113 research outputs found

    Packing innovation for food - attractive for eyes, easy to carry and environment friendly

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    One purpose of cognitive ergonomics is to present products in such an innovative way that the customer brain is influenced during the shopping in supermarkets and retail. Packing innovations can increase a longer shelf life for fruits, vegetables and at home use. The design of the packing however makes the product virtually enjoyable. Our potential consumers can be educated from start of their life to love brands for a life time. Some designs may make known food products friendly, sensual and bond with personal connection. New laws in EU for lifting in retail demand appropriate shelves solutions and EU laws for environmentally friendly products force industry to develop new products that will reduce the use of plastic shopping bags. This paper discussed the use of a new packing material and technique as a packing solution for some products like eggs and champagne

    Сензорна и аналитичка евалуација на ладно - цедени масла од сончоглед

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    Составот на масните киселини, испарливите компоненти и сензорна евалуација на 16 ладноцедени сончогледови масла беа предмет на ова истражување. Низок удел на мононезаситена олеинска киселина и висок удел на полинезаситена линолеинска киселина (со удел преку 60%) може да предизвика брза оксидација на маслото во споредба со масла кои имаат висок удел на олеинска киселина и да предизвикаат „ужегнат“, „кисел“ или „горчлив“ вкус. Количеството на α-пинен може да служи како маркер при процесот на производство на ладноцедено сончогледово масло. Овој монотерпен е многу испарлив. Според тоа, екстремно ниски концентрации на овој монотерпен, како и други испитувани монотерпени укажуваат на незадоволителен квалитет на сончогледови зрна или несоодветен третман на зрната пред процесот на ладно цедење. Клучни зборови: ладноцедени сончогледови масла, испарливи компоненти, состав на масни киселини, сензорна евалуација

    Antimicrobial activity of pomegranate peel extracts from "Karamustafa" and "Idzis" varieties

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    The aim of this study was determination of antimicrobial activity of pomegranate peel extracts from “Karamustafa” and “Idžis” varieties. For this purposes, the peel of the two varieties of pomegranates was dried, powdered and extracted three times by methanol: water solution (80:20). After evaporation, the extracts were investigated for their “in vitro” antibacterial and antifungal properties using a disk-diffusion method in Petri dishes. The pomegranate peel extracts were tested for antibacterial activity against one Gram-positive bacterial strain Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923), and against one Gram-negative bacterial strain Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922), and for antifungal activity using Candida albicans (ATCC 1023). In brief, each microorganism was suspended in Mueller Hinton (MH) broth and diluted approximately to 10E6 colony forming unit (cfu)/mL. Gentamicin (20 μg/well), nalidixic acid (30 μg/well), ciprofloxacine (5 μg/well) and erytromicine (15 μg/well) were used as positive control. The antibacterial activity is ranked from no activity (-: inhibition diameter < 10 mm), low (+: inhibition diameter between 10 and 15 mm), moderate (++: inhibition diameter between 15 and 20 mm) and high activity (+++: diameter inhibition ≥ 20 mm). All tests were performed in triplicate and clear halos greater than 10 mm were considered as positive results. Our results showed very high antimicrobial activity of the extracts from both variety against Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923) with inhibition zone of 40 mm. The antifungal activity against Candida albicans (ATCC 1023) was very low with inhibition zone of 10 mm

    Екстракција на растителни масла

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    Ракописот содржи дванаесет поглавја во кои подробно се елаборирани најважните растителни масла во исхраната како и начини на екстракција на растителни масла. Во овој учебник детално е објаснета постапката на добивање, контрола на квалитет и нутритивни својства на растителни масла од група на олеинска киселина, еруцична киселина, хидрокси киселини и линолеинска киселина во првите шест поглавја од овој учебник.Посебно внимание е посветено на неглицеридни компоненти во растителните масла во седмото поглавје. Постапката за екстракција на терпенските (есенцијални) масла е обаснета во осмото поглавје, додека нутритивните вредности на најчесто употребуваните ладно-цедени масла во исхраната се дискутирани во деветото поглавје. Најчесто употребуваните техники за екстракција и контрола на квалитет на растителни масла се дискутирани во десетото поглавје. Исто така, во овој ракопис додадени се и две практични вежби во единаесето поглавје и тоа: одредување на квалитет на зачините ким и спеарминт и контрола на квалитет на зачините ким, цинамон, каранфилче, кумин и анасон. Последното дванесето поглавје се однесува на стандардните ИСО методи за одредување на квалитет на растителни масла

    Assessment of genetic relatedness of the two Amaranthus retroflexus populations by protein and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers

