1,124 research outputs found

    Рубцеве травлення і перетравність поживних речовин за включення у раціон корів продуктів переробки цукрового буряка

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    Obtaining produce from highly productive animals is directly related to the provision of a variety of high–quality feed, balanced by energy, nutrients, minerals and biologically active substances. In addressing this issue, a certain role belongs to plant food production waste, which is valuable energy, protein and mineral raw materials for compound feed industry, containing vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other components necessary for animal organism. The most valuable vegetable food waste includes grains waste, sugar beet pulp and molasses, alcohol bard, spent grains, products of processing sunflower seeds, soy, rape, corn and potato pulp as well as fruit and berry pomace. Aim of research – to determine the effect of feeding milk cows with feed concentrate in compound feed for dairy cows in mid–lactation on diet nutrients digestibility. Article is devoted to high performance cows using their ration of food production wastes of plant origin. The most valuable of these include grain waste, beet pulp and molasses, alcohol bard, brewer's grain, processed sunflower seeds, soybeans, canola, corn and potato pulp, fruit pomace. The inclusion in the diet of cattle feed concentrate prepared from secondary products of sugar beet to 15 – 25% in the composition of feed enhances digestive processes in the rumen that provides improved digestibility of nutrients to 1.8 – 7.8% and nitrogen deposition 10.8–26.4%. Found significant differences of total protein in the blood 4.7–5.8% (P < 0.05) in animals, which replace 20 – 25% of the diet (by weight) referred concentrate. The tendency of reducing the concentration of urea in animal research groups that is most pronounced in cows, which replace 20 – 25% of the diet (by weight) concentrate by 9.8 and 7.3% relative to the control group. This indicates the activation of metabolic processes in the research groups of cows.Стаття присвячена питанням забезпечення високої продуктивності корів шляхом використання в їх раціоні відходів харчових виробництв рослинного походження. До найбільш цінних з них відносяться зернові відходи, буряковий жом і меляса, спиртова барда, пивна дробина, продукти переробки насіння соняшнику, сої, ріпаку, кукурудзяна і картопляна мезга, плодово–ягідні вичавки. Включення в раціон корів кормового концентрату, приготованого із вторинних продуктів переробки цукрових буряків 15 – 25% у складі комбікорму сприяє посиленню травних процесів у рубці, що забезпечує поліпшення перетравності поживних речовин на 1,8 – 7,8 % і відкладення азоту на 10,8 – 26,4%. Встановлено достовірні відмінності вмісту загального білка в крові на 4,7–5,8% (Р < 0,05) у тварин, яким замінювали 20 – 25% раціону (по масі) зазначеним концентратом. Відзначено тенденцію зменшення концентрації сечовини у тварин дослідних груп, що найбільш виражено у корів, яким замінювали 20 – 25% раціону (по масі) концентратом на 9,8 і 7,3% по відношенню до контрольної групи. Це вказує на активізацію обмінних процесів в організмі корів дослідних груп

    Assessment of heavy metal pollution in the Great Al-Mussaib irrigation channel

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    The Great Al- Mussaib Channel (GMC), in Babylon province, Iraq, has been selected as a case study to measure the concentration of nine heavy metals (Pb, Ni, Zn, Fe, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn and Co) in both water and sediments of the GMC. The latter is used as a raw water source for two cities, which reveals the importance of the current study. Where, any heavy metals pollution could cause significant health problems for the population of these cities. The obtained results revealed that the concentrations of the studied heavy metals in the water of the GMC were less than the pollution levels and followed the order: Pb < Ni < Cu < Cr < Mn < Zn < Fe. It is noteworthy to highlight that the concentrations of Co and Cd were below the detectable limits. Additionally, the results obtained from the analyses of the studied sediment samples showed, according to the values of Pollution Load Index (PLI) and Geo-accumulation Index (Igeo), that the concentrations of studied metals were less than the pollution levels (except for a few cases) and followed the order: Cd < Co < Cu < Pb < Ni < Cr < Zn < Mn < Fe

    Анализ условий размещения на дорогах и характеристик железнодорожных переездов Республики Казахстан

