP consumed/1 nucleotide traveled) and moderate processivity (with a mean number of 50 nucleotides traveled in a single run). We also show that the rate-limiting step of the translocation cycle is a transition between two ADP-bound enzyme states. Via opening of the helicase core, this structural change may drive the stepping of BLM along the DNA track by a directed inchworm mechanism. The data also support the conclusion that BLM performs double-stranded DNA unwinding by fully active duplex destabilization

    Az édesvízi medúza (Craspedacusta sowerbii Lankaster, 1880) magyarországi előfordulása | The freshwater jellyfish (Craspedacusta sowerbii Lankester, 1880) in Hungarian waters

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    An invasive hydromedusa species, the Craspedacusta sowerbii was found in three Hungarian lakes. The individuals were seen in low density near the shore in two of the lakes and in the pelagical region in the third one. As the species shows widespread distribution and it is also common in Europe, this record was expected. In this article some features upon C. sowerbii occurrences are given with mentioning of some unconfirmed records. Monitoring of Hungarian waters for C. sowerbii for the polip form is suggested since the reasons of the alteration to meduse form is not well studied; furthermore the polip form’s occurrence may be less variable

    Fogyasztói motivációk vizsgálata az alkoholmentes üdítőitalok piacán = Examination of Consumer Motivations on the Alcohol Free Beverage Market

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    A vásárlási döntési folyamatot befolyásoló pszichológiai tényezők közül a motivációt választottuk kutatásunk témájának, amelyet kvalitatív kutatási módszerrel vizsgáltunk az alkoholmentes üdítőitalok termék vásárlásakor. Kutatási célunk a motiváció (szegmentálási ismérv) alapján szegmentált piacon piaci rés megtalálása révén új termék fejlesztési javaslatunkkal a piacot bővíteni lehessen és a fogyasztói elégedettséget növelni

    Effect of molybdenum treatment on the element uptake of food crops in a long-term field experiment

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    Molybdenum, as a constituent of several important enzymes, is an essential microelement. It can be found in all kind of food naturally at lowlevels. However, environmental pollution, from natural or anthropogenic sources, can lead to high levels of the metal in plants. Our study is based on long-term field experiments at Nagyhörcsök, where different levels of soil contamination conditions are simulated. Plant samples were collected from the experiment station to study the behavior of elements: uptake by and transport within the plants, accumulation in different organs, phytotoxicity and effects on the quantity and quality of the crop. In this study, we present the effect of molybdenum treatment on the uptake of other elements. Molybdenum is proved to be in an antagonist relationship with copper and sulphur, while molybdenum-phosphorus is a synergist interaction. However, in most of the plants we studied, increasing molybdenum-treatment enhanced cadmium uptake. We found the most significant cadmium accumulation in the case of pea, spinach and red beet.&nbsp