59 research outputs found

    Management of pre-eclampsia and its complications in the department of gynecology and obstetrics at Donka national hospital Conakry, Guinea

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    Background: Vascular-renal syndrome, also known as pre-eclampsia, is a condition specific to pregnancy, usually occurring in the last trimester of pregnancy. Pregnant women are sometimes at risk of unpredictable obstetrical complications such as: hemorrhage, kidney failure, HELLP syndrome, sometimes even brain damage requiring prompt care and multidisciplinary collaboration. Vascular-renal syndromes are the third leading cause of maternal death and also the world's leading cause of perinatal death. Objectives of this study were to analyse the management of vascular-renal syndromes. Calculate their frequency, describe the sociodemographic characteristics of patients, describe the clinical and biological signs of patients, evaluate the maternal-fetal prognosis.Methods: The study was conducted in the department of obstetrics and gynecology of Donka National Hospital. It was a prospective, descriptive, cross-sectional, 6-month study from March 1st to August 31st, 2015, of pregnant women with pre-eclampsia.Results: The study included 217 cases of pre-eclampsia out of a total of 3054 patients, i.e. a proportion of 7.10%. The proportion of pre-eclampsia was high in patients aged between 15 and 19 years, housewife, married, primary. The predisposing factors were primigestitis, obesity and twinkling. The clinic was dominated by headaches and visual disturbances. Severe preeclampsia in 78.49%, eclampsia in 21.65% or simple hypertension in 1.75%. Maternal and fetal complications were dominated by eclampsia 26.26%, PPH (2.63%), eclamptic coma (0.46%), acute fetal distress 27.19%, and fetal death in utero (11.40%). In order to improve maternal and fetal prognosis it is necessary to provide multidisciplinary care, which unfortunately is not always available in our context.Conclusions: Obstetric emergency is a frequent situation for which a better management would improve the maternal-fetal prognosis

    Insights Into Elevated Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions In Sickle Cell Disease: Comparisons of Hydroxyurea-treated and Non-treated Young Children

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    Distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs) were examined in 15 normal- hearing African-American children between the ages of 6 and 14 years with homozygous sickle cell disease (SCD), who were on a regimen of hydroxyurea (HDU), a drug that reduces inflammatory processes and symptoms of SCD; a matched group of 15 African- American children with homozygous SCD not on HDU; and 15 African-American children with normal hemoglobin. DPOAEs were evoked by 13 primary tone pairs with f2 frequencies ranging from 1000 to 4500 Hz. Increased DPOAE amplitudes, believed to be a precursor of eventual hearing loss, were evident in children with SCD who were not receiving HDU. Those taking HDU had DPOAE amplitudes similar to normal controls. These findings suggest that HDU, in addition to reducing symptoms of SCD, may play a role in inhibiting or preventing cochlear pathology and hearing loss in individuals with SCD. Key Words: distortion product otoacoustic emissions; sickle cell disease; hydroxyurea Abbreviations: ABR = auditory brainstem response; DPOAE = distortion product otoacoustic emission; HDU = hydroxyurea; HbSS = homozygous sickle cell disease; ICAM = intercellular adhesion molecule; M = mean; OAE = otoacoustic emission; p = probability; PECAM = platelet-endothelial cell adhesion molecule SCD = sickle cell disease; SD = standard deviation of the mean; SOAE = spontaneous otoacoustic emission; TEOAE = transient evoked otoacoustic emission; VCAM = vascular cell adhesion molecule

    Préparation électrochimique et caractérisation de couches nanostructurées de semi-conducteurs de type p pour cellules photovoltaïques hybrides