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    Two populations of Amaranthus retroflexus with different morphology were collected from field of the Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje, Serbia. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and seed protein analysis were performed to study the genetic differences in two grain Amaranthus populations. The studied populations have different protein and DNA profile. A total of 171 DNA fragments were generated by 31 RAPD primers, with an average of 5.5 fragments per primer. Of these, 61.4% fragments were polymorphic among the two populations. 18 protein fraction were obtained by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS PAGE). The populations differed in the four protein fractions of different molecular weight. The seed protein electrophoresis and RAPD markers are useful for genetic determination of A. retroflexus populations and identification of biotypes with atypical morphology.Keywords: Amaranthus retroflexus, biotypes, molecular markers, proteins.African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 11(29), pp. 7331-7337, 10 April, 201

    Quality evaluation of cold-pressed edible oils from Macedonia

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    The chemical composition and quality of eight pure cold-pressed oils and two blend oils from Macedonia were examined in this work. The highest level of oleic acid was determined in apricot kernel oil and rapeseed oil with abundance of 70.9 and 59.2%, respectively. The highest level of polyunsaturated fatty acids was seen for flaxseed and hemp seed oil with abundance of a-linolenic acid of 55.1% for flaxseed oil and linoleic acid of 57.4% for hemp seed oil. Apricot kernel oil and roasted sesame seed oil had the highest oxidative stability with induction times of 7.6 and 10.9 h. Apricot oil, hemp seed oil, and flaxseed oil had the highest level of total vitamin-E-active compounds with 58.8, 58.1, and 69.7 per 100 g of oil with predomination of g-tocopherol. The highest peroxide number was detected in blend oils (oil 2 and oil 8) with values over 10 meq O2/kg of oil. The highest FFA was detected in rapeseed oil (1.57%). Roasted and unroasted sesame seed oils had relatively high specific extinction (K232 values 3.55 and 3.33, respectively). However, the highest UV extinction had a blend of pumpkin seed oil and sunflower oil with a value of 3.84. Practical applications: The results of this study can be applied for determination of the most important major and minor components responsible for quality evaluation of cold-pressed oils. Statistical results indicated a strong relationship between the level of monounsaturated fatty acids in the oil and their oxidative stability. The level of tocopherols and other vitamin-E-related compounds was in strong relationship with the antioxidant activity of the oils measured by the DPPH method. Phytosterols, as minor compounds present in the oils, did not contribute significantly to the total antioxidant potential of the oils but, their levels in particular oils, together with fatty acids, can be useful and reliable markers for the purity of the oils and determination of the composition of blends

    The impact of chemical composition on the antioxidant, antifungal and antibacterial activity of commercial Macedonian cold-pressed oils

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    The chemical composition and quality of four commercial cold-pressed oils (poppy seed oil, almond oil, walnut oil and wheat germ oil) from Macedonia were examined in this work. Regarding the fatty acid composition, the highest level of oleic acid was determined in almond oil (67.57±0.02%) and wheat germ oil (38.14±0.04%), whereas the poppy seed oil and walnut oil were the richest sources of linoleic acid with abundance of 72.28±0.06% and 60.73±0.01% respectively. The significant quantity of α-linoleic acid (ALA) was detected only in walnut oil (11.74±0.01%). The highest level of α-tocopherol (23.77±0.01 mg/100 g of oil) was quantified in almond oil while γ-tocopherol was the most abundant in walnut and wheat germ oils. The results from antioxidant assays showed that Vitamin-E-active compounds were the most important minor compounds responsible for antioxidant activity against DPPH radical, whereas total phenolic compounds were the most active against ABTS radical. Phytosterols, as minor compounds present in the oils, did not contribute significantly to the total antioxidant potential of the oils but, their levels in particular oils, together with fatty acids, can be useful and reliable markers for the purity of the oils and determination of the composition of blends. Regarding antimicrobial activity, the cold-pressed poppy seed oil had antibacterial activity against Listeria monocytogenes whereas, significant antifungal activity against Candida albicans indicated almond, walnut and poppy seed oils

    Black Pepper (Piper Nigrum L.) and Hot Red Pepper (Capsicum Annum L.) in Broiler Chicken Nutrition

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    Antibiotics have been widely used in animal production for decades in past. Although some are used therapeutically to improve the health and well-being of animals, most were given for prophylactic purposes and to improve growth rate and feed conversion ratio efficiency. After the ban of nutritive antibiotic usage in animal nutrition in the European Union, many alternative substances have been investigated for growth promoter potential as their replacement. A large number of experiments have confirmed a wide range of activities of phytoadditives such as black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) and hot red pepper (Capsicum annum L.) in poultry nutrition for feed intake stimulation, antimicrobial, antioxidative, anticoccidiostatic effects. Besides these effects, black pepper and hot red pepper also have a strong influence on lowering the cholesterol level in edible tissuses as well as on reducing deposition of abdominal fat in carcass. The aim of this review is to present characteristics and effects of phytoadditives, especially black pepper and hot red pepper and their bioactive components in broiler chicken nutrition

