331 research outputs found

    Hematological changes in descendants of animals irradiated in different doses

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    An urgent problem today is not only the study of changes in the stability of the genome of somatic cells, the clarification of the mechanisms of its destabilization under the influence of a complex of environmental factors, including radiation, but also the study of the possibility of hereditary transmission of these changes. In the modern experimental and clinical medicine, the most important problem is the harmful effect of ionizing radiation on the descendants of irradiated parents and the specifics of the effect of radiation on the developing organism. An important aspect of the problem of long-term post-radiation effects is the state of reproductive function and health of the descendants of the irradiated population, due to the physiological characteristics inherent to the mother and child - high sensitivity to the action of ionizing radiation, the consequences of which may manifest after a long period of imaginary well-being. The purpose of the work is to investigate the dynamics of body weight and hematological indiexes in the descendants of intact sexually mature animals and descendants born to animals irradiated at different doses, which were exposed to radiation at a dose of 1.0 Gy. The authors revealed that in descendants born to animals irradiated at different doses, which were exposed to radiation at a dose of 1.0 Gy, it was established that by the 30th day after irradiation at a dose of 1.0 Gy, the general condition of pup rats born from animals irradiated at a dose of 0.5 Gy and exposed to irradiation at a dose of 1.0 Gy is satisfactory against the background of an insignificant decrease in the body weight. This also applies to pup rats born to animals irradiated at a dose of 1.0 Gy, whose general condition slightly improves compared to the previous period of the study. The data obtained showed in the peripheral blood after 1 day in the descendants born to animals irradiated at a dose of 0.5 Gy, after irradiation at a dose of 1.0 Gy, a reduced content of hemoglobin and erythrocytes against the background of an increase in the content of platelets, leukocytes, lymphocytes and reticulocytes in comparison with non-irradiated animals, which was maintained throughout the experiment. Pronounced changes in hematological parameters were observed in the descendants born to animals irradiated at a dose of 1.0 Gy, which were exposed to total γ-irradiation at a dose of 1.0 Gy. The authors suppose their data are in favour of the pronounced adaptationof organisms’ regulatiory systems to ionizing irradiation effect that, firstly, outline the adaptative physiologcal mechanisms and, secondly, show the main launches of pathophysiologcial mechamisns in case of irradiation-induced hematological changes

    Dynamics of Switching Waves in a Nanofluid in a Light Field

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    The dynamics of the concentration of nanofluids placed in a light field with a Gaussian intensity profile is studied theoretically. The investigation is based on the analytical and numerical solutions of the system of linearized heat conduction and convectiondiffusion equations. The convection-diffusion equation contains terms that correspond both to the Soret effect and to the transfer of nanoparticles, caused by the action of a light field on them (electrostriction). The dependence of the coefficient of thermal conductivity of the medium on the concentration is taken into account. It is shown that under these conditions single travelling waves appear in the medium, the velocity of which depends not only on the thermal physical parameters of the medium, but also on the polarization of the particles. Conditions under which the stratification of the medium is possible are found

    Information competence of the high school teacher: the experience of the practical analysis

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    В статье представлены результаты конкретного социологического исследования, проведенного методом опроса среди преподавателей вузов г. Екатеринбурга по репрезентативной выборке. Анализируются такие стороны работы преподавателей вузов с информацией как обращение к различным видам источников информации, частота их использования и оценка полезности в профессиональной деятельности. Также в статье раскрывается отношение преподавателей к использованию различных Интернет-ресурсов в образовательной деятельности, а также владение навыками работы с компьютерными и Интернет-технологиями.The article presents the results of a specific survey conducted by a survey among university professors in Ekaterinburg on a representative sample. Analyzed those aspects of the work of university teachers with the information as referring to various types of sources of information, the frequency of their use and usefulness of evaluation in professional activities. The article also reveals the ratio of teachers to use a variety of Internet resources in educational activities, as well as a working knowledge of computer and Internet technology

    Modular technology of corporate formation of blue-collar workers’ professional competency

