474 research outputs found

    Rule-Based Budgeting: The Road to Budget Stability. The Hungarian Solution

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    Starting from the macro-economic processes of public finance, this article examines the road to reaching financial stability and sustainable economic growth. It outlines the role played by rule-based budgeting in this process. It introduces the regulatory and institutional solutions and explains how, as a logical consequence of being part of a framework, this service can become a useful aspect of financial policy by implementing the respective regulations of the system and of annual budgetary practice. It reaches the conclusion that “elevating” the major stipulations of the rule-based budget framework and the operational rules of the institution safeguarding the implementation into the Fundamental Law of Hungary in 2001 was unavoidable from the aspect of strengthening fiscal responsibility. The article deals with the linkages of the Stability Act, the major characteristics of the work done by the Fiscal Council and the body’s recommendations made in the last few years. Finally, it illustrates with some data the improvement of fiscal (public finance) stability supported by rule-based budgeting

    The Career of Rule Based Budgeting in Hungary : The Success of an European Solution in Fiscal Stability, Sustainable Development and in Improving Efficiency

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    Starting from the macro processes of the national economy and public finances the article examines three economic-public finance turnarounds in Hungary: the improvement of financial stability, the sustainability of the outstanding economic growth and the improvement of efficiency to be achieved and in all of this the role of rule-based budgeting. It shall introduce the regulatory and institutional solutions of the latter i.e. how this service, as a logical consequence of a framework, became a useful part of the financial policy by implementing its rules and – as an annual realisation of the above – a useful part of the budgeting practice. The article reaches the conclusion that it was unavoidable to “elevate” the major stipulations of the rule-based budgeting and the rules of the guarantee-like operation of the institution guarding over the implementation of these rules in the Fundamental Law of Hungary in 2011 to thus strengthen budgetary responsibility. Additionally, the article is dealing with the relations of the Hungarian and EU regulations, the main characteristic features of the work of the Fiscal Council, the FC’s recommendations made during the past nine years and the effects of the said recommendations

    Történeti mintázatok az északi Balaton-térség mai magyar népessége környezeti attitűdjeiben

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    A humánökológia és a környezettörténet tudományai egyértelműen az értékelvű, értékalapú tudományosság körébe sorolhatóak, mely nemcsak feltárni, hanem formálni is igyekszik az embereknek a természettel és környezettel kapcsolatos attitűdjeit (Takács-Sánta, 2008, 21–24. o.). Takács-Sánta András a környezeti érzékenység közpolitikai és az attitűdelméleten alapuló elméleti megközelítés közül az utóbbi mellett teszi le a voksát, a környezeti érzékenységet egyfajta környezeti attitűdnek tekinti

    A humánökológiai alkalmazkodás kultúrtörténete az újabb német szakirodalom tükrében

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    Napjaink történettudományában hatalmas fellendülés tapasztalható a klíma-, a környezet- és az ökológiatörténet, valamint a humánökológiai alkalmazkodás kutatásának területén. E helyen nincs terünk mindezen tudományok pontos definiálására, egymástól való elhatárolására és egymást átfedő kutatási területeik vázolására, mindössze arra vállalkozhatunk, hogy fontosabb közös jellemzőiket megnevezzük

    Accretion processes in magnetically and tidally perturbed Schwarzschild black holes

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    We study the accretion process in the region of the Preston-Poisson space-time describing a Schwarzschild black hole perturbed by asymptotically uniform magnetic field and axisymmetric tidal structures. We find that the accretion disk shrinks and the marginally stable orbit shifts towards the black hole with the perturbation. The radiation intensity of the accretion disk increases, while the radius where radiation is maximal remains unchanged. The spectrum is blue-shifted. Finally, the conversion efficiency of accreting mass into radiation is decreased by both the magnetic and the tidal perturbations.Comment: to be published in Phys. Rev. D, 13 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Anatomical Distribution of Nucleoside System in the Human Brain and Implications for Therapy

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    Nucleosides have a wide range of physiological and pathophysiological roles in the human brain as modulators of a variety of neural functions. For example, adenosine, inosine, guanosine, and uridine participate in the mechanisms underlying memory, cognition, sleep, pain, depression, schizophrenia, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease. Consequently, increasing attention is now being given to the speci fi c role of nucleosides in physiological and pathological processes in the human brain. Different elements of nucleoside system, including nucleoside concentrations, metabolic enzyme activity, and expression of nucleoside transporters and receptors, may be changed under normal and pathological conditions. The alterations suggest that interlinked elements of the nucleoside system are functioning in a tightly concerted manner. Nucleoside levels, activity of nucleoside metabolic enzymes, and expression of nucleoside transporters and receptors are unevenly distributed in the brain, suggesting that nucleosides have different roles in functionally distinct human brain areas. The aim of this chapter is to summarize our present knowledge of the anatomical distribution of nucleoside system in the human brain, placing emphasis on potential therapeutic pharmacological strategies