17 research outputs found

    ”Ei porno ole mikään kirosana” –TikTokin viestintäympäristön vaikutus käyttökokemukseen

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    TikTok on sosiaalisen median alusta, joka on 2020-luvulla saavuttanut maailmanlaajuisen suosion. Sovelluksella on yli miljardi käyttäjää, mikä tekee siitä merkittävän sosiaalisen median toimintaympäristön. Viihteellisen sisällön lisäksi alustalla leviää paljon esimerkiksi poliittista sisältöä. TikTokin erityispiirre on sen toimintamalli, jonka mukaan algoritmi syöttää käyttäjälle valitsemiaan videomuotoisia viestejä. Käytännössä katsojalla itsellään on siis hyvin vähän valtaa siihen, millaiselle sisällölle hän TikTokissa altistuu. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää TikTokin toimintaperiaatteita viestinnällisestä näkökulmasta. Tutkimus pyrkii vastaamaan kysymyksen siitä, millainen yhteys viestintäympäristön rajoituksilla on viestinnän muodostumiseen TikTokissa. Tutkimuskysymysten avulla perehdytään siihen, millaiset ominaisuudet vaikuttavat viestimiseen alustalla, mitä rajoitteita viestinnälle on ja miten nämä rajoitukset näkyvät käyttäjille. Tutkimuksessa keskitytään etenkin symbolien käyttöön viestinnän rajoitusten kiertämisen keinona. Symbolien käyttö TikTokissa on tutkimuksen kannalta kiinnostaa erityisesti sen yhteisöllisyyttä rakentavan funktion näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen yhtenä pääteoriana on symbolisen konvergenssin teoria, jonka mukaan vuorovaikutuksessa olevien henkilöiden kesken jaetut symboliset viestit vahvistavat heidän välilleen rakentuvaa yhteisöllisyyttä. Tutkimuksen toinen pääteoria on median ilmaisuvoimaisuuden teoria, joka keskittyy taas viestintäalustojen ilmaisuvoimaisuuden arvioimiseen. Tutkimus toteutettiin puolistrukturoituna teemahaastatteluna, jossa haastateltiin viittä TikTokiin aktiivisesti sisältöä tekevää ja alustalla suosittua sisällöntuottajaa. Haastattelusta kerättyä aineistoa analysoitiin temaattisen analyysin avulla. Tulokset osoittavat, että sisällöntuottajat suosivat TikTokissa etenkin yhteisöllisyyttä lisääviä affordansseja. TikTokin yhteisösääntöjen noudattamista toteuttava valvonta kannustaa rajoittamaan viestintää, mutta useimmille sisällöntuottajille nämä rajoitukset olivat jo itsestään selviä. TikTokin algoritmi asettaa tulosten mukaan sekä rajoitteita viestinnälle että mahdollisuuksia yhteisöllisyyden rakentumiseen. Kaiken kaikkiaan TikTokin materiaaliset ominaisuudet ja sen rajoitteet nähtiin ensisijaisesti yhteisöllisyyttä rakentavina tekijöinä. Symboleja käytettiin niin rajoitusten kiertämisen keinona kuin viestien rikastuttamiseen ja ilmaisuvoimaisuuden lisäämiseen. Kaikki nämä käyttötarkoitukset lisäävät tutkimuksen mukaan sosiaalisen läsnäolon tunnetta, joka puolestaan vahvistaa yhteisöllisyyden rakentumista. Tulokset antavat arvokasta tietoa TikTokin toimintaperiaatteista. Tuloksia voi hyödyntää esimerkiksi erilaisten kohderyhmien saavuttamiseen TikTok-viestinnällä tai yhteisöllisyyden rakentumiseen liittyvien uhkien tunnistamiseen ja niiden ehkäisemiseen

    Koulutuksen yksityistymisen tutkimuksen mahdollisuudet

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    Hyönteistuhoriskien hallinta uusilla teknologioilla

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    Tieteen tori: Luonnonvarariskien hallint