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    The objective of this thesis was the electrochemical deposition (ECD) of p-type semiconductors forthe fabrication of p-Dye Sensitized Solar Cells (p-DSSCs). The electrodeposition method remained unexploredfor the p-DSSC applications. The best conditions for ECD of nickel oxide layers with a controlled thickness havebeen defined. Nickel oxide has been deposited in water medium, in ethanol, in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)medium and in a mixture of DMSO/water solvent. The layers have been characterized by XRD, Ramanspectroscopy, SEM, optical measurements… then have been tested as a photocathode in p-DSSCs. The cuprousoxide (Cu2O) electrodeposition in an aqueous bath has also been investigated. The photovoltaic efficiency of thevarious prepared layers has been evaluated in p-DSSCs. We have also prepared inverse opal organized structureswith a perfectly defined macropore organization and size using a macrosphere polystyrene template. Finally, wehave explored the ECD of a copper delafossite CuFeO2 in DMSO medium.Cette thèse visait à développer des techniques de croissance électrochimiques d'oxydes pour obtenir des semi-conducteurs de type p utilisables comme photocathodes dans les cellules solaires à colorant (p-DSSC). Dans la littérature, la méthode d'électrodépôt n'a pas été explorée pour l'application p-DSSC. Les conditions de synthèse de films de NiO avec une épaisseur contrôlée ont été définies. Des couches de NiO ont été obtenues par électrodépôt en milieu aqueux, en milieu éthanol, en milieu diméthylsulfoxide DMSO et en milieu mixte DMSO/eau. Ces couches ont été caractérisées par DRX, spectroscopie Raman, MEB, mesures optiques, etc¿ puis testées comme photocathode dans des p-DSSC. L'électrodépôt de l'oxyde cuivreux Cu2O en milieu aqueux a été également étudié. Les rendements de conversion photovoltaïques des dispositifs ont été déterminés. Une nanostructuration des couches d'oxyde de nickel et d'oxyde cuivreux a aussi été réalisée en utilisant comme agent structurant des sphères de polystyrène fonctionnalisées par des groupements carboxyls. Enfin, nous avons exploré l'électrodépôt de la delafossite de cuivre CuFeO2 en milieu DMSO

    Electrodeposition and characterization of p-type nanostructured semi-conductor films for hybrid photovoltaic solar cells

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    Cette thèse visait à développer des techniques de croissance électrochimiques d'oxydes pour obtenir des semi-conducteurs de type p utilisables comme photocathodes dans les cellules solaires à colorant (p-DSSC). Dans la littérature, la méthode d'électrodépôt n'a pas été explorée pour l'application p-DSSC. Les conditions de synthèse de films de NiO avec une épaisseur contrôlée ont été définies. Des couches de NiO ont été obtenues par électrodépôt en milieu aqueux, en milieu éthanol, en milieu diméthylsulfoxide DMSO et en milieu mixte DMSO/eau. Ces couches ont été caractérisées par DRX, spectroscopie Raman, MEB, mesures optiques, etc¿ puis testées comme photocathode dans des p-DSSC. L'électrodépôt de l'oxyde cuivreux Cu2O en milieu aqueux a été également étudié. Les rendements de conversion photovoltaïques des dispositifs ont été déterminés. Une nanostructuration des couches d'oxyde de nickel et d'oxyde cuivreux a aussi été réalisée en utilisant comme agent structurant des sphères de polystyrène fonctionnalisées par des groupements carboxyls. Enfin, nous avons exploré l'électrodépôt de la delafossite de cuivre CuFeO2 en milieu DMSO.The objective of this thesis was the electrochemical deposition (ECD) of p-type semiconductors forthe fabrication of p-Dye Sensitized Solar Cells (p-DSSCs). The electrodeposition method remained unexploredfor the p-DSSC applications. The best conditions for ECD of nickel oxide layers with a controlled thickness havebeen defined. Nickel oxide has been deposited in water medium, in ethanol, in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)medium and in a mixture of DMSO/water solvent. The layers have been characterized by XRD, Ramanspectroscopy, SEM, optical measurements… then have been tested as a photocathode in p-DSSCs. The cuprousoxide (Cu2O) electrodeposition in an aqueous bath has also been investigated. The photovoltaic efficiency of thevarious prepared layers has been evaluated in p-DSSCs. We have also prepared inverse opal organized structureswith a perfectly defined macropore organization and size using a macrosphere polystyrene template. Finally, wehave explored the ECD of a copper delafossite CuFeO2 in DMSO medium

