260 research outputs found
Evaluation in vitro de la sensibilité de Pythium aphanidermatum aux fongicides utilisés dans les plantations de papayers en Côte d’Ivoire
La pourriture des racines et du collet du papayer en Côte d’Ivoire sévit dans les plantations, causant des pertes énormes. Cependant, malgré les traitements fongiques, la maladie persiste. L’objectif de cette étudeest de tester in vitro la sensibilité de Pythium aphanidermatum, responsable de la maladie, aux fongicides utilisés dans les plantations de papaye. Ainsi, l’efficacité des fongicides Callomil, Aliette, Volley, Opal et Callicuivre a été testé in vitro sur P. aphanidermatum. Ces pesticides ont été incorporés dans le milieu synthétique PDA, avec le milieu témoin constitué de PDA sans fongicide. Le diamètre moyen du mycélium du champignon a été mesuré. Puis, l’inhibition de la croissance du champignon a été déterminée en fonction du fongicide utilisé. Pythium aphanidermatum s’est montré hautement sensible à Callomil, sensible à Aliette, résistant à Volley et hautement résistant à Opal et Callicuivre. La sensibilité du pathogène vis-à -vis des fongicides varie également en fonction de la quantité de matière active (μg/ml) apportée en boîte de Pétri à l’exception de Callicuivre pour lequel le champignon s’est révélé hautement résistant à toutes les doses utilisées. Les résultats confirment l’inefficacité de l’oxychlorure de cuivre observée en plantation. Des tests in vivo permettront de confirmer les résultats.© 2009 International Formulae Group. All rights reservedMots clés : Champignon; pesticides ; milieu synthétique ; résistant
Effects of regional climate change on brown rust disease in winter wheat
Projected climate changes will affect wheat crop production both in the main processes of plant growth and development but also in the occurrences and severities of plant diseases. We assessed the potential infection periods of wheat leaf rust (WLR) at two climatologically different sites in Luxembourg. A threshold-based model, taking hourly values of air temperatures, relative humidity and precipitation during night-time into account, was used for calculating favourable WLR infection days during three periods throughout the cropping season. Field experiments were conducted during the 2003–2013 period at the selected sites. Projected climate data, from a multi model ensemble of regional climate models (spatial resolution 25 km) as well as an additional projection with a higher spatial resolution of 1.3 km, were used for investigating the potential WLR infection periods for two future time spans. Results showed that the infections of WLR were satisfactorily simulated during the development of wheat at both sites for the 2003–2013 period. The probabilities of WLR detection were close to 1 and the critical success index ranged from 0.80 to 0.94 (perfect score = 1 for both). Moreover, the highest proportions of favourable days of WLR infection were simulated during spring and summer at both sites. Regional climate projections showed an increase in temperatures by 1.6 K for 2041–2050 and by 3.7 K for 2091–2100 compared to the reference period 1991–2000. Positive trends in favourable WLR infection conditions occur at both sites more conducive than in the reference period due to projected climatic conditions
Les Altérations Hydrothermales Associées À La Minéralisation Aurifère Du Gisement De Dougbafla (District d’Oumé-Hiré, Centre-Ouest De La Côte d’Ivoire)
The Dougbafla gold deposit is located in the West-Central part of Côte d’Ivoire at about 240 km from Abidjan, on the Birimian greenstone belt of Fettèkro (West African craton). The lithologies of this deposit can be divided into three lithotectonic units which correspond to volcanic, sedimentary, and plutonic assemblages metamorphosed in the shale facies. Hydrothermalism, on the one hand, caused a pervasive alteration of the primary paragenesis marked by sericitic, silica, and carbonate alteration. On the other hand, it causes a vein alteration materialized by quartz veins. These hydrothermal alterations induced two types of gold mineralization in the Dougbafla deposit. These are: (i) disseminated gold and sulphide mineralization in the granophyre associated with sericite, silica and dolomite alteration in which no quartz vein has been reported; this type however is controlled by the intrusion of granophyre and (ii) a quartz vein mineralization controlled by deformation
Implications of urbanization and Impact of Population Growth on Abidjan City, Cote d’Ivoire.
The Absorption of rural Landscape by the process of urbanization is a critical issue leading to several, economic and environmental complications. Urbanization drives land use and land cover change (zoya et al., 2016), and, since the First Industrial Revolution (from about 1760 to 1840), has been characterised by the growth of urban population and spatial extension of cities. With the beginning of the twenty-first century, urbanization has gone hand in hand with development in emerging countries often leading to massive rural exodus. Since 2008, it is estimated that more than half of the global population of 6.7 billion people lives in cities with more and more fuzzy borders compared to one-third in 1950.Abidjan is the economic capital of Cote d'Ivoire and also the most populous and largest city with 4,707000 inhabitants or 21% of the country's total population (General Census, RGPH 2014). The city has 60% of the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and is experiencing a rapid growth characterized by strong industrialisation and extensive urbanization. In 2005, the distance between Abidjan and the neighbouring cities of Grand Bassam, Bingerville, Dabou and Anyama was more than 10Km. However, in 2019, these clearly defined boundaries in Abidan no longer exist, and these neighbouring cities are viewed as part of Abidjan. The purpose of this study is to analyse the rapid growth of the Abidjan District and its impact on territorial and spatial land management.The land Consumption Ratio (LCR) and Land Absorption Coefficient (LAC) were used to understand the evolution of land use consumption in Abidjan between 1955 and 2014. The results of this will contribute to the initiating plan for sustainable development of Ivorian cities by reconciling urban development and land management in Cote d'Ivoire. Keywords: Abidjan, Urbanisation, Population Growth, Land Use, LCR,LA
Induction et prolifération de cals à partir de l’axe embryonnaire du Voandzou [Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc. Fabaceae] : effet de la segmentation de l’explant, des phytohormones, de la source de carbone et du génotype
Le Voandzou [Vigna subterranea, (L.) Verdc.], occupe une place importante dans les stratégies élaborées pour assurer la sécurité alimentaire en Afrique subsaharienne. Le développement de systèmes de régénération in vitro de plantes, préalable au transfert de gènes nécessite l’établissement de conditions optimales de la callogenèse. Au cours du présent travail, l’étude des facteurs influençant l’induction et la prolifération des cals chez le Voandzou a été réalisée. L’axe embryonnaire issu de graines matures a été placé sur le milieu de base de Murashige et Skoog (1962) additionné avec les vitamines B5 et supplémenté avec différentes concentrations et combinaisons de phytohormones. Après quatre semaines de culture, les résultats ont montré que l’induction et la prolifération de cals ont été favorisées avec le 2,4-D (0,5 mg/l). La partie basale de l’axe embryonnaire a été la zone la plus favorable à la callogenèse. La meilleure source de carbone a été le saccharose à la concentration optimale de 84 mM. Les meilleurs taux d’induction (100 %) et de prolifération de cals (3) ont été exprimés avec les écotypes Ci2, Ci3, Ci4, Ci5, Ci6, Ci7, Ci10 et Ci21.Mots-clés : voandzou, axe embryonnaire, callogenèse, phytohormones.Callus induction and proliferation from embryonic axis in Bambara groundnut [Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc. Fabaceae]: effect of explants section, plant growth regulators, carbon source and genotypeBambara groundnut [Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc. ] contributes to food security in sub-Saharan Africa. Development of efficient systems of in vitro plant regeneration a prerequisite to gene transfer requires establishment of optimal conditions for callus formation. In this work, factors influencing callus induction and proliferation in Bambara have been studied. Embryonic axis derived mature seeds were placed on Murashige and Skoog (1962) medium supplemented with vitamins B5 (MSB5), including different concentrations and combinations of plant growth regulators. After four weeks of culture, results showed that 2,4-D (0.5 mg/L) exhibited the best frequency and proliferation index of callus. Basal part of embryonic axis was the explants of choice for callus induction and proliferation. Sucrose at optimum concentration of 84 mM was favorable to the process of callus formation. Highest callus induction frequency (100 %) and proliferation index (3) were expressed by ecotypes Ci2, Ci3, Ci4, Ci5, Ci6, Ci7, Ci10 and Ci21.Keywords : bambara groundnut, embryonic axis, callogenesis, plant growth regulators
Étude de la durabilité économique et environnementale de la production de manioc sur ferralsols
Objective: To evaluate the components of the sustainability of cassava cropping systems that rely on alley cropping. Methodology and results: The study consisted to cultivate improved cassava ( Yavo ) / green soybeans ( Mung Bean) / Gliricidia sepium with a basal dressing ( NPK [ 20: 36 : 36] or chicken manure [10 t / ha] ) compared to the traditional system consisting of a local variety of cassava and peanut intercropping on ferralsols. The sum of the new factors of production allowed a significant increase in the food output. In addition to bean production, organic manure and, potentially, fuel wood from G. sepium, the yield of cassava of the introduced variety Yavo was 40 t/ha compared to 13 t/ha in the traditional. The plant architecture of the new systems allowed a good soil cover, thus reducing the frequency of weeding, done traditionally by women. Conversely, workload for men increased. The new system was also economically viable. Conclusion and application of findings: As a whole, the suggested system appears to have a potential to contribute to agronomic, environmental, economic and social sustainability. The new systems could be recommended for the intensification of the cassava crop.Keywords: cassava, Gliricidia sepium, green soya, ferralsol, sustainability
Financing innovative economic development in Sub-Saharan Africa: the role of mobile payment systems
Electronic payments like mobile banking services have been associated with unprecedented access to financial services in economies, where a large section of the population was underfunded or underfunded due either due to lack of proximity to bank branches. However, the continuous development of electronic payment systems, especially mobile payment in sub-Saharan Africa has brought about a rise in volume of cashless transactions, thereby reducing the use of cash for payment. This therefore promotes financial integration among the segments of the population as it offers those without access to the formal banking system a safe and efficient payment alternative to cash. Also, electronic payment usage also has enormous benefits to governments as it will potentially help collect more tax revenue by providing a clear electronic trail and transparent transactions that can readily be taxed.Our study considers how mobile money services influence innovative economic growth. A linear regression analysis sub-Saharan African data for period 2011-2018 has been carried out. It has been revealed that mobile services and payments system have significant positive effect on economic growth, hence innovative development of the region. Based on these findings it is concluded that mobile payment services or systems are critical aspect of financial intermediation in sub-Saharan Africa as they offer them funds that can be drawn into the formal financial system from resources from both the population with bank accounts and the population without bank accounts, which can contribute to innovative economic growth in the region
Evaluation des paramètres physiques, chimiques et bactériologiques des eaux d’une lagune tropicale en période d’étiage : la lagune Aghien (Côte d’Ivoire)
Pour pallier le deficit en eau potable du District dfAbidjan, la lagune Aghien est pressentie pour venir en appoint aux champs de captages existants. La presente etude se propose dfameliorer les connaissances surles qualites physiques, chimiques et bacteriologiques des eaux de cette lagune en periode dfetiage. Certains parametres physiques et chimiques ont ete mesures in situ a lfaide dfappareils multifonctionnels et dfautres ont ete analysees au laboratoire par des methodes hydrochimiques homologuees par lfAgence Francaise de Normalisation (AFNOR). Cette etude montre que les eaux de la lagune Aghien, quasi exclusivement alimentee par les eaux continentales, sont basiques, avec un pH moyen de 7,6 qui denote une activite biologique tres intense dans la lagune. Elles ont une salinite moyenne de 0,03 et une conductivite electrique faible qui varie entre 80,6 et 198,7 Ć’ĂŠS.cm-1. Elles contiennent un faible taux dfoxygene dissous, avec une moyenne de 66,83% et elles sont riches en matieres organiques. Dfimportantes valeurs de DBO5 y ont ete determinees, avec une moyenne de 17,46 mg.L-1. La lagune Aghien est un milieu reducteur, avec un potentiel dfoxydoreduction moyen de - 67,7 mV et ses eaux sont confrontees a une pollution chimique, avec une teneur moyenne en ion ammonium de 23,04 mg.L-1 superieure a la valeur guide de lfOMS (0,05 mg.L-1). Les eaux de cette lagune ontune mauvaise qualite bacteriologique. Elles contiennent par endroit de fortes teneurs en coliformes fecaux (520 UFC/ml) et en coliformes totaux (550 UFC/ml) et elles contiennent egalement des streptocoques fecaux (2UFC/ml). Mots cles: Lagune Aghien, parametres physiques, parametres chimiques, appareil multifonctionnels, qualite bacteriologique
Macroinvertebrate Communities Associated with Hydrilla verticillata (Royle, 1839) and Relationship with Environmental Factors in Ono Lagoon, Southeast of Côte d’Ivoire
The macroinvertebrates associated with Hydrilla verticillata was studied in Ono lagoon, South-eastern of CĂ´te d'Ivoire. Monthly samples of macrophytes with their associated macroinvertebrates were collected in upstream, centre and downstreamusing a Van veen grab of 0.314 m2 internal area. The environmental variables (temperature, transparency, depth, conductivity, TDS, pH, dissolved oxygen, , , and ) were also recorded. A total of 71 taxa belonging to 28 families, 11 orders, 05 classes and 03 phyla of which 40 taxa were recorded in upstream, 45 taxa in centre and 44 taxa in downstream. Insects numerically dominated the capture, comprising 91.55% of the collectedtaxa with Odonata and Coleoptera being the most diverse and abundant groups. The density was higher in upstream (1407ind. per 100 g d.w.) and lower in downstream (1062 ind. per 100 g d.w.), whist theLibellulidae and Corduliidae exhibited the highest density communities. The rarefied richness did not show spatial variation but vary significantly between seasons. The Evenness did not show spatial and seasonal variations. However, Shannon diversity index varied significantly between sites and seasons. From the results of RDA analysis, conductivity and pH showed a strong environmental gradient and had a structuring effect on macroinvertebrate communities
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