    Response of Soil Surface Respiration to Storm and Ips typographus (L.) Disturbance in Boreal Norway Spruce Stands

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    Disturbances such as storm events and bark beetle outbreaks can have a major influence on forest soil carbon (C) cycling. Both autotrophic and heterotrophic soil respiration may be affected by the increase in tree mortality. We studied the effect of a storm in 2010 followed by an outbreak of the European spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus L.) on the soil surface respiration (respiration by soil and ground vegetation) at two Norway spruce (Picea abies L.) dominated sites in southeastern Finland. Soil surface respiration, soil temperature, and soil moisture were measured in three types of plots—living trees (undisturbed), storm-felled trees, and standing dead trees killed by I. typographus—during the summer–autumn period for three years (2015–2017). Measurements at storm-felled tree plots were separated into dead tree detritus-covered (under storm-felled trees) and open-vegetated (on open areas) microsites. The soil surface total respiration for 2017 was separated into its autotrophic and heterotrophic components using trenching. The soil surface total respiration rates at the disturbed plots were 64%–82% of those at the living tree plots at one site and were due to a decrease in autotrophic respiration, but there was no clear difference in soil surface total respiration between the plots at the other site, due to shifts in either autotrophic or heterotrophic respiration. The soil surface respiration rates were related to plot basal area (living and all trees), as well as to soil temperature and soil moisture. As storm and bark beetle disturbances are predicted to become more common in the future, their effects on forest ecosystem C cycling and CO2 fluxes will therefore become increasingly important

    Response of Soil Surface Respiration to Storm and Ips typographus (L.) Disturbance in Boreal Norway Spruce Stands

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    Disturbances such as storm events and bark beetle outbreaks can have a major influence on forest soil carbon (C) cycling. Both autotrophic and heterotrophic soil respiration may be affected by the increase in tree mortality. We studied the effect of a storm in 2010 followed by an outbreak of the European spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus L.) on the soil surface respiration (respiration by soil and ground vegetation) at two Norway spruce (Picea abies L.) dominated sites in southeastern Finland. Soil surface respiration, soil temperature, and soil moisture were measured in three types of plotsliving trees (undisturbed), storm-felled trees, and standing dead trees killed by I. typographusduring the summer-autumn period for three years (2015-2017). Measurements at storm-felled tree plots were separated into dead tree detritus-covered (under storm-felled trees) and open-vegetated (on open areas) microsites. The soil surface total respiration for 2017 was separated into its autotrophic and heterotrophic components using trenching. The soil surface total respiration rates at the disturbed plots were 64%-82% of those at the living tree plots at one site and were due to a decrease in autotrophic respiration, but there was no clear difference in soil surface total respiration between the plots at the other site, due to shifts in either autotrophic or heterotrophic respiration. The soil surface respiration rates were related to plot basal area (living and all trees), as well as to soil temperature and soil moisture. As storm and bark beetle disturbances are predicted to become more common in the future, their effects on forest ecosystem C cycling and CO2 fluxes will therefore become increasingly important.Peer reviewe

    Nutrient loads from agricultural and forested areas in Finland from 1981 up to 2010-can the efficiency of undertaken water protection measures seen?

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    Long-term data from a network of intensively monitored research catchments in Finland was analysed. We studied temporal (1981-2010) and spatial variability in nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), from 1987 losses, both from agricultural and forestry land. Based on trend analysis, total nitrogen (TN) concentrations increased in two of the four agricultural sites and in most of the forested sites. In agricultural catchments, the total phosphorus (TP) trends were decreasing in two of the four catchments studied. Dissolved P (DRP) concentrations increased in two catchments and decreased in one. The increase in DRP concentration can be a result of reducing erosion by increased non-plough cultivation and direct sowing. In forested catchments, the TP trends in 1987-2011 were significantly decreasing in three of the six catchments, while DRP concentrations decreased significantly in all sites. At the same time, P fertilisation in Finnish forests has decreased significantly, thus contributing to these changes. The mean annual specific loss for agricultural land was on average 15.5 kg ha(-1) year(-1) for N and 1.1 kg ha(-1) year(-1) for P. In the national scale, total TN loading from agriculture varied between 34,000-37,000 t year(-1) and total P loading 2400-2700 t year(-1) These new load estimates are of the same order than those reported earlier, emphasising the need for more efforts with wide-ranging and carefully targeted implementation of water protection measures.Peer reviewe

    Influence of soil and topography on defoliation intensity during an extended outbreak of the common pine sawfly (Diprion pini L.)