    Micro structuration de Réseaux Résonants Complexes

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    This PhD thesis entitled “Micro patterning of complex Waveguide Resonant Gratings (WRG)” studies the optical sensing devices, which involve various photolithography techniques and nanotechnology tools with clean room processes for their fabrication. These devices, in their classic form, consist of a diffraction grating formed by microscopic lines engraved periodically on a photosensitive surface, which is deposited on a dielectric layer, the waveguide. Both layers are supported on a substrate. To enable sensing functions, the diffraction grating must be extremely selective, i.e. it must have the ability to reject all the received spectral components, while selecting only one wavelength to couple it into the waveguide. After the out coupling, a reflection with a very large amplitude and great finesse occurs. Different types of components depending on the intended application can be produced on different types of substrates, materials or geometries (plane, cylindrical).One of the projects of this thesis engineers WRG on the interior walls of a tube to couple TE and TM modes into the waveguide. The fabrication is achieved by a specially designed radial phase mask, whereas the optical function is highlighted by the use of a conical mirror, able to reflect light isotropically for mode excitation. In addition, innovative materials can be used for their integration into flat WRG. One of the materials under study is the Vanadium Dioxide (VO2), which undergoes first-order phase transitions (Insulator to Metal) at low and high temperatures respectively. The fabrication of such a delicate compound is completed by two different synthesis methods, the Pulsed Laser Deposition and Magnetron Sputtering. The ability to induce resonance by thermally triggering the device is intended for laser safety applications to avoid damage during overheating.Cette thèse de doctorat intitulée “Micro structuration de Réseaux Résonants complexes” étudie les dispositifs de détection optique, qui impliquent diverses techniques de photolithographie et outils de micro/nanotechnologie pour leur fabrication. Ces dispositifs, dans leur forme classique, consistent en un réseau de diffraction formé de lignes microscopiques gravées périodiquement sur une surface photosensible, qui est déposée sur une couche diélectrique, le guide d'onde. Les deux couches sont supportées sur un substrat. Pour activer les fonctions de détection, le réseau de diffraction doit être extrêmement sélectif, c'est-à-dire qu'il doit avoir la capacité de rejeter toutes les composantes spectrales reçues, en sélectionnant qu’une seule longueur d'onde pour la coupler au guide d'onde. Après le découplage, une réflexion dite résonante liée à sa très grande amplitude et sélectivité spectrale et angulaire se produit. Différents types de composants en fonction de l'application envisagée peuvent être réalisés sur différents types de substrats, matériaux ou géométries (plan, cylindrique). L'un des projets de cette thèse consiste à concevoir des WRG (Waveguide Resonant Gratings) sur les parois intérieures d'un tube pour coupler les modes TE et TM à l’intérieur du guide d’onde. La fabrication est réalisée par un masque de phase radial spécialement conçu, tandis que la fonction optique est mise en évidence en utilisant un miroir conique, capable de réfléchir la lumière de manière isotrope pour l'excitation des modes. De plus, des matériaux innovants peuvent être utilisés pour leur intégration dans des structures résonantes planaires. L'un des matériaux à l'étude est le dioxyde de vanadium (VO2), qui subit respectivement des transitions de phase de premier ordre (isolant vers métal) à basses et hautes températures. La fabrication d'un composé aussi délicat est complétée par deux méthodes de synthèse différentes, le dépôt par laser pulsé et la pulvérisation cathodique magnétron. La capacité d'induire une résonance en déclenchant thermiquement le dispositif est destinée aux applications de sécurité laser afin d'éviter l’endommagement lors d'une surchauffe

    Value of Otoacoustic Emission in Monitoring Hearing Acuity in Chronic Renal Failure Patients

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    To evaluate hearing acuity in chronic renal failure (CRF), we studied 48 patients of age less than 40 year as well as 15 years age and sex matched healthy subjects as controls by using the conventional pure-tone audiometry and evoked otoacoustic emission (TEOAE). Twenty-two of the study patients were treated conservatively and 26 patients by regular hemodialysis (HD). The dialyzed patients were further classified according to the duration of HD into 14 patients dialyzed for < 1 year and 12 patients dialyzed for> 1-year. TEOAE was applied only for patients proved to have normal pure tone thresholds. Sensorineural hearing loss was more in CRF patients treated conservatively than in those treated by dialysis (22.7%) and 15.3%, respectively), but the difference was not statistically significant. TEOAE was more sensitive than pure-tone audiometry in detecting sensorineural hearing loss in these patients (27.2% Vs 19.2%, respectively) and in the whole reproducibility of the test. However there were no significant statistical differences in the CRF subgroups and the controls. Furthermore, there was no correlation between TEOAE parameters and serum urea and creatinine. In conclusion, hearing acuity was found to be impaired in chronic renal failure patients whether treated conservatively or hemodialyzed. The transient evoked otoacoustic emission is more sensitive than the conventional pure-tone audiometry for evaluation of hearing acuity in this setting. Although the parameters of TEOAE seem to be better in hemodialyzed than in conservatively treated patients, but it did not reach statistical significance