379 research outputs found

    Innovations of the Beginning of the Sixth Millennium BC in the Northern Pontic Steppe

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    This study focuses on the pottery-bearing ("Neolithic") sites of the northern Azov Sea region. The vessels ornamented with comb imprints appeared there in the sixth millennium BC. In the light of a recent re-dating of the Rakushechny Yar site sequence, the sites of the northern Azov region appeared to be the earliest evidence for this innovation. The innovation in the ceramic assemblage is accompanied by an innovative lithic tool set. The latter included macro-blades and fan-shaped end-scrapers, which were previously unknown in the studied region. Their reanalysis (including new field work at the single-layer site of Chapaevka) helped formulate a hypothesis of maritime transmission of comb-ornamented ceramics in the Black and Azov Sea. This hypothesis will stimulate further discussions regarding the ways of Neolithization in Eastern Europe. It underlines the connections between Balkan "classic"Neolithic and pottery-bearing sites of the Ukrainian Steppe. The impressed ware from Makri and other mainland Greek sites is treated as the closest analogy to the finds of the northern Azov Sea region

    Hydrothermal synthesis of zeolites from coal fly ash

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    The fly ash, from the combustion of coal to produce energy and heat, is an industrial waste, in which large accumulations represent a serious environmental threat. To reduce the environmental burden and improve the economic benefits of energy production, the science and industry focus on the transformation of coal combustion byproducts into new functional materials. The fly ash was studied by modern analytical methods. As a result of the hydrothermal reaction, several types of zeolites were synthesised from the fly ash: analcime, faujasite (zeolite X) and gismondine (zeolite P). It was shown that the experimental conditions (temperature, reaction time and alkali concentration) have a significant influence on the type of zeolite and its content in the reaction products. The series of experiments resulted in building approximate crystallisation field of zeolites and other phases as the first stage of the formation of ceramic membrane and other materials

    The application of chiroptical spectroscopy (circular dichroism) in quantifying binding events in lanthanide directed synthesis of chiral luminescent self-assembly structures

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    The binding of asymmetrical and optically pure tridentate ligands (L = 1(S) and 1(R)) containing one carboxylic group and 2-naphthyl as an antenna to lanthanide ions (M = La(III) and Eu(III)) was studied in CH3CN, showing the successive formation of M:L, M:L2 and M:L3 stoichiometric species in solution. The europium complexes EuL3 were also synthesised, structurally characterised and their photophysical properties probed in CH3OH and CH3CN. The changes in the chiroptical properties of both 1(S) and 1(R) were used (by circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy) to monitor the formation of these chiral selfassemblies in solution. While circularly polarised luminescence (CPL) showed the formation of Eu(1(S))3 and Eu(1(R))3 as enantiomers, with high luminescence dissymmetry factors (glum), fitting the CD changes allowed for binding constants to be determined that were comparable to those seen in the analyses of absorbance and luminescence changes

    Regional climate modeling activities in relation to the CLAVIER project

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    Observational records show that the global climate is changing and these changes are visible in the Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC). Certainly negative impacts of climate change will involve significant economic losses in several regions of Europe, while others may bring health or welfare problems somewhere else. Within the EU funded project CLAVIER (Climate ChAnge and Variability: Impact on Central and Eastern EURope) three representative CEEC are Studied in detail: Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria. Researchers from 6 countries and different disciplines identify linkages between climate change and its impact on weather patterns with consequences oil air Pollution, extreme events, and water resources. Furthermore, an evaluation of the economic impact on agriculture, tourism, energy supply, and public sector will be conducted, CLAVIER focuses oil ongoing and future climate changes in CEEC using measurements and existing regional scenarios to determine possible developments of the climate and to address related uncertainties. Three regional climate models are used to simulate the climate evolution in CEEC for the period 1951 to 2050, the future regional climate projection being the first half of the 21st century. The issue of climate change uncertainties is addressed through the multi-model and multi-scenario ensemble approach. As a result, CLAVIER establishes a large data base, tools, and methodologies, which contribute to reasonable planning for a successful development of society and economy in CEEC under climate change conditions. Current regional climate projections show a strong warming and drying during the summer months, which seems partly due to a systematic error in model simulations. Detailed validation of the CLAVIER simulations, which goes much beyond this paper, is needed, and the results have to be related to possible climate changes projected for the region in future simulations