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    Insect herbivore disturbances are likely to intensify as a consequence of climate change. In Finland, outbreaks of the common pine sawfly (Diprion pini L.), which feeds on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) needles, and resulting damage to forests have already increased. Although drivers of sawfly outbreak dynamics have been investigated, the effects of topography and soil fertility have not been fully elucidated. We studied the effect of elevation, slope and soil properties (carbon and nitrogen contents, C/N ratio, pH, texture and horizon thicknesses) on the defoliation intensity of 28 plots (227-531 m(2)), located in a 34.5 km(2) forested area in eastern Finland suffering from an extended outbreak of D. pini. Plot elevation and slope (relative relief 35 m, maximum elevation 200 m a. s.l.) were derived from a digital elevation model and the soil properties from samples of the humus layer (Of + Oh), (Ah+) E and B horizons of podzol profiles. Defoliation was greater on the more fertile and flatter sites than on less fertile and steeper sites, but independent of elevation. The soil property most strongly correlated to plot mean defoliation was the C/N ratio of the humus layer (Spearman's rho = -0.68). However, logistic modelling showed that the thickness of the (Ah+) E-horizon had the highest classification accuracy in predicting the probability of a plot having moderate to severe (> 20%) defoliation. Our study showed that forest damage caused by D. pini was related to topography and soil fertility. Taking these factors into account could help in understanding the population dynamics of D. pini, in modeling of insect outbreaks and in forest management planning.Peer reviewe

    Storm and Ips typographus disturbance effects on carbon stocks, humus layer carbon fractions and microbial community composition in boreal Picea abies stands

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    Tree-killing forest disturbances such as storms and bark beetle outbreaks can lead to notable changes in the carbon (C) balance and functioning of forest ecosystems. In this study, the effects of a storm in 2010 followed by an outbreak of European spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus L.) on tree, litter and soil C stocks as well as humus layer C fractions and microbial community composition were examined in boreal Norway spruce (Picea abies L.) stands. Tree (aboveground), litter detritus (distinguishable twig, bark and cones) and soil (humus layer and 0-6 cm mineral soil) C stocks were quantified for undisturbed (living trees), storm disturbed (in 2010) and I. typographus disturbed (tree mortality in circa 2013-2014) plots in 2015-2016. Additional humus layer samples were collected in 2017 for determination of total microbial biomass C, ergosterol (fungal biomass indicator) and K2SO4 extractable (labile) C concentrations, as well as fungal and bacterial community composition (DNA sequencing). Ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungal mycelial growth in topsoil was also quantified. In spite of the differing initial development and intensity of the two disturbance types, there was little difference in humus layer C and microbiology between the storm and bark beetle disturbed plot types at the time of the study. This may be due to the longer time since the disturbance at the storm disturbed plots. The shift from tree biomass to necromass C stocks was not reflected in differences in SOC stocks or humus layer extractable C concentrations between undisturbed and disturbed plot types, but the amount of litter detritus on forest floor was similar (storm) or higher (beetle) in disturbed plots in comparison to undisturbed ones. Humus layer microbial biomass C and ergosterol concentrations and ECM fungal abundance were lower on disturbed plots in comparison to undisturbed plots. The disturbed plots were also indicated to have a slightly higher abundance of some saprotrophic fungi. Differences in the effects of the two disturbance types may occur when studied at differing spatial scales and at different times after disturbance. To understand the full impact of such disturbances on forest functioning and C balance, long-term monitoring studies will be required.Peer reviewe