Percussion Performance Practice with the emphasis on a symphony orchestra


The intention of my work is to describe usage of the most common percussion instruments in different musical bodies, that is in various types of orchestras, ensembles, bands and music groups existing in Europe, as well as to mention some common and less usual techniques of playing these instruments. Furthermore I would like to outline basic rules of percussion notation in its diversity. I will give the most significant examples of composition for percussion ensembles or examples of pieces using a large number of percussion instruments. This work does not focus on solo works for percussion. The detailed study of this topic will be left to other authors of bachelor dissertations. I will be happy if this text finds its way into practical usage. This material could serve for example leaders of musical ensembles or orchestras as well as music composers as a sort of technical manual or "advisory" on how to use percussion instruments in different types of orchestras and ensembles. At the present time the percussion instruments are being used increasingly therefore any accessible literature provides enrichment and becomes a source of knowledge for a lot of active and passive musicians. When describing individual musical bodies I followed the ensuing scheme: a) size (total number of players) b) repertoire and genre orientation c) the most common number of percussionists d) used percussion instruments e) role of individual percussion instruments f) technique and unusual ways of playing g) notation h) examples of notations or composition

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