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    Topicality of the problem under investigation is conditioned by implementation of competency oriented federal state educational standards and professional standards into the practice of blue-collar workers training, the mentioned standards being intended to disclose the host of functions of various blue-collar occupations and WorldSkills standards reflecting modern world trends in the field of formation and development of blue-collar workers’ professional competences. In the meaningful aspect, today’s standards identifying requirements to blue-collar workers training will define principles of selection and formation of competency oriented subject matter of training; however, the choice of training technologies quite often remains beyond the training standards. At the same time, the competency oriented training of blue-collar workers shall envisage application of the activity approach to organization and realization of the training and, consequently, of technologies of training based on the activity approach. The modular technology of training based on points of European concept of “Modular employable skills” can be one of such technologies. The purpose of the article is description of the authors’ modular technology of forming of workers’ professional competency under conditions of corporate training. The modular technology is described herein as exemplified by formation of professional competency of workers of the machine-building industry in field of lathe part machining. The article also includes results of an experimental approbation of a developed modular technology in conditions of plants’ training centers. The investigation’s leading method shall be a pedagogical educational experiment in process whereof the modular technology of forming of workers’ professional competency which has been developed by the authors shall be approbated, the mentioned workers belonging to the machine-building industry in field of lathe part machining, whereas a worker’s professional competency is regarded as an integrated aggregate of core competencies and occupational personal properties which lie in the base of the selection and structuring of the subject matter of training. Materials and methods: the pedagogical educational experiment allows exposing the efficiency of complex formation of the professional competency in trainees by means of applying of the modular technique of training and methodological support, that is, educational elements developed in line with requirements of Modular employable skills concept and supplemented with a set of production tasks performed directly on the job under the tutor’s guidance. The following methods were used in process of the research: theoretical (analysis, synthesis, deduction and induction); diagnostic (methods of analysis and systemizing of scientific pedagogical literature; generalization and classification); empirical (modelling). The key results described in the article: the professional competency model of the machine-building industry workers; the modular technology of forming of professional competency of the machine-building industry workers; the methodological support elaborated in line with requirements of Modular employable skills concept, plus results of the experimental approbation of the developed modular technology. The modular approach, possessing systemic properties, allows integrating the substantive basis of training formed in the competency-based format, processes of selection and structuring of the content of blue-collar workers’ training reflected in the program documentation fixed forms, educational-methodological documentation represented by training elements, organization- methodological aspects of training, organization and realization of training which are also recorded in documentary form in line with requirements of Modular employable skills concept. © 2018 by the authors

    Реакційна здатність похідних N-фенілантранілових кислот. XXV. Кінетичні параметри активації та ізопараметричність реакції лужного гідролізу метилових естерів заміщених 4,5-диметокси-N-фенілантранілових кислот у бінарному розчиннику діоксан-вода

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    Kinetics of the alkaline hydrolysis reaction of methyl esters of substituted 4,5-dimethoxy-N-phenylanthranilic acids has been studied in the binary solvent of dioxane-water at 55, 75, 85°C. It has been found that at each experimental temperatures lgkT dependence on the nature and position of substitutes in a non-anthranilic fragment of the molecule is described by the Hammett equation. It has been demonstrated that introduction of electrodonor substituents in the molecule of ester assists increasing of the activation energy and free activation energy. The activation entropy for all substances is significant and high according to the absolute value, which indicates the BAC2 mechanism of the reaction with formation of high-symmetrical intermediates. The analysis of the numerous kinetic and activation parameters has shown isokinetics of the reaction with the enthalpy type of control. It has been experimentally found that the compounds synthesized show the anti-inflammatory, analgesic, diuretic, bacteriostatic activities.Исследована кинетика реакции щелочного гидролиза метиловых эфиров замещенных 4,5-диметокси-N-фенилантраниловых кислот в бинарном растворителе диоксан-вода при температурах 55, 75, 85°С. Установлено, что при всех исследованных температурах зависимость lgkT от природы и положения заместителей в неантраниловом фрагменте молекулы описывается уравнением Гамета. Показано, что введение электронодонорных заместителей в молекулу эфира способствует повышению энергии активации и свободной энергии активации. Энтропия активации для всех веществ отрицательна и велика по абсолютным значениям, что указывает на ВАС2 механизм реакции с образованием высокосимметричного интермедианта. Анализ многочисленных кинетических и активационных параметров показал изокинетичность реакции с энтальпийным типом контроля. Экспериментально установлено, что синтезированные вещества проявляют противовоспалительную, анальгетическую, диуретическую, бактериостатическую активность.Досліджено кінетику реакції лужного гідролізу метилових естерів заміщених 4,5-диметокси-N-фенілантранілових кислот у бінарному розчиннику діоксан – вода при температурах 55, 75, 85°С. Встановлено, що при всіх досліджених температурах залежність lgkT від природи і положення заступників у неантраніловому фрагменті молекули описується рівнянням Гамета. Показано, що введення електронодонорних замісників у молекулу естеру сприяє підвищенню енергії активації і вільної енергії активації. Ентропія активації для всіх речовин від’ємна та велика за абсолютним значенням, що вказує на ВАС2 механізм реакції з утворенням високосиметричних інтермедіантів. Аналіз численних кінетичних і активаційних параметрів показав ізокінетичність реакції з ентальпійним типом контролю. Експериментально встановлено, що синтезовані речовини виявляють протизапальну, аналгетичну, діуретичну, бактеріостатичну активність