    Verifying the chronology of Ukrainian Neolithic

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    This paper addresses the earliest Neolithic phases in Ukraine: aspects relating to the chronology, methods and time of Neolithisation. In general, the earliest Neolithisation relates to the times of the Linear Pottery culture. Nevertheless, Ukraine has numerous eco-zones so the process could have been different in other zones. The authors emphasize that the key to getting closer to solving this problem is the chronology-re-dating and validation program. Hitherto dates of one culture or period of culture have been treated against each other. This article presents a small series of AMS from well-defined contexts of four sites, previously dated by the Kyiv radiocarbon facility. The results are compared with existing dates in order to establish the validity of existing chronologies for the Neolithic of Ukraine. Obtained results allowed the authors to conclude that the Kyiv dates should not be obligatorily treated as wrong. Furthermore, the authors reopened the discussion to establish what was the role of LBK and Azov-Dnieper culture communities in spreading farming and herding in Ukraine during the second half of the VIth millennium BC

    Investment development of Russian regions backed up by natural monopolies

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    The article considers the issues of the relationship between business investment activities and the economic and social development of the regions. Based on the statistical data analysis it is shown that the decrease in investment activities negatively affects all key indicators of regional development after a short period of time. The article shows that a peculiarity defining Russian economy is that its significant part is actually controlled by natural monopolies. At the same time, they are strongly sensitive to all the problems of socioeconomic development of the country's territories and, therefore, are parties concerned in ensuring sustainable and qualitative growth of regional economies. Today many of the natural monopolies implement large-scale investment programs with allocated substantial resources. The analysis of these investment programs showed that they all contain components that contribute to the development of the region where the manufacturing facilities or transportation capacities of these companies are located. It is concluded that a systemic state investment policy aimed at stimulating real investments, rather than "portfolio" ones, is required to address the problem of sustainable economic growth.peer-reviewe

    Hexokinase inhibits flux of fluorescently labeled ATP through mitochondrial outer membrane porin

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    AbstractMitochondrial function requires maintaining metabolite fluxes across the mitochondrial outer membrane, which is mediated primarily by the voltage dependent anion channel (VDAC). We applied fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) to study regulation of the VDAC functional state by monitoring distribution of fluorescently labeled ATP (BODIPY-FL-ATP) in isolated intact rat liver and heart mitochondria. Addition of mitochondria to BODIPY-FL-ATP solution resulted in accumulation of the fluorescent probe in these organelles. The addition of hexokinase II (HKII) isolated from rat heart led to a decrease in the BODIPY-FL-ATP accumulation, while a 15-residue peptide corresponding to the N-terminal domain of hexokinase did not produce this effect. Therefore, the hexokinase-induced inhibition of the ATP flow mediated by VDAC was revealed in isolated mitochondria

    The amplification technology of value-semantic sphere of the individual student

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    Актуальность заявленной в статье проблемы обусловлена тем, что технологии амплификации ценностно-смысловой сферы личности студента являются одним из существенных компонентов системы обеспечения качества современного образования. Цель статьи заключается в представлении результатов разработки инновационной системы формирования и обогащения ценностного потенциала личности в современных образовательных условиях, а также проектирования инновационной технологии амплификации ценностно-смысловой сферы личности студентаThe relevance of the presented problems due to the fact that technology is the amplification of value-semantic sphere of the individual student are one of the essential components of the quality assurance system of modern education. The goal of the article lies in development of innovative systems for the formation and enrichment of axiological potential of the personality in modern educational environments, as well as in the design of innovative technologies of amplification of value-semantic sphere of the individual studen

    Possibilities of use of means of ICT by preparation of final qualification works of students of pedagogical universities

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    In article problems of readiness of students and professors of mathematical faculties of pedagogical universities for use of means of information and communication technologies in the organization and carrying out researches within final qualification works of bachelors and masters are analyzedВ статье проанализированы проблемы готовности студентов и преподавателей математических факультетов педагогических университетов к использованию средств ИКТ при организации и проведении исследований в рамках выпускных квалификационных работ бакалавра и магистр