    Uticaj agrotehničkih mera na prinos i sadržaj etarskog ulja kod bosiljka

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    This paper presents the results of the influence of applied agro-technical measures on yield and content of essential oil in basil (Ocimum basilicum) and reduce energy consumption during plowing, using a combination plow and subsoiler. Of technological operations, in addition to core processing, we applied the inter row cultivation of land to destroy weeds and maintain land in a loose condition which prevents drying and provides moisture retention. To the introduction of nutrients into the soil, which are needed for plant growth, feeding was carried out basil fertilizers. Applied two depth-plowing: 20 to 40 cm. Realized yields and essential oil contents were in the function of the depth of plowing. The results achieved show the highest yield of basil on the depth of plowing 40 cm (from 2900 kg/ha to 3200 kg/ha), while the actual return on the depth of plowing for 750 kg/ha greater than the highest yield of the plowing depth of 20 cm. Realized yields of basil is a measure of deep plowing effects on the development of plants and realized yield and increased economic efficiency of application of deep tillage in the production of basil. Essential oil content expressed as a percentage of the depth of plowing 20 cm ranged from 0.40% to 0.60%, and the plowing depth of 40 cm varied in the range of 0.63% to 0.87%, which is 0.23% and 0.27% over the plowing depth of 40 cm. The results concluded that increasing the depth of plowing increases the yield and content essential oil in basil production.U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja uticaja primenjenih agrotehničkih mera na prinos i sadržaj etarskog ulja kod bosiljka (Ocimum basilicum), kao i smanjenje utroška energije pri oranju uz upotrebu kombinacije pluga i razrivača. Od tehnoloških operacija, pored osnovne obrade, primenjena je i međuredna kultivacija zemljišta radi uništavanja korova i održavanja zemljišta u rastresitom stanju čime se sprečava njegovo isušivanje i obezbeđuje zadržavanje vlage. Radi unošenja hranjivih materija u zemljište, koje su potrebne za rast biljaka, izvršeno je prihranjivanje bosiljka mineralnim đubrivima. Primenjene su dve dubine oranja: 20 i 40 cm. Ostvareni prinosi i sadržaj etarskog ulja bili su u funkciji dubine oranja. Rezultati pokazuju najveći ostvareni prinos bosiljka na dubini oranja od 40 cm (od 2900 kg/ha do 3200 kg/ha), pri čemu je ostvareni prinos na ovoj dubini oranja za 750 kg/ha veći od najvećeg prinosa na dubini oranja od 20 cm. Ostvarena visina prinosa bosiljka predstavlja merilo uticaja dubine oranja na razvoj biljke i ostvareni prinos kao i ekonomsku isplativost primene povećane dubine oranja u proizvodnji bosiljka. Sadržaj etarskog ulja izražen u procentima kod dubine oranja od 20 cm kretao se od 0,40% do 0,60%, a pri dubini oranja od 40 cm kretao se u granicama od 0,63% do 0,87%, što je za 0,23%, odnosno 0,27% više pri dubini oranja od 40 cm. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata zaključuje se da povećanje dubine oranja utiče na povećanje prinosa i sadržaja etarskog ulja kod proizvodnje bosiljka

    An improved method for the determination of sulphachloropyrazine in meat and liver of broilers during and after their treatment for coccidiosis

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    The paper presents results of the HPLC determination of sulphachloropyrazine residues (active component of the drug „Esb3 30%”) in muscle tissue and liver of broiler chickens inoculated with laboratory-grown coccidium in the course and after treatment with this sulphonamide.Extraction of sulphachloropyrazine from samples of broiler muscle tissue and liver was carried out with a mixture of solvents dichloromethane-methanol-acetic acid (90:5:5, v/v/v), followed by extract purification by chromatographic separation on a XAD-2 column and elution of sulphachloropyrazine residues with dichloromethane. The HPLC determination of sulphachloropyrazine residues was accomplished on a Bio Sil C-8 HL 5 ?m column with a mobile phase consisting of 60% aqueous solution of acetonitrile and NH3 (pH=9.5), using a UV detector at 254 nm.The method developed allows quantitative determination of the residues of the anticoccidial agent in broiler tissue samples with a detection limit of 0.02 ?g g–1. Recovery of the method for this type of samples with a complex matrix was satisfactory, the results ranging from 79.2(0.6 to 86.7(0.2% for muscle tissue and from 81.7(0.8 to 87.3(0.7% for liver