112 research outputs found

    Tarifs de cubage pour Daniellia oliveri en ForĂȘt de BadĂ©nou (Nord CĂŽte d'Ivoire)

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    Ce document présente les premiers tarifs de cubage établis pour Daniellia oliveri en Nord CÎte d'Ivoire. Des graphiques ainsi que des tables de cubage à une ou deux entrées sont joints en annex

    CaractĂšres gĂ©nĂ©raux et Ă©tude histologique du dĂ©veloppement embryonnaire du crabe terrestre, cardisoma armatum, herklots, 1851 (decapoda gecarcinidae) de CĂŽte d’Ivoire

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    Cardisoma armatum, est une espĂšce de crabe de terre rencontrĂ©e en Afrique de l’ouest en particulier en CĂŽte d’Ivoire. Des observations rĂ©alisĂ©es Ă  l’oeil nu, Ă  la loupe binoculaire photographique et au microscope optique suite au traitement histologique ont permis la mise en Ă©vidence de quelques critĂšres d’identification de l’espĂšce et l’établissement du processus de dĂ©veloppement embryonnaire qui se dĂ©roule chez les femelles ovigĂšres. Cardisoma armatum est constituĂ© d’une carapace quadrangulaire recouvrant l’exosquelette segmentĂ© sur lequel sont fixĂ©s cinq paires de pattes. Les crabes des deux sexes possĂšdent un abdomen rudimentaire. Celui des mĂąles en forme d’un « V» renversĂ©, recouvre les plĂ©opodes ou organes reproducteurs externes. Une paire de testicule et une paire de canaux dĂ©fĂ©rents reprĂ©sentent les organes reproducteurs internes. Les femelles prĂ©sentent un abdomen ovalaire sur lequel sont fixĂ©s des plĂ©opodes biramĂ©s garnis de soies. Il recouvre les gonopores, partie externe du systĂšme reproducteur. L’ovaire et une paire de spermathĂšques reprĂ©sentent les organes reproducteurs internes.Le dĂ©veloppement embryonnaire implique les processus de transformations de l’oeuf tĂ©lolĂ©cithe en une larve. Les oeufs fĂ©condĂ©s exsudent de la cavitĂ© des femelles gravides au travers des gonopores et s’accrochent aux soies des plĂ©opodes biramĂ©s. Ces derniĂšres deviennent ainsi, des femelles ovigĂšres au niveau de l’abdomen desquelles se dĂ©roule l’embryogenĂšse qui comporte les Ă©tapes de la segmentation, la gastrulation et l’organogenĂšse. Au plan macroscopique les oeufs fĂ©condĂ©s et les germes forment une grappe dont la coloration passe de l’orange au jaune, au gris et enfin au noir. L’évolution des couleurs et de l’aspect des germes correspondent au plan microscopique Ă  l’élaboration progressive au sein des germes des territoires prĂ©somptifs. Le processus fait apparaĂźtre distinctement emballĂ© dans la membrane de fĂ©condation l’embryon formĂ© du cĂ©phalothorax et de l’abdomen. Le processus de l’embryogenĂšse chez Cardisoma armatum suit le schĂ©ma dĂ©jĂ  observĂ© chez Callinectes amnicola.Mots-clĂ©s : crabes Cardisoma armatum, caractĂšres gĂ©nĂ©raux, Ă©tudes histologique du dĂ©veloppement embryonnaire

    PeroxiBase: a database with new tools for peroxidase family classification

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    Peroxidases (EC 1.11.1.x), which are encoded by small or large multigenic families, are involved in several important physiological and developmental processes. They use various peroxides as electron acceptors to catalyse a number of oxidative reactions and are present in almost all living organisms. We have created a peroxidase database (http://peroxibase.isb-sib.ch) that contains all identified peroxidase-encoding sequences (about 6000 sequences in 940 organisms). They are distributed between 11 superfamilies and about 60 subfamilies. All the sequences have been individually annotated and checked. PeroxiBase can be consulted using six major interlink sections ‘Classes', ‘Organisms', ‘Cellular localisations', ‘Inducers', ‘Repressors' and ‘Tissue types'. General documentation on peroxidases and PeroxiBase is accessible in the ‘Documents' section containing ‘Introduction', ‘Class description', ‘Publications' and ‘Links'. In addition to the database, we have developed a tool to classify peroxidases based on the PROSITE profile methodology. To improve their specificity and to prevent overlaps between closely related subfamilies the profiles were built using a new strategy based on the silencing of residues. This new profile construction method and its discriminatory capacity have been tested and validated using the different peroxidase families and subfamilies present in the database. The peroxidase classification tool called PeroxiScan is accessible at the following address: http://peroxibase.isb-sib.ch/peroxiscan.ph

    Life of Shong Lue Yang: Hmong 'Mother of Writing' (Keeb Kwm Soob Lwj Yaj: Hmoob 'Niam Ntawv').

