23 research outputs found

    Smart displays: Personalisation of information panels

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    Information panels are a common part of university or administrative buildings. We can see large panels with news or social media feeds as well as small displays on conference rooms with information about their occupancy. All these panels usually present general information without any relation to a present audience. Presentation of personalised information for a particular user can be very helpful; however, for such personalisation we must take into account many aspects: identification of users in the display vicinity, sharing of the screen among multiple users etc. This paper is focused on the architecture of such system that allows presenting customised information on information panels for users within university buildings. Our solution allows detection of a user via Bluetooth beacons. The selected close display then presents information related to the user. In case there are multiple users in the display vicinity, the system evaluates their requirements and decides how to share the display.O

    Spanning paths in hypercubes

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    Given a family {ui,vi}i=1k\{u_i,v_i\}_{i=1}^k of pairwise distinct vertices of the nn-dimensional hypercube QnQ_n such that the distance of uiu_i and viv_i is odd and kn1k \leq n-1, there exists a family {Pi}i=1k\{P_i\}_{i=1}^k of paths such that uiu_i and viv_i are the endvertices of PiP_i and {V(Pi)}i=1k\{V(P_i)\}_{i=1}^k partitions V(Qn)V(Q_n). This holds for any n2n \geq 2 with one exception in the case when n=k+1=4n=k+1=4. On the other hand, for any n3n \geq 3 there exist nn pairs of vertices satisfying the above condition for which such a family of spanning paths does not exist. We suggest further generalization of this result and explore a relationship to the problem of hamiltonicity of hypercubes with faulty vertices

    Interspecific differences in root foraging precision cannot be directly inferred from species' mycorrhizal status or fine root economics

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    Nutrient acquisition in plants can be represented by a suite of intercorrelated root traits such as root diameter, nitrogen content, root tissue density and specific root length. However, it is unclear how a plant's ability to precisely forage for nutrients in a heterogeneous soil environment (i.e. the precision of placing roots into nutrient-rich areas) relates to these traits. Mycorrhizal symbiosis also affects the relationship between the fine root traits and root foraging precision because fungal hyphae may be used for foraging instead of roots. Hypotheses matching high root foraging precision with low mycorrhizal colonization or ‘fast' acquisitive strategies of plants have been raised based either on data from tree species or a limited number of herbaceous species. To test these hypotheses, we compiled data quantifying the experimentally measured degree to which root biomass responded to patchy substrate nutrient concentrations (i.e. root foraging precision) for 123 herbaceous grassland species using a partial meta-analysis. We tested root foraging precision relationship with root traits involved in nutrient acquisition and mycorrhizal symbiosis (root diameter, specific root length, root tissue density, root tissue nitrogen content and mycorrhizal colonization). The root foraging precision data came from four different pot experiments, and the trait data were extracted from publicly available trait databases. We used a phylogenetically informed approach in order to detect the degree of conservation of the relationships. We found that root foraging precision was not significantly correlated with other fine root traits and mycorrhizal colonization. Thus, it appears unrelated to the main dimensions of the nutrient acquisition space of herbaceous species, namely acquisitive–conservative strategy and outsourcing of acquisition to the fungi. Also, we found only a very weak phylogenetic signal in root foraging precision of 123 species. Our results suggest that root foraging precision constitutes another distinct, evolutionarily independent dimension in herbaceous species' trait space.acceptedVersio

    Assistance System for Traffic Signs Inventory

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    Percussion Performance Practice with the emphasis on a symphony orchestra

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    The intention of my work is to describe usage of the most common percussion instruments in different musical bodies, that is in various types of orchestras, ensembles, bands and music groups existing in Europe, as well as to mention some common and less usual techniques of playing these instruments. Furthermore I would like to outline basic rules of percussion notation in its diversity. I will give the most significant examples of composition for percussion ensembles or examples of pieces using a large number of percussion instruments. This work does not focus on solo works for percussion. The detailed study of this topic will be left to other authors of bachelor dissertations. I will be happy if this text finds its way into practical usage. This material could serve for example leaders of musical ensembles or orchestras as well as music composers as a sort of technical manual or "advisory" on how to use percussion instruments in different types of orchestras and ensembles. At the present time the percussion instruments are being used increasingly therefore any accessible literature provides enrichment and becomes a source of knowledge for a lot of active and passive musicians. When describing individual musical bodies I followed the ensuing scheme: a) size (total number of players) b) repertoire and genre orientation c) the most common number of percussionists d) used percussion instruments e) role of individual percussion instruments f) technique and unusual ways of playing g) notation h) examples of notations or composition