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    Road traffic accidents of vehicles with a rolling stock of railways lead to the most serious consequences. Many level crossings are places of long delays of vehicles both before and after the traffic. In this case and in many others, the intersections of highways with railways sharply limit the capacity of the highway. Level crossings require the utmost attention of the traffic organization, since they must include not only devices for the movement of cars, but also pedestrian and sidings. Despite the fact that the problem of road traffic accidents at level crossings is not new, research and analysis of statistics in this area continues around the world. The paper considers the level crossings on the Republican highways of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Research has been carried out on ways to improve traffic safety at such crossings. The situation at the level crossings of the roads of Republican significance, as well as possible restrictions and regulatory requirements, have been studied in the paper. The paper presents results of a detailed collection of data at the facilities, which will serve as the basis for the development of a detailed program for improving the regulatory and technical base of the road sector in Kazakhstan to improve the safety of  road transport infrastructure, taking into account existing standards. Recommendations are given for the implementation and generalization of advanced international experience in organizing road traffic at railway crossings, which will contribute to the adaptation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of the development of transport and communications.Дорожно-транспортные происшествия автомобилей с подвижным составом железных дорог приводят к наиболее тяжелым последствиям. Многие железнодорожные переезды являются местами длительных задержек транспортных средств как до, так и после дорожно-транспортного происшествия. Во многих случаях пересечения автомобильных дорог с железнодорожными путями резко ограничивают пропускную способность автомобильной дороги. Железнодорожные переезды требуют самого пристального внимания службы организации дорожного движения, поскольку должны включать не только устройства для движения автомобилей, но также пешеходные и запасные пути. Несмотря на то что проблема дорожно-транспортных происшествий на железнодорожных переездах не является новой, во всем мире продолжаются исследования и анализы статистики в данной области. В статье рассмотрены железнодорожные переезды на республиканских автомобильных дорогах Казахстана. Выполнены исследования направлений повышения безопасности движения на таких переездах. Изучены ситуации на железнодорожных переездах дорог республиканского значения, а также возможные ограничения и нормативные требования. Приведены результаты детального сбора данных на объектах, что послужит основанием для совершенствования нормативно-технической базы дорожного сектора Казахстана по улучшению безопасности дорожно-транспортной инфраструктуры с учетом существующих стандартов. Даны рекомендации по внедрению и обобщению передового международного опыта в организации дорожного движения на железнодорожных переездах, что будет способствовать адаптации Республики Казахстан в условиях развития транспорта и коммуникаций

    Ecological Invasion, Roughened Fronts, and a Competitor's Extreme Advance: Integrating Stochastic Spatial-Growth Models

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    Both community ecology and conservation biology seek further understanding of factors governing the advance of an invasive species. We model biological invasion as an individual-based, stochastic process on a two-dimensional landscape. An ecologically superior invader and a resident species compete for space preemptively. Our general model includes the basic contact process and a variant of the Eden model as special cases. We employ the concept of a "roughened" front to quantify effects of discreteness and stochasticity on invasion; we emphasize the probability distribution of the front-runner's relative position. That is, we analyze the location of the most advanced invader as the extreme deviation about the front's mean position. We find that a class of models with different assumptions about neighborhood interactions exhibit universal characteristics. That is, key features of the invasion dynamics span a class of models, independently of locally detailed demographic rules. Our results integrate theories of invasive spatial growth and generate novel hypotheses linking habitat or landscape size (length of the invading front) to invasion velocity, and to the relative position of the most advanced invader.Comment: The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com/content/8528v8563r7u2742

    Cross-talk between high light stress and plant defence to the two-spotted spider mite in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Little is known about how plants deal with arthropod herbivores under the fluctuating light intensity and spectra which occur in natural environments. Moreover, the role of simultaneous stress such as excess light (EL) in the regulation of plant responses to herbivores is poorly characterized. In the current study, we focused on a mite-herbivore, specifically, the two-spotted spider mite (TSSM), which is one of the major agricultural pests worldwide. Our results showed that TSSM-induced leaf damage (visualized by trypan blue staining) and oviposition rate (measured as daily female fecundity) decreased after EL pre-treatment in wild-type Arabidopsis plants, but the observed responses were not wavelength specific. Thus, we established that EL pre-treatment reduced Arabidopsis susceptibility to TSSM infestation. Due to the fact that a portion of EL energy is dissipated by plants as heat in the mechanism known as non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) of chlorophyll fluorescence, we tested an Arabidopsis npq4-1 mutant impaired in NPQ. We showed that npq4-1 plants are significantly less susceptible to TSSM feeding activity, and this result was not dependent on light pre-treatment. Therefore, our findings strongly support the role of light in plant defence against TSSM, pointing to a key role for a photo-protective mechanism such as NPQ in this regulation. We hypothesize that plants impaired in NPQ are constantly primed to mite attack, as this seems to be a universal evolutionarily conserved mechanism for herbivores

    First bromine doped cryogenic implosion at the National Ignition Facility

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    We report on the first experiment dedicated to the study of nuclear reactions on dopants in a cryogenic capsule at the National Ignition Facility (NIF). This was accomplished using bromine doping in the inner layers of the CH ablator of a capsule identical to that used in the NIF shot N140520. The capsule was doped with 3×\times1016^{16} bromine atoms. The doped capsule shot, N170730, resulted in a DT yield that was 2.6 times lower than the undoped equivalent. The Radiochemical Analysis of Gaseous Samples (RAGS) system was used to collect and detect 79^{79}Kr atoms resulting from energetic deuteron and proton ion reactions on 79^{79}Br. RAGS was also used to detect 13^{13}N produced dominantly by knock-on deuteron reactions on the 12^{12}C in the ablator. High-energy reaction-in-flight neutrons were detected via the 209^{209}Bi(n,4n)206^{206}Bi reaction, using bismuth activation foils located 50 cm outside of the target capsule. The robustness of the RAGS signals suggest that the use of nuclear reactions on dopants as diagnostics is quite feasible