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    The life story of Shong Lue Yang and the Vietnam War as seen from the under side is told here by two of Shong Lue's followers now living in the United States. Shong Lue was messianic figure who emerged among the Hmong people of Vietnam and Laos in 1959. He was assassinated and his movement violently crushed in 1971. The text is in three languages--Pahawh Hmong (Shong Lue's system), White Hmong, and English--presented simultaneously so that they may be compared.Southeast Asian Refugee Studies Project. Occasional Papers, Number Nine

    3D atomic structure from a single XFEL pulse

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    X-ray Free Electron Lasers (XFEL) are the most advanced pulsed x-ray sources. Their extraordinary pulse parameters promise unique applications. Indeed, several new methods have been developed at XFEL-s. However, no methods are known, which would allow ab initio atomic level structure determination using only a single XFEL pulse. Here, we present experimental results, demonstrating the determination of the 3D atomic structure from data obtained during a single 25 fs XFEL pulse. Parallel measurement of hundreds of Bragg reflections was done by collecting Kossel line patterns of GaAs and GaP. With these measurements, we reached the ultimate temporal limit of the x-ray structure solution possible today. These measurements open the way for studying non-repeatable fast processes and structural transformations in crystals for example measuring the atomic structure of matter at extremely non-ambient conditions or transient structures formed in irreversible physical, chemical, or biological processes. It would also facilitate time resolved pump-probe structural studies making them significantly shorter than traditional serial crystallography.Comment: 16 pages of manuscript followed by 15 pages of supplementary informatio

    PeroxiBase: a database with new tools for peroxidase family classification

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    Peroxidases (EC 1.11.1.x), which are encoded by small or large multigenic families, are involved in several important physiological and developmental processes. They use various peroxides as electron acceptors to catalyse a number of oxidative reactions and are present in almost all living organisms. We have created a peroxidase database (http://peroxibase.isb-sib.ch) that contains all identified peroxidase-encoding sequences (about 6000 sequences in 940 organisms). They are distributed between 11 superfamilies and about 60 subfamilies. All the sequences have been individually annotated and checked. PeroxiBase can be consulted using six major interlink sections ‘Classes’, ‘Organisms’, ‘Cellular localisations’, ‘Inducers’, ‘Repressors’ and ‘Tissue types’. General documentation on peroxidases and PeroxiBase is accessible in the ‘Documents’ section containing ‘Introduction’, ‘Class description’, ‘Publications’ and ‘Links’. In addition to the database, we have developed a tool to classify peroxidases based on the PROSITE profile methodology. To improve their specificity and to prevent overlaps between closely related subfamilies the profiles were built using a new strategy based on the silencing of residues. This new profile construction method and its discriminatory capacity have been tested and validated using the different peroxidase families and subfamilies present in the database. The peroxidase classification tool called PeroxiScan is accessible at the following address: http://peroxibase.isb-sib.ch/peroxiscan.php


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    Pineapple ( Ananas comosus L. Merr) breeding programme in C\uf4te d\u2019Ivoire considers fruit diversification as key component in the international pineapple industry. The objective of this study was to determine the sexual compatibility of female pineapple clones recently developed in C\uf4te d\u2019Ivoire. Three female hybrid clones, 410-106-33, 410-200-15, 103-104-6; one variety, known as Queen Victoria RE43; as well as two Smooth Cayenne varieties HA10 and HA25 used as controls, were tested in this study. They were inter-crossed according to a 6x6 complete diallel mating system with selfings. Results showed that female hybrid clone 410-200-15, was the least inter-compatible; implying that it can be indifferently cultivated in single or mixed-crop fields. This was followed by the genitors RE43 and 410-106-33. The response pattern could be due to the relatedness existing among these three clones. Conversely, hybrid clone 103-104-6 was the most inter-compatible. In this case, it needs to undergo successive back-crosses, using the parent HA10 as donor, before on-farm evaluations. The female clones 410-106-33 and RE43 produced the heaviest and the lightest fruits, respectively.Le programme d\u2019am\ue9lioration g\ue9n\ue9tique de l\u2019ananas ( Ananas comosus L.) en C\uf4te d\u2019Ivoire consid\ue8re la diversification fruiti\ue8re comme une composante cl\ue9 pour l\u2019industrie internationale de l\u2019ananas. L\u2019objectif de la pr\ue9sente \ue9tude \ue9tait de d\ue9terminer la compatibilit\ue9 sexu\ue9e de clones femelles d\u2019ananas r\ue9cemment cr\ue9es en C\uf4te d\u2019Ivoire. Trois clones hybrides femelles d\ue9sign\ue9s 410-106-33, 410-200-15, 103-104-6, une vari\ue9t\ue9, connue sous le vocable de Queen Victoria RE43, ainsi que deux vari\ue9t\ue9s Cayenne lisse HA10 et HA25 utilis\ue9s comme t\ue9moins, ont \ue9t\ue9 test\ue9s dans cette \ue9tude. Ils ont \ue9t\ue9 inter-crois\ue9s selon un plan de croisements diall\ue8le complet 6 x 6 avec autof\ue9condations. Les r\ue9sultats ont montr\ue9 que le clone hybride femelle 410-200-15 a \ue9t\ue9 le moins inter-compatible, sugg\ue9rant qu\u2019il peut \ueatre cultiv\ue9 indiff\ue9remment en parcelles mono ou multiclonales. Il a \ue9t\ue9 suivi par les g\ue9niteurs RE43 et 410-106-33. Un tel comportement pourrait \ueatre d\ufb \ue0 la parent\ue9 existant entre ces trois clones. A l\u2019oppos\ue9, le clone hybride 103-104-6 a exprim\ue9 la plus haute inter-compatibilit\ue9. Il devrait \ueatre soumis \ue0 des back crosses successifs, utilisant le parent HA10 comme donneur, avant les \ue9valuations en milieu r\ue9el. Les clones femelles 410-106-33 et RE43 ont produit respectivement les fruits les plus lourds et les plus l\ue9gers