    Populační biologie rostlin napadených systémovými parazity

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    Three separate studies of the effect of plant pathogen on population biology of its host are presented in the thesis. Two are using field data about a widespread system of plant Falcaria vulgaris and its systemic rust fungus Puccinia sii-falcariae. The first study shows, that the disease prevalences in 40 populations of the plant were correlated with the moisture, the soil reaction and the cover of the herb layer at the localities. This was probably a result of the interaction of the life history of the plant and different effect the disease has at various localities. Similar pattern was found in the second study that aimed to determine long-term effect of the disease at the population level at four chosen localities over 4-5 years. Population growth rates were only rarely predicted to be higher for the healthy part of the population when compared with the whole population. Other analyses have however found big differences among years and localities. The locality type (slope vs. field populations) was important factor influencing population stage composition and importance of life cycle transitions for the growth of the population. Finally, the last study explores the possibility that systemic infection in clonal plants might be able to select against clonality. The result of the modelling showed that more..

    Implementace modulu Controlling(CO) systému SAP R/3 v modelové společnosti

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Fakulta hornicko-geologická. Institut ekonomiky a systémů řízení (545

    Pražské vinařství a vinohradnictví z historického a současného úhlu pohledu

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    Bachelor's thesis is oriented as a theoretical study and it's focused on growing of wine in the Capital city and surroundings from past to present. Bachelor's thesis follows genesis -- progress -- ending and potential renewal concrete Prague's vineyards, wine-growing and viniculture. Goal of the work is to get a compact view at Prague as a city of wine with rich history in the context present and future situation

    Case Study of Physiotherapy Treatment of a Patient with the Diagnosis of Ischemic Stroke

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    This bachelor thesis deals with ischemic stroke. It has two parts. General part consists of anatomy and physiology of brain vessels and risk factors of stroke. Continues with theory concerning ischemic stroke, its pathogenesis, pathophysiology, clinical symptoms, classification, diagnostics and treatment. Mentioned is also hemorrhagic stroke and subarachnoid hemorrhage . The end of this part contains neurorehabilitation. Special is aimed on a case study of a patient with diagnosis of ischemic stroke. Consists of complex kinesiology examination, process of therapy and overall evaluation. This part was based on clinical practice in Oblastní nemovnice Kladno, in term from 6.1. till 31.1. 2014

    Populační biologie rostlin napadených systémovými parazity

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    Three separate studies of the effect of plant pathogen on population biology of its host are presented in the thesis. Two are using field data about a widespread system of plant Falcaria vulgaris and its systemic rust fungus Puccinia sii-falcariae. The first study shows, that the disease prevalences in 40 populations of the plant were correlated with the moisture, the soil reaction and the cover of the herb layer at the localities. This was probably a result of the interaction of the life history of the plant and different effect the disease has at various localities. Similar pattern was found in the second study that aimed to determine long-term effect of the disease at the population level at four chosen localities over 4-5 years. Population growth rates were only rarely predicted to be higher for the healthy part of the population when compared with the whole population. Other analyses have however found big differences among years and localities. The locality type (slope vs. field populations) was important factor influencing population stage composition and importance of life cycle transitions for the growth of the population. Finally, the last study explores the possibility that systemic infection in clonal plants might be able to select against clonality. The result of the modelling showed that more...Tato disertační práce prezentuje tři práce o vlivu systemických chorob na populační biologii rostlin. První dvě se zabývají analýzou terénních dat o široce rozšířeného systému srpku obecného (Falcaria vulgaris) a jeho systemické rzi Puccinia sii-falcariae. První studie se zabývá vlivem prostředí na prevalenci choroby na krajinné úrovni. Pomocí dat ze 40ti populací ve třech regionech bylo zjištěno, že prevalence choroby koreluje s vyšší vlhkostí a půdní reakcí (měřeno pomocí Ellenbergových indikačních hodnot) a dále vzrůstá se zvyšující se pokryvností bylin. Tento výsledek je pravděpodobně způsoben vyšším přežíváním infikovaných rostlin na stepních lokalitách, kde je půda tvořena vlhkými vápnitými jíly a slíny. Druhá práce zkoumá do hloubky životní cyklus Falcaria vulgaris za pomoci dat ze čtyř lokalit sbíraných po 4-5 let. Použité maticové modely sloužily ke srovnání základních populačních charakteristik nakažených populací s teoretickými populacemi, které by rostly na stejném místě a byly složeny pouze ze zdravých rostlin. Další analýzy však ukázaly, že existují významné rozdíly mezi lety a populacemi. Typ populace (na slínovcových svazích vs. mezi poli) se ukázal být zásadním faktorem určujícím jak velikostní složení populace, tak důležitost různých životních fází pro přežívání populace. Konečně třetí...Department of BotanyKatedra botanikyFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult