35 research outputs found

    Assessment of nerve damage using a novel ultrasonic device for bone cutting

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    El plan de negocios y/o proyecto de factibilidad representa la mejor alternativa de inversión con un nivel de rentabilidad mayor al costo de oportunidad del capital. Para que el retorno del proyecto sea mayor al costo de oportunidad, esto significa sustentar los flujos de beneficios que ofrece el proyecto, con la determinación de la demanda insatisfecha y un desempeño eficiente del negocio; consecuentemente, determinar la demanda insatisfecha es un elemento clave para demostrar la factibilidad del proyecto. No siempre se dispone de estadísticas para el estudio de mercado de nuevas oportunidades de negocios; en tal sentido, se ha preparado esta metodología, con base en un estudio de caso para la determinación del mercado objetivo y demanda insatisfecha cuando no se dispone de estadísticas.The business plan and / or feasibility study represents the best investment alternative, with a level of return greater than the opportunity cost of capital. When the return of the project is greater than the opportunity cost, means sustaining the flow of benefits of the project, with the determination of unmet demand and an efficient performance of the project, and consequently, determine the unmet demand is a key element to show the feasibility of the project. There is not always available statistics for the market research of new business opportunities, in this sense, we have developed this methodology, based on a case study for the determination of the target market and unmet when there are no statistics

    Nasal Duplication Combined with Cleft Lip and Palate

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    Pictorial essay: The many faces of craniosynostosis

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    Craniosynostosis is a common condition in the pediatric age group, which may either be isolated or may present as part of a craniofacial syndrome. This pictorial review illustrates the underlying mechanisms and pathophysiology of craniosynostosis, the various types of craniosynostoses, common craniofacial syndromes and the role of imaging in their diagnosis and management