    A Trial of Early Antiretrovirals and Isoniazid Preventive Therapy in Africa

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    BACKGROUND: In sub-Saharan Africa, the burden of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-associated tuberculosis is high. We conducted a trial with a 2-by-2 factorial design to assess the benefits of early antiretroviral therapy (ART), 6-month isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT), or both among HIV-infected adults with high CD4+ cell counts in Ivory Coast. METHODS: We included participants who had HIV type 1 infection and a CD4+ count of less than 800 cells per cubic millimeter and who met no criteria for starting ART according to World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. Participants were randomly assigned to one of four treatment groups: deferred ART (ART initiation according to WHO criteria), deferred ART plus IPT, early ART (immediate ART initiation), or early ART plus IPT. The primary end point was a composite of diseases included in the case definition of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), non-AIDS-defining cancer, non-AIDS-defining invasive bacterial disease, or death from any cause at 30 months. We used Cox proportional models to compare outcomes between the deferred-ART and early-ART strategies and between the IPT and no-IPT strategies. RESULTS: A total of 2056 patients (41% with a baseline CD4+ count of ≄500 cells per cubic millimeter) were followed for 4757 patient-years. A total of 204 primary end-point events were observed (3.8 events per 100 person-years; 95% confidence interval [CI], 3.3 to 4.4), including 68 in patients with a baseline CD4+ count of at least 500 cells per cubic millimeter (3.2 events per 100 person-years; 95% CI, 2.4 to 4.0). Tuberculosis and invasive bacterial diseases accounted for 42% and 27% of primary end-point events, respectively. The risk of death or severe HIV-related illness was lower with early ART than with deferred ART (adjusted hazard ratio, 0.56; 95% CI, 0.41 to 0.76; adjusted hazard ratio among patients with a baseline CD4+ count of ≄500 cells per cubic millimeter, 0.56; 95% CI, 0.33 to 0.94) and lower with IPT than with no IPT (adjusted hazard ratio, 0.65; 95% CI, 0.48 to 0.88; adjusted hazard ratio among patients with a baseline CD4+ count of ≄500 cells per cubic millimeter, 0.61; 95% CI, 0.36 to 1.01). The 30-month probability of grade 3 or 4 adverse events did not differ significantly among the strategies. CONCLUSIONS: In this African country, immediate ART and 6 months of IPT independently led to lower rates of severe illness than did deferred ART and no IPT, both overall and among patients with CD4+ counts of at least 500 cells per cubic millimeter. (Funded by the French National Agency for Research on AIDS and Viral Hepatitis; TEMPRANO ANRS 12136 ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00495651.)

    A framework for using self-organising maps to analyse spatiotemporal patterns, exemplified by analysis of mobile phone usage

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    We suggest a visual analytics framework for the exploration and analysis of spatially and temporally referenced values of numeric attributes. The framework supports two complementary perspectives on spatio-temporal data: as a temporal sequence of spatial distributions of attribute values (called spatial situations) and as a set of spatially referenced time series of attribute values representing local temporal variations. To handle a large amount of data, we use the self-organising map (SOM) method, which groups objects and arranges them according to similarity of relevant data features. We apply the SOM approach to spatial situations and to local temporal variations and obtain two types of SOM outcomes, called space-in-time SOM and time-in-space SOM, respectively. The examination and interpretation of both types of SOM outcomes are supported by appropriate visualisation and interaction techniques. This article describes the use of the framework by an example scenario of data analysis. We also discuss how the framework can be extended from supporting explorative analysis to building predictive models of the spatio-temporal variation of attribute values. We apply our approach to phone call data showing its usefulness in real-world analytic scenarios