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    Introduction. The modern period of development of higher education is directly related to the ongoing digital transformation of public relations. The changes that occur in universities, in their external interactions and functions, basic principles and value-normative foundations, require methodological analysis and research. Aim. The aim of the research is to analyse the theoretical approaches to disclosing the concept and essence of digital universities. Methodology and research methods. The mix-method was used as a research design: qualitative analysis (studying the content of theoretical sources and context, analysing the content of a concept) and quantitative analysis (scientometric analysis of publications and keywords in databases). Results. The study showed that in the methodological terms, there is a problem of defining the concept of “digital university”: there are several theoretical approaches based on different understanding of the phenomenon and its role in the digital development of the university. The methodological problem is complicated by the urgent need to systematise the practical activities of modern universities, which classify themselves in one way or another in the “digital” format; therefore, this is much more difficult to do without a coordinated approach to the concept itself. Scientific novelty lies in an attempt to systematise theoretical approaches to defining the concept of “digital university” and the problem of the absence of a holistic interdisciplinary approach has been identified. Practical significance of the study is associated with the need to develop a regulatory model of a digital university based on a holistic concept for the subsequent analysis of the activities of universities. The results of the analysis can be used in scientific discussion to further define the concept of “digital university” and develop a general model of a digital university. © 2022 Authors. All rights reserved

    Реакційна здатність похідних n-фенілантранілових кислот. Xxiii. Синтез та кислотно-основ- ні властивості 4,5-диметокси-n-(2´-карбоксифеніл)антранілових кислот

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    The alternative ways of synthesis of new 4,5-dymethoxy-N-(2´ carboxyphenyl)anthranilic acids have been considered nad new ways for their obtaining have been suggested. The structure of the compounds synthesized has been proven by the elemental analysis, IR- and NMR-spectroscopy. The purity has been controlled by the method of thin-layer chromatography. The reactivity of 4,5-dymethoxy-N-(2´-carboxyphenyl)anthranilic acids has been researched by studying the acid-base properties in the binary solvent of dioxane-water (60 vol% of dioxane). It has been found that the substances synthesized are dibasic subacids, which strength depends upon the nature and position of substituents. The quantitative assessment of the influence of substituents on two reactive centres of the acids synthesized has been carried out by the method of correlative analysis according to the Gamete equation. It has been proven that the reactive centres sensitivity is substantially different and dependent on the substituent distance. In addition, appearance of another reactive centre does not practically influence on sensitivity of the first one. It has been determined that the substances synthesized reveal the anti-inflammatory, analgesic, diuretic, bacteriostatic, and fungistatic effects. According to the classification by K.K. Sydorov the substances synthesized when introducing intragastrically belong to low-toxic compounds (DL50>3000 mg/kg).Рассмотрены альтернативные варианты синтеза новых 4,5-диметокси-N-(2´-карбоксифенил)антраниловых кислот и предложены новые способы их получения. Строение синтезированных веществ доказано данными элементного анализа, ИК- и ПМР-спектроскопии. Чистоту контролировали методом тонкослойной хроматографии. Исследована реакционная способность замещенных N-(2´-карбоксифенил)-антраниловой кислоты путем изучения кислотно-основных свойств в бинарном растворителе диоксан-вода (60 об% диоксана). Установлено, что синтезированные вещества являются слабыми двухосновными кислотами, сила которых зависит от природы и положения заместителей. Методом корреляционного анализа проведено количественную оценку влияния заместителей на два реакционных центра синтезированных кислот согласно уравнению Гаммета. Доказано, что чувствительность реакционных центров существенно отличается и зависит от удаленности заместителей. При этом появление второго реакционного центра практически не влияет на чувствительность первого. Было установлено, что синтезированные вещества проявляют противовоспалительную, анальгетическую, диуретическую, бактериостатическую и фунгистатическую активность. По классификации К.К.Сидорова синтезированные вещества при внутрижелудочном введении следует относить к классу малотоксичных соединений (ДЛ50>3000 мг/кг).Розглянуті альтернативні варіанти синтезу нових 4,5-диметокси-N-(2´-карбоксифеніл)антранілових кислот та запропоновані нові способи їх одержання. Будову синтезованих речовин доведено даними елементного аналізу, ІЧ- та ПМР-спектроскопії. Чистоту контролювали методом тонкошарової хроматографії. Досліджено реакційну здатність заміщених N-(2´-карбоксифеніл)антранілових кислот шляхом вивчення кислотно-основних властивостей у бінарному розчиннику діоксан-вода (60 об% діоксану). Встановлено, що синтезовані речовини є слабкими двоосновними кислотами, сила яких залежить від природи та положення замісників. Методом кореляційного аналізу проведено кількісну оцінку впливу замісників на два реакційних центри синтезованих кислот за рівнянням Гаммета. Доведено, що чутливість реакційних центрів суттєво відрізняється та залежить від віддаленості замісників. При цьому поява другого реакційного центру практично не впливає на чутливість першого. Було встановлено, що синтезовані речовини проявляють протизапальну, аналгетичну, діуретичну, бактеріостатичну та фунгістатичну активність. За класифікацією К.К.Сидорова синтезовані речовини при внутрішньошлунковому введенні належать до класу малотоксичних сполук (ДЛ50>3000 мг/кг)

    The minimal compound-complex sentence hierarchy

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    This article deals with the problem of the study of the subsystem of such type of the Multiple Compound-Complex Sentence as a minimal compound-complex sentence. The authors analyze the formal structure of the multiple compoundcomplex sentences and try to build up the structural models hierarchy of Minimal Compound-Complex SentenceyesBelgorod State Universit