    Status of RF system for VEPP-5 damping ring

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    The paper presents the RF system of VEPP-5 damping ring created at BINP Novosibirsk. The RF system operates at 700 MHz and consists of the generator based on KU-393 klystron, transmitting waveguide with wave-to-coax adapters, accelerating cavity, and control system. HOM cavities are damped with resistive loads to eliminate the beam instability. Parameters and results of cold measurement tests and high power level tests are presented.Представлена ВЧ-система накопителя-охладителя для ВЭПП-5, созданная в БИЯФ, Новосибирск. ВЧ-система работает на частоте 700 МГц и состоит из генератора на клистроне КУ-393,передающего волновода с коаксиально-волноводными переходами, ускоряющего резонатора и системы управления и контроля. Для устранения пучковой неустойчивости высшие моды резонатора подавлены с помощью резистивных нагрузок. Приведены параметры и результаты холодных измерений и горячих испытаний ВЧ-системы.Представлено ВЧ-система нагромаджувача-охолоджувача для ВЕПП-5, що створена в БІЯФ, Новосибірськ. ВЧ-система працює на частоті 700 МГц і складається з генератора на клістроні КУ-393, передаючого хвилеводу з коаксіально-хвилеводними переходами, прискорюючого резонатора і системи керування і контролю. Для усунення пучкової нестійкості вищі моди резонатора подавлені за допомогою резистивних навантажень. Наведено параметри і результати холодних вимірів і гарячих випробувань ВЧ- системи

    Network analysis of sea turtle movements and connectivity: A tool for conservation prioritization

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Wiley via the DOI in this recordData availability statement: The data that support the findings of this study are available in the Supplementary Material of this article and Zenodo (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5898578). Details for all animals included in this study are provided in Appendices S1 and S2. Data used to create the spatial networks are listed in the Appendices S3 and S4. The geospatial files for all networks are available on the Migratory Connectivity in the Ocean Project website (https://mico.eco) and Dryad (https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.j3tx95xg9). Additional data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.Aim Understanding the spatial ecology of animal movements is a critical element in conserving long-lived, highly mobile marine species. Analyzing networks developed from movements of six sea turtle species reveals marine connectivity and can help prioritize conservation efforts. Location Global. Methods We collated telemetry data from 1235 individuals and reviewed the literature to determine our dataset's representativeness. We used the telemetry data to develop spatial networks at different scales to examine areas, connections, and their geographic arrangement. We used graph theory metrics to compare networks across regions and species and to identify the role of important areas and connections. Results Relevant literature and citations for data used in this study had very little overlap. Network analysis showed that sampling effort influenced network structure, and the arrangement of areas and connections for most networks was complex. However, important areas and connections identified by graph theory metrics can be different than areas of high data density. For the global network, marine regions in the Mediterranean had high closeness, while links with high betweenness among marine regions in the South Atlantic were critical for maintaining connectivity. Comparisons among species-specific networks showed that functional connectivity was related to movement ecology, resulting in networks composed of different areas and links. Main conclusions Network analysis identified the structure and functional connectivity of the sea turtles in our sample at multiple scales. These network characteristics could help guide the coordination of management strategies for wide-ranging animals throughout their geographic extent. Most networks had complex structures that can contribute to greater robustness but may be more difficult to manage changes when compared to simpler forms. Area-based conservation measures would benefit sea turtle populations when directed toward areas with high closeness dominating network function. Promoting seascape connectivity of links with high betweenness would decrease network vulnerability.International Climate Initiative (IKI)German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU

    Abscisic Acid Insensitive 4 transcription factor is an important player in the response of Arabidopsis thaliana to two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) feeding.

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    Plants growing in constantly changeable environmental conditions are compelled to evolve regulatory mechanisms to cope with biotic and abiotic stresses. Effective defence to invaders is largely connected with phytohormone regulation, resulting in the production of numerous defensive proteins and specialized metabolites. In our work, we elucidated the role of the Abscisic Acid Insensitive 4 (ABI4) transcription factor in the plant response to the two-spotted spider mite (TSSM). This polyphagous mite is one of the most destructive herbivores, which sucks mesophyll cells of numerous crop and wild plants. Compared to the wild-type (Col-0) Arabidopsis thaliana plants, the abi4 mutant demonstrated increased susceptibility to TSSM, reflected as enhanced female fecundity and greater frequency of mite leaf damage after trypan blue staining. Because ABI4 is regarded as an important player in the plastid-to-nucleus retrograde signalling process, we investigated the plastid envelope membrane dynamics using stroma-associated fluorescent marker. Our results indicated a clear increase in the number of stroma-filled tubular structures deriving from the plastid membrane (stromules) in the close proximity of the site of mite leaf damage, highlighting the importance of chloroplast-derived signals in the response to TSSM